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If you come on time it's already too late, always be there ahead of time :

- It helps your support setting up vision

- It takes time to remove vision if the supp is not a senna/pyke

- If you are there first you have the upper hand

- If you are there you are at the right place

- If you are there, the ennemy will think twice before engaging

- If they don't think twice you may get a shutdown on the 14/2/0 Rengar who thought you were all just big minions

And last but not least, if you are there, you can actually get the drake.


Your support.

PS : Pink ward can be bought by everyone.

PS 2 : Umbral Glaive should be an AP item, we don't have any attack speed you know

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almost 3 years ago - /u/RiotQuickshot - Direct link

Here's my take, If you're not a little early, you're late.

Been my philosophy for all things and applies to this too! And when it is date night, being at the bar / restaurant or whatever while your date arrives and you there all calm, rested and happy. It's awesome.