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I've been playing since season 4, I don't play with other people or use chat at all. I peaked at plat 1 so I'm not very good at all I usually play ~100 ranked games a season

I do enjoy the game but I feel like I get burned out by people just not trying. I see lots of threads about inters but every game just feels so one sided it's someone is 15/0 or someone is 0/15 I don't remember the last time I finished a game that had less than 30 kills in it

how do you motivate yourselves to keep playing when 70% of the time it doesn't even feel like it matters how you play?


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almost 4 years ago - /u/phroxz0n - Direct link

I started playing s1, I enjoy the game still as much as I did back then. If anything I actually enjoy the game MORE, knowing how much there is to learn and improve at. And there are always new champions to play and get good at.

Nowadays I'm a lot smarter with my time though. As I've gotten older I know that just grinding out games is not the best way to improve, which is not something that was obvious to 2010 me.

almost 4 years ago - /u/phroxz0n - Direct link

Originally posted by throwaywaymayt

I started playing s1, I enjoy the game still as much as I did back then. If anything I actually enjoy the game MORE, knowing how much there is to learn and improve at

I find your take quite interesting as you come from a perspective within the games ecosystem and your day to day shapes that ecosystem

Do you think that your career choice has shaped your perspective on the game more than playing it? Do you see it as something to kill time still or is it your master project now?

Hmmm well I think about league almost all day, everyday as do all the designers on the team. Everyone is constantly thinking about improvements we could make, bugs we could fix, changes we could put in for test, etc. But it's always good to remind ourselves we need to take time to separate work from personal life as well.

I don't think my career choice changed my perspective that much. League is still my master project, but yeah it is cool knowing how every little bit of the game works on the back end and everything. It's also nice to study all of the data we have access to and reason about it.

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