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Was watching Riot August's VODs and I was wondering who the highest ranked Riot employee actually is, I saw a post on here asking about 3 years ago and I know Riot's definitely grown in that 3 years and a lot of people have either gone up or down in their ratings, so I'm curious, anyone have any experiences running into Riot employee's in their ladder climb?

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I don't know if we have any "current" challengers, but I know for sure we have some current GMs and some past challengers.

Unsure about who the highest rank is!

Originally posted by TacoMonday_

That's a WoW raider

You mean the Warchief

Originally posted by RiotSakaar

I don't know if we have any "current" challengers, but I know for sure we have some current GMs and some past challengers.

Unsure about who the highest rank is!

We have one current Challenger who works with Riot https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/Isolde-NA1

(They approved me posting them here)

Originally posted by selganar

#KRKL sent my sides to orbit

They wear Costco merch everyday no meme. Committed to the bit

Originally posted by MoneyChapo

This is the only Rioter I recognize from higher elos


Originally posted by wearssameshirt

Auberon used to be GM/chall idk if he plays anymore

Still plays, just under a different ign. A lot of rioters don't "Riotize" their name out of personal preference, or they change their name occasionally.

Originally posted by Evil_Munkey


Wickjkr greeting his wicks (his fans)

Originally posted by natedawg247

Curious do you talk a little shit at work or mention that ever? Seems like very fun workplace banter being better than all your coworkers

Its generally all in good fun, usually everyone is supportive of each others climbs.

Only exception is if we get matched against each other for a game LOL. The only smack talk is if we set a challenge for each other like who can climb the most LP in X time or something like that. Or during Riot Rumble, our internal tournament.

Originally posted by jagspetdog

Most are full time Riot employees. Occasionally there are contractors that help out the team as well, currently there are some. At the time of that articles writing I think there were none? could be wrong on that. Way back (like 10+ years ago) all of the team was contract, but that changed awhile ago. Game Analyst is a career track at Riot Games.

Originally posted by Tempeljaeger

There was a Riot vs Streeamer event once. LoL, Valorant, TFT, the works. Riot brought their top tier team for each game and demolished the streamers that were usually somewhat good at one of the games.

I guess their LoL roster had the highest rated internal LoL players.

Undercity Nights, a celebration of the release of season 1 of Arcane, one of my fondest memories. You can see the VOD of the Rioter matchups on Day 2 https://www.youtube.com/live/bcMk4DXCeUE?si=4UcSPCvoISui6G0B

Originally posted by jagspetdog

Surprising, you guys grew quite a bit.

Super cool that it's a career path & admirable work by your team & leads to legitimize it.

Big agree

Originally posted by ROTMGADDICT55

Considering he's 1.4 KDA and negative winrate on his main champion, no he probably does not talk shit lol.


I'm a Taric OTP that occasionally hits GM/Challenger when I feel like grinding soloqueue. I think I was the highest rated Rioter for Split 2 this year, but that might not mean much to most since I'm honestly one-tricking an overpowered champion. https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/Riot%20Koyuncu-NA1

Nowadays it's kind of hard to grind the ladder during the demon hours like I used to. Being over thirty after ten years of playing means new life priorities, but I still find myself at trying to end Masters for that opgg permanent record 😅. I still enjoy playing ranked and I like to think that actively playing makes me a more in-touch game dev for League.

Not all Rioters play with Riot in their name. You'd be surprised how many are better than you if you believe the stereotype that all Rioters are Bronze

Originally posted by ROTMGADDICT55

Considering he's 1.4 KDA and negative winrate on his main champion, no he probably does not talk shit lol.

Bruh… lol

about 7 hours ago - /u/GalaxySmash - Direct link

Originally posted by Nicksmells34

As someone looking to get into the gaming industry, I do check out Riot's career page quite often, and I personally haven't seen a position for this--nor do I rarely see positions for League of Legends, especially game design positions. Is it simply due to the past 2 years being tough for the industry, lots of layoffs, etc. or are some of these positions not being posted on the careers page?

Junior level positions, as well as positions for both Game Design and Game Analysis are generally only up for a few days total. This is partially due to the volume of applicants for these positions, as they are very, very competitive. When they are available though, you should be able to find them posted on the career page. Game Design would be under the "Design" Craft section and Game Analysis would be under the "QA Group" Craft.

I'm not really knowledgeable enough to comment on the rarity of positions (or if that is actually accurate) unfortunately. I do know that many of our recent openings have been for senior talent and leadership primarily.