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Upcoming Content
From Monday, July 8th, Battlepacks will be available to purchase in the store!
To kick it off, we will have the Astral, Storm, and Tech Battlepacks, each one including full playsets of 4 brand new Wave 5 cards--3 Action Cards and 1 Hero--along with 2 Kindred booster packs and 1 Uprising booster pack. More news on this over the weekend!
Independence Campaign
From the 4th of July until end of day July 19th (UTC), we’ll be running a special holiday event - More news on this later today!
Main New Live Features
Copy Opponent’s Deck - You can now copy the deck of your opponent at the end of a match. If you do not wish for your deck to be copied, you can turn off deck sharing in Settings.
Achievement Leaderboards - A new leaderboard has been created where players are ranked by Achievement Points.
Inbox - You now have a personalised inbox where you can receive game messages. Access it from the top bar.
Adventure Leaderboards - All Adventure bosses now have individual leaderboards based on the highscores against that particular boss.
Zone 7 for ‘A Colossal Find’ is now available; Ferrus escapes Steadfast Peaks and meets up with some strange noxin.
You now require level 10 or higher to access ‘A Colossal Find’.
Heroes in Adventure now have an icon at the top of their portrait to show how many Lightstones they have equipped.
The ‘end of game’ screen for Adventure bosses has been sped up.
You no longer see the score and objective screen if you lose to an Adventure boss.
Weekly Campaigns
You now require level 20 or higher to access the weekly campaign.
5 new weekly campaigns have been created and added to the weekly rotation.
The weekly campaigns now run from Wednesday morning to Monday morning.
Deck Builder
You can now filter the deck builder by Wave number. The filter bar is now scrollable (scroll to the right to get to these!).
You can now hide Legacy cards in the deck builder.
A graphic has been added to the deck builder to show which button to add cards with when in controller mode.
You can now filter your decks by Order on the deck selection screen.
11 new Challengers have been added. (These are the AI opponents that challenge you every few days.)
The ‘X’ button has been mapped to ‘Play’ on deck select menus, to let you get into the game faster when in controller mode.
Bug Fixes
Some broken animations on the Adventure map have been fixed.
You will no longer be notified of a campaign ending if you have already finished it.
The deck summary of Draft decks should now be correct.
How many power cards you have should now be visible in-game on all resolutions.
The ‘+’ and ‘-’ button shortcuts in controller mode will now properly work if you try to leave a PvP queue.
Vibrant Plumetail will now work properly if your discard pile is empty.
Colax in ‘A Colossal Find’ should no longer lock up your game if you have no Action Buffs among your top 4 cards.
From Monday, July 8th, Battlepacks will be available to purchase in the store!
To kick it off, we will have the Astral, Storm, and Tech Battlepacks, each one including full playsets of 4 brand new Wave 5 cards--3 Action Cards and 1 Hero--along with 2 Kindred booster packs and 1 Uprising booster pack. More news on this over the weekend!
Independence Campaign
From the 4th of July until end of day July 19th (UTC), we’ll be running a special holiday event - More news on this later today!
Main New Live Features
Copy Opponent’s Deck - You can now copy the deck of your opponent at the end of a match. If you do not wish for your deck to be copied, you can turn off deck sharing in Settings.
Achievement Leaderboards - A new leaderboard has been created where players are ranked by Achievement Points.
Inbox - You now have a personalised inbox where you can receive game messages. Access it from the top bar.
Adventure Leaderboards - All Adventure bosses now have individual leaderboards based on the highscores against that particular boss.
Zone 7 for ‘A Colossal Find’ is now available; Ferrus escapes Steadfast Peaks and meets up with some strange noxin.
You now require level 10 or higher to access ‘A Colossal Find’.
Heroes in Adventure now have an icon at the top of their portrait to show how many Lightstones they have equipped.
The ‘end of game’ screen for Adventure bosses has been sped up.
You no longer see the score and objective screen if you lose to an Adventure boss.
Weekly Campaigns
You now require level 20 or higher to access the weekly campaign.
5 new weekly campaigns have been created and added to the weekly rotation.
The weekly campaigns now run from Wednesday morning to Monday morning.
Deck Builder
You can now filter the deck builder by Wave number. The filter bar is now scrollable (scroll to the right to get to these!).
You can now hide Legacy cards in the deck builder.
A graphic has been added to the deck builder to show which button to add cards with when in controller mode.
You can now filter your decks by Order on the deck selection screen.
11 new Challengers have been added. (These are the AI opponents that challenge you every few days.)
The ‘X’ button has been mapped to ‘Play’ on deck select menus, to let you get into the game faster when in controller mode.
Bug Fixes
Some broken animations on the Adventure map have been fixed.
You will no longer be notified of a campaign ending if you have already finished it.
The deck summary of Draft decks should now be correct.
How many power cards you have should now be visible in-game on all resolutions.
The ‘+’ and ‘-’ button shortcuts in controller mode will now properly work if you try to leave a PvP queue.
Vibrant Plumetail will now work properly if your discard pile is empty.
Colax in ‘A Colossal Find’ should no longer lock up your game if you have no Action Buffs among your top 4 cards.