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Each skin is coded as a completly new champion. They also have another set of champions for ARAM, Arena and such. Elementalist Lux just loads each game with 19 champions (One for each player +10 Luxs), thats why they had a lot of problems with crashes in OFA, the game had to load up to 100 instances of lux for the mirror.
And then on top of that all the damage values have to be placed in the tooltip, extended tooltip, actual damage formula etc. Each time they change one skill to deal 5 extra damage they have to change the number in like 2000 places. I'm sure they have some tools to automte the bulk of it by this point but its a miracle this doesnt happen we dont notice this happening more often.
This is not true in any real sense - I imagine this line of thinking probably originates from people talking about Elementalist Lux requiring the loading of a large number of different models (which is true), but from a gameplay perspective things like different skins, a champion in different modes, etc., are all the same, as it should be. There are of course some minor exceptions (e.g. in the past there was a logic fork for Zz'rot that would modify its functionality if the gamemode was Urf to prevent people from spamming infinite portals and pushing), but for the case that's being discussed here it's simply not true - if you want to modify, say, a champion's base damage on a spell, that's literally just changing a number in one file. All the tooltips will pull from that value, and you change it in one place and you're good to go (there are exceptions of course, some calculations are hard to show for tooltips for example so in some cases it will be two values you need to change, but that's unusual).
To my knowledge, the origin of almost every bug that's existed previously with a skin's functionality being different from the base champion's functionality has been caused by issues with the logic around specialized VFX/SFX hookups being created for the skin that then interacted with some part of the logic in the rest of their kit, which could then create differences between a skin and the base champion (but those are pretty exceptionally rare cases). To this point, in the past there have been some duplications like this that caused issues, for example with pre-rework Mordekaiser's dragons that actually did have a lot of duplicated logic in different places which could cause things like certain skins having a leash range on the ghost dragon vs some skins not having one.