over 6 years
ago -
Lightseekers Game
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Transcript (by Youtube)
2s | welcome back to some more light seekers |
4s | we're now in the quarterfinals and this |
6s | is matched up between CMC Bell and Joe |
9s | Chill is losing touches on camera before |
11s | with this winner Matt and seems he Bell |
14s | is first showing at the camera this |
16s | torment I believe and I think yeah I |
19s | think they're ready in the band's with |
21s | me I have two guest commentators hello |
24s | our models and we have ever and as a |
28s | matter of map from the delivery crapcom |
29s | yeah so mumbles you got pretty far as |
32s | long as yourself actually yeah |
34s | I was a 5-1 on day one so I was the |
37s | third seed and during top 16 yeah so |
39s | unfortunately they quarter pounds to |
42s | over the yeah but you're here now |
47s | instead and that's almost better |
48s | somewhere almost all right so yeah I |
51s | think we're good to go in the game |
54s | all right so we have seem seatbelt |
58s | brings a fishing Russia Zuna and Cassini |
61s | Drusilla's has also Cassini dollar and |
63s | Triano so what do you guys think they |
65s | will ban from the toasters point of view |
69s | I could see him bending either Russia or |
71s | Cassini Cassini I feel is very good who |
75s | she just has a lot of early aggression |
77s | but playing the combos from one |
78s | cost-plus yeah you been Cassini |
83s | yeah I think automate the same decision |
86s | I agree with that like I don't think |
90s | he's gonna back off |
95s | yes oh oh she's not something we seen |
97s | that often like it's been around but |
99s | storm is has never really been like a |
101s | top pick for most players |
103s | yeah but it's it comes to things like |
106s | Maribor and Thunder starts which well |
108s | I'd like to know she wanted more about |
109s | smell ladies our Maribor don't see |
112s | thunder no she plays to marry birds and |
114s | three Thunder souls it's pretty good |
115s | yeah so that could be against Triana for |
118s | example that could be really good at |
119s | buying some time although I do know that |
121s | touching this Triana is running a lot of |
125s | return and combos so the thumbs like |
128s | might not be enough there did we see |
130s | which of his ducks but she chose to bear |
131s | and I think she banned cassini but or no |
136s | but although I think I didn't see it but |
139s | I would probably band although that's |
141s | usually a pretty good bet dolo is pretty |
143s | good yeah that's what I did for the |
146s | majority of the tournament mountain |
147s | jackets gone I did it about half my |
149s | rounds yeah and Phyllis is running a |
153s | very aggressive dollar as well and I |
156s | think that almost all of the seams in |
159s | bells decks are white Rashi yeah I |
162s | played against her round four I believe |
164s | and I banter zouna because I figured |
167s | that'd be the fastest attack that she |
168s | had yeah so I haven't seen her sooner in |
171s | action yet but I have seen her oh she |
173s | and both of the games that I won against |
176s | her were very close where she put a lot |
178s | of early damage on the board yeah all |
181s | right so Game one is sunnah versus |
183s | Triano so yeah so most likely very heavy |
187s | rush from Sunnah and we know Triana take |
190s | Petraeus loves playing controlled eggs |
192s | so we're gonna be seeing a lot of other |
196s | defense I imagine and then really into |
198s | buying lashes I hope just now nobody |
200s | caught her locks really don't don't |
202s | rewind to find it and she might want to |
205s | change my number |
211s | all right yes turn one Triano draw two |
214s | here for three and join more cards yes |
218s | the Triana is running so it's not the |
221s | usual mimicking hora tree on him he is |
224s | running into I believe it's time and |
232s | he's running some things got confused |
235s | Sheamus in there actually |
236s | yes oh yes he does see that those plays |
239s | looking whirlpool which I'm afraid of |
241s | personally I think it's a very |
243s | interesting part |
244s | yeah but again soon that's not really |
245s | much because I don't think she will play |
247s | many box |
248s | maybe I'm bumbling here there she plays |
251s | [Music] |
252s | yeah some bumbling she plays Bob wings |
255s | and I believe docile only boss in her |
257s | loose yeah so that double combo to heal |
261s | for one yeah feel free 1 stop yourself |
264s | in taking 6 later yeah well in a pinch |
267s | if it could be something but yeah |
269s | probably seen as a combo payment I |
272s | imagine but yeah so he's running the |
274s | water for a lot of healing confuse |
276s | shaman's and the time to return vine |
279s | lashes and regrowth with time worms so |
282s | yeah it's not the usual like 28 damage |
284s | 110 spike but it's a it's relying more |
286s | if that gets broken he can try again try |
288s | again they make interesting that I don't |
290s | see warp total this was I wonder if |
292s | doesn't currently tested and decided |
294s | account oh yeah yes it's built very |
297s | heavy around |
299s | he's got gesture he's got a lot of |
301s | control that are they but no warped oh |
303s | yeah I've seen unpredictable gesture a |
305s | couple times we get when people don't |
306s | see it coming you can really catch them |
308s | off-guard |
309s | yeah usually it's a sideboard obviously |
312s | but to play advanced format you bring in |
314s | three three takes but there's no side |
316s | where I can't really see what that is I |
319s | believe that is oh one who lost a |
322s | sovereign put back the time collapsing |
327s | the time yep yeah that's all on glass |
330s | that's eleven did she go straight into |
332s | the pass Richardson she did yes his |
337s | trailer down to 22 so it's 11 damage |
341s | obviously minus 2/3 and 2/3 L so I mean |
344s | she probably knows as she doesn't know |
346s | her own hell Triana would make sure |
348s | she's topped up anyway I wonder if she |
350s | did it to kind of just get a card couple |
353s | cards out of her hand like maybe if she |
355s | has a bumbling Alchemist in her oh yeah |
358s | of course she doesn't want to discard |
359s | the combos and if she wants to I'm deep |
361s | her hand down for frenzy people yeah |
364s | yeah she's party yes she is truly can |
368s | you straight into the defender see who |
370s | portrays Barbour and to our friendly |
372s | peoples all right yes yes that's too low |
375s | in your hands to get down to that |
379s | yeah that is aggression so the second |
382s | attack of course is reduced by storm |
384s | shell and motion angler so I'm taking |
388s | one forgot about this going show but he |
390s | corrected it yeah and he's ghost one of |
393s | my hand as well so just really good |
395s | opening jaw and say he's got access to |
396s | both as I'm straight away then you must |
400s | have to see going to storm just that |
402s | I've absolutely I love this doorway |
404s | nothing but we and yeah you would get to |
409s | see something we got seen storm soon |
410s | probably some fishing Russia so that |
412s | should be interesting |
413s | it's too bad he's now playing delivery |
414s | bro yeah we'll talk confused shaman's |
418s | Confucian Thomas had a thing no that |
421s | would be very confusing I should start |
