over 6 years
ago -
Lightseekers Game
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Transcript (by Youtube)
0s | hey guys welcome back without the |
1s | semi-finals for the 2018 international |
4s | tournament for lyse e cos e le gen gone |
5s | got some new guests until they introduce |
7s | yourself guys my name is Lance Newton |
9s | I'm Rev the roadie |
10s | I'm Andrew Illig I'm Leung glitch |
13s | alright and we're turning to the |
14s | semi-finals so on your screen you can |
16s | see winged weasel on the left and we've |
18s | got on the right see piggy piggy gaming |
20s | of course did we get game on the right |
21s | so I think they're in the band pics |
23s | phase now so they've gotten our three |
25s | heroes over let into three decks they're |
28s | going to show face now and one you're |
29s | gonna get to pick to ban one of the |
31s | heroes here we go that's going influence |
33s | the other the other two decks they have |
35s | to play with if the win with the others |
36s | so if they win with one ever swept to |
39s | the other the music gets to choose say |
42s | okay here we go I think on the Left |
45s | we've got wind weasel he's going to be |
47s | playing a tree on it it took two or |
49s | Sicario TPK is got dollar a tree on e |
51s | orestes cassini to pick from oh all the |
54s | way around here they'll be picking from |
55s | each other's deck right now so any what |
57s | do you guys feel if you pick Dollar Tree |
59s | on your PC they scare you immediately |
62s | Tbk gaming's main deck they took two |
65s | packs Oh see me deck the trainer decks |
68s | are both being banned that double all |
70s | right let's go quicker today Triana is |
74s | out of the equation on both accounts so |
75s | we're gonna look at a dollar Cassini |
77s | potentially this is a Sun and a Sicario |
79s | situation yes so TPA gaming's decks are |
82s | both aggro decks or so the thing is a |
85s | bit combo II but it's still pretty |
87s | active let's go with Cassini and it's |
90s | gonna be facing okay so we've got |
96s | Cassini plays Sicario say no no Sicario |
102s | obviously we're probably expecting lots |
104s | of buff so you can take two damage to |
105s | put two valid action books into play son |
107s | hell 431 very good at well when he's got |
109s | the hand very good at filling up the |
110s | board on the other side Cassini your bit |
113s | more familiar just actually working a |
114s | bit more yeah it's it's not playing the |
116s | three Flying Fortresses trying to use |
118s | this Flying Fortress damage and it's got |
121s | a couple extra agro cards in there the |
123s | combos are mainly the finishers |
126s | a couple different ways to do 12 to 14 |
128s | all right so just because you're always |
130s | since been first I've seen you guys very |
134s | good at what they do now they're in the |
135s | semi he's looking today take it over the |
136s | way and then the sweet prizes you up for |
139s | grabs everyone's going for the foil I'm |
141s | cutscenes in the trophy as you all right |
144s | wake up |
148s | okay so sicarios got just look at the |
151s | necklace there's the Sakarya looks like |
152s | he's going to drop it into time start |
154s | flying away walked only one a time we |
156s | saw this one earlier actually played out |
158s | against then against the tree on a deck |
163s | or the dollar one that has the little |
164s | stall loops in animation to get free |
166s | with nature or new Sicario she's been |
168s | with like tentacles and typically enter |
170s | concede says there is a posting at |
172s | places we managed to pull through it's |
173s | not an easy day to Bregenz so both guys |
176s | very loaded in the front here so Cassini |
178s | you seem to find fortress is obviously |
180s | not you have not a pleasant combo so |
182s | play the play against but I wouldn't a |
184s | cracker cause it's a should be an |
186s | interesting one see what happens yes and |
188s | if nothing else is chiku Cassini for |
191s | three right of course alright so here we |
195s | go looks like today's going first |
196s | yes |
198s | all things your plan should be lightly |
200s | starry Hanna he's gorgeous and the |
