over 6 years ago - Lightseekers Game - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s hey guys welcome back this is the final
3s coming at you from Ghent in 2018 yay
6s Chris here with me is Benny and we've
9s got the final drew Tillett on your left
10s versus t pj t BK gaming on the right so
15s this guy's been battling out all day
16s already
16s yeah and this is a bit of a rematch so
20s you see the mat on the left here the
22s taxis the winner Matt is 114 it's one
24s against TPK gaming so this is so the cpg
28s game is chance for revenge here at the
30s Nationals the biggest event of the year
31s to win an upgraded play map the national
34s champion so here we go so it's going
36s into the advanced form actually look at
37s to look at the three heroes the guys
38s will be playing in their decks and the
41s boat that you've been cassini tree are
42s new and dollar boat for their deck so
43s all of their dixit decks are different
45s so we just got picked one to ban and
48s that means they have to win the other
49s two anyway looks so awesome somewhere
53s yes something this window that TPK for
55s example is well known for its astromech
56s and rotates for its nature deck even at
59s the top so engine see that if they need
61s to be bigger polish strength or just the
63s order they don't like playing and in the
65s flip here we go the flip is gonna be the
66s band we are banning rihanna you see me
69s an easily what we expected it's exactly
71s that
72s so the TP case comfort cassini gone and
75s rotelli's tree on that we've seen her a
77s lot of very really well yeah so we have
80s dollar dollar Cassini and Triano's so
82s are they gonna mirror although they know
84s is it dollars dollar it's an exquisite
86s go yes of course yes if the chilliest
88s has a Kaseem back to go and TPK game he
91s has to tree on a date and game one will
95s be tree on the boundary on him know what
99s Tbk has history i oh yes yes so we start
102s with dollar toy both for these decks are
105s very aggressive so we're looking at our
107s debt list before comparing cards it's a
109s very very small amount in at different
111s combos and a few different online cards
113s might swing it in someone's favor
115s we're very interested to find out
116s obviously these guys have got to the
118s final for a reason they are very good or
120s they do and it's going to come down to
122s one card I imagine in this match yeah so
125s the the key difference here is that TPK
128s plays for a low hand he's relying on
130s triple forensic rebels he doesn't expect
133s to get a big hand he's not running any
134s other informants some have seen him a
136s lot of the xn tournament and speaking of
138s Troy Taylor's runs to UM burn informants
140s that could be a weakness in this
142s particular matchup
143s yeah yes because TPK Edgar it's not
146s gonna draw that much however if to this
148s does draw one he can if they're gone the
150s grassman's almost play down to no cards
152s in hand and maybe still get it on start
153s of it and the combo side of things we've
155s got tvk he's got a raft on the mountain
157s and a magma blast loaded in whereas
159s utilities opted for blazing cauldron and
161s rock melter so again the blades encoder
164s might hit TB gays combos which might
167s slow him down but if that goes the other
169s way you do not want to get wrath on the
170s mountain a man lost in a game where this
173s is gonna be pretty yeah this is gonna be
175s explosive yeah alright so yeah let's get
178s this underway both got shiny dollars as
180s realms of both wouldn't you elements
181s outside of this one might expect yeah
184s they're here for a reason yeah okay so
186s it looks like the ITB gates first six
188s damage to to himself yes innocent
190s aggression frenzy for six Wow yeah so
194s speaking of twelve don't lose guys are
195s only running mountain ports and rickety
198s mines yes there's a mountain for so yes
200s he's putting on the backfoot already but
202s he's got to through that and this has
203s got a leech ready to go yes a lot of
205s combos there's no burst healing in this
206s at all then both run stream of 10% a
208s lava shedding they do have a 13 healing
211s either side there and then like I said a
213s bit of trickle from rickety mines they
215s run to each yeah to draw to and also
218s that Boulder feasts twice got any CPK
223s has - is your - oh wow okay I'm going to
228s recover from one of these guys of course
229s it they both do run crystal bats but
231s that's not really for the side at all
233s right it's for the rock rager it's for