423s | outside |
426s | all right yeah he's going up defenses so |
428s | stumbling shaman's going with one two |
429s | four and we've seen it so we see if you |
435s | get four times before where he said he's |
437s | got the gameplan halfway through |
439s | the match where if the opponent gets |
440s | really aggressive and starts to get rid |
442s | a lot of a lot of power early on because |
445s | swaps and Estelle trying to kill you I |
447s | missed out losses instead and she's |
450s | starting to run out of resources |
451s | yeah push aggro and he's just killing it |
455s | all the way yeah fortunately for her she |
457s | drew the UM brown informant there which |
459s | will be really nice |
460s | the Osment looks like probably a |
462s | fourteen part hand she can easily go one |
467s | of my favorite place to make in this |
468s | game is looper and then there's one |
471s | thing to connection like two cards off |
472s | of it yeah it basically nullifies the |
474s | drawback of looper |
475s | so it's just no bonus value and here's |
477s | another monstrous defender I could see |
479s | him move I wouldn't be surprised if she |
481s | pays farmers as well yeah there you go |
484s | I assume she's running three yellows the |
488s | consi went off really yeah three |
490s | brothers and then the okay she's gonna |
493s | wait to the next turn looper I'm brought |
496s | in for me to get probably the full value |
499s | out of them |
501s | have we seen a gesture in his hands I |
505s | see a couple on the line parts he might |
508s | have the gesture he's getting in time |
512s | wars he's got a corner work but that was |
513s | one too much this game I would be |
514s | surprised if he's expecting the omron |
516s | informant and he shined the way to |
518s | Cleveland Esther which would be a very |
520s | good way of his behalf |
521s | yes yeah I think tunnel under was |
523s | actually a sky beam so don't think is |
525s | holding a just over his during one night |
528s | or she didn't have it in you draw it off |
530s | the loop that was a combo let's take a |
532s | door up |
533s | oh this it's a big troll I think I saw |
537s | the just burn it |
537s | did you I think so I think it's less |
539s | than any way that could be quite |
549s | devastating of course yeah she running |
552s | anything defense at all here like no |
554s | tired speak surrounding note Iraq's |
556s | fixers no dugout reacted to get back |
559s | actually farts or anything yeah so she's |
561s | gonna lose a lot of damage if he other |
562s | oh she got suggested her dad a while yes |
567s | she does she is running adjuster oh |
570s | that's gonna be yes for they they both |
572s | unjust yeah both might have it in their |
574s | hands will she save her just enough to |
578s | counter gesture he just played it I was |
581s | in her position I would save her yeah |
584s | yeah cuz she could possibly return with |
586s | inform and gesture if she drew an |
588s | opponent to those what was it like 13 |
590s | card something something this is really |
593s | unfortunate for her though because |
595s | Tillis has the route singers to get all |
598s | his stuff back and she plays such little |
600s | buff that anytime he plays with singer |
602s | he's gonna get the full effect off with |
604s | new while she has no way of recovering |
605s | her cards yeah yeah and he also has a |
608s | few like you giveaway stairs so if he |
611s | gets yesterday few cause of dead anyway |
613s | for him yeah like wanna whopping me you |
615s | could almost lose |
619s | maybe things like colossi skiving like I |
622s | don't know if he's planning on getting |
623s | the kill areas outlast especially with a |
625s | gesture hit okay it looks like she just |
627s | counted either seven or eight cards |
630s | nice nice painful so damage without I |
635s | just OH |
636s | they suggest that she bigger just three |
642s | more so that's fifteen twenty one twenty |
644s | eighths and a fourth 32 damage at least |
647s | and adjuster that's rough |
650s | yeah that's that's a life total gone I |
652s | see she wanted to keep hang on to her |
655s | combos yeah which you know I'd have |
657s | drawn an informant but yeah cuz I I |
659s | would have thought she'd discard the |
662s | she's got naturally luck she oh she |
665s | wants to sell payment here I think I saw |
668s | the town slow in here still as well |
669s | okay that's big that's a lot of pressure |
672s | yeah that's pretty big and he's used to |
675s | company Sheamus already absolutely I |
677s | mean he might have a route Singapore a |
679s | confucian him back but he's not getting |
681s | like so usually he loves playing it |
683s | confused a man on to spirit Chandler to |
685s | get thee so when you healing before you |
686s | get to healing yourself as well making a |
687s | nine heal card but it's just to just say |
691s | just please use two four seven |
695s | instead of running three we see actually |
697s | he's got three commute Amos all right |
702s | there she is she can see four shuttle |
706s | bus for eight she'll go family |
708s | alchemists and she has the bomb Ling |
711s | yeah so she's got freed these and |
714s | damaged in there and she can always play |
716s | the time flicker paying for it with the |
718s | shouter plus yeah yeah hopefully |
720s | wouldn't have to just kind of calm |
721s | before the fumbling outta this yeah so |
724s | Drusilla is oh yeah he doesn't have time |
726s | it quickly can't use the corner warp |
728s | adjust for a bit of healing so I can see |
731s | him he's got Moses defender so you can |
735s | so to some of that but I wouldn't be |
736s | enough computer number three yeah that's |
748s | up to nine I don't know if that's yeah |
752s | he got it she's got eight damage in hand |
753s | so it's just enough shut applause for |
756s | eight because he's not below 15 |
757s | obviously yeah you should go for going |
762s | for yes you go for that Oh card draw |
764s | she's also the shattered glass yep using |
769s | bomb Ling |
771s | yes oh she is risking the hand side here |
774s | for fun oppression like that decision on |
776s | her behalf because you saw him use tree |
779s | all new to digging for healing yeah so |
782s | she knows that she struggled his job on |
783s | the hill and chef for point Alchemist |
785s | and hand stone who have attentively |
787s | drawn to another card to deal more |
789s | damage yeah cuz there be tougher in the |
791s | hill past eight yeah you can almost |
793s | Jeremy yeah other Bob lingo you can |
796s | almost guarantee that she does he |
798s | doesn't have a root thing or either |
799s | whatever you've safely gotten like a |
801s | Confucian back out in federal trio and |
805s | yeah monstrous offender won't cut it |
806s | here so you might hurt Rihanna again and |
808s | hope for vitalizing frog I think is |
811s | running I don't think so I think now |
815s | Sheamus yes only shaman's yeah alright |
821s | so yeah he's in a tough spot here |
826s | yeah I think he's trying to figure out |
828s | any way he could five right now even |
832s | then her necks pretty small from a half |
834s | an Adonis card so many hearts yeah no |
837s | she has to have a lot of damage left in |
838s | there so even if he can survive now it's |
841s | going to be tough to keep Oh to stay |
842s | alive for a couple times while chipping |
