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Riot Blaustoise has posted a Twitter thread about the visual appeal of skins data by region.

This is not a discussion about the appeal of the IG skins directly. Rather, this is a follow up on his comments in the Reddit post about IG Female skins splashes looking similar which shares data on general appeal of skins.

Additionally, he’s currently talking about it in his Twitch stream. Stream over, but you can watch the VOD

In case RiotBlaustoise reply doesn't stay at the top, here's the hyperlink

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almost 6 years ago - /u/Blaustoise - Direct link

Originally posted by LolElekktro

so the marketers believe that it should be a certain way even tho it looks worse because they believe itd sell more? isnt tht the exact opposite of why ppl buy more?

I don’t know where I mentioned anything about marketing. This data wasn’t used to inform skins, it was used to explain my reasoning the other day.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Blaustoise - Direct link

Hey reddit, love ya, how’s it going?

Context for this is the other day I said (1) that I personally liked the skins and (2) that I hypothesized they’re more resonant with Chinese players.

This data/discussion was NOT to demonstrate Riot’s reasoning for the theme/execution of the IG skins, it was to explain MY reasoning for that hypothesis. Also the title of this post is "visual appeal of skins by region" - it's actually just the visual appeal of the base champions, which is largely splash art, somewhat in game model, and is also influenced a degree by skins, fanart, all sorts of things.

The goal of sharing this was to show that there are pretty substantial differences in visual appeal and resonance by region. When I saw the IG skins, I had this information in the back of my mind, thus I thought “huh this aligns with some of my perceptions of what Chinese players find appealing”

Also to be clear (1) Chinese players and IG fans may not find the IG skins appealing (2) the skins could be better with more facial or hair/eye variation (for NA, CN, or players in any region)! This is not sentiment about the skins, and China or other regions may have similar complaints as North America players RE the execution of some aspects of the skins.

But I felt here was another case of potential regional (cultural rather) bias slipping in that was especially juicy to jump in on given that the IG skins are more specifically intended to honor the club and the winning region than be more globally appealing.

Always happy to discuss more.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Blaustoise - Direct link

Originally posted by ararnark

I appreciate the effort you go to with posts like these. However, the reasoning that "We make conventionally attractive characters because people like conventionally attractive characters" seems kind of hallow to me. If you had taken a poll about what people wanted to see no one would have told you they wanted a wierd chubby guy who floats around gathering bells. But I imagine Bard is still a pretty beloved character. I just wish Riot were more willing to push at the boundaries of how they design female characters the way the do for male characters.

I don’t think I’ve said “we make conventionally attractive characters because people like those characters”, but I agree with the spirit of your comment! I also think we’ve been improving in this area but still have plenty of room to grow.

I actually talked about this phenomenon in my GDC talk RE champion data. If you made the “Avengers” of League of Legends champs, and just picked the most played champions, you’d end up with a lot of overlap of themes and not much diversity.

So a lot of it comes down to goals. Are you trying to find the most popular champions? Or in your case are you trying to make a champion that’s most popular? OR are you selecting champions that will have the most appeal to the most players, and making champions that give your overall roster something for everyone?

Framing around the latter goals helps explain why champions like Bard, Illaoi, Ornn, etc, are just as valuable as Kai’Sa, Xayah, etc. it’s not also about making what is “conventionally attractive”, but deepening our roster so it has more for everyone.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Blaustoise - Direct link

Originally posted by raikaria2

I find some interesting things here:

NA has 4 non-human designs [Bard; Aurelion; Warwick; Kindred]; counting the Vastyah as 'human designs' since their designs are mostly human [You can probobly argue Warwick]. China has 0.

Ahri; Miss Fortune; Xayah and Irelia are on both lists, which implies their designs are universally appealing. Notably no male champions are on both lists.

NA has a 10.5/4.5/1 split of Male/Female/Neither [Lamb is Female but Wolf is Male so they are 0.5 for each. Bard is neither]. China has a 5/11/0 split of Male/Female/Neither.

Note every female champion [Except Lamb] on NA's list is also on China's.

None of China's picks are explicitly old characters in terms of age, and most are quite young. NA has Swain; Thresh; Bard; Aurelion, Kindred and Braum [Who's far older than he appears if the myths are true]

I wonder how much of this came down to the interpretation of the question as well. 'appealing visuals' could be taken several ways. For example; people find Aurelion 'visually appealing' because he's a blooming star dragon and looks cool, while people find characters like Ahri and Miss Fortune 'visually appealing' for... other reasons.

I'm fairly sure NA didn't vote for Bard because people think Bard is hot. Might be wrong. But you could quite easily call every champion China has listed physically attractive in some form.

Great callout RE wording. We have a pretty fantastic localization team, and I can also confirm that other questions around visuals shiw this trend too (“this champion’s visuals fit their overall theme” “this champion has unique visual”, etc) I forgot the full list, I’m just on my phone rn but there’s a set of questions RE visuals for champions.