As the date of the release of challenges veers closer to the present, I think it would be neat to take a look at some of the more fun challenges to accomplish, along with your usual "Deal damage" challenges. Enjoy!
Happy Feet
For those who don't know, if you get Void Scuttle, and somehow manage to summon her and let her live in the enemy base while destroying the enemy base, she does a little victory dance! All you need to do now is do that except really increase the BM for the achievement (I recommend Sett's dance).
It's My Jungle Now
It's not enough to steal their buffs. You have to steal their dignity. For the achievement of course.
Flawless Victory
You know that time you made the enemy team want to ff15 the entire game? Do that again. But harder.
Harmony Challenges
Yep that's right, I'm putting an entire category here. 'Cause face it, the best part of League is playing with friends! And what better way to do so then to do janky team comps! Fun fact: you can click on each challenge so that you know which champions satisfy the challenge. I say this cause uh...some of the definitions of things like "champs with revives" is very...loose.
Unkillable Demon King
A reference to renowned pro player Faker, this little title Unkillable Demon and token fashioned after his likeness is avaliable to all who can play as well as the veteran himself! Or play Yuumi.
Solo Bolo
This isn't actually one for the more flashier achievements, but it's nice to have a TheBausffs reference.
Flame Horizon
A reference to the pro player Flame, famed for getting a 100 CS advantage over his enemy top laners, can be obtained by accomplishing the same feat!
Pop Goes the Poro
There's a reason Jhin likes 4.
Feed the poro! FEED THE PORO.
Captain Jack
Another reference to an esports player Cpt Jack, this challenge requires you to make your opponents learn that this is the day they will always remember as the day they almost caught Captain Jack!
Globetrotter Challenges
Pull out the Arcane comp! (Yes, Cait support is totally viable)
That's right, I'm adding another category here! This time, this is one is for the lore affectionatos and fans of Necrit! And specifically targets Ryze mains (Ryze isn't in any region).
Brush Fanatic
Another esports reference (there's a lot of these)! This time, this references the European pro team Fnatic and their infamous strategy of waiting inside a bush to kill a poor fella. Btw, there's no G2 title so...
Not Even Close
A sweet thumbs up emote as a token and Survivor title for those who really want to rub in that +1 Armor buff their champion just got.
First to the Top
The race is on! Surprised they made a token for a very small portion of the playerbase, but appreciated nonetheless!
Insec-urity Breach
It's like the Lee Sin Eternals. But now you can milk those!
One last challenge as a reference to esports, the all-famous bicycle kick of a poor soul into your team by pro player Insec.
Double Ace
This challenge requires you to get double aces! Just don't try to intentionally die after being the last one standing in my ranked game k thx.
You have a 1 in 1500 chance of getting a pentakill! Getting two however...
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