235s more aggression and really infinite cry
237s rage
237s this is poorly a cry or a chat three
239s damage three healing from dirtiness
240s followed up by rock region yes holy look
243s great for sex yeah so in the UK has been
245s known as the cry rage
247s crystal rage so oh and I can do that too
251s it's a three damage plot
253s okay yeah four damage gets through so
259s one probably more effective than the
261s otherwise we'll have three cards on cpk
264s side for Chili's for to use this to last
266s corner some under forty draw to as you
268s said as hands legs creeping up since
269s we're informants in tip occasions he
272s doesn't so he doesn't run the other way
274s around
275s dealer yeah so you might have dead a
277s more evolved it exactly yeah yeah so
279s drop two minutes but if it gets one then
281s he gets all gone really aggressive
282s because he doesn't realize if it's not
284s the ritual site is a ritual sorry yes he
285s might prep for that now only free cotton
287s talent he became means they might not be
289s crystal each there then I don't think
292s there is no in for to uni so on so it's
294s looking for answers here he's hurt
296s himself in the process so that makes the
297s Christian what there are rituals like
299s more effective if it goes off what's he
301s got so he's got some healing in hand now
304s so you can recover bit 300 gold a feast
306s you reckon I didn't see the Druze
307s Rickett in mine there would be something
309s but this gives me shortly if you have a
310s full corner buff you won't get that out
311s early
312s yeah I don't think this research I was
314s gonna kill him though okay no so it's
315s going aggressive yeah it's not gonna
317s kill him yes factions yes he's got yep
320s so nine to damage 29 was to in blocked
322s yep so cuz worth noting here is that
325s dolly for no damage to yards that's nice
327s something yes I think the flame working
329s last term because this turned is down
332s structure in play yeah
333s there we go yeah six penning damage and
335s six healing rec additional inches here
338s yes a Rickey minor hand now for for
341s Tillis he might again like it he has
345s crystal each as well I see yeah yeah
347s he's going something interesting thing
349s but these matchup is that your removal
350s cards become basically a six healing
352s card exactly
353s get rid of it like for all the power
355s they can tell
359s yes quickfire max these guys no other
361s one and they just play the suit they get
363s it
363s frenzy for six I'm gonna assume he's not
365s gonna waste that yeah yep
367s so heat up at nine so this could be a
369s polemical window though say was
371s definitely killed on an echo yeah so
373s there's a crushing blow in hand but I
375s haven't seen the exact payment neither
377s quicken a crystal bat as well same idea
378s second run in TSM please yeah he has at
381s least eight these are crystal back and
382s flame backs
383s what do you know if there's an earth
384s card then he does he's dollar but you
386s don't think he'll range wow that means
389s guys kill he had nine anyway he had nine
394s anyway that was not flame boats so Game
396s one it goes to TPK very very quick game
399s as expected
399s so that means TPA is done with dollar
402s yeah and is up once in a really quick
404s game
405s so I mean one thing if you've seen the
407s previous matches these guys even when
409s they play complicated X they played very
410s quickly they know what they're doing
412s yeah like they're not taking their time
414s because it was a this is obviously the
416s mental game of the advanced format as
418s well so like that might just be needed
420s to get out of the way sometimes the
422s strategy is just yeah I've got as you
424s saw as a close match still but yeah or
426s lose $2 and I'll win with my other two
427s so it's a case of you know maybe they
429s have to accept that loss to win the
430s other two just get it all out the way
432s maybe is that beats the other ones
434s Tbk has to tree Arnie now yes it really
438s needs to beat either Cassini or dollar
441s English to Cassini
442s yeah so I think this is I think this is
446s good just on a mental note is probably
447s good matchup for the Phillies I think
449s Triano and doll always seemed previous
451s match up word tree on a dozen a bursting
453s through yeah crispy dollar puts that
455s quite low and TPK is running tree on and
458s mimicking horrid eggs oh so he is so if
461s doll was sitting around but well 28 or
463s less mark he can get bursted out it's
