over 6 years ago - Lightseekers Game - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s her friends welcome back to Gen Con 2018
3s all right I'm Chris Scott yeah I'm
6s wearing the round three now right or
8s fama it's been a long day okay some
12s really good match he's going on here Gen
13s Con today though some good action today
16s I want some settlement around for who we
17s have here on the field we have got you
19s go pace theory on the Left kid on the
23s right really good okay so these guys are
26s currently bang thinking I believe or
29s they made it we've been talking room we
31s got I think we're just finding out who
33s were playing first reveals it is going
36s to be granite vs. 10 tempest so pace
38s theory on the left with Tempest and
40s elekid and the right with granite
43s obviously we've seen the granite max
44s already start increasing damage done
47s with his deck is empty
48s nasty nasty stuff I haven't seen this
51s person's really good as granite Decker -
52s have you seen at all
53s I have not doesn't see the yellow one
55s was a little bit similar to the UK
56s national champions I don't know how many
57s people actually gone for the direct
59s coffee but the other one was a little
60s bit different under the engine see how
61s this guy goes although tempest wood
64s employee rush would you reckon imagine
66s some rush so it'll be would be an
69s interesting combination here is a grant
71s and of course doing that wild roller
72s coaster ride of surviving till I get my
74s deck empty yeah so you can expect
76s mountain bull as ancient mine is
77s exterior Xterra defenders emergency
79s systems if he's running that soar deck
82s you'll see what really gets gonna bring
84s I would imagine that first three is
86s gonna be pretty aggressive is approach
87s kind of looking over the decklist it
89s looks like it wants to be a groom and
90s were born he didn't van run it say like
93s I always feel like people see planet
95s they might be like oh is it is it a copy
97s deck is it gonna be they know what
98s granite can do right so I'm always
100s interested see like if they don't ban
101s him and they're confident that they
103s could take them exactly like what what
104s were you more afraid of exactly alright
108s so looks like we've got four cards on
110s the left so yeah Alchemist with it so
114s yeah agro I think this is a tempest rush
116s though so six damaged Escala combo
119s doesn't have any combination this card
120s just put you through sit there frenzy
123s creeper for another six slightly
125s aggressive hand times three or less
126s increases it from three to six so that's
128s twelve damaged turn one tasty all right
133s granny down to twenty starts a lil bit
135s higher on their way to help they say not
138s bad let's see what he does here
140s John survival I know I think it's a
144s stereo defender I said cancel makes
147s attack that means one attack guards
148s going on yeah I think the purse there he
149s knew that he's like head there he's got
151s that first turn opportunity and just to
152s swing out cuz
153s he was anticipating the reduction he's
154s anticipating the defenders yep so he
156s said tempest a corona wouldn't draw two
159s cards as tempers ability lose we got a
161s tyrants picture and Tareq Smurfs me then
164s pouring another one
167s car driver miner well now he's gonna get
169s rid of the stereo defender oh and also
172s got Mountain to mountain fort on the
174s right-hand side they're very concerned I
176s think oh those crazy bombers he's
179s cancelled right say what's he gonna do
183s can wait the timer screen they're
185s spraying ideal it's a to presuppose that
189s yeah it's get to your hands Wow no it's
193s a pregnant woman all right ancient miner
196s joint is a granite starting to chew
198s through the deck a little bit Tempest is
200s good keep it through the deck as well
201s obviously like the abilities going to
203s slow the trick up those guys with
205s putting one back means it's a little bit
206s it's more of a swap rate isn't it but it
208s good for good for rush because they can
210s ditch the car they don't want usually
212s for the aggression
213s yeah I just barely started playing a
214s couple tempest-tost and yeah although my
216s deck builders bad the ability itself is
218s really fun yeah I like tempest yeah it
223s is a great great hero hey let's go
227s he's not great she's great because I
230s know this yes you're right she was dead
232s tempis I said she's lost in time yeah
235s guitar extremists have said Nate hi so I
237s have decision in the Zedd a great story
240s we show up here at at GenCon boys
243s learning all about taric's gender well
