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Base Stats

Base Armor 23 ⇒ 26

Base Move Speed 325 ⇒ 330

Per https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/game-updates/patch-12-8-notes/#patch-4/27/2022-swain-hotfix

Has his mini-rework really been that big of a disaster that they're already giving him 5ms?

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almost 3 years ago - /u/Auberaun - Direct link

Originally posted by Noelstra

No this is almost certainly based on live data, over 48k swain games have already been played in ranked alone excluding the Chinese playerbase. Riot has more than enough data by now for each role and elo bracket to make this hotfix from live data. PBE data is not reliable enough to pre-emptively make meaningful balance changes and Riot wouldn't make a champion intentionally weak to hotfix later.


almost 3 years ago - /u/RiotPhlox - Direct link

Originally posted by Noelstra

No this is almost certainly based on live data, over 48k swain games have already been played in ranked alone excluding the Chinese playerbase. Riot has more than enough data by now for each role and elo bracket to make this hotfix from live data. PBE data is not reliable enough to pre-emptively make meaningful balance changes and Riot wouldn't make a champion intentionally weak to hotfix later.


almost 3 years ago - /u/RiotAugust - Direct link

Originally posted by RiotPhlox


wait how the hecc are you verified

almost 3 years ago - /u/RiotAxes - Direct link

Originally posted by Naerlyn

Has his mini-rework really been that big of a disaster that they're already giving him 5ms?

That's a disingenuous thing to say.

A rework succeeds or fails based on how the champion's experience is. If the balance doesn't land right at the start, that's totally fine because you can tweak the numbers just like that. Calling it a disaster would mean something else.

A rework succeeds or fails based on how the champion's experience is.

I want to really reinforce this point. A rework's success or failure doesn't hinge on its day 1 balance. We'll be assessing the Swain update based on how it has landed with Swain players after we've had a chance to balance it, after the novelty has worn off, after players have had a chance to adjust. And the sorts of questions we'll be asking aren't "Does he have exactly the right win rate today?", they'll be things like "Is he engaging for Swain players when properly balanced?" and "Is it possible to balance this and keep it balanced across a wide range of skill levels?"