844s | away at the health the difference here |
847s | yeah yeah I can't see him getting out of |
849s | this one I was like yeah Triano it's a |
853s | build it won't we'll be able to save him |
857s | maybe can blacks no yeah he's just he's |
861s | just hoping she does not damage and go |
864s | for the combo so healing or the next two |
866s | turns but not nothing instantly yeah |
869s | okay that's nothing instantly then she |
871s | just wants the game here with fumbling |
873s | alchemist yeah |
874s | so that will be game one going to SMC |
877s | bail |
881s | yeah there is |
884s | well he has a despite that master |
886s | gesture let's go come again now we get |
891s | on to pushing Russia Marienberg really |
897s | comes in handy and she was talking to me |
900s | earlier about the deck and I also plays |
902s | a 1 people gesture in this way it'll be |
905s | interesting to see ya and I think she's |
907s | keeping one in every deck this time yeah |
909s | yeah how you played a lot of it yourself |
911s | or I I've played a lot of wushi I |
913s | haven't had a lot of success with Russia |
914s | unfortunately but yeah I am very |
917s | familiar with the laws it's very |
921s | different from what I've played and I |
923s | don't see any audition flutters in there |
927s | or no no it's just a ton of unaligned |
931s | cards with friendly people and they're |
933s | great party |
935s | yeah only the same once a word to her |
937s | Russia yes I mean her yeah they only did |
940s | the only person she's got a little bit |
942s | of protection with bubble fish three of |
943s | them but everything else is raw damage |
945s | cupboard to get through opposing yes are |
955s | you playing a maximum point yet |
958s | yeah you were playing a two months I was |
962s | playing a tune exact yes yeah cuz me you |
965s | got something here overload for example |
967s | is used here with its it's basically |
970s | very damaged like it's it's just any |
972s | damage can ship out of cheap combos and |
974s | it was you you serve want to call the |
976s | opposite of things yeah I use overload |
978s | and specifically because tuna can't play |
980s | the three or four cars I still have them |
981s | in the deck so it just increases that so |
984s | much |
984s | between overload and the evaporators you |
987s | can do a lot of damage very quickly yes |
989s | yeah three evaporators and overload and |
991s | then for four combos something about |
993s | three hundred three three three and then |
995s | I actually cross over into your tech and |
998s | have Electrify in there oh yeah |
1000s | so it's a bit of a different Declan and |
1003s | we're gonna see here today but we'll see |
1004s | here what their combos she does have |
1006s | overload where highest cost is a three |
1009s | that being electrified the rules could |
1011s | you just yes yes so she could not |
1015s | overload that away for thirteen but |
1017s | amidst emissions gonna keep it for |
1018s | grades one of them yeah annoying and |
1020s | underrated combos I've seen in this game |
1022s | is electro stone |
1023s | yeah it does this above the seven damage |
1026s | and then each time you play a card |
1028s | Paulette is the big downside is no less |
1032s | than one turn and that's what a lot of |
1034s | you don't want to play that |
1035s | hey the common cost just for one yeah |
1037s | but I like it yeah there's a one cost |
1039s | combo with a sheet which is actually and |
1041s | often times when I see that right I just |
1045s | yeah we found a lot of situations you're |
1047s | going to do seven damage and buy |
1048s | yourself in extra time |
1049s | yes and if you use it because the seven |
1053s | damage also not to be stopped there |
1054s | because obviously can push someone low |
1055s | with that then if they have to force the |
1057s | ban because of the damage it took |
1058s | they've will also lose hands ice yeah it |
1061s | becomes a really big swing like every |
1062s | call you lose to baking it soup on five |
1064s | three points of value so if you if you |
1067s | play two cards I turn it basically |
1068s | become as close to for Val combo |
1073s | I've never used electro stun but after |
1077s | playing against her and having a job |
1078s | down me both games I'm a bit of a fan of |
1080s | the card yeah we gotta take this guy in |
1085s | the office like a plan fusion confusion |
1086s | home who just loves playing exons almost |
1089s | every storm that ever makes all right |
1093s | which is very different than this time |
1095s | mostly dependent oh they actually did |
1097s | this lovely as well goodnight yeah turn |
1099s | one must reach out right away how you |
1102s | got any on science for both night yeah |
1104s | and yeah or she doesn't care about the |
1106s | Oscars defender already see sparklers |
1110s | and raid pardon and a frantic people |
1112s | from once she emptied their hand down |
1115s | yeah so she is homies guy yeah he's hard |
1120s | few times now and then there were four |
1123s | many hands I don't believe so |
1127s | all right so I think just thinking out |
1129s | the storm chill now he's got one the |
1132s | Confucian minute hand already I believe |
1135s | yeah I think it's see what he said I |
1139s | believe she did ban dollar right Asami I |
1141s | would have been playing a teenage so I |
1142s | didn't see it but I would I would expect |
1145s | that she bent over I believe she been |
1148s | Bible over again |
1152s | yeah how do you think this think will |
1153s | help against cocina de if you play to |
1155s | get you actually had that much of into |
1157s | you I believe right there I could be |
1159s | mistaken but I feel like to see me how |
1163s | should be fine against it because you |
1166s | can recycle your past line there's you |
1168s | have a lot of ways to do healing while |
1170s | doing damage yeah so it could be tough |
1172s | for it we should to keep up yeah |
1174s | the way I played the matchup norm I |
1177s | played because one of my friends back |
1179s | home also has it Lucy back that somewhat |
1181s | similar to hers but if he doesn't have |
1183s | some of these cards and because it's |
1186s | really aggressive you can't play slowly |
1188s | and keep up with it with the healing was |
1190s | the senior very well yeah but if you're |
1192s | playing aggressive and doing damage |
1193s | while healing instead of trying to have |
1195s | a big yes she had shows too so prank |
1200s | from the gray party she would discard |
1202s | the forensic green ball that's eleven |
1204s | damage - 2 / 9 I guess she doesn't |
1208s | expect to get down low enough to use |
1210s | that press approvement time soon yeah |
1216s | you have one off doctor |
1218s | so she already hasn't looked down to 18 |
1222s | yeah so I've heard |
1223s | and I believe there's another rave party |
1226s | in her hand and said I see a bubble yeah |
1231s | yeah that one won't get mushy use that |
1233s | up I'll take the gameworld if it gets |
1235s | the bumper she needs a bubble fish get |
1236s | over already and yeah again it is crazy |
1239s | forcing Patil's to play defensively |
1241s | before it's optimal to do so completion |
1244s | again not on any spear Chandler's |
1248s | instead of him drawing - oh he's also |
1251s | hauling in gesture enhance yeah so he |
1254s | can't be got a gesture off |
