I've seen the topic of diamond players being good/bad come up a lot in this subreddit lately, and I've personally talked a lot about it, so I thought I'd make a post explaining the high elo perspective on it. I'm a Challenger player and I think more importantly I do 1on1 coaching as my job, so the topic of rank progression is what I do more than anything. I've coached thousands of people across every rank except iron and the most important thing to help them to progress is to make them understand the difference between silver/gold/plat/diamond/etc, and what they need to do to get to each rank, so I talk about this topic a lot.
To start out, I want to first say that statistically, diamond players are very good. You are far above average, and no one can take that away from you. If you went to a LoL stadium and met random people, you would be a lot better than most of them.
However, context matters. When higher elo players say diamond players are bad, it is not in the context of "comparatively to the playerbase". They understand you are above average. But, the problem is, and this goes for any hobby/sport/skill in the world: most people are very bad at it. There is a big difference between proficiency and mastery. The better you get at a certain skill, the more you realize how bad you are at it. This isn't league exclusive in any way. Gonna use a bunch of numbers in this paragraph, and as a disclaimer all of them are just rough approximations. Don't want people contesting the numbers over the overall point. A 2000 elo chess player is probably the best chess player you'll ever meet in your life, but they're not even playing the same game as a 2500. A golf player who plays on par is very very good, but they're garbage compared to a -3/4 player(I don't play golf). You can even look at it physiologically. A 12% body fat man is really fit, but they're nowhere close to a 7% body fat man. All of this is because when you get better at something, it continually becomes exponentially harder to improve. All of these examples, comparatively to statistical average, are not very far apart at all. It's top 3% to top 1%, top 10% to top 5%, etc, but the difference between them is bigger than top 10% to top 40%. Because in any skill, the majority of the playerbase is casual, bad, etc. They don't put in the work, they don't know how to improve, they're not talented. Not league specific at all, that's just how it works when you get a large amount of people doing something. You could even look at the very top. If an LCS team had to play with a random Challenger, it would be devastating. They'd instantly be 10th place. And yet, statistically, those players are 0.001% difference.
When we look at the League ranking system based on actual game mastery, there is a distinct difference between high diamond and the top of the ladder. This is because, and I know this is a very unpopular opinion; silver and diamonds are playing the game in the same way. The only difference is that diamond players are much better at it. This is actually a really important concept in coaching, because lower elo players tend to focus on the wrong things, thinking that diamond players are doing things differently than them. In reality, all it takes to be diamond is fundamentals. There is a certain point in the ladder in which fundamentals are not enough, and you need to actually learn the game, unless you're just mechanically insane and you're going to brute force your way into high elo. This point is determined by the strength of the ladder, which means it differs across regions. In NA, it's around D1. In EU, it's around D3/D2, and in KR, it's around P1/D4. This is why so many players plateau in diamond. When you start playing in your first season, and you play for years working your way up the ranks, you're learning the basics of the game. You're becoming proficient. Eventually, you reach proficiency at the game, and that gets you to mid-high diamond. At that point, you have to start working on mastery, and you need to forget everything you know about the game and relearn it in a different way. You'll see this same plateau from proficiency to mastery across all skills. Proficiency is very easy to attain relative to mastery, or even just entering the realm of mastery, despite them being separated by only a few percentage points statistically.
To get ahead of the expected counterpoint to this, I want to clarify the difference between knowing things and understanding the game. I know that a lot of diamond/plat players know things about the game. They're a lot smarter than silver players, they may know more wave manipulation, more macro, etc, but they're still playing the same game. When you break that threshold from proficiency to entering mastery, you're reaching an entirely new level, or you're just very talented mechanically.
This is why it's very common for high elo streamers and such to hate on diamond players, despite diamond players being statistically very very good, because the difference between diamond and Challenger is bigger than the difference between diamond and silver. If silver players got queued into diamond games, they'd get flamed. If silver players tried to flame diamond players, they'd get told they shouldn't type because they're silver. I don't condone flaming at all, it's pointless and dumb, it only shows that you have low self control. I also don't condone the way a lot of streamers treat diamond players, but the things they're saying regarding the skill gap are not wrong. A lot of their frustration and toxicity comes from the fact that the community, and diamond players themselves. think diamond is a lot better than it is. But that's not an excuse, and a lot of their frustration and toxicity just comes from them being toxic.
In conclusion, low elo players; just work on fundamentals if you want to be diamond. Unsubscribe from Skillcapped, stop watching advanced wave manipulation videos and Dopa's secret new warding trick, put down the Yasuo and Azir. Stop trying to learn to run before you can walk. Diamond players, if you want to pass diamond you need to realize that you are a super silver and you need to relearn the entire game, forget everything you know. Challenger players/streamers should just stop being toxic because it doesn't solve anything and no one wants to watch you type in chat because you have no self control.
Edit: I commented on what I consider mastery/the difference between Diamond and Challenger. It's not entirely inclusive but it covers the basics. https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/d7qnko/proficiency_vs_mastery_the_high_elo_mentality/f149bdu/
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