465s got one with nature true tribunal drop
467s wildlife whining lash and regrow so some
468s nasty combo sitting there and the abyss
470s tentacles obviously if he uses any
472s nature related abilities that just
475s trickles through really nicely yeah so
478s every time he used as a trainer to heal
480s he's also dealing damage a bit which
483s means that it's a new challenge way then
485s he will heal the opponent even if some
487s fool he'll that make the week
489s and get to heating from the from the
492s spiritual we swapped back to Dali okay
496s he's trying his fancy with gosh maybe
498s he's heard about the deck and that it's
500s not a traditional like a lot with major
502s dope maybe he knows it about the
503s tentacles himself and he knows it's
504s about that trickle down which again and
506s again and again yes but maybe he's going
507s for the rush to power through cos you
509s talk about beating out ostrich defenders
511s here early and spiritual eyes from the
513s trickle back for to healing but like you
515s know how far that's going to carry when
516s you when you taking 12 damage returns
517s yeah so Andy draws a lot so the
519s informants from Dahl oh yeah is a
522s strength now yeah so it's a it's an
524s interesting choice because obviously
526s whichever take I imagine a physical
529s thing with which every day keeping the
530s strongest here because I mean you've got
532s people get he get a look at one car to
533s get used for how to pick a place to
534s match up yeah because when he goes into
537s the gym he wins this one it goes into
538s the last game he wants are as much
540s information about that thick as possible
541s so why not link a scene he's not giving
544s away too much info himself for the final
545s match but it's all taking a slight risk
548s oh let's say that Christine is a
550s strongly against it I don't know if it
552s is then that's a good way to get
556s information for potentially we can match
558s up all the other way around if he thinks
560s that dole is the stronger one then it's
562s a win-win really keeping Athena hidden
563s while getting knowledge I mean looking
565s at the decklist here bruising is going
567s to pay off if a tree on if he gets that
569s far into the game yeah there's like the
570s buff counting is not gonna be a thing
572s for Tillis ready he's got one blacksmith
575s straightaway so we're gonna go into
577s shallow yeah so it's a good first draw
579s you know I believe yeah however I do
582s know from previous match up the TPK when
585s it played on him he plays it with a low
586s hand sighs he doesn't actually build by
588s like 1015 card hands so ever see some
589s people do and obviously I'm here we've
593s got the Tillis is running crushing blow
596s so you can get rid of the boom guy that
598s obviously could be rusong here's an
599s action card but that might require a
601s little bit you know further down the
602s line ever see so if he gets rid of it
604s when the tentacles are out they'll all
605s become doormen yeah it's two men gets
607s the gameplay the best they should be hit
608s when by nice already either straight get
611s away
611s obviously he knows it again it's pretty
613s and you can routing later as well
615s it's safe to just get rid of any butter
617s give me a problem for him
619s but yeah he did a good job as mentioned
620s in the comment of the semifinals of
622s quarterfinals but typically the good job
623s of just playing around diamond
624s informants so if he played with four to
627s five cards a hand most of the time
629s rickety mine on its way sick generation
632s magnitude to himself so today's just
635s looking to get the damage out as you
636s might expect yeah so Toronto for two
637s undoes the magma it might damage it at
642s this point right now he might as well oh
644s never mind of mine I say he might as
646s well three on next on it's world to
647s waste a bit of healing from the Ricky
649s Minds coming in anyway so is he holding
652s monsters defender here for the four hits
653s and that's the true this whole that cost
656s a ritual side to boost the poor heads
658s well we know he's running 302 sites so
660s expect him to try and capitalize on that
663s term but it's sort of obviously yeah V
664s if this counting with the motors defend
666s or even another reckless spirit could
668s end up I'm doing a fair bit six damage
670s from the forensic Rudy yeah so and then
672s dollar for two now in six was worth
673s noting that's mountain fort is obviously
675s means a swarm an abyss tentacles are
