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3 months ago - /u/Dan_Felder - Direct link

Originally posted by stormrunner89

It honestly seems like we will have a new worst PoC champ. But I'm not good enough at the game to really know if that's true.

I think people are seriously under-estimating the power of mass-cost-discounting. It depends a lot on the deck itself, since it needs powerful non-spells to turbo out, but I expect it'll be a "defend at first, then go off and chain into mana discounted dudes that swarm the board and then you power them up with evey future 6+ cost spell".

Combine with the right relics (his unique epic allows him to refill 6 mana on level up) and potentially cards in the deck that can provide mana gems (like lux's Succession) and the guy could be completely cracked with these powers. Or it might be a cool kit that doesn't quite come together. Can't know until we see the full thing.

Even just with this definitely planning to get him to 5 stars, draft a bunch of non-spell cards, pass on turn 1, and then cast a 6+ cost spell he generated to discount every other card in my hand. Mass-discounting can be insanely snowbally.