1256s | I think he'll I think will feel better |
1260s | against this because since she doesn't |
1262s | have the hero ability to talk yeah a |
1265s | little bit slower at times yeah cuz she |
1267s | dedicates a whole time deal damage and |
1268s | she have to pass a full time to get back |
1270s | up again |
1270s | yeah and I think being slightly slower |
1275s | in that area is good |
1276s | a lot more of a chance to come back yeah |
1279s | he's already gotten back up to 2500 |
1281s | after taking like 14 monster yeah yeah |
1287s | and also in this game his prana walk was |
1289s | got to do quite a lot of work as well |
1290s | you can use most on Chairman's challenge |
1294s | does she play any other Mary Bart that |
1297s | wouldn't it matter |
1297s | yeah sake I hit free up a bit of space |
1300s | there and I mean every time he doesn't |
1302s | know stones potential ain't healing |
1304s | effect the way goes yeah unless she hit |
1306s | it the most which of course but |
1310s | yeah so |
1314s | he's gonna put more here or is he gonna |
1316s | keep on heating up and |
1321s | yeah hey so what happened last game so |
1323s | he just wants to cram something damn and |
1325s | and what honestly I'd love to play with |
1326s | the Charmin because hey it's one of |
1329s | those cards that a lot of people |
1330s | overlook think they don't want to give |
1332s | the other player for healing but in his |
1334s | deck like this when she's always sitting |
1336s | up at 35 health or because of Triano |
1339s | yes a lot of sense that's what I was |
1341s | just thinking actually like it's really |
1343s | good for no um no other card can do that |
1345s | and I've never thought about putting in |
1346s | a tree on a day yeah it's a very well |
1350s | yeah it's a car that we often are even |
1351s | back in the office people are somewhat |
1352s | we've been made like all who would ever |
1354s | play this card but this is when you do |
1357s | it yeah it's nice to see some |
1358s | interesting deck choices and all that |
1361s | yeah we've seen a lot of stuff that I |
1363s | didn't explain I mean coming to this |
1365s | iconic assume maybe bit fool she said |
1367s | that everyone bringing throwable you're |
1369s | still the mimicking heart bill was |
1371s | really cool to see something different |
1372s | we sea turtles have really successful |
1373s | this in the loss the previous Mac a game |
1375s | against cell now they think has been |
1378s | really successful yeah although he need |
1385s | to have like an insect swarm or |
1386s | something to trickle down to return to |
1387s | make full use out of its here now but a |
1389s | thing goes holding in swarm as well no |
1392s | no he's not |
1393s | unless at that second part in hand |
1394s | always have to go tell her he has a room |
1399s | thing as I'm around so he can get those |
1401s | computer shame is back in play it okay |
1402s | if I get hand again |
1406s | she's gonna have to put out a lot of |
1408s | damage |
1410s | yeah yeah this much of his deafening top |
1413s | before her like you said without that |
1416s | draw ability because she could really |
1418s | benefit laughs with - no because again |
1419s | the humble informants just mean to shake |
1422s | up even more she empties her hand down |
1423s | to do a ton of damage and he kills it |
1425s | all yeah so now she's running out of |
1427s | cards she has no way to get any of that |
1430s | back right no tornado Wow harvesters or |
1435s | anything like that |
1437s | nope no cloud obviously no way to get |
1439s | any cards back in here but I plant ways |
1443s | to get him out with people raid parties |
1444s | and do your hand anymore of course oh |
1447s | she is pretty good maintaining as some |
1448s | of these hand signs because of kamma |
1450s | payments not not very hands wide as much |
1457s | there's something to this don't consider |
1460s | getting storm Shaymin out also s |
1462s | Coachella wraps it was put it to the |
1466s | front of his hand it tends to be the |
1468s | card he wants to play seen that happen |
1470s | quite a lot |
1472s | I'm lifting here to keep in mind is that |
1474s | he just drew into a reckless spirit |
1476s | which means the second |
1479s | Harry borrowed or a storm shaman is |
1482s | important to get rid of that rapido |
1483s | yeah and there's many other bumps are |
1485s | really fear so it's a easy choice |
1491s | and I don't see how having more |
1494s | speaking aggression yes that's to get |
1496s | rid of that bubble fish there which has |
1498s | absolutely no use for this game saying |
1502s | that if a slight benefit from the bubble |
1506s | fish could be if he brings out the |
1507s | insects warm spirit her channel she can |
1509s | least stay on 35 - boy that's really two |
1512s | for two but that's bearing each case of |
1514s | course yeah yeah absolutely and the |
1522s | moment of tuna starts doing damage it's |
1523s | gonna be running lights probably and |
1525s | bubble fish then isn't that great |
1528s | it's normally pretty scary being on 2015 |
1531s | against yeah but he's gonna get four off |
1535s | the sponsor Sean we can get one feeling |
1537s | also definable weren't to of the hunger |
1540s | demon you can get a look out of that |
1545s | plus we saw a few Samba in his hand yeah |
1548s | so despite being at a relatively low |
1550s | number he killed him to get right back |
1553s | up yeah and we see her with only four |
1556s | cards in hand huh so you can cause she's |
1559s | gonna have to pass a couple turns to |
1562s | yes it's mais gonna say |
1565s | these helpfully where the gesture as |
1567s | well there's normally this kind of |
1569s | matchup I think you just want to build a |
1570s | real big hand to have all the tools you |
1571s | need to win the game before you start |
1573s | using them but having seen gesture game |
1576s | one I think she is just keeping your |
1579s | hand size so lower than what might be |
1581s | optimal they can suggest I wouldn't be |
1585s | surprised |
1585s | before she played her yep there you go |
1603s | of course he like a winter's evening up |
1606s | throws away his gesture he's getting |
1607s | rude thing against her if she builds up |
1608s | yeah |
1609s | yes may give her false answer giving she |
1613s | might stop playing around the jesters |
1615s | yeah which could be a bit of a mind game |
1616s | there yeah of course that would be a |
1619s | just instead of a computer same about |
1620s | thing a thing that could work out but |
1624s | also given how hard it is for her to |
1626s | draw cards like you're saying just take |
1628s | a whole turn to do it basically I I |
1631s | think she might still hover around that |
1633s | you know six seven cards anyway yeah |
1635s | yeah that that should be enough get that |
1638s | if he throws away enough feeling and |
1640s | defense here that she came through it |
1642s | yeah sure yeah she's run three |
1644s | informants so he could pose better odds |
1646s | with a big draw but but even then if he |
1648s | justice done was so previous game I |
1649s | thought that she was she's gonna have a |
1652s | much harder time she did awful gesture |
1653s | hits losing that 32 plus damage yeah she |
1656s | hung onto like all her combos and did a |
1658s | lot of damage there in the clips yeah he |
1663s | has a coma payment efficiency is I think |
