about 4 years ago - /u/g00w - Direct link

Sorry, I was too busy to get this out at the end of the previous Advanced Sets, and then I kind of forgot. So here it is, very late, on the last day of the current Advanced Set.

Highest Win Rate by Order (including change from previous Sets)

  1. Storm (=)
  2. Cross Order (=)
  3. Astral (+4)
  4. Nature (+2)
  5. Dread (-1)
  6. Tech 0.49 (-1)
  7. Mountain (-4)

Most Played Orders

  1. Astral (+2)
  2. Dread (-1)
  3. Tech (+3)
  4. Mountain (-2)
  5. Storm (=)
  6. Cross Order (-2)
  7. Nature (=)

Highest Win Rates by Hero (excluding low play counts)

  1. Meeka the Gallant (Storm)
  2. Dolo the Mighty (Mountain)
  3. General Carnage (Dread/Tech)
  4. Orion (Astral)
  5. Masquerader Arkey (Astral)

Most Played Heroes

  1. Chief Steelfeather (Astral)
  2. Zilia (Tech)
  3. Xile (Dread)
  4. Councillor Sora (Storm)
  5. Scoria (Mountain)

Quickest Winning Heroes (excluding low play counts)

  1. Cinderbranch (Mountain)
  2. Sarina (Dread)
  3. Tracker Kite (Astral/Tech)
  4. Kweetu (Storm)
  5. Cassini (Astral)

Slowest Winning Heroes (excluding low play counts)

  1. Gemforger Gron (Mountain)
  2. Deadeye Gryma (Tech)
  3. Meeka the Gallant (Storm)
  4. Captain Jolti (Storm)
  5. Bloom and Scorch (Mountain/Nature)

Burstiest Heroes (highest average max damage per turn and excluding low play counts)

  1. Skyslayer Vandil (Astral)
  2. Meeka the Gallant (Storm)
  3. Hivebark (Nature)
  4. Zasha Flashfire (Mountain)
  5. Grand Architect Halvar (Astral/Tech)
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