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As some of you know, Evelynn originally did have an interaction with Vladimir, but it ended up a bit too spicy, so it got removed.

To compensate, I banged out a ~5k word fanfic on what an encounter between these two would look like. I tried to keep it T-rated, at least as T-rated as Vladimir Evelynn content usually is, while focusing on what fanfic is good at - delving into character and displaying all those moments people might wish to see, but rarely get to, at least in canon.

Enjoy: https://archiveofourown.org/works/40799796/chapters/102231306

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about 2 years ago - /u/Dan_Felder - Direct link



I'll read it.

about 2 years ago - /u/Dan_Felder - Direct link

Originally posted by NugNugJuice

Can we please know what the voice interaction was?

Evelyn told me that she’s enjoying the pain of people wondering what it was. She made it very clear if I spoil that there would be consequences.

She can be a bit unsettling, not gonna lie. Like, we’ll be in line at lunch and she’ll point at someone and say “I know what they desire”. Yeah eve, they’re in front of the Boba food truck, I think they want Boba.