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Ignite can now be used on bushes as well as enemy champions. Igniting a bush lights it on fire for 5 seconds granting True Vision and applying the Ignite debuff to any enemies inside or who step inside. After the spell's duration the bush is left destroyed for 3 minutes at which point it regenerates. Bushes that are touching the river can be ignited but will not be destroyed. Standing in the river reduces the damage from Ignite by 25%.

Dragon soul terrain transformation Ignite modification:

Ocean - All bushes immune to being destroyed, 25% reduced damage everywhere

Inferno - River bushes can be destroyed, river does not reduce damage

Earth - Bush regeneration time increased by 50%

Cloud - Ignited targets that walk into a bush will ignite it and the debuff is reapplied

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over 4 years ago - /u/RiotAugust - Direct link

Jinx grenades used to light brush on fire. The fire would spread to other brush and champions. Was vry cool