204s | informant says they're probably gonna |
205s | just in the pens |
206s | we'll go for event a place with |
210s | planetary alignment flowers right |
215s | another defender so nice bear drawing |
219s | their damage set them stuff up nicely |
223s | yes a weasel obviously Sakai was a |
226s | little bit trickier to to pilot the |
228s | start and potentially obviously if |
229s | you've got the right water bones or |
231s | Weaver combinations that damage and |
232s | hand-sized restriction at the start is a |
234s | bit of a pain to get going it's kind of |
236s | my tip you have a warranty it's desert |
238s | yeah sorry the shapeshifter the lunar |
241s | card which is neither a defend or Lou or |
243s | so no great because they already the |
245s | worst card you could shape-shift to have |
247s | for the current board situation there |
248s | it's too early days though and you get |
250s | the drugs right silver lining it means |
252s | to get something extra fortress exactly |
254s | the investor is a fun interesting one |
256s | the flavors oh okay infiltrate normal on |
259s | top |
259s | what's he gonna go for the shapeshifter |
261s | or the improvement to drawn to fortress |
266s | heavenly action he's gonna move my |
268s | Fuhrer as well who might be wanting to |
269s | be able to get full benefit of the extra |
272s | yeah I like it |
275s | and obviously the three damaged not to |
276s | be underestimated already looking at |
278s | 2400 yes we will side that those 31 so |
282s | no damage to Ksenia |
286s | we have a fortress of beacon that I know |
288s | of in their hands I sell check out some |
291s | more dollars a night looking in play |
292s | it's got hair and your ability can't use |
294s | it this term attack really for to damage |
296s | if you remove it on a design rough it's |
297s | for damage to healing don't tend to see |
299s | the removing stuff Lisa carry the |
301s | opposite zipper was there oh there goes |
303s | just occurring in glare there help me |
305s | out is that tend to go on a wiki but |
306s | yeah we've all right so you still got |
309s | one actually got the flash for healing |
310s | from the Weaver a good good shall I buff |
312s | sent one pay therefore full value I |
314s | think it just cost a draw one second |
320s | quarter so there's one for two and two |
322s | Oh a nice so three and two yep yeah |
331s | pretty tidy let me do another informant |
334s | so he obviously and he got a burrow |
336s | where to go with it how do you get by |
338s | nice little surprise they didn't play |
340s | the wall of bones there that sleeve |
342s | himself against I guess you went for the |
344s | full value night low key to get the |
346s | shadow he's extra action and he could |
348s | have popped that down and something |
350s | pretty true yeah especially against one |
355s | portrait right it would absorb all the |
356s | hits |
356s | obviously you can opt to reveal yeah |
358s | that means hello defending your hand and |
360s | less ammunition in the deck of the |
361s | fortress maybe way true he'll make sense |
364s | obviously he's probably built the deck |
365s | in a way he's got this far so we're |
367s | gonna assume he knows what he's doing |
368s | he's gonna have a lot of defense to come |
370s | anyway so |
372s | I shouldn't know how many are in that |
374s | day inside knowledge ooh this right here |
376s | that you see the stick all the time I |
378s | was empowered in this deck as well |
380s | all right okay so me libera he's got an |
383s | extraction because the I don't land on |
386s | top but you first thing it's look at the |
387s | first four cars and draw one probably |
389s | cannot defend him unless he's mean maybe |
391s | you're probably looking for is to make |
393s | sure he can serve a shape-shifter or a |
395s | Sun beacon to make sure he gets the |
397s | correct cards off of them yep and in |
401s | addition it will also show the defense |
403s | yep so that's the Flying Fortress 42.3 |
405s | those like on some beacon mean for you |
410s | news what's gonna happen now you know |
411s | it's a draws and discards and defend |
413s | saying that's tricking two three |
415s | somebody can were nasty we're healing |
