TL;DR: I'm old but Gold.
I've been playing League for over nine years now, and the dream always was to be above average. It's not a big dream, but there you go.
When we still had ELO, that meant being above 1200 (I never was). As soon as we had the ranked system, I wanted to be Gold. That's where the shiny borders are. That's where you get skins. That's where you can tell people you're actually kinda decent at this game.
The problem always was that I suck. My already non-existent mechanical skills managed to deteriorate even further after I hit 40. I also can't play every day, since my family and my job come first. And there's always too much happening on the screen for me to follow. I regularly confuse my own character with one of my teammates. I'm incapable of outplaying anyone.
So what I do is play braindead champions in the toplane, disable chat, ward as much as possible, bash towers whenever I can, and let the young folk carry me.
This afternoon it finally happened. I goofed around on Garen a bit while my Draven killed everyone and everything, and at the end of that game I was Gold. I'm absolutely ecstatic, but no one I know plays League. In fact, everyone I know thinks I'm a bit of a twat to still play videogames at my age. But to me this is a big thing.
So there you go. And I'm pretty sure if I can do this, any one of you can too!
Edit: Holy...I cannot believe how much this blew up, and how many people have experiences just like me. Thank you so much for all the kind words (and the gold!)
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