about 22 hours ago - /u/KlauseTheBear - Direct link

Originally posted by LeapYearCake

Overall I like the new design. Not expecting anyone at all to agree with the following, but my own thoughts:

  • Vertical scoreboard is nice

  • I don't mind the rotating widgets as long as the rotation time makes sense. Certainly don't change every second, but don't leave it for 10 seconds, either. Guess it depends on how many rotations there are because if someone wants to see what's on rotation #1 but they just missed it, it would suck to have to wait around for rotation #2 and rotation #3 and rotation #4, by which time they might miss #1 again. And the animation should be more on the subtle side so it's not drawing my eyes away every single time it changes to something else

  • Don't mind too much either way about inside-out or outside-in for dragon stacking, but if you want to emphasize the "race to soul" then it makes sense to have outside-in. If you want it to resemble in-game, then maybe it should be changed in-game, too

  • Hard to tell if a team has objective bounties. In the first screenshot, there's a 600g icon below the Baron timer, but is it an objective bounty for a specific team? If blue team is getting bounties, why is there no bounty under the dragon timer? I like in the LCK overlay there is a glow around the turret icon in the scoreboard to indicate bounties, so maybe a glow around the bubble or something

  • Head-to-head needs to have gold differences visible all the time. Would be nice to see gold on hand as well

  • Personally don't like the hp/resource info, but I understand it being there. Maybe instead of bars that no one can count (for hp, especially for tanks), have their actual health displayed like "1952 / 2740" or "73%" or whatever. I feel like XP is more important to see than resources, so if XP can't be squeezed in somewhere, replace resource bar with XP instead

  • I've always disliked having the ult/summoner cooldown timers be the filling clock style because it's hard to tell if a spell is actually available or is a few seconds away. Having a timer would be nice but would probably be bad for clarity, so maybe have a gold border or something around the icon to indicate that the spell is actually ready would be nice

  • I like having death timers over the portrait, especially in the head-to-head display. Currently in some regions it can be hard to tell if a champion is dead by looking at it (LEC, LPL, LTA). LCK has a nice red background to highlight a champion is dead, but the red text timer is illegible

  • Can't tell from the screenshots, but it would be nice to see available charges for an item (wards, etc) or smite from the scoreboard

  • Maybe I'm in the minority, but I don't have an opinion on player cam size/location. I don't care too much about them because they're not very helpful most of the time anyway, and during team fights you can't see them either. Plus, I think player cams are a few seconds behind gameplay

  • I like the LCK's way of highlighting champion portraits in purple for Baron buffs, but that's the only time I see it. Not for Atakhan or anything else, and no other region. At first I didn't even see it in the screenshot provided, but now I see the white outline. I don't know if that indicates Elder or something else, and maybe I'll learn after seeing it live for the first time, but otherwise it should be color coded. Unsure of what to do if a team has multiple buffs, though (top half purple, bottom half white/whatever for elder?)

  • Is there something that's supposed to be displayed next to health bars when in vertical mode? From the screenshot, there's a big gap because of item slots 5+6, so I wonder if something is supposed to be displayed there or if it can be better optimized. And again, don't care for lines in health bars, would rather see numbers, but in vertical mode I guess it doesn't matter too much since that would indicate there's a teamfight going on

  • Definitely in the minority, but I don't care about runes. I'm fine with them being rotated or whatever else

  • Someone else mentioned not needing to see KDA/cs in vertical mode for fights and I agree

  • For an Atakhan tracker, knowing which side and/or which form would be nice, but maybe a little difficult? One suggestion is to have the timer flipped based on the side he spawns. For example, looking at the icon for dragon, there's the icon for ocean on the left side and the time to the right of the icon. If Atakhan is spawning bot side, have the timer on the left side of the icon (which would then call for having the dragon icon to be on the right side as well, since dragon spawns bottom), and a slightly different icon for Ruinous vs Voracious. This way the timers are all still in the top right corner of the screen. Probably a silly idea, but just spitballing

Wow this is so much insight! Really appreciate you taking the time to write this down, the good and the bad! 

I do think Atakhan is going to be something we continue to fiddle with. It’s new and the power has changed a bit as it is balanced so we don’t want to over or understate it visually. Hard balance. 

Agreed that space around health in vertical mode needs to be optimized. And likely fits into the broader feedback of health/resource being a bit off already. 

LCK does indeed have some good outlines for buffs. I think the gold outline for bounty is a start, but you would be surprised how many people don’t know that it is meant to signify bounty. That was another learning in our testing labs. 

Anyway, this is step one in the journey. If we can get the general shape right (placement and groupings of info), the fine details will be easier to solve long term.