Passive - Death in Lavender
Whenever Bel'veth takes down a champion she gains permanent bonus Attack speed in the form of Lavender stacks. Bel'Veth attacks faster, however, her attacks and on-hit effects deal reduced damage and she does not gain attack speed on level up.
E - Royal Maelstrom
Bel’Veth channels slashes around her, gaining damage reduction and increased life steal. Each slash strikes the lowest health enemy within her Maelstrom, dealing more damage the more health they are missing. The amount of slashes scales with her attack speed.
R - Endless Banquet
Every second attack against the same target deals additional True Damage, stacking infinitely. Takedowns against Epic Monsters and Champions leave behind a piece of Void Coral. Epic Monsters from the Void drop special, voidier Void Coral.
R - Endless Banquet
True Form:
When Bel’Veth unleashes her True Form, she gains increased max health, out-of-combat move speed, attack range, and total attack speed. While in her True Form, she also gains the ability to dash through walls with Q - Void Surge.
R - Endless Banquet
Bel’veth consumes Void Coral and explodes dealing True Damage + temporarily changing into her True Form. Void Coral left by Epic Monsters from the Void extends the duration + causes minions that die in her presence to be reborn as faithful Voidlings.
Pool Party is ready to make a splash with new Ocean Song champions!
🌊 Ocean Song Yone
🌊 Ocean Song Nidalee
🌊 Ocean Song Seraphine
🌊 Ocean Song Zeri
🌊 Ocean Song Ashe