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over 5 years ago - /u/Jatt - Direct link

Originally posted by LargeSnorlax

Probably the first top 20 list I've ever seen where not a single NA player even registers on the top 20.

Realistic, or biased?

Honestly probably a little biased. As I mentioned in the video CoreJJ, Doublelift, and Svenskeren would be the players that would make the list if NA was on it. Unfortunately, the last 3 times I've had Doublelift on my top 20, he hasn't performed at Worlds like a top 20 player. I also think from an individual talent perspective, this Worlds is perhaps the most stacked ever. So even if 2019 Doublelift is better than 2018 Doublelift, he may be ranked lower when compared to all other players at Worlds..

Here's to hoping i'm wrong about the NA portion of my list this year, NA smashing Worlds would make this year and 2020 a lot more fun for me lol

Also, sorry for the Vedius graphic. The video has incorrect team tri-codes for his first 10 picks. Working on getting that fixed so that the lists can be more accurately shared.