418s | down was on top so it seems it myself |
421s | for three booties number six |
424s | yep yeah order playing born yep so yeah |
428s | we've got Cassini for three all you need |
430s | to do is do three damage so I'm thinking |
432s | we're going to see a water bones here |
433s | probably looks like he's got you combos |
436s | in there which to it is on the right oh |
438s | he's pretty good oh we do he's got power |
439s | London right yeah I'm grating ready well |
441s | he's got killed no he's gone for the |
443s | second tentacle so he's still two |
446s | actions get it's free I think this is |
449s | three damage action for a big big hit |
452s | combo how is he gonna his night lurking |
457s | her to healing |
461s | three points of damage reduction yep yes |
464s | a woman's to damage increased by one of |
466s | the shuttle bus with me yes Olympia |
467s | shadow and plane wait true yeah we've |
471s | got planetary alignment doesn't matter |
473s | I'm guessing he doesn't and that might |
477s | mean anti-gravity cook that'll do I know |
480s | he has a second condo there that's a |
482s | kill anyway right ten damage if not this |
485s | turn of the next I don't think he has a |
486s | second gravity card to play it oh we can |
488s | pay for it is obviously a complex |
490s | requiring payment yet looks like we're |
492s | going to fast forward the water loans |
493s | that is in fact the anti-gravity field |
495s | yes any damage - two three four five |
499s | down to two all of those guys just last |
502s | corner swims us out on the next goes |
505s | this could be a quick game one yeah we |
508s | even say hi Greg right it's it goes |
510s | pretty quick you can obviously the guys |
512s | might know a bit about these decks or |
513s | what to expect so you've always got it |
515s | there's a mental side of this with a |
516s | whole big fan it does wind wind wind |
518s | wind weasel excuse me think you know |
521s | maybe Cassini's the one he loses to to |
523s | win against the other two or vice-versa |
524s | there's a whole mental aspect in here |
526s | maybe this is what he expected this |
529s | stuff to bear on just because you lose |
530s | wonder those usually lose a lot |
532s | obviously the series can be forced to |
534s | switch to a tree on a second the |
536s | srinagar been no trouble Don sorry yeah |
538s | dollars oh wow interesting I'm sure he |
544s | has a plan for dole basically seen it |
546s | today I read it yesterday I would expect |
548s | to ten that goes into saqar you've seen |
550s | and that's gonna fly for a mountain |
552s | and it's like a past draw - and a shot |
557s | from Cassini yeah that wraps that one up |
558s | though they decide to keep it from |
560s | extending through the job done so we |
562s | know Cassini's got their swap LT became |
564s | you have to move on to dollar 100 trick |
567s | - so somehow they're all Sicario right |
568s | yup how could be either he didn't the |
570s | swap you have to make the decision which |
572s | one in his decks |
572s | okay is better against against dollar |
576s | it's a tricky question to answer but |
578s | like you said he's loose in the deck all |
581s | pale against one of these two over |
582s | thoughts the weekend so mm-hmm |
584s | maybe he's made this decision and |
585s | accepted the Ksenia needs to get out the |
587s | way and the dolis is a bit more aggro |
591s | okay then a lot of them I think he's |
594s | down to only for healing action cards in |
597s | this thing so bigger go home right yeah |
603s | and sticking with Sicario they've gotta |
605s | look good okay so we're not gonna see |
607s | your son on that he thinks he's Sicario |
608s | Contiki dollar it's uh see what happens |
611s | there so yeah just--we're turnabout win |
614s | who's on the Left who's now lost his |
616s | first game against Cassini and we've got |
618s | TV a gaming up one piloting dollar |
621s | against the Sicari that we've just seen |
623s | I take back my statement there's also |
625s | three crystal bats my apologies |
632s | oh wait I'm just so bad he'll you don't |
635s | think okay so let me just go Hawk rages |
637s | yep three three yep a traditional crier |