244s our dear friend Jacob has been here for
247s about a day day and a half ahead of you
249s yeah and Chris comes in shirt for the
252s airport sits down the airport and says
253s something and Jacobs like I forgot he'd
256s forgotten that because it's British
258s English British I'm fairly British my
263s house Australian a bit all right Corey
269s Moore too many corners Corning both was
271s used earlier so you cancel the exert
272s offender so a cart or a card theater
275s actually was played puts inch and minor
277s back in one damage force last but back
278s in play ancient miner so granite he's
282s going through the deck again there's
283s acronym off again this one was not
285s canceled so free damage draw a card so
287s Tempest picking up the tempo see that I
290s see which under a weekend he's that ten
295s percent acro protect Eric Spencer
297s he's Heights fiction again I think he's
300s going up the funding out which there so
301s yeah he's doing well for avoiding the
303s combos that's kind of good with this or
305s build because if you're fumbling
305s alchemist you don't work on losing your
307s hand the Templars can bury the combo to
309s draw to you so you can slowly get rid of
312s keep your hand for
313s that you want exactly there's another
315s exterior defendant he's drawing one and
318s you got to expect those right coming
320s into it yeah what is he gonna use to
322s cancel it
323s he's looking at his options
327s I mean I'm gonna assume he's going to
329s save crazy bombers for mountain boards
331s yeah yeah say he doesn't want to waste
333s that many attack guys damages on round
335s four so mission he's gonna create bomb
336s hopefully catch something else in the
338s cross fire crews bomber
339s the next area defender obviously a
341s problem because it's getting he's
343s cancelling a frenzied cradle he's got
345s big answers now he's been tempted so
346s much excellent pick your teeth from the
351s ancient miner oh it looks have you got a
352s blacksmith in a forge wall there as well
354s so he looks a bit like a UK national he
358s still at least my health once again for
361s I reckon always said cheered hatching
363s there so he's probably for the ng wanted
365s to go away to hatch thing again and back
366s then they're okay ten toes into
369s something as it falls all still got to
372s actions is Venice with the rattling what
375s do you call the blacksmith the ten
376s thousand bucks worth yeah I thought you
378s said like an hour lane with him with a
379s hammer I was a sneaky Creole you have
382s some form of the ninja Pig ninja Pig
384s yeah someone has sent for the chimney
386s the blacksmith as well
388s ninja pigs all right mountain force out
392s yes for another three healing rotating
395s action back to a final corner so
396s straight around to the to you wants to
400s spin it the right way I like it it turns
402s into detail so now only nested is
405s blocked to damage to get rid of the fall
410s I think he's just saying still got one
412s more action you're gonna loop yeah Liuba
415s i knows tempers in the looper believe
417s the goes to the bottom drawer to hope
419s you got that ninja pig he is gonna drink
423s and then get another one I think it's a
425s dugout reactor I like Nancy alright back
431s in the energy in actually Jeep action is
435s a really fun card to play at this is all
437s flexibility yeah so kudos to whoever
438s designed those were those of you that
444s may be watching that don't know Chris
445s here is one of the designers of the game
448s oh let's go an egg right so we've got a
452s 11 damage removal woman blast he takes
455s two to explode the car to pay mounting
457s four blocks to have it for nine damage
459s total you should take two damage as well
462s if I missed that bit I can move it down
463s okay and then the manifold clunks away
466s so mountain fort out of play and he's
469s already used to Jade hatchlings on the
471s two miners I assume he's gonna have a
472s third he might not want to put that many
474s my have seven more in the more in the
476s deck I'm gonna go with focus chamber
478s they it's the granite deck I think it is
481s drop those in yeah so one card from the
486s miner
491s we focus chamber - for nothing in
494s currents for crews say yeah because
495s because a Pierce Theory play the combat
498s gardeners last in the focus team was
500s increased to a card draw for - and
501s here's the move in action buff into
503s place and maybe a four or a system as
505s before and he says one more action hold
509s you reckon it's a sore point where
511s granite picks up a beer the tempo here
513s even though he's on 14 health o
515s blacksmith another action Oh another
