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Perkz's tweet: https://twitter.com/G2Perkz/status/1191817050722844672?s=20


  1. why is doinb and umi keep producing this weird noise disturbing perkz? ( 328 likes)
  2. doinb opens the door and invite perkz for some intense streaming. The next day, perks has cardiac arrest.(254 likes)
  3. Perkz for Doinb . Caps is hyper carry while lwx has no advantage. We are tricked. (96likes)
  4. doinb streams on midnight, shouting and yelling. All G2 members can't sleep. 0 for 5. (Doinb's stream is infamous of its noisiness ) (56 likes)
  5. wow. I'm surprised that there's actually people who think that doinb sleeps. (53 likes)
  6. Perkz knocks while doinb streaming and Perks become his assistant? (23 likes)
  7. Doinb dragonstriking Umi whole night while Perkz eavesdropping and can't concentrate on the game. G2 dead. (22 likes)
  8. The real case is Perkz can't sleep hearing Doinb's yell "Thank you boss for your donation!niceeee!" (14 likes)
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over 5 years ago - /u/VegeterianOsu - Direct link

Originally posted by icornea

white skin because they think that's the beauty standard (personally obviously i don't agree, but it's they're choice). They go that far they whitening their skin. Basically it's a business there now cause they opened that much whitening saloons.

Yes, that's true. A chinese girl confirmed that in person to me, also the chinese girls are obsessed with western boys we all know why...