639s | age pair recognize that extra spice |
644s | there |
645s | Oh Ricky you might tell me as you see a |
648s | lot little chicky to heal to heal for |
652s | damage maybe nice lips |
654s | yeah because you can sink that Sully the |
655s | riper ages as well you can sink that |
657s | with the like doing it with a cannon you |
659s | can if you put the drivers caught you're |
661s | rooting site yeah stops the form buffs a |
663s | scorcher then you cry your agent they're |
665s | pretty much dead right yeah we do |
666s | cutbacks what combos you guys have a |
669s | little bit we see what magma blast |
670s | raffle amounts treatment and those |
672s | crushing their larvae show them say a |
673s | little bit here but yeah generally very |
676s | aggressive yep and then sakaki's but |
679s | shadow Knight stops attacks probably |
680s | useful very go against is there go |
682s | seagrass in case he loses his stuff |
684s | breach the mail great card obviously if |
686s | you get on the right circumstances |
687s | obfuscation difficult to play but when |
690s | it plays out against say it protects |
692s | variable very good obviously and the |
694s | original wavelet which might be useful |
695s | very helpful because it can't dive |
697s | before turns against the rush that's a |
699s | probably be good so here we go it's |
702s | getting close to take their losses up |
705s | versus king |
708s | Assasin's go toll-free yep he needs to |
712s | get those buff pacific this looks |
714s | alright |
714s | TP game Oh sho enough exam shiny done |
719s | below as well of course we got somebody |
721s | going down to the toilet it's already |
722s | dry let's go just straight in for six |
725s | damage on the next guy what are you guys |
729s | thinking you be confident with asakari |
731s | against dollar rush I would yeah yeah I |
734s | like it |
735s | like a shop yeah I do you'd be happy now |
738s | I haven't played against TP case version |
740s | of Dell oh yeah right but you know most |
743s | of the Sicario builds come prepared to |
745s | face Dillo we're seeing so many of them |
746s | and big tournaments that the car don't |
748s | come ready to fight a dolo deck then you |
750s | better ban it yeah that's a good point |
752s | yeah I think that's a common thing going |
754s | around the Tormentor today oh well over |
755s | the course of weekend so you know they |
757s | see dolo you either battier you had the |
759s | Banat we've planned for it so they were |
760s | right yeah so I mean hopefully this is |
763s | why didn't ban it right anything's just |
764s | a car you can take dollar it goes |
765s | together Game three so yeah he's taking |
768s | the six damage than the cry rate says |
770s | it's not looking healthy on the left |
771s | side it's already under 16 it's annoying |
773s | as well because he needs to draw his |
774s | handed then he needs to take self damage |
776s | to fill up the board and when you at |
778s | when you're 15 self damaging down is |
780s | putting yourself in you know he's almost |
782s | wrapped on the mountain so great though |
784s | there's not saying we're gonna watch |
786s | this I think he's got a little bit of |
787s | healing available right now but |
790s | yeah I think I've been seeing a breach |
792s | the veil yeah not the way it can be one |
794s | right now shadow puppet Wow |
796s | desperate times call for desperate |
798s | measures I guess doesn't want to take |
799s | the six and then follow it up with two |
801s | actions that's you know easy to arrange |
803s | yeah mm four - I'm still got crush and |
806s | blowing them yeah tomato special six to |
808s | self damage now he's in I mean ten days |
812s | pretty easy t cards really see a |
815s | crushing blow therefore nine if nothing |
816s | else it's got comedy haunter one - no |
819s | weevils to attend it goes wrong it's got |
822s | a night leg place you can put in and |
823s | then maybe putting all your afterwards |
825s | but it's all traitors we got a sole |
828s | trader yeah yeah he's got no option then |
830s | right Oh technical extraction much enjoy |
836s | and just like the typical horn you're |
839s | doing to sell traitors oh it's a car |