518s white them swim day since looks like a
520s UK national champion Dec canny piloted
523s to victory like we did like we saw in
525s there the UK as the question under the
528s steering so he's got a spin blade 3000
533s there's an attack ability for two damage
535s increase by one if their hand sizes less
537s than three what is that see there's a
544s cold sneaky green ball
547s ignores damage reduction so ignores the
549s four and the Ford's rule for the food
550s for damage doesn't clump the fault
552s because the clump only comes if it
554s actually reduces the damage so a
556s straight for there
560s any stems it did enjoy chop tamatar
563s dealers health I want to say he did I
568s wasn't paying attention
573s I was too busy looking over at see okay
575s so we got resiliency system in for seven
577s if he's attacked he's probably gonna get
580s tapped by this temper Specter and again
583s this is so point the game where we see
584s granite sort of swinging away a bit
587s because he's got damage reduction he's
589s got oh there's a game Clark so he
592s attacked so most he's moved up for seven
594s healing and he plays bomb as well off
599s it's like I don't want anything on feel
602s remove these buffs from my site
607s Bing dugout reactor to self damage to
611s pull back some explosive cards from
613s discard to hand whatever could it be
615s picking
620s okay
623s he's speaking of fumbling Alchemist was
625s the other one takes mouse man
630s another for another Xterra let's be fair
633s the dugout reactors at least pulling
635s back these cars that might be getting
636s cancelled so he's a prophet up over
638s there
644s Bing right there
650s all right here we go this is taken at
652s the second draw they're sort of passing
654s the children back over the granite
658s he's sitting very well behind a wall of
660s Defense's
662s another ancient miner going into the job
664s all right Ozai Oh come to done Bronte
667s yeah who's this is getting ready the
668s exterior
673s dropping out fumbling alchemist it's
675s good
676s take the mountain fort no condos and
678s discard so you seek damage he's just
681s trying to see you can't see the word
682s combo
687s [Music]
691s yeah full reveal that reveal were always
694s changing back to how a page tear he's
696s doing it they all right so what was that
700s there's a funding outlet right
706s did he
709s I don't think it took the six damage
710s they're doing
713s it's reduced right
715s oh yeah I'm on the freeway
720s you see up see it's thinking what is
724s this we don't usually see combos or in
726s the early all the way separating cars
727s out so giad hatching there is he gonna
732s save it from the mind or does you want
734s the exterior it's being a rush though
736s but I mean he's got the mountain for him
738s play and the for job there you go I
740s thought we didn't take the now engineer
741s back in yeah good job judgments down
753s once again with contentment Oh an early
757s combo from granite who'd a thought
760s 12 damage and the recipient has moved to
763s action guards back to his deck
767s you never see that the first time we've
769s seen that usually it's a combo on chat
772s volcano at the end I'm pretty scared to
774s shuffle those cards back into your
775s decorative laying around
776s I guess because he revealed some cards
777s he wanted him to slow down the
779s aggression or lose a remove buff guy
781s like the crazy bomber that's true
785s hitting the hand is hinting Maurice it
788s seems like a good deal obviously he's
789s lost a bit of firepower at the end of
791s the games you can't wrathful like boys
793s that raffle now at the end of they gave
796s me 17 damage for ground and then if he
798s has a shot volcano it's a 24 damage
801s thank know it's more you said 25
806s yeah he's gone earlier with the rat
808s that's closing down taric's victim to 7
810s went below 15 helped to say such
813s beautiful effect amazing cargo I think
816s that's the single best healing card
819s Oh Chris bond help get rid of 4th gear
823s in a minor just count how far to go
826s bull's eye needs burns on
828s I think he's debating whether or not to
830s put the jet hatching into for the fall
832s or the minor girl you thinks it's worth
834s it McKay's going for 1 damage minor back
839s injury I think we've seen a lot of
840s minors this game yeah yeah happens we've
841s grown a dozen
842s tends to do that
845s I think we just have a strange will to
846s on the son of a Pierce theory that
848s really good just drawing for free with
850s the intra minor maybe thought you pass
853s was just a minor drawing a car as thank
855s but now you know what's coming get ready
