about 4 years
ago -
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Sorry, I was too busy to get this out at the end of the previous Advanced Sets, and then I kind of forgot. So here it is, very late, on the last day of the current Advanced Set.
Highest Win Rate by Order (including change from previous Sets)
- Storm (=)
- Cross Order (=)
- Astral (+4)
- Nature (+2)
- Dread (-1)
- Tech 0.49 (-1)
- Mountain (-4)
Most Played Orders
- Astral (+2)
- Dread (-1)
- Tech (+3)
- Mountain (-2)
- Storm (=)
- Cross Order (-2)
- Nature (=)
Highest Win Rates by Hero (excluding low play counts)
- Meeka the Gallant (Storm)
- Dolo the Mighty (Mountain)
- General Carnage (Dread/Tech)
- Orion (Astral)
- Masquerader Arkey (Astral)
Most Played Heroes
- Chief Steelfeather (Astral)
- Zilia (Tech)
- Xile (Dread)
- Councillor Sora (Storm)
- Scoria (Mountain)
Quickest Winning Heroes (excluding low play counts)
- Cinderbranch (Mountain)
- Sarina (Dread)
- Tracker Kite (Astral/Tech)
- Kweetu (Storm)
- Cassini (Astral)
Slowest Winning Heroes (excluding low play counts)
- Gemforger Gron (Mountain)
- Deadeye Gryma (Tech)
- Meeka the Gallant (Storm)
- Captain Jolti (Storm)
- Bloom and Scorch (Mountain/Nature)
Burstiest Heroes (highest average max damage per turn and excluding low play counts)
- Skyslayer Vandil (Astral)
- Meeka the Gallant (Storm)
- Hivebark (Nature)
- Zasha Flashfire (Mountain)
- Grand Architect Halvar (Astral/Tech)