841s | yeah yeah obviously nice play down to up |
843s | 14 as well times on the next obvious II |
849s | couldn't live one of them so he's gonna |
851s | take a little bit more damage off the |
853s | second till trailer and this has got a |
854s | devourer you're not sure I saw the |
858s | crystal yeah I felt the night lurkers |
860s | we've all be told in that devourer five |
865s | it's always sad to see someone go to |
867s | their own cards yes so at this point you |
870s | play the bleaching scimitar and hope |
872s | that he doesn't have your photo doesn't |
873s | have that crushing blow to try and give |
875s | that chip he'll always I think he's |
877s | going to draw two to get you know he's |
879s | just digging for the devourer at this |
880s | point he's looking at for damage off of |
883s | his sole traders so then back to the |
885s | point is |
886s | yeah okay first room I think he so the |
895s | real question here is as TPK she just |
898s | met |
898s | she just ease off let me zoom buffs what |
901s | a terrible way to get the glory by your |
904s | own that's gonna take two and two d just |
908s | pulse |
909s | do you just pops I mean he would have |
912s | fixed the bun no you played a card he |
914s | killed her so I think that's it's it's |
917s | the right thing I think it's the right |
918s | thing to do I'm sure I'm gonna do |
922s | Bauer always go fans yes got it |
925s | that does change things I mean he's |
927s | definitely gonna Pat right I would |
928s | expect yesterday's II don't think he has |
932s | another play that he has available right |
933s | now talk about drawing the right down at |
937s | the right time yes he'll 410 and get rid |
940s | of eight incoming damage |
945s | is just me the greatest comeback down |
948s | cotillion might be he could save lies |
950s | younger boy looking for one though so we |
960s | blend through hostile traders with |
962s | Weststar |
962s | remson any weavers which only she's a |
964s | shadow he is holding a man yes that oh |
968s | but he can't attack that helps now |
971s | shuffle draw under the combo and just |
973s | hope this into this Weaver a shield for |
976s | six on the next guy that would be salad |
980s | to be given the status about one and a |
983s | half minutes ago wing weasel hanging in |
986s | like a champ ripping just cutting the |
991s | abyss Weaver to the top what was it |
993s | hours of this hoarder yeah I'm looking |
996s | I'm guessing we're just gonna pass for |
998s | to yeah there is the dragon story off |
1003s | another week for path yeah he go Shelly |
1005s | puppet he's gone why those handsome he's |
1007s | got no option in the early machine we |
1010s | didn't draw a blacksmith or a flying |
1012s | over so does that little trickle Hill |
1013s | yeah I've just helped containing the |
1015s | actually was trickling back up |
1020s | order oh it has a weaver okay I miss |
1023s | that |
1024s | okay see it's good six yeah okay yeah |
1028s | why the hoarder to draw a card in the |
1032s | oldest plane start digging yeah people |
1034s | not Lisa carry on the next guy that is |
1036s | he I'm not sure why though cuz you lose |
1037s | the one turn it may be useless it's not |
1039s | a static cloth I mean she's gonna expire |
1041s | right he has no you know there's nowhere |
1042s | to trigger it I mean actually you can |
1047s | Sicario and it'll were actually healing |
1050s | for one it is the shadow increase of |
1052s | weaver goes first up through down to if |
1055s | you want to push more button yeah then |
1057s | if that's the situation he's in right |
1058s | now she does he have a solution for next |
1063s | turn when that love goes away I think |
1066s | this losing his draw to |
1070s | I believe he has a warped Odin hand so |
1072s | if he had a blind employee just says |
1076s | okay yeah playing the Scimitar okay oh |
1084s | the next dog his ruff |
1087s | don't let 41 just normally I'd dolo down |
1091s | okay |
1092s | he's got magma blast energy mine does he |
1098s | ever rager I'm pretty sure looking in |
1100s | his hand he can't afford anything he |
1101s | wants right now yeah he's got multiple |
1103s | different on so how do we get out of |
1105s | this you can't play the phone I use it |
