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The bush was notorious for needing 2 wards to be covered. I think it would fit thematically with the Ocean Dragon


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about 5 years ago - /u/Rovient - Direct link

This is a great suggestion! We did make the call that no brush should require 2 wards, nor should a ward inside a brush not provide vision of all of the brush.

Sharp players will know if at least 1 existing brush on SR that fails this rule, but perhaps changing this brush might be more trouble for relearning.

about 5 years ago - /u/Rovient - Direct link

Originally posted by JuneSkyway

Does this mean that if we ever see a pink ward in a bush that isn't able to reveal a regular ward in that same bush, we should report it as a bug?

(Excepting perhaps the curved bush outside of the base gates, or the one by red buff?)

The one outside base gates certainly. The one by red buff I believe is fine.

about 5 years ago - /u/Rovient - Direct link

Originally posted by ShufflerStat1c

This comment reads: I don’t play the game I’m developing.

What a strange and antagonistic thing to write.

about 5 years ago - /u/Rovient - Direct link

Originally posted by iHuntGoblins



Here you go friend, this works the other way around too. So if the ward is too far on the other side of the brush. Its kinda scary if a top/bot laner wards your red and you know that the ward isn't showing it all bc they could just be sitting on the edge of the bush

Hmm I think that's not really ok actually. Those wards look like the kind of placement that might be a mistake rather than intended by newer players, and then if they die as a result that's a little unfair.

Not able to do anything about it right now as out of office for a few weeks.