None of the top tier champs have mana issues anymore because mana management has mostly gone out the window.
Weren't Mana pots removed so that you could better balance mana regen?
And also because they made it really hard to balance some champs to the point where they had to keep their costs high in case someone was stacking pots in lane?
OG players know the terror of Yorick who walked into lane with Crystalline Flash, two health potions and two mana potions.
And with the start of preseason Presence of mind was changed so that it also increases your maximum mana by 100 on kill or assist up to a total of 500...
With Corrupting Potion and Biscuit Delivery covering early game, and Manaflow Band, Lost Chapter, Tear of the Goddess and Catalyst of Aeons covering the mid game there isn't a single point in the game where mana is ever an issue.
So here i am asking, what is the point of mana anymore?
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