1108s | so I think it's leeching scimitar for to |
1109s | health to damage yeah and one card and |
1112s | the one car could be something that's |
1114s | gonna save his life maybe baby |
1116s | third sole trader maybe yeah it's going |
1120s | for it this is it no way that's so sad |
1126s | Sophia |
1127s | all right on the chance he just keeps |
1129s | hanging on he's got a new touch with the |
1131s | play now right |
1132s | oh he's out you can't double death he's |
1136s | using all true dead through I think |
1140s | such a shame though because he's the one |
1142s | that we can't activate this this car |
1145s | here to go get there either I don't know |
1146s | if it's work |
1147s | oh no easy cigar I know he wouldn't have |
1151s | a superior because wouldn't having no |
1155s | and you know to basics doesn't get |
1157s | superiority WeChat the rule that's right |
1159s | he should never play this I think he's |
1163s | dead yeah yeah he's it three so he's not |
1166s | dead yet |
1167s | yeah yeah he would be dead and they're |
1172s | just gonna check the ticket out leave |
1174s | something down there I'm fairly sharing |
1175s | this piece I think yeah we're gonna go |
1176s | Jeff's point yeah now I think this is a |
1178s | kill because he couldn't double death |
1180s | using an ability on the card consumes |
1182s | irrelevant Sakarya superior shadow |
1184s | unfortunately not superior death and the |
1186s | weapons there's an ability so you can't |
1188s | get death so unfortunately no scimitar |
1191s | sole trader which is really unfortunate |
1192s | cuz yeah it drove him the card he would |
1194s | have survived home water something that |
1197s | is game |
1198s | [Music] |
1201s | just double-check yeah obviously gotta |
1206s | fly in the moment cheaper weather change |
1209s | because it's an unrestricted action |
1210s | which can dip into this and another |
1212s | ability from shade roller which is in |
1214s | this deck we're just going to set up |
1215s | right now so yes I think we're gonna |
1217s | pass go there just checking the judges I |
1221s | mean realistically growing I make that |
1224s | much of a difference but just so the |
1226s | rules right here do around the next go |
1228s | the sole trader him for one and I'm |
1229s | gonna assume |
1230s | well we've seen all industry Soul Train |
1232s | and we've seen this one to find out so |
1234s | I'm guessing they're keeping a seal on |
1235s | the next go anyway most likely or this |
1238s | Ricky Marvin Sonia freak develop he does |
1243s | have a shadow puppet man so he could get |
1245s | rid of directly nine before he doesn't |
1246s | damage just this gap enough event TP KS |
1251s | with three carts of hand he probably |
1253s | kept he could say fee dollars until you |
1255s | probably kept so I'm looking at look at |
1257s | a lineup he's in here it comes out to go |
1261s | see what again something we should be |
1265s | over there this is gonna result by now |
1266s | right |
1269s | there's a good fight it's a shame that |
1271s | it wasn't it's almost a shame wasn't |
1273s | superior there because obviously the |
1275s | combat was strong like I know the |
1277s | carriages show traitors |
1279s | then he took so much now he's gonna kill |
1281s | himself pulled the one devour in his |
1283s | deck to heal 4/10 and then he has one |
1286s | trigger before before it goes away and |
1287s | it draws the final sole trader you can't |
1290s | ask for much more just oh well you can't |
1292s | have so much more you want the ability |
1293s | to play this over we're stuck on now |
1298s | still wrapping up bringing in Jojo what |
1302s | the ruling ends up being at it yeah how |
1305s | they resolve it I mean yeah I mean the |
1310s | question is enough toons might have gone |
1311s | past yeah where the agency action they |
1313s | should have caught earlier but like I |
1314s | said right it might be a foregone |
1316s | conclusion anyway so maybe they can play |
1318s | it out I've been afraid that I might be |
1320s | asking how far past in this play are you |
1322s | allowed to continue right |
1324s | obviously the turn is passed over so |