859s to get frenzied just check in Marysville
863s arts another minor what I was really
866s digging in there
867s Boulder fee for six so he's actually
868s turned off his own for jewel there it's
871s gone above fifteen help with that is it
873s you might wanna heal you play a card you
876s can do what he like there's a six to
877s undo the hill just balance a right back
880s thumping address so first things first
882s he should be on fourteen to funding
885s alchemist hits for five not six down to
889s nine correct there on it
891s going to to the minor good job mouthing
893s gentlemen good Java one for the one
898s we're gonna see ya Thursday huh cracks
901s fixer for seven so granite playing the
904s same cards as tempest it I think I think
906s we're looking at granite victory or
907s would you reckon they can I can see ya
911s he's got a minor working for - howdy
913s college dc-3 Wow Tariq speaks of Boulder
917s feast okay thirteen healing I turn this
920s is it's pretty much saying I'm gonna
922s stay in this game
933s it's assistants that's
937s all right grant defense is doing their
939s job very well as game connects out
943s tempest knows he's on the clock
948s I think this is a ver it's one strong
951s other two very no shad volcanoes yeah I
955s assume they're in his hand
956s I would assume there is I haven't seen
958s anything so or either they're not I'm
961s gonna be crazy enough to not running
963s yeah there we go yeah yeah it's gotta be
966s in there
966s we should just stop talking just
970s lynching a bitch that appears Theory
972s over here safe to assume you got a
975s comment at least it's nothing the wrath
976s of the mountain still gonna pray die
978s there stop plenty of damage coming down
980s I see we've seen all this remove all
983s right from the Pierce theory we done all
986s three of this isn't even playing the
987s crystal eat Jesse what's that all night
991s Rio for 13 it's like I'm going to have
994s to absorb a lot no no that's gonna be
996s enough right Albert will see it might
998s actually buy himself one turn what it's
1001s gonna be enough we'll see
1009s I think we're in for an ouch time yeah
1011s well I mean it's granted certain exactly
1013s wants to be sitting i'm just really
1016s close to it
1021s I think a curse theory knows that how
1024s would I waste my this crushing blow in
1028s streamit on girls let's pray enough
1030s stream attempt dose payment the crushing
1032s blow so here we go with granite so seven
1037s healing six damage plus the fire canoe
1039s is decked out or eleven also yeah seven
1042s numbers from the shot volcano first then
1043s the damage from the stream would hand us
1045s payment back into the deck and shuffle
1046s twos read X out Circe crushing blow back
1050s to his hand so the next turn is a kill
1052s still amazes me how much damage there
1054s he's tempering defer answers
1059s I'm not sure he's the people here the
1063s tax before I knew I was pulling out a
1065s little healing
1066s so that goes off for max health then he
1072s takes the four damage you should be down
1073s for thirty-one and then he heals for
1076s three because obviously he has a lot
1077s more health
1078s that was him yeah I think a pretty
1080s serious is thinking just to a trailer
1082s you gotta need fifteen now more than
1083s anything
1090s what its gonna do her head right now
1096s hello
1098s it is so anyway an oath guard can pay
1100s for seven average me earth and then
1106s cross removes mine plus the 514 dead
1109s dead random 21 my mate is a legend
1111s all right but granite now has won a game
1114s so we'll be rotating out granite 110 per
1116s serie but granite is out so and you I
1118s think yes sometimes people would do this
1119s on purpose because they will let granite
1121s you know it might accept that they can
1123s lose against one day but because they
1124s could beat the other two they've been
1125s shown so maybe he's playing the tactic
1127s cuz you know a granite is a lot of
1129s people running around it well not Elijah
1130s but yeah a lot of people programming
1131s very similar granite dates because they
1133s know strong so maybe he's accepted the
1135s fact that maybe his Timbers deck isn't
1137s the best matchup but it's better against
1139s Cassini for example so maybe he's been
1141s but I think that's what we still really
1142s I'm looking at the long game yeah
1143s exactly
1145s alright tell ya something shuffle what
1148s we got I have to say like for me one
1151s thing I I'm actually kind of aside from
1153s this match that I am enjoying about this
1155s matches so I mean we've seen a lot of
1157s matches we've seen a lot of games over
1158s over the course of the year this is the
