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about 2 years ago - /u/TheTruexy - Direct link

I will apologize in advance for the likely host of polish bugs that will probably appear on launch. We've had a bunch of passionate devs piecing together what we can with this micropatch, which notably does not let us change key things such as tooltips or some scripts. So a lot of tooltips and things may seem off at first.

These should be corrected whenever we get the chance, and surely by the next patch. But for now, assume what's in the patch notes is what should be in-game (even if the exact descriptions in-game don't match). Thanks for understanding!

about 2 years ago - /u/RiotAxes - Direct link

Originally posted by ShadowBeatMelisma

Holy shit they f**king murdered Yuumi

I want to talk about what we're doing with Yuumi real quick. Couple things right up front:

First: She's significantly overpowered right now in pro play. We do nerf low win rate champions who are overpowered in pro play; usually the thing that eventually lets them off the hook is a successful rework of some scope. We're already working on that.

Second: Our approach to Yuumi over the last 18 months or so hasn't been effective. She's increasingly more of a pro problem over time, with a lower win rate for average players than ever, and players are letting know that she's not in an acceptable state. We agree.

This patch, we're nerfing her with the goal of getting her out of pro play if possible. She's going to be in a rough state for solo queue in the meantime. When it's ready, we'll be shipping an update with the goal of bringing her winrate back up without bringing her back into pro play. At the same time, we'll be aiming to make her more supportive of specifically ADCs, and make her significantly less inclined to ditch her lane partner later in the game. I have no clear timeline for that update particularly after the events of the last week.

about 2 years ago - /u/RiotAxes - Direct link

Originally posted by Zuldak

So if this still doesn't bring her out of pro play she is going to be looking at more nerfs?

If she's still an OP pro pick then yes, we'd nerf her again. I don't think that's going to happen, but it's certainly not impossible.

about 2 years ago - /u/RiotAxes - Direct link

Originally posted by cfranek

I can't remember if it was pre-rework poppy or karma, but I remember some champion having a 38% win rate. Yuumi could make a run for the record.

Ryze, Kalista, Azir, Akali have all been around that low at one point or another. Olaf and Evelynn were put at least that low for extended periods of time while being reworked.

It's a clear sign that something isn't working, but it's not unprecedented.

about 2 years ago - /u/RiotAxes - Direct link

Originally posted by DelRo11

Is 18 months of unacceptable state of play not an excessive amount of time to give before doing what is being done in this patch? It's not like the pick has not been top priority the last 2 years+

Yes, it's much too long. We were too slow to act on her. We've attempted to deal with it through our normal balance strategy, and she demands a different approach.

about 2 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by snake4641

phreak is single-handedly saving the game from the inside, that's my goat

Naw, I didn't make any calls on nerfing Yuumi. I was given direction on Thursday or something to do whatever it took to make sure Yuumi was out of pro play after another designer already did the range nerf.

I spent some time looking at VoDs this patch to see that I was right that pro supports actually win lane on her against enchanters and so I targeted her laning phase more with early shield, base AD, and base HP/regen.

Yuumi has a scaling fantasy and that's fine, but she shouldn't also get to win lanes as well, if that's to remain true.

about 2 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by SupremeQuinn

where is the overheal change?

Delayed to 13.3, about two weeks from now.

about 2 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by tigercule

Just out of curiosity, if the scaling fantasy is fine but she's meant to lose lane, why also axe the adaptive bonus on W while crippling her lane? Aren't you just heavily hitting both there?

Because priority 1 is kicking her out of pro. I don’t want them to show up and say “that’s fine, I don’t wanna win lane in this matchup anyway.”

Realistically I think it’d be fine if she was at like 10% presence but targeting a presence number for pro is practically impossible. Pros don’t live in objective reality. If they did, we wouldn’t have wildly different champ priorities in different leagues.

about 2 years ago - /u/RiotGraydiance - Direct link

Originally posted by IJustCriedALittle

Is the death timer reduction just for URF? Then it will be expanded across other game modes?

I'm just confused because it's under the ARAM balance changes.

This change is just for URF, correct. The URF timers were particularly long, and warranted a quick fix since URF won't stay online forever.

We did reduce death timers in ARAM by 1 second in 13.1, and as the note says we agree that the ARAM timers are still too long! With all the issues of the last two weeks, we just haven't been able to fully validate that lowering ARAM timers further will have no negative effects on the mode :(