1665s | I key to both these thanks for reverse |
1667s | it looks like she's wound into the very |
1670s | part so I'm not mistaken yeah I didn't |
1675s | see if he ditched the reckless spirit |
1676s | but if he did then that Mary Gordon |
1679s | could be pretty good |
1683s | all right so let's see what here so I'm |
1686s | gonna speak to confuse shaman's here |
1690s | yeah we called it |
1696s | yeah he does not want to sit below in 20 |
1698s | health yes she is building up the the mo |
1704s | believersí to marry birds a dusting of |
1706s | murky waters and I know that this part |
1709s | right there |
1710s | yes parkways and something far back |
1713s | think that might be the creeper rave |
1715s | party because I saw tools over her and I |
1717s | of course you have you only played one |
1718s | of them so far |
1721s | yes Josie is filling up some hell for |
1723s | the hunter behemoth and might actually |
1725s | have some thread on the board soon |
1729s | posted murky waters yeah |
1731s | do you prefer the baby |
1736s | it's gonna come right back though it's |
1737s | gonna be tougher yeah but they see the |
1739s | shaman's so at this point she burned the |
1742s | deluge the overload and the murky waters |
1745s | she still has electro stun and flying |
1747s | debris for combos we've seen her go |
1750s | through a little bit of her damage as |
1752s | well oh yeah so it's gonna be tough for |
1754s | her to keep up with all the healing that |
1756s | he's gonna be doing yeah this might be |
1759s | no below 20 again it's in pretty good |
1760s | spot but no escorting healing in hand at |
1761s | least there was real work true story |
1764s | yeah he's building up again with a |
1767s | behemoth and even more with Amon |
1772s | now the bee giveth this on about on the |
1775s | five yeah yeah yeah so he couldn't stop |
1777s | any other pressure but it's seven turns |
1780s | to go down from thirty five she might |
1782s | actually play if I will feel some point |
1784s | soon if it starts hitting her but I |
1786s | wouldn't be surprised if he hit her once |
1788s | just so that after that people put on |
1791s | Speed Channel and start getting more |
1792s | potential healing off of that yeah |
1797s | there goes a merry party |
1801s | it's part of the record spirit yeah it |
1804s | did yeah it did |
1805s | so he Scots he does have corner more |
1807s | bring his worried about it but it's |
1809s | shaming right now it also hit it off |
1811s | back up at 435 and delicious second |
1813s | release pair though and also sacred or |
1815s | ugly people |
1818s | it looks like you probably wants to save |
1820s | the Toronto Walker fairy stone shop |
1822s | since he didn't have the register |
1824s | that adjustment yeah he might also build |
1827s | up the Avena that's a bit of a heartless |
1828s | like fate is sitting where the violation |
1831s | had as well so if one start going |
1834s | aggressive he has some tools to do so |
1835s | can pay forward fully we take adorn off |
1838s | those and other fences yeah cuz more |
1842s | important because they were stupid as |
1843s | well because we catch them now yeah on |
1845s | your end of that part now yes hold on |
1850s | unfortunately for bail facilities city |
1853s | high enough high up enough that his |
1855s | comic worry about destroying cars here |
1856s | but if that was off the saving on 18 |
1859s | okay so before ya have a problem native |
1862s | discount cards yeah I can seem to just |
1866s | doing lying about |
1875s | he probably assumed that she only has |
1877s | one gesture so Chiana |
1883s | think that's in the section |
1886s | I think the top letters have |
1889s | yes yes she's used yeah she is not |
1894s | running a cold snap so all she's got |
1898s | removing all those three slugs she sees |
1899s | one already yeah she's already gone yeah |
1907s | he's done and I guess draw one and next |
1911s | turn next unprepped with the spirituali |
1914s | for charlie |
1915s | or two |
1922s | yeah Mariano it was almost as an outer |
1926s | decadent and |
1927s | yeah so that was also regrowth so I hate |
1930s | don't know if I've seen any shaming out |
1935s | hello |
1936s | last long I wonder if you got a retro |
1939s | spirit earth is gonna offer the final |
1942s | yes it works |
1948s | hey Mia and always been tempted to maybe |
1952s | reckless peer that instead |
1953s | or maybe she might want cheap that for |
1955s | funders log the fine it's like you can't |
1957s | really easy on Oberon good choice yeah |
1960s | that's a good call |
1967s | all right so she has one turn out to get |
1969s | rid of it of course he has to get it |
1972s | back in again it so wishes with room |
1975s | singer as well as regrowth even man but |
1980s | I do see a good amount of gambit or not |
1983s | the Destiny I do much learning right now |
1985s | since he has like I said almost an |
1987s | entire deck in his hand yeah the only |
1991s | combo about you have left is fire debris |
1994s | that you use overload as well yes early |
1999s | to do eight damage all right hey for |
2001s | witness one shaman he is of course yep |
2006s | yes the second combo that's used you |
2010s | have to keep track of regrowth corner |
2014s | there so it's got a top his hand |
2016s | so yeah thinking my prep for big combo |
2020s | now and next turn if he gets removed |
2022s | there's regrowth it back in again |
2023s | yeah or the turn after giving Thunder |
2025s | smoked meats |
2041s | sadly she she does I believe that is |
2044s | another hairy part of her head I think I |
2046s | did see two next to each other yes she |
2048s | might have made that it also shuts off |
2051s | the spatula per bit and but he's so hot |
2055s | health but and he has a record spirit in |
2059s | his head so he could immediately do bit |
2060s | about if he decides to yeah and I've got |
2064s | for you I believe he has a good singer |
2065s | as well so if the stone shaman comes |
2067s | down later you can boot singer for |
2068s | chrono walker or reckless spirit and get |
2071s | rid of that yeah |
2077s | they'd like to see me here maybe |
2080s | breakfast I guess it's just gonna wait |
2083s | no he doesn't want to feel pressured to |
2085s | benefit immediately |
2087s | yeah so he has drew to console me no no |
2089s | it was where Jonah severe challenge also |
2093s | triggered to needing there see they |
2095s | catch that |
2104s | so I used to travel people spear |
2108s | challenge of healing the two-spirit |
2110s | Chandler - oh yeah so they say they and |
2113s | we call those I want to have a Jacob |
2118s | yeah she's going in aggressive yeah now |
2120s | should put down the bubble fishing then |
2122s | do all of course of course no I'm wrong |
2127s | she had more I bought out four screws on |
2128s | the for yielding yeah you know my bad |
2139s | you know it's so uncommon to see Stormin |
2142s | playing these kind of ends that's just |
2143s | forgotten more about even though it's |
2145s | all Paige is gonna tell before right yes |
2148s | a bubble fish will actually get to roll |
2150s | two three now taking one more damage job |
2156s | it's one of the weaknesses with bubble |
2158s | fishing as a reactive reduction is it's |
2161s | not the best but it starts on the lowest |
2162s | value yeah it's definitely prepping |
2169s | route singing around the regroup there |
2175s | yeah just pull on the pants |