678s basically the fear of mountain maybe
679s that's why you go down a little bit
680s earlier just to put him off playing a
682s mountain for Tom she's just gonna get
683s really waste that voice that yeah damage
686s reduction it's got a record spirit now
687s yeah so is jitters gonna get a little
690s bit greedy yeah on the next go okay a 3m
694s have you played that yeah so that's not
695s on a damaged corner so we're still gonna
697s block to in the hall
698s yes is it maybe trying to lure out a
701s crystal each
702s maybe she was not going for it yeah he's
706s just he's gone mountain for doesn't want
708s to play that really without a leash
709s again yeah so it did it draw ritual site
711s there was a crystal bats
714s yeah so what do you do did you punch
716s through this was your way down yeah cuz
718s obviously like it's if you hold one it's
720s so tempting here to put in a ritual
722s again triple hit but in reality it's
724s only paying off one damage per call
726s deeply into it so yeah even if it
727s tripled it top it is only three damage
729s he knows that he's parting draw one here
732s so one from the swarm Smotrich the
735s famous damage the production decreased a
737s little bit yeah and I said Jeff is my
739s also have a bit of memory from previous
741s match up we had versus as SMC fella
744s think it was yep
745s who was play aggressive tech was playing
747s her soon are they into histrionic he's
749s heading straight through the most recent
751s defenders yeah and take him down through
753s the reduction yeah sometimes it's just a
755s case of EA obviously later it's a bait
757s card as well right if you put it out
758s there they're getting push their hands
759s eyes he's not running informants but
761s it's a good way of you know influencing
763s their play when you get someone like
764s belt who's just like now I'm just gonna
766s smash through this damage rupturing yeah
768s and sometimes people just don't account
769s for that you know yeah we've got rocky
770s Miller being played I mean there was
772s damage reduction it's just reminding him
775s of that okay so yeah no so he removes
777s the monsters defender he wants that so
780s obvious it's only one corner left after
782s the comma been played but he wants to
784s give away on the next day every every
786s turn is value well also our insects when
789s was being undone by tree on this
790s aircraft from the most bar right now
791s like he's still on close higher than he
793s started right here - yes he's quite
796s happily taking the one damage the look
797s of it forcing Tbk to play down
800s instruction play healing obviously the
802s more cards he plays out the more he's
803s turning through now slows down what he's
805s trying to accomplish probably as well
806s yeah yeah he's very saving the league's
809s busy seen shadow there's no way he's
812s letting him get so he'll actually do
814s that especially where there's a mimic
815s it's yeah there's
816s mimic and he's only running one so
818s there's the one like okay my stop going
822s into a bit of shadow now because he's
823s holding some temper cause I think but of
826s course he has not drawn his spirit
828s Chandler which we knows the perfect card
829s will unisex or Vittoriano yeah or even
831s just the healing event that would have
832s been yeah they've been really good now
834s in case of her cuz he's he's getting low
837s he's only got one spirituality I'm
838s assuming he's built the deck in a way
840s that he's relying on it relying on it
841s it's not the fun of history or just the
843s tentacles he's got a 300 it's no II was
846s okay so he's healing other way other
847s ways or just reducing the damage whether
850s Mustard's oh he's got three sporty
851s there's obviously three technicals and
853s the boss will talk about already it's
854s poor food it's not bad little a number
856s it's quite a different show therefore we
859s normally see the mimicking horror I like
862s the shadow
862s I'd like the tentacle root yeah lots of
864s abilities in their nature as well
865s Oh informant number one touring to 306
870s Wow
871s he paid off in dividends and it's not
874s where you want dolly to be drawing yeah
876s there are no just there's and other
878s dicks only a few people opt into main
881s deck then its route singing yeah damage
884s reduction I'm assuming yes the healing
886s doesn't hear about the detail he's going
888s about the way that now so I'm Cathy this
891s mica crystals each we just read five or
894s six right so yeah leach the Barrymore
896s family and thing takeaways ability from
