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Hey. I want to preface this saying that I'm relatively new to card games. I tried Heartstone and Yu Gi Oh, but neither pulled me in and felt that I had to invest too much in order to enjoy. But then, a month ago, I got into LoR and JESUSCHRISTITSSOGOOD

So yeah, I'm loving this game, but I can't help to feel that I've been playing against the same three decks for the last two days, which bums me out, cuz what I liked the most was the variety in decks and builds (even tho I know that metas, as in any game, tend to be very similar). What do you guys think?

Is it me being a noob or is this common for these types of games?

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about 2 years ago - /u/Dan_Felder - Direct link

It varies immensely with where you are on the ladder, and the state of the metagame. A new patch often means everyone wants to try out the new cards. LoR's meta often has tons and tons of decks that are viable though, some days I've gone for hours without playing the same matchup more than twice.