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Came across those two guys, 0-5 playing yuumi/warwick. Kept arguing they were new players but were actively runing down the game. How come they could get placed gold/plat although played ZERO ranked, and lost 5 in a row ?

OPGG Warwick 1-10, Gold 3, with a suspicious 24-3 ranked as Veigar

OPGG Yuumi, Platinum 4 in 0-9

Wasn't this supposed to be fixed last update ?


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11 months ago - /u/phroxz0n - Direct link

My suspicion is the yuumi account didn't play any normal games, so they did not have any seeding info on the account for when they entered ranked.

The other account seems to be placed a lot more honestly, though probably still too high overall.

I'm also suspicious of some shenaniganry going on, given the first player played 100 games of yuumi and 50 games of veigar in normals, then suddenly plays 9 games of Warwick in ranked.

This isn't ideal and we're working on ways to better account for these cases. (from accounts being botted and sold to inappropriate seeding, etc.)