1325s | maybe that's TPK in its window of |
1328s | opportunity to call call the miss whale |
1330s | is passed correct |
1332s | but regardless sorry if they do happen |
1333s | to play on that I'm still expecting they |
1335s | kill auntie because next most likely I |
1339s | mean the best we've got here is an |
1341s | illegitimate are interesting enough for |
1343s | two healing to damage one from the sole |
1345s | traders who's looking at for health for |
1347s | the next day going here |
1352s | she's got on he's stuck at a handful of |
1354s | time cards yeah I think they draw the |
1358s | fine yes not just oh well that draw and |
1361s | it just didn't come into it I lost |
1364s | [Music] |
1371s | I'm here |
1372s | yeah |
1374s | after that mine the last point of the |
1375s | soldiers like I killed you 12 feet seven |
1388s | lots of hands being waved now |
1395s | there's nothing to judge at the table |
1397s | this working out the discrepancy |
1400s | imagine since a card was played I think |
1403s | that's what we're looking at other cuz |
1404s | obviously yeah I think we saw what |
1405s | happened |
1406s | watching them I'll be the judge as much |
1408s | attention and those specific second but |
1410s | also you because the term bar something |
1411s | I might raise complications it's quite |
1413s | high stakes so win regional might be you |
1415s | know entitled to say you know the |
1417s | Turner's past like that make sure go |
1419s | obviously that's still landed twelve |
1421s | damage but you see in the game right now |
1423s | so maybe that's the correct my guarantee |
1425s | be gay to have pulled them at the time |
1426s | so would you see what resolution is to |
1429s | that conflict so you can carry on this |
1431s | game and they're not missing their |
1436s | discards or hand jets and isn't still |
1439s | where it should be |
1445s | I figured out now |
1449s | everything that arguing for the Soul |
1451s | Train that I feed there will not be |
1452s | there yes |
1459s | it's an easy thing to miss even for the |
1461s | rest of us yeah like the item is so and |
1465s | they were like the ability use of a |
1467s | consuming the element such a subtle |
1469s | thing sometimes you miss it yeah and I |
1472s | guess you can't believe his luck when |
1473s | the haunted room those soldiers wanted |
1474s | to get that thing yeah and the anxiety |
1476s | of being in this top yeah you can't |
1478s | underestimate the better oh yeah a lot |
1483s | of good players in this lobby good |
1484s | players already fallen so just the |
1486s | stakes go up and up |
1487s | yeah they're really great to see I've |
1489s | heard they asked with the price would |
1491s | some degree so is he really nice for the |
1493s | Queeny |
1493s | yeah it won't get some caches of |
1495s | boosters and ran away free kindred |
1498s | boosters over here |
1499s | sometimes it's jealous when I was there |
1511s | we wrap it up with now Oh watching the |
1513s | play on think we're gonna play on Wow |
1516s | okay enough time has been passed |
1518s | certainly for us watching so 12 damage |
1521s | done by my last two shuffles draws one |
1524s | and it passes over to wing weasel can he |
1528s | weasel his way out of this one so |
1530s | oneself damn exempted to assume the lead |
1533s | to scimitar does he play the final |
1540s | oh it doesn't buy you anything |
1544s | yeah gonna do it let's just go over so |
1550s | you know he knows it's coming |
1552s | he'll four to any damaging cars we're |
1554s | gonna do this yeah there it is yep all |
1557s | right yeah shake any in different |
1560s | options for that lethal yeah Sakaki not |
1563s | drawing the card he needed to it stuck |
1564s | with two mornings no flying until a game |
1566s | everything else came now solver the |
1569s | right time we needed it but avoiding so |
1571s | much damage from the dollar well don t |
1573s | pick a game we've got our first finalist |
1575s | there then yes yeah and yeah so thanks |
1579s | for watching and come back and do the |
1580s | next one and we'll see to became gaming |
1583s | face off against our other finalists to |
1585s | be determined right now but we'll find |
1586s | out in the next match |