1160s first time for me that I have seen
1161s players that I have not met before today
1163s yeah it's going into a tournament it's
1165s it's exciting because I was just showing
1166s again the the growth of the game as it
1169s continues to spread yeah and obviously
1171s we released the digital game quite
1173s recently yeah a couple of weeks right
1174s now so long people have been testing the
1176s decks their new community members join
1178s it through the digital getting up the
1179s physical cards scanning their cards into
1182s play the digital game and then an
1183s insurance for tolerance as well which is
1185s really really good to see ya
1186s so if you guys haven't had a chance to
1188s check that out I mean this is a blatant
1189s plug and yes and boy but I'm not
1191s plugging it because it like it's
1193s sincerely an awesome
1194s you guys back in UK they're just an
1196s amazing job all right let's catch up
1200s here so he did a spectral guys so you
1202s drew one car man's plan to get drew one
1203s and then we've got a number of marauders
1205s six damage their most health and then
1207s their friend Zeke Reba but it's way of
1208s damage toll that turn should be ten to
1211s twelve I think he's using this health
1213s pad that's why
1221s I'm going to go out on a limb and guess
1224s that really kid is an old school card
1225s player you may would help pads it's
1228s pretty traditional traditional and
1230s respected way to do it that was the
1231s other critique of it understand respect
1234s [Music]
1238s all right so our fine fortress anytime
1240s really good drawers of FMP may reveal it
1243s as he is now to do rotation now to
1247s damage from fortress it was a lunar
1249s guard I never was it it was a list it
1253s was it 93 I don't know she's watching
1256s the ships oh there you go thank you
1258s they've updated the health council we
1260s can see what's going on we can trees
1261s right and as you expect from that 12
1263s damaged corner morph damage these been
1265s taken he's actually down to ten health
1266s already spending some beacons drawn to
1269s scarf it's another Sun beacon so he does
1271s trigger Flying Fortress and then the Sun
1274s beacon itself is a five minute for hours
1276s I always get the wrong way around
1282s all right and that was his teeth
1286s tempis now really kids sitting on the
1289s other end of that the blasting spectrum
1291s oh look at that hand frenzy for six
1295s down to what for anything and he's got
1300s 12 damage in hand this is if this is
1305s over this quickly this if it's in
1310s defense the opposite lane pure Asheville
1313s yacon a tactician is great damage
1315s reduction but just not for the first
1316s term which is not what you want in this
1318s situation again chip do you look out
1320s drawing two he finds a defend or three
1322s cards one there's a defender he stopped
1325s second action how those again revealed
1327s it by last three damage from the
1330s fortress then what's he gonna do when
1336s he's dead if he doesn't heal and he's
1337s got the shapeshifter do you go for
1339s they're all in hope you draw a gravity I
1343s mean if that's his only healing option
1345s then yeah is the answer
1348s Oh sounds dog there's a three damage
1349s lastest kata-kata saloon up so he still
1352s got one more action so you look out he
1355s sounds talk he still got one action he
1356s can't play solo he can play gravity or
1358s Aluna here we go come along gravity
1361s that's its gravity Han Solo reality wins
1364s lottery which private that is the place
1366s the plate everyone one that's the dream
1368s right there five now he's talking in
1370s that saved him so we know he's holding
1373s 12 damage he after five look how that 14
1377s he would have been days three what a
1379s play he was down to six
1381s yeah he's tempering looking for a fixer
1384s I bet him there he has not bought
1386s healing
1388s go for the aggro yep six damage down to
1391s eight he's yet to reveal he has no
1395s combos he's dead
1396s there you go there you go oh wow it's
1400s down to the guard of the cards right
1402s there the wood man shape-shift up your
1406s hero for Round four
1407s alright and round fourths go to go to
1409s really kid congratulations really kid -
1411s oh yeah and tempest was running away and
1414s eh there he was looking to just go sort
1416s of that second game down to my
1418s shapeshifter and in a dream both so yeah
1421s that gravity pole saved him
1424s congratulations really kid once again
1427s thank you for joining us here at Gen Con
1428s 2018 lots of great action coming up
1430s ahead please come back and join us
1432s around five Siena