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You see I started playing league for the first time about 3 days ago and I was having a great time and honestly I still am! But ive only won 1 game out of 20, this doesn't make me sad really, just makes me want to get better.... The thing is that last game I met a 'chalenger' smurfing, he told me to uninstall the game and that it wasn't worth it, that there are tons of people smurfing and that I never stood a chance as a new player.. I see some truth in his words but I still find league fun and I really want to get good at it, but with the smurfing I dont think its worth giving it a shot if all I'm facing is experienced players while I legit know nothing about buying stuff and jungling or whatever the slang for this game is

TL;DR: Is playing the game as a new player worth it with all the smurfing? Do i even stand a chance or should I just quit

Edit: Thanks alot guys I'm not gonna uninstall just beacude of that! In having fun and thats the point! If y'all wanna help a new brother out then do message me since I really appreciate tips

2ndEdit: Guys youve helped me so much! Ive gotten more wins under my belt with kindred thanks to your suggestions and I'm more confident, won't be leaving league anytime soon. And honestly the community Isn't as bad as some people make it out to be :)

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almost 6 years ago - /u/dzareth - Direct link

Originally posted by MrCumflakesLM

Yeah youre right

Hang in there! Welcome to League!

almost 6 years ago - /u/dzareth - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


lol k