almost 6 years ago - /u/LeagueOfLegends - Direct link

EDIT: It's 1:30 so we're gonna head back to work, though we'll continue popping into the thread throughout the day as time allows. Thanks for all your questions!

Brothers and sisters - be shackled no more. We'll start the revolution at 11:00 AM PDT and run until 1:30 PM PDT. Gather all your questions in the comments and we'll return in a couple hours to set the answers free.


Here are some fellow mages prepared to answer your questions: /u/RiotSquad5 - Champion Designer | /u/JohnOdyin - Narrative Writer | /u/Kindlejack - Concept Artist | /u/RiotGriftrix - Primary Engineer | /u/RiotNekomaru - Engineering Support | /u/JaasoH - Animator | /u/Owleycat - Illustration Team Lead | /u/RiotChuthulu - VFX Artist | /u/RiotEarthSlug - Video Producer | /u/Riot_Rainslight - Gameplay Capture Artist | /u/playtestpenguin - Primary Playtester| u/Thermal_Kitten - Narrative Lead | /u/Scathlocke - Narrative Editor | u/Reav3 - Champion Producer | u/RiotAether - Comms | u/DyQuill - he doesn't even go here



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almost 6 years ago - /u/ImWhist - Direct link

Originally posted by GrimmParagon

How did you become Rioters? As someone who's looking to enter the same world as you guys I want to know what led you to where you are.

Back in the day all the art leads had their emails posted on the official Riot website - I dropped an email to the animation lead asking if he wanted to have lunch and talk animation. He liked my attitude and despite my lack of experience got me in for an interview, I got turned down, worked hard getting better at animation for a year staying in casual contact getting feedback on my craft progress until I got invited back and passed that interview.

Start adding people on social media who do the jobs you want. Making those connections, even if fairly casual, can go a long way!

almost 6 years ago - /u/RiotWeeknd - Direct link

Originally posted by Lane-Jacobs

Best bug with his ultimate?

In our playtests, whenever he used Kled's R he would oneshot anyone. That led to to no more Kled against Sylas tests

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