2180s | and just only enough the I thought |
2182s | looking whirlpool in his hand right now |
2184s | yeah I don't know if he's gotten able |
2186s | walk to the paperweight I did have a |
2187s | Shaymin oh now he will act yeah |
2195s | Cousy actually gets back a time one or |
2198s | they double heel yeah it's not just |
2204s | wanted to do it yesterday so one of his |
2206s | wing positions has been to time worm |
2210s | regrowth back and regrowth brings time |
2212s | went back in again and use repeating |
2214s | that pattern so he gets so he gets time |
2217s | war and a second buff next time we're |
2219s | again in the second buffer so on so it's |
2222s | more slow build-up and obviously needs |
2225s | about payment by his hand is big so yeah |
2242s | yeah is he going time erm here yep and |
2245s | she is not holding your thumb dislike |
2247s | she has an informant oh so she could |
2249s | roll really big hand here and she's seen |
2252s | a couple of route singers now so rooting |
2254s | for jesters not quite as as threatening |
2257s | right now |
2260s | so I could see have wanted to break the |
2262s | cycle the time worm |
2265s | and of course Amana expect the regrowth |
2267s | of |
2273s | yeah I think it's counting his bones |
2282s | she finally hit one of the yeah |
2288s | let's get up another singer in his hand |
2290s | I couldn't see what in the hand |
2292s | it definitely has one more today did you |
2296s | draw thunders long |
2302s | is that a second action |
2307s | okay oh my my stats |
2312s | so that is why unless ready to go again |
2316s | he might wait out the bubble fish he's |
2318s | got time he's got a few Shamus to get |
2320s | back up again has taken over back in |
2325s | hand as well so he can |
2326s | what ease the paperwork's so let's leave |
2329s | one about which would go away so she's |
2330s | me three reduction for eleven damaged |
2332s | under fifteen that's pretty good and |
2336s | then he might be able to use regrowth on |
2340s | turn after that to get both one lash and |
2342s | time time we're back in play |
2350s | oh right special enough |
2354s | okay yeah so he's actually going for |
2356s | signal mine last year yes what does |
2360s | they've really hired to help them forget |
2362s | any chances |
2362s | it's got time to play with you can |
2367s | pretty much at any point drop the |
2368s | violation for very much yeah |
2374s | yes we were Kenya's one damage in 40 the |
2376s | next turn but again yeah he's not in a |
2379s | rush right now she has a big hand those |
2381s | are maybe some of that spiking come in |
2383s | but like I said she's just pour over |
2384s | combos there we go there is wanted to do |
2389s | that to be out that thunder smoke so |
2391s | yeah much dignified |
2392s | yeah good call |
2401s | yeah and then back on aggression case |
2403s | she's sacrificing a moment here so she |
2405s | is that's kind of these dedications of |
2408s | to parent and she has another yeah so |
2413s | she might just hope that what is gone |
2414s | now will be enough just crush him down |
2416s | she's seen a lot of monsters defenders |
2417s | coaches enroute singers go he's playing |
2422s | special work no he's not his is just |
2425s | relying on having too many things to |
2428s | remove that's spec wave isn't necessary |
2430s | now the spin channels try paying up as |
2433s | well so nine healing from from two |
2436s | Shaymin yes she's holding her she got a |
2443s | fungus like the the spirituali |
2445s | definitely thinking about it I think if |
2447s | she does I think he will regrowth next |
2450s | turn for probably time worm and spirit |
2454s | Chandler just get regrowth back again I |
2457s | supposed to second or up she pushed down |
2459s | the thunderscope he should wait her turn |
2461s | you do oh yes yes yeah absolutely |
2463s | oh wow okay so she is opting for the |
2466s | behemoth over this bill Chandler |
2471s | so he has a greater spirit I can see him |
2474s | want to say this bear Chandler here |
2475s | you'd be interesting if you're looking |
2477s | whirlpool T oh yeah of course he does |
2479s | have a choice as well |
2486s | you might want to saving whirlpools for |
2488s | [Music] |
2490s | making sure we can plug all the holes on |
2492s | collar payments oh these things getting |
2495s | quite small as well though so maybe that |
2496s | was actually a massive carrots there you |
2499s | go yeah that might have been a yeah well |
2502s | she yeah she's about four or five much |
2505s | less intake you might just die out yeah |
2514s | yeah and she said shootings war - it |
2516s | looks like she has maybe two or three |
2519s | yeah yep |
2522s | you might actually Decker open cuz I |
2525s | believe he's talking America yeah yeah I |
2528s | wanted to confuse Sean hasn't Dan and he |
2530s | has another experience an illicit |
2532s | Rihanna's inhaler for as long as it |
2534s | keeps going to damage yeah |
2539s | yeah so he's I'm getting time warm it's |
2543s | a Canora |
2555s | yeah |
2557s | yes the next time we will get regrowth |
2558s | back again he's got more payment it had |
2560s | to play it again now you can easily pick |
2566s | up those two cards again here at the |
2567s | tree on earth |
2570s | yes what a drazi doesn't really matter |
2572s | for him so yeah it's been a good |
2573s | position here I can't see it again isin |
2577s | he has no reduction so she can try to |
2581s | just burst him at the moment yeah so |
2585s | it's a possibility here because it's |
2587s | drawing so near the end in terms of how |
2589s | many cars got left he might not wait for |
2591s | the time to be regrowth the balls as big |
2593s | am i just pulling some more someone |
2598s | Muslim offenders here with regrowth just |
2601s | outlast the storm chairman he does have |
2605s | a routing as well so Connor offers an |
2608s | option if he gets back with spirit he |
2615s | can fly them all yeah |
2620s | then in warper maybe rectus bear doesn't |
2623s | really matter which one I suppose either |
2624s | one will do |
2625s | yeah it's need a full health anyway |
2633s | yeah that's what hanging out so it |
2636s | should go off to the bubble fish here so |
2638s | would have been in place there although |
2640s | yeah yeah before - yes yeah she has to |
2643s | guess not that depends on a scar so it |
2645s | shouldn't matter |
2649s | all right we better seek way this time |
2653s | Aurora for six I mean it's great in |
2657s | there like you rush mirrors when if you |
2661s | get on the back foot because typically |
2663s | six that much card hasn't kind of |
2664s | drawback |
2664s | so you either make eleven draw one and |
2666s | you take some yourself some others if |
2669s | you have it in your opening and because |
2671s | Russia has twenty-eight oh yeah lower |
2673s | than the house |
2678s | right yes I put him at 25 he's totally |
2683s | going to be able to get back |
2690s | Oliver Stone show oh yeah yeah |
2697s | one from the in this one as well and |
2700s | well she Mario mister one of the quite |
2702s | conscious |
2709s | all right yeah so how much she she can |
2714s | did she have a great party |
2718s | he was such a great party I think the |
2722s | last part of her deck is |
2727s | all right yeah he's gonna concede |
2728s | knowing that she can't be out of damage |
2731s | yeah ourselves a little bit of extra |
