12.11 hotfix!
12.11 was a huge patch, a few outliers, but we're feeling pretty good about how it landed overall.
There's a few champs that we wanted to hotfix that had large changelists that were good directionally but hard to predict and moved more than desired.
Kog buffs:
- W damage increased from 3 - 6% max HP to 3.5 - 6.5%
Ryze buffs:
Q CD reduced from 6 seconds to 5
E base damage increased from 60 - 160 to 60 - 180
E AP ratio increased from 35% to 45%
Olaf nerfs:
Q armor shred reduced from 20 - 30% to 20% at all ranks.
W shield health ratio reduced from 22.5% missing HP to 17.5%
Zeri nerfs:
Q AD ratio reduced from 110 - 130% to 105 - 125%
Energized HP ratio reduced from 3 - 15% HP (1 - 13) to 1 - 15% (1 - 18)
E CD increased from 22 - 16 seconds to 24 - 18