898s the balefully yeah cuz next time he saw
900s what he drew back he knows he got
901s support feeling knows it read to him for
902s five crystal each only it was above see
904s also reduces the healing my to exactly
906s he's my children plays and Colton's
910s there okay ten damage removed to
912s accomplish back to you there's nine now
914s though putting Dom two-three hell I did
918s not look at how low is helpful yeah you
919s know that's them oh definitely
921s definitely just Legion aggro surely yeah
923s that's why I was so concerned about the
924s lack of speech other here because he
926s wants to he's building home but not
928s getting the site if obviously you know
929s some of this is down to the draw right
931s maybe it doesn't have a leach opt in for
933s the seven damage yellow seven damage
935s through the moss Ridge push them down to
938s five and he combos to put back I don't
940s think yes he has no no regrowth and
942s vinyl ash which can be 400 woman oh yes
946s we go he's still in there honey he
948s doesn't mimic horror although even if
950s he's in a weak spot that actually says
953s way about our 28 mark he wanted to be a
955s so even with a leech obviously a leech
957s you could magma he's got lots of options
959s to hit me the second card yeah but
961s excluding the leech you could probably
963s still punch through a two damage
964s reduction on his next go yeah what so
967s obviously I guess we can see a small
969s feeder yeah yes poor people no super a
971s talk to ten and maybe you might leave
973s after for hunter maybe even the
977s so in my play a second part is increased
979s in Healy from spore feeder and biggest
982s start prepping because he like he's run
985s our defenses use one route Singh already
986s yeah I think yeah a nice reducing again
990s either at moment anything yeah
993s so yes it's lining up extra action on a
997s new attraction new Shelly yeah
999s so it's exceeding six years into damage
1001s takes him a little bit of the kill range
1003s yep so it's probably safer return now
1006s because obviously because dough is not
1007s to purify you can't he just doubled
1009s double hits yeah so the best I can do
1011s through that it's a magma spitter before
1013s and then hitting for a bizzy's one
1016s damage rate where they got that he's got
1019s a room radio three drugs squash isn't
1020s anything we've seen yet yeah none of
1023s those have been played yes so you
1024s supposed to be prep someone even if it
1025s hits for again like that yeah even an
1028s ostrich yeah so losing the way of losing
1030s viola shows why badly starring back Tbk
1033s because he's got right now even though
1035s it's really low he's got the tools to
1037s push Trudeau some 228 yeah and it's
1039s really well timed because most people
1041s that we talked about before with bail
1042s earlier punching through damage
1044s reduction it's not a common thing I'd
1045s say like usually some people waiting it
1047s out or playing around it whereas that
1049s was a really come real-time displays
1051s encoder because we saw it as you just
1053s said he could have potentially started
1054s that player people wanted to yeah and he
1057s hasn't got special work does he know in
1059s else he's gonna go in blind anywhere
1060s when he wants to find that she's gonna
1061s put it in so crushing blow
1063s so he's going combo again yeah so
1066s reduced by two first seven hours though
1068s removes the grim blood it's in terms of
1070s doormen
1072s this yeah I think he yes I don't
1074s know else break tell for it so he's down
1075s to four and he's down a grim glider the
1077s only thing is that blacks within and
1079s does he have a second black Vizard Hall
1080s yes he got to up to two glasses but only
1083s one grim glider he needs to moussing
1085s yeah it Rosa Rosa he's just use one he
1087s sings and plays it then he's got our
1089s actions so yeah be gentleman X go yeah
1093s cuz that would be killed ranged it's a
1094s nine most bitter is enough then he's got
1096s a suggestion from insects one there's a
1098s flame bat in hand
1100s - this yep if you replays it now is it
1105s going yes it's got a small feeder I
1107s think he's gonna go for the small
1108s village yeah yes yeah he can't do
1109s anything with the grilled I'll just turn
1111s anyway yeah 16 into damage yeah so he's
1117s burned through two to route singers
1118s already yeah don't do this it's not a
1120s drill at 28 but he has not had time to
1122s draw back his vine lash yes spirit gate
1125s in hand as well the wrong way around and
