Tell the peepo what you have seen today.
Hey! Any chance you found out how to?
They’ll be obtainable in the “glory store” that we showed a preview of in the last dev snapshot video.
I mean what would you even report a player for in LoR?
Playing Azirellia.
I've played ASol a lot since this dream came true!
Excellent. As asol would say “You’re welcome”🤗
At least the monetization from cosmetics is better, so many cool chess sets out there. I do wish they implemented custom board music tho
Yeah but it's kind of scummy the base knight is still the early access model when they've clearly had time to make so many other knights. It really dilutes the game's themes too when you show up to play a game of grand strategy and your opponent has salt and pepper shaker chess set or something.
Yeah, the meta is pretty set. All the pros are running the same pieces
And they're STILL using the placeholder horse model from the demo for the knight!
I think its fine to balance around what was originally bug if it contributed to a more interesting play cycle. The only problem is it raises the floor for entry to new players when they have to either happen across the glitch or be taught about it in order to play on a level with more established players.
But they don’t do balance patches either! And they’d probably just buff the golden child pawn again. Oh yeah it can move TWO spaces at first now AND they had to count that buff by buffing what? Pawns again! En passant is the counter and it’s other pawns that counter pawn bs. Ridiculous. Plus they can promote to ANY piece reaching the back row. And you get EIGHT.
Devs have pawn favoritism it’s ridiculous.
Basically in maintenance mode. Just rotations atm.
Chess hasn't rotated anything in forever. They still haven't fixed the glitch that lets the king clip through the rook in some board states. The players even have a term for it now, "castling". It's ridiculous.
I dream about the day I'll be able to play ASol in Path of Champions
Sometimes dreams do come true. They may even be "graciously bestowed" ;)
Not really the place, but since you're here already. Aurelion Sol as a playable champion ? Pretty please? 🙏
Forgot to say "you're welcome" ;)
article in question (archived):
relevant quote:
"And I'd make sure these changes could be observed when the cards are fanned in your hands. There was a set called Future Sight that had 'futuristic' frames that I'd be very tempted to borrow from. They had the mana cost running down the left side of the card so you could see it when you fan your hand. Also, by being on the left side, you could see the name and the mana cost when fanned. In the upper left hand corner was a symbol that represented the card type. I would keep that as well."
Thanks for digging this up. It's a fun example of how many times when we cite a successful game doing something a certain way as justification... The actual devs are wishing they'd done it differently in hindsight.
Maybe I’m missing the point but I think mtg knows what they’re doing.
Mtg does but they didn’t about 20 years ago when the layout was created. They would put the cost on the left side if starting from scratch according to their head designer.
How on earth could you use a 6 mana green creature for this and not have it be Colossal Dreadmaw
Craw Wurm or bust.
Actually, MTG's head designer is on record saying that doing this was also not ideal and it's why their "Future sight" frame put them on the same side. Naturally it'd be too weird to have mana costs in different places between old and new cards overall, so the ship sailed for MTG though.
This is a good example of something that might not be "ideal" but also isn't a BIG deal. Keeping relevant info for play timing on the same side of the card in a physical came that relies on manual card fanning is a slight improvement in usability, but it's not a disaster if you don't do it.
We plan on adding all League champs to LoR eventually, yes, in the form of the Path of Champions. At this time, there are no plans to do so for PvP.
this is very heartwarming :)
There is going to be some kind of budget for how many rewards to hand out for PvE. If they give it to you in the weekly vault, they have to take it from somewhere else.
Deal done. Give me 2 platinum vaults and 1 silver star vessel for a maxed vault per week and you can scale away from something else to compensate. It's not like as a f2p i'm clearing nightmare weeklies anyway so currently getting some 4/5/6 stars progress rather than none would be a big help.
Not the point. If you want to say “please remove the nightmare rewards and put them on the weekly vault so I don’t have to play nightmares to get the decreases”, you might as well say “give me more stuff for normal weekly quests already in tpoc and remove the same amount of stuff from nightmares”.
That’s fine to ask for, but it’s not about the PvP vault at that point. It’s just asking for more stuff or easier to get stuff in general for what you’re already doing. This post is about the weekly PvP vault, and why you can’t just expect riot to let you trade out PvP rewards for PvE rewards there as if they were equivalent. PvP rewards are a free bonus for PvE players.
You're missing the point.
I'm not saying that we should take away PvP's rewards. Give them their chests like they've always had.
All I'm saying is that for people that don't care about getting PvP chests, have an option to switch it to PoC rewards instead.
PvP players won't lose anything
It's the weekly PvP vault. The rewards are for PvP. PvE's reward pacing exists separately and is balanced accordingly. The result is that you can earn PvP rewards as a free bonus, which is good for encouraging people to check out PvP eventually.
It feels weird because it's called the "Weekly Vault" and not the "Weekly PvP Vault", but that's because there was only PvP for years and the name never got updated. The fact the game showers you with free PvP cards as a bonus even for playing PvE is a nice extra.
I know you're saying "But I just want more stuff that's relevant to me because I don't care about PvP". That's not the point. There is going to be some kind of budget for how many rewards to hand out for PvE. If they give it to you in the weekly vault, they have to take it from somewhere else.
Saying "but I'd be giving up pvp cards that I don't plan to use anyway" misses the point. The PvP rewards are good for PvP players already, and are included as a bon...
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