Hey reddit, love ya, how’s it going?
Context for this is the other day I said (1) that I personally liked the skins and (2) that I hypothesized they’re more resonant with Chinese players.
This data/discussion was NOT to demonstrate Riot’s reasoning for the theme/execution of the IG skins, it was to explain MY reasoning for that hypothesis. Also the title of this post is "visual appeal of skins by region" - it's actually just the visual appeal of the base champions, which is largely splash art, somewhat in game model, and is also influenced a degree by skins, fanart, all sorts of things.
The goal of sharing this was to show that there are pretty substantial differences in visual appeal and resonance by region. When I saw the IG skins, I had this information in the back of my mind, thus I thought “huh this aligns with some of my perceptions of what Chinese players find appealing”
Also to be clear (1) Chinese players and IG fans may not find the IG skins appealing (2) the skins could be better with more facial or hair/eye variation (for NA, CN, or players in any region)! This is not sentiment about the skins, and China or other regions may have similar complaints as North America players RE the execution of some aspects of the skins.
But I felt here was another case of potential regional (cultural rather) bias slipping in that was especially juicy to jump in on given that the IG skins are more specifically intended to honor the club and the winning region than be more globally appealing.
Always happy to discuss more.