1130s retailers can't wait for that
1132s from ostrich to go away yes it does it
1134s play his plane but now erasing hole is
1137s he gonna save it for one more turn he
1139s could do three damage seven however he
1141s must know that Akari sold in there he
1143s still got something to rooting us out
1147s small hands I know on the left on the
1148s left here he's got in Foreman he's going
1151s for it anyway yeah three damage down to
1153s seven and it for for two cards yeah I
1156s just got Rock rager come on crystal back
1158s one guard no oh oh good for him
1161s good inform ago that's a three
1163s I think he saw I saw a rock rager
1165s definitely go rock rager pretend to cry
1168s yes a PPK
1169s so what's he got he's got to wreck his
1171s purse he is doesn't manner against pure
1173s I grow there no no no no that's that's
1177s the exactly the problem here is I think
1179s he's got an offer he can't counter
1181s attack damage right now he can heal but
1183s - goodbye mom but that's 9 I still
1185s crystal bad Rock regio territory so he's
1188s got he might yawning so if it's Rio
1190s knows best he can really do is most rich
1192s defender from that yeah maybe his second
1198s but the bumper here is drawing a second
1201s there's poor Peter oh it's got three
1202s three but even that is just buying him a
1205s tree sprouts aren't gonna work his
1207s combos take too long yeah he's uh he's
1210s in a hard place right now I think yeah I
1214s think at this point as you said you've
1216s got assuming down the next go so I think
1217s the best bet is tree our new and I hope
1219s for a mottled right
1221s yeah I think he's just weighing up his
1224s options right now yeah I I can't think
1226s of anything else he could do isn't got a
1227s route singer in hand to get that mortage
1229s back so it's got a trust that one of the
1232s next two cards it's gonna help him out
1233s yet none of his cards in hand is good
1235s like he can't equal to but again he's
1237s killed range so it's and he's just gives
1239s you till his matches hand side so you've
1242s got to assume well seven damages in
1244s there yes seven thousand I think it's
1246s weighing up is it is it eight or nine is
1248s in third he's going up does he have
1249s flame bat crystal bat but also have
1251s crystal bedrock rager yeah he's going
1253s for the BAM off though right so he's
1254s hoping that there is no after one here
1257s we go
1257s and the only drawn one he doesn't draw -
1259s there's a potion Austin not helping now
1261s either five damage okay no so he's oh
1264s the six of course frenzied yes sir a 1/1
1269s and our final game is going to be losses
1272s decks it sounds funny because these guys
1274s are obviously winning together we're
1275s gonna play cassini
1276s I know see me versus trio nice right yes
1282s losing history on a deck earlier yes a
1284s good win for drew Tillis there because
1285s not only does it catch up which is
1287s obviously the most important thing is I
1288s know but also he hasn't had to play his
1291s casino they came to TPK and I've got a
1293s good sense what typically does he's seen
1295s his tentacles you've seen the hunger
1299s behemoths he knows what to expect and
1302s obviously as you said the start
1303s Tbk has not had that reflection so
1305s cassini is other than what you might
1307s have heard on the floor like he has not
1309s played against at stake you know in this
1311s matchup so yes a you can argue justice
1314s has a slight edge here but obviously
1315s both guys have got you for a reason
1317s we're now in the final game with the
1318s final round this is for the win so who
1321s are yeah it's gonna be a good final game
1323s you seen Eve Triana who you record in
1326s nature and astral so I oh look at look
1330s at the line of action before you pick
1331s maybe we should look at this line over
1332s here we got black hole on the Left we've
1334s got empty drab Oh any gravity field
1335s gravity bubble reality reefster fusion
1338s yes we've seen but it's do some really
1340s nice numbers so we've just seen in the
1342s quarter-final - sort of - lets play this
1343s thick against the SMC Bell and he didn't
1348s we need to go for the Flying Fortress I
1350s think he's got a lots of damage anyway I
1351s saw some place I'm very similar in
1353s first games recast in stellar fusion was
1355s just yeah with like stuff like flying
1357s fortress ruins people that said the the
1359s addictive thing as then did not have any
1361s healing so every bit of damage I came in
