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I'm fine with difficult adventures, but this adventure is anti fun. Things people tend to hate:

  • Losing to RNG - 2 of the 3 modifiers are textbook rng and can end a run.
  • Losing to 0 interaction. Swain's adventure did guaranteed damage, but you could mitigate the damage or just kill the units dealing the damage. This adventure is just guaranteed damage, and there is no way to know how much damage you will take.

Please start thinking of adventures as puzzles to be solved (solved meaning interaction). Solving this nightmare adventure just means pulling out a champion who can end in 1 - 2 rounds. Having to kill an enemy before they kill you with poison is infuriating.

My guess is that whoever thought of this wanted players to take more cards to mitigate the damage, but if you are going to do that, then put a Lissandra style shop at the beginning of the adventure.

In conclusion please make adventures that require interaction. I'm curious to hear if anyone agrees with the design choice of something this un interactive.

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about 2 months ago - /u/Dan_Felder - Direct link

As long as there are no regional restrictions on which champions you can use, they have to balance their hardest weekly nightmares around the strongest champions in the game.