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Fnatic 3-1 SK Gaming

Fnatic advances to Losers' Bracket Round 2 - SK Gaming has been eliminated from LEC 2021 Spring Playoffs

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SK | Leaguepedia | Liquipedia | Discord | Website | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube | Subreddit


Winner: Fnatic in 33m

Match History | Game Breakdown | Runes

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
FNC Kalista Rell Twisted Fate Azir Karma 66.1k 20 10 C1 H2 B5 I6 I7 B8
SK tahmkench Thresh seraphine gangplank Rakan 54.1k 13 2 M3 I4
FNC 20-13-43 vs 13-20-27 SK
Bwipo Gragas 3 4-3-8 TOP 5-4-4 4 aatrox Jenax
Selfmade volibear 2 5-4-7 JNG 1-3-9 1 Hecarim TynX
Nisqy Orianna 2 7-1-10 MID 2-4-3 3 Ahri Blue
Upset Tristana 1 3-1-8 BOT 5-4-2 2 Xayah Jezu
Hylissang nautilus 3 1-4-10 SUP 0-5-9 1 Alistar Treatz


Winner: SK Gaming in 37m

Match History | Game Breakdown | Runes

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
FNC Kalista Rell Tristana Lucian Karma 65.4k 10 8 H1 H3 B5 I6 I7
SK TahmKench Thresh twisted fate Orianna Seraphine 67.2k 16 7 O2 I4 B8
FNC 10-16-21 vs 16-10-35 SK
Bwipo Sion 3 4-7-3 TOP 7-2-5 4 Gnar Jenax
Selfmade Hecarim 1 2-2-6 JNG 0-0-8 2 Lillia TynX
Nisqy Azir 3 1-3-5 MID 1-3-11 3 Viktor Blue
Upset Xayah 2 3-1-2 BOT 8-2-4 1 Kaisa Jezu
Hylissang Rakan 2 0-3-5 SUP 0-3-7 1 Alistar Treatz


Winner: Fnatic in 30m

Match History | Game Breakdown | Runes

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
FNC Kalista Alistar Tristana Orianna Viktor 59.4k 20 7 C1 H2 O3 H4 I5 I6 B7
SK tahmkench Thresh twisted fate Seraphine Ryze 47.9k 8 3 None
FNC 20-8-51 vs 8-20-15 SK
Bwipo Karma 3 1-2-13 TOP 0-2-3 4 Jayce Jenax
Selfmade Hecarim 1 2-0-13 JNG 3-6-3 1 Udyr TynX
Nisqy Lucian 3 3-2-9 MID 1-4-3 3 akali Blue
Upset KaiSa 2 10-2-5 BOT 4-2-0 1 Xayah Jezu
Hylissang Rell 2 4-2-11 SUP 0-6-6 2 Rakan Treatz


Winner: Fnatic in 35m

Match History | Series MVP: Upset | Runes

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
SK TahmKench Thresh twisted fate Seraphine Orianna 62.7k 18 6 H2 H4 B7
FNC Kalista Alistar Tristana Viktor Azir 71.1k 26 11 O1 M3 C5 C6 E8 B9
SK 18-26-38 vs 26-18-53 FNC
Jenax urgot 3 8-3-5 TOP 5-4-15 4 Karma Bwipo
TynX Hecarim 1 2-8-8 JNG 5-3-11 2 Volibear Selfmade
Blue Cassiopeia 3 2-4-7 MID 3-0-6 3 Lucian Nisqy
Jezu Xayah 2 3-5-7 BOT 13-2-7 1 Kaisa Upset
Treatz Leona 2 3-6-11 SUP 0-9-14 1 Rell Hylissang

This thread was created by the Post-Match Team.

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almost 4 years ago - /u/RiotQuickshot - Direct link

That was an extremely entertaining series to watch. There is a lot of critique to be shared, but as a fan of high intensity league with impressive mechanical plays, this is a big W

almost 4 years ago - /u/RiotQuickshot - Direct link

Not every single play, but overall there were enough moments to make you go wow.