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i'm going to hold off on complaining till the new 6star champs come out but lemme say this, those MF'ers better make ASOL look like pre buff thresh because holy f*ck lissandra's challenge is broken. i knew it was gonna be rough when the 1st thing they gave me was a shop but DAMN!

gallio could beat you if he got lucky

half your roster can clear ASOL the other half have to get lucky or if you have their best epic relics

LISSANDRA? your crème de la crème need to roll a NAT 20. and just forget about jinx. holy sh#t

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9 months ago - /u/Dan_Felder - Direct link

Originally posted by PoliteRuthless

Nah I think the real valid answer to "Lissandra feels unfair because I lost to her" is "good, you should lose to her".

(So far my attempts: lost on the first fight with some random 2 star level 19 champ; lost to It That Stares with Kindred, 2 star level 25; lost to Lissandra herself with Yasuo 3 star level 18)

Honestly.... this is exactly what I wanted! I would've been a little disappointed if I won first try. When a dev says "we had to call security because someone screamed so loud when they lost to Lissandra while testing" this is what I expect.

(Does that mean Lissandra's adventure is designed perfectly? Is the difficulty balanced across the fights? That's a different question. So far, it seems like She Who Wanders is much, much easier than It That Stares.... but of course, my sample size is 1 so this doesn't mean much. )

To clarify, we didn’t have to call security. Security heard someone scream so loud late at night that they came running to save her and discovered she was testing against lissandra. :)

One tried to help anyway but he hadn’t made it past Asol, so he was out of his depth.

9 months ago - /u/Dan_Felder - Direct link

Originally posted by Karthus_Enjoyer

One tried to help anyway but he hadn’t made it past Asol, so he was out of his depth.

As in the Asol adventure or Asol himself in your office?