2732s | time so now we're gonna see who she |
2735s | versus convenient yeah this should be |
2738s | interesting |
2739s | of course see the Chili's kissing dick |
2742s | is running 24 to sis |
2745s | as his main kill condition here so |
2749s | thunder slides more empowered can do a |
2751s | lot to stole that out in theory but of |
2755s | course reality rifts it's a good way to |
2759s | get rather different from mine but he |
2762s | still has things like the Sun beacon and |
2764s | the Flying Fortress shapeshifter |
2766s | and three Chim Cheree infiltrators we |
2768s | can get them back again blinding view is |
2770s | devastated for her day yeah absolutely |
2772s | she doesn't have number iPhones in the |
2774s | hand what happens she doesn't not only |
2777s | because she used to attack birds which |
2779s | pretty much |
2780s | she doesn't have a hero ability to draw |
2782s | that basically takes one turn some girl |
2784s | giving it a free healing yes it becomes |
2787s | a really powerful way and what the gym |
2790s | to infiltrator that's the part that he |
2791s | can recycle as well yes who would you |
2795s | have your money on this one |
2797s | unfortunately I think because a lot of |
2804s | feeling if they get the large hand |
2813s | recycle these like the blinding veto and |
2815s | the paralysis both which if he does both |
2818s | of those in one turn that pretty much |
2820s | sums it back two times yes to attack |
2822s | Hardison that you can't offer I can see |
2827s | if you get some poor draw and can't get |
2830s | some of his early attacks and feeling |
2832s | out there yeah turn one beat oh I see no |
2835s | people gesture I'm brought in for me |
2839s | president préval I think yeah and a |
2842s | those people so those have grown |
2845s | informant that was that's good yeah but |
2848s | I think she's gonna have to be very |
2849s | aggressive like who saw especially in |
2851s | the first game which kind of surprised |
2852s | me how bad she came out of the game yeah |
2857s | and I think I think that's the path to |
2858s | go with this game as well |
2864s | yeah there is there is no damage |
2867s | reduction on the chilly side this game |
2869s | so in bells foo might be that she can go |
2872s | quite unhindered in with all the damage |
2874s | so unlike the last game which never hit |
2876s | through an ostrich defenders that won't |
2878s | finish in this game but like I said it's |
2881s | a lot of healing the deck so some more |
2885s | tree on account suffers from your |
2886s | trickle heals most of time starting to |
2888s | see me doing one heal in the first |
2889s | quarter then - it takes a walk with the |
2891s | ramp up that's not for me how with |
2893s | something like some vegans although if |
2896s | its force do some because early it can |
2898s | backfire like if you lose say around |
2900s | roof to some bacon so that can be |
2901s | devastating |
2909s | you see that she does having market |
2910s | waters in the game we have to sort |
2912s | shopping what look like to other sports |
2917s | yeah and again she still should still |
2919s | have the people adjusted for me yes I |
2922s | think both him again holding people |
2923s | yesterday yep for being a one of Kona |
2928s | index that's been quite consistent just |
2930s | pretty interesting all right that's it |
2935s | quite an early gesture she's sitting on |
2937s | nine nine cards maybe ten he can afford |
2940s | to play the justice early since you can |
2942s | always get the back chin to Ansel |
2944s | trainer yeah and she's unlikely to have |
2946s | a big hand for that much longer |
2948s | and after he can follow this gesture up |
2950s | with the blindingly no which would be a |
2952s | huge setback for her yeah she's |
2954s | considering |
2958s | she looking at her gesture maybe these |
2961s | potential would be sending her following |
2963s | doping the informants in |
2967s | that's unexpected i would've yeah I |
2969s | would probably drop the gesture over the |
2970s | improvement myself because at least it |
2974s | if you think well the the swing |
2976s | potentially both cars if he's up say 14 |
2978s | cards you can make him lose seven which |
2980s | is great but if it's enough five |
2981s | yourself we can give this up not also |
2984s | like from the previous games he knows |
2986s | that she has yes yes yes I think I would |
2994s | probably gone the other way on that one |
2995s | and lost gesture over informants because |
2998s | he then goes all out in straws pull them |
3000s | say from justice now against row up the |
3001s | number of former cops even better so |
3004s | this is a bit of mind came there as well |
3006s | although it's saying that she has two |
3007s | more |
3013s | there's realtor if then he's gonna have |
3015s | a blinding beetle as well but he is not |
3019s | throwing his fortress against he strong |
3021s | atolls get Fortas back with infiltrator |
3023s | and that's what we're trying but I think |
3031s | this is where Serena makes it the big |
3033s | damage in before he didn't get that set |
3034s | up yeah she has to thunder song as well |
3039s | even if he can't remove the storm Chun |
3042s | he could still blinding beetle to take |
3044s | some of them yeah so if she yeah |
3046s | assuming she will commit to the storm |
3048s | chairman she might even achieve murky |
3050s | waters on it to avoid putting him all |
3053s | elected to contest don't see me now |
3054s | depending on if there are our murky |
3056s | waters would bring him through 34 down |
3058s | at 18 yeah |
3067s | yeah you could almost consider it like a |
3069s | 16-point swings a damage to her and and |
3072s | stopping two ticks off storm Shaymin |
3078s | yeah the the very aggressive a chrono |
3081s | more per like she's trying to hold card |
3083s | specifically the most or shopping yeah |
3090s | [Music] |
3094s | so our hope is pretty close but you |
3097s | could tell with this hand he has a lot |
3098s | of feeling and he feels good about the |
3100s | position he's in right now yeah yeah of |
3103s | course |
3103s | the he did painful houdry alter it so if |
3107s | he goes to heaven healing where the sun |
3110s | bacon again that called a slight risk |
3112s | well his neck is so big that alter his |
3113s | favor and it still does have three |
3119s | chim-chim Patraeus when it comes to |
3120s | getting porters back out you know i mean |
3125s | you play a lot more obvious tech than I |
3126s | have but I assume that long term his |
3130s | long term is looking for for Chris on |
3133s | ideal situation for Tucson stellar |
3135s | fusion I feel like right now just - I |
3139s | like the place |
3141s | [Music] |
3143s | well you don't want to put too many |
3145s | cards in the head cuz you're playing |
3146s | around the tester so you don't want to |
3148s | just sit there and talk arts and being |
3150s | able to get back the bonding needle is |
3152s | basically taking a turn away from her |
3154s | yeah I'll get him yourself three more |
3155s | dealer he also got to do freedom to the |
3158s | imitator to get it back yeah still has |
3160s | another bonding beetle in his hand as |
3161s | well |
3162s | yeah that's also a pretty good mind game |
3165s | because he use the card to get the bunny |
3166s | beetle back she might expect there is no |
3168s | second one or have you used it you know |
