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about 6 years ago - /u/RiotKatana - Direct link

Originally posted by TBH_Coron

The picture of the missions on the site says 'any global league' so I imagine it works for LAN people watching NA, or NA watching EU, etc.

Although it may only work for watching the regions listed in the article which are Brazil, Turkey, Latin Amer, EU, NA, Oceania, and Japan. This would mean no rewards for watching Korea or China which is real upsetting since i watch mostly NA and Korea.

While we do not have missions support in all leagues yet (which is what that part of the article is referring to), any pro level games on watch.lolesports.com like NA and KR can be used to earn rewards if you have the missions.

about 6 years ago - /u/RiotKatana - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


While our rewards missions are not yet live in all regions (like KR) - watching LCK games or other global matches will still grant rewards in live regions.

about 6 years ago - /u/RiotKatana - Direct link

Originally posted by Fruitjunkie007

Pls they have to also include it on the mobile. Laying in bed and watching LCs is like seeing god xd

You can earn rewards for watching on mobile, either on watch.lolesports.com or in the League Friends App. Just be sure to log in!

about 6 years ago - /u/RiotKatana - Direct link

Originally posted by Jinkuzu

So we progress the missions we got already by watching LCK or just general drop rewards for watching?

There will be some new missions rolling out over the next few weeks (the date varies a bit depending on region). Watching any pro game on watch.lolesports.com will progress those weekly missions.