3172s | I like that play and of course she is |
3173s | she can't get back up again there is no |
3175s | healing in effect so every bit of chip |
3177s | damage she comes in will stake I think |
3187s | it's just to punish clubs in the people |
3189s | just oh yeah she said returns so many |
3193s | attackers yeah and yeah so keeping the |
3195s | the gesture of the informant here I |
3197s | think must heart yeah that's definitely |
3199s | got to be hurting her right now you see |
3202s | to tell us his hand is only six or seven |
3204s | cards yeah and I believe she do be I'm |
3207s | sorry yeah we might just play another |
3209s | blind people here yeah although this |
3213s | time around there's only monster |
3217s | doesn't say attack action oh yeah just |
3220s | on the buff yeah |
3221s | I always forget cause it always says her |
3224s | name yeah class when you get rid of the |
3227s | gesture he's probably going to continue |
3229s | to play around it because she could draw |
3231s | back into that anymore |
3233s | yeah there we go there is losing form |
3238s | that's that's not yeah yeah that's |
3243s | perfect I'll come form and yes she is |
3246s | now down to it oh that's two solid cards |
3252s | yes they come paid to sell cars one time |
3255s | so water yep |
3258s | yeah so we've got someone running over |
3259s | it good good catch good catch |
3266s | so he drew the to cut underneath his Sun |
3269s | beacon there |
3277s | so uh it looks like he understands |
3282s | what's going on now yeah so it's he's |
3284s | gone he's moved one card to top his hand |
3286s | so they took part underneath her to be |
3287s | is true yeah |
3295s | so sometimes when you're playing |
3298s | especially with the backlight cassini |
3301s | you kind of think big multiple times |
3303s | ahead so it kind of gets hard to keep |
3305s | track of all like what card already |
3308s | played the turn yeah sometimes you just |
3310s | want to play like blonde and beetle and |
3312s | Sun beacon in the same car so you kind |
3313s | of get a little ahead of yourself |
3315s | yeah I can see that happening when |
3317s | you're planning and playing the one card |
3319s | art yes yeah he said that in mind yes so |
3321s | he's also moved the Pathfinder back |
3323s | today because ever so he's reminding a |
3326s | ton I've ever saw me right now |
3331s | so they try to figure out what what to |
3334s | do here because he also drew two cards |
3336s | which was a shape-shifter and a |
3338s | Pathfinder but because it rearranged his |
3341s | handle which they use thought of habits |
3342s | the modern court was - he drew |
3351s | so yeah let's see what the judge pulls |
3352s | there |
3359s | okay so I think he's opting for using |
3362s | special guide instead to even it out so |
3366s | yeah normally inform me okay yeah so |
3368s | yeah so he's he's make up the two cod |
3371s | roe by consuming on a special guide it |
3374s | looks like |
3382s | no you hate to see that happening but I |
3384s | think that was a fair way to resolve it |
3385s | yeah yeah I know I had one realm |
3389s | personally where I tied the chimp to |
3391s | insulin chatter to get back at |
3392s | Pathfinder because my opponent had a |
3394s | buff I wanted to get rid of and I wanted |
3396s | the Pathfinder the same turn they had to |
3397s | point out to me that was to gravity I |
3400s | know how easy this to get Karen yeah |
3402s | yeah absolutely |
3403s | yeah especially when we're testing well |
3405s | different heroes as well so first of all |
3407s | Cassini things often a good subdue can |
3409s | be blahblah Maya for that extra superior |
3411s | gravity and oh that's okay that's I'm |
3415s | just like for a single corner on on the |
3419s | spectral guide so that's interesting |
3421s | tell me she is down one fungus logged |
3424s | for the impending fortresses that's |
3427s | always a good feeling |
3428s | that's a shape-shifter and get both |
3430s | defenses always at the feeling oh that's |
3431s | that's big oh wow yeah he's going all up |
3434s | now getting on top of that yeah so he's |
3438s | gone yeah he's got Cocina like he might |
3441s | actually a spot used to Cocina to build |
3443s | he had to to get the kill next time I |
3445s | can do all seven damage |
3452s | yes electrospinning plays r7 damage to |
3455s | Brasilia and it plays a car next turn |
3458s | you have to discard a card of course |
3459s | using say castings abilities are playing |
3461s | it hard oh but I'd like to see them do |
3462s | here is you see Cassini's and just music |
3466s | class - in his locker yeah because I'm |
3469s | not sure if he knows but we know that |
3470s | she doesn't have any healing so that'll |
3472s | put her in position - for him to kill |
3474s | her next turn with Sun media and Ksenia |
3477s | building yeah absolutely and if she |
3478s | tries to put down a bubble fish he can |
3480s | pass fine to use the signature bility |
3482s | again yeah so yes I'm probably as to use |
3487s | Cassini on the amber informant you're |
3489s | not gonna get much use oh that's yeah |
3490s | for three damage and then I could say |
3492s | just pass to not blow your hand and |
3494s | further he my kid with that well they |
3496s | could be caught or later on I think you |
3500s | probably did that just off the off |
3501s | chance that he decides to reality with |
3503s | later it's just been a son big yeah yeah |
3507s | and here's the five |
3509s | [Music] |
3513s | yes sir discarding a card from the |
3515s | latest on Pathfinder and then helium to |
3517s | fire |
3519s | yeah even yeah a bubble fish once a |
3523s | breather |
3524s | she has no way of blocking damage or |
3526s | anything she could just do thirteen and |
3528s | then he would yeah yeah eventually good |
3531s | there would be a bubble fish if she even |
3532s | had one and that's still Cassini gets |
3533s | one damage through which is excitable |
3535s | needed so that is totally taking the |
3536s | match two to one losing Game one he |
3539s | looked pretty bleak there you know how |
3541s | that aggression was really well against |
3543s | him but oh she wasn't quite as strong |
3546s | but was she being a little bit slower |
3548s | just you could really see it affecting |
3550s | her yeah if it's not much but made a big |
3553s | difference he just came at one exit |
3554s | turning around them to come back into |
3556s | the game and it made all the difference |
3557s | I think she made the right choice by |
3560s | banning dolo however if she'd been |
3562s | Cassini that also would have been a good |
3564s | option because of how much feeling it |
3566s | has yeah I think his Luna might have |
3568s | been able to beat Cassini but there was |
3570s | no way that what she could without much |
3571s | healing yeah we can keep off the tumble |
3575s | [Music] |
3583s | and the fact that he got to play against |
3586s | the Russia with Triana first meant that |
3587s | for this game he because he decked her |
3590s | out he got to see her entire back so he |
3591s | knew she doesn't have any healing he |
3594s | knew what cards he needed to play around |
3595s | and all that all the tech cards so he |
3597s | knew about the gesture and everything so |
3600s | he knew exactly how he needed to win and |
3602s | he had all the cards to do so Julie's |
3608s | making two semifinals Congrats to whom |