1363s would stay forever so he my team up a
1366s different for here but he he does have
1368s some cool regressive if it goes in late
1371s yeah
1372s so if to this place for the Flying
1374s Fortresses I think but that might
1375s actually be a bit of a Achilles heel
1377s that I can me no so that no obvious
1382s comes to viola she's got to save the
1384s Pathfinder for vine lash yeah they're
1386s not Spector webs so then yeah vanish can
1388s be it's got three gyms you infiltrate so
1390s maybe it could be a bit further with the
1391s yeah in the dispels now we've also seen
1395s him doing a lot of work with oh hello
1398s he's got a crippled jester yesterday yes
1400s he does it does t PK day yeah so
1403s interesting enough the the previous
1405s match were had with him was every single
1406s game was both faster people jesters it
1409s was just complete gesture off suggest to
1411s make my opponent discard the seven if
1412s they have more than services yeah so an
1414s sdcard a trailer I mean he's already got
1416s he's already been drawing I've been
1417s talking yes it's been very clear that
1419s people don't expect adjuster in
1420s atonement another to Wow
1424s and he's got Therese for how to draw him
1427s cards a better
1438s all right say spectral guy main used to
1440s draw to spread to go the Grammy card
1442s allows you to user defend ability to
1444s draw tune plunk it round yeah so both
1446s guys building their hands up quite
1448s impressively right now I bet your Tillis
1449s is hunting for that jest huh yeah and
1452s also like what we talked about as this
1454s game started as well like Cassini's TPK
1456s steak
1457s Triana it's a realistic so how the
1459s tables have turned in this grudge match
1460s yeah because it was famous for playing a
1463s really tanky triana mimicking holodeck
1465s now keep the case is a different take on
1468s that entirely because it's run those are
1469s best tender courses yeah I made it his
1472s own he absolutely and saying that the
1475s cutscene takes over slightly different
1476s but yeah so so he's accelerating towards
1483s ending game with lost the card row and I
1485s think I've already seen my English in TV
1487s gate hands man right
1488s all right tactician really
1492s oh no this garden cassini interest he
1496s wants to put the liver on top to get
1498s part finer yeah yeah so he wants to stay
1501s away from 28s health yeah make sense and
1506s also he slowed down the car drop so
1508s presumably he's doesn't gesture in
1510s handin blacksmith yep straight in now
1513s he's only got one in the deck so he's
1515s got for a bit of luck to pull that but
1517s you know TPA doesn't know about it you
1519s might just keep it on the hands I hear
1521s he's got a dollar yeah it didn't care
1522s about informants oh I see yeah but given
1524s that Judas of shut down the car draw cos
1527s he does have one on the reformer boys
1528s well yeah all right so all right so oh
1534s she must have had a plaintiff shadow car
1536s sir as well look at all this fine lash
1539s yes he might rip the tentacle directly
1543s and start yeah yep
1547s too damaged so one healing tale but
1549s doesn't matter yeah yeah but next time I
1553s could almost see him putting in like did
1556s he did he have by much
1557s he has on the father them because I'm
1559s wonder if his company in postmodern
1560s externa start using Triana without
1562s healing and chipping him down to pattern
1564s Oh agent max off anyway Oh in tentacles
1567s yeah but with the another tentacle and
1569s as well just get the extra action yeah
1571s but with post-mortem play he also
1572s doesn't give any healing yeah you could
1574s you could tend to go to tentacles potion
1576s master Triana cause you get the
1577s interactions here then you're getting to
1579s two yeah and no healing yes so he only
1583s has two more times get off the 28th my
1585s case he hasn't a mimic though right oh
1587s you miss that Oh interesting
1590s he's going a different route here
1592s alright he is one with nature is
1594s increasing tentacle damage from - yes so
1596s for it uses an ability so next tank a
1598s bit 8 damage tentacle yeah I think
1601s that's highly hopefully oh oh we do the
1603s power to talk about right we tend to go
1604s potion master
1605s yep no healing aid
1607s eight damage in two carts it's a good
1609s hero power to have yes and restless
1612s either hasn't drawn any flying forces
1614s yet or he is no simple coal
1619s might be an emergency black hole yeah or
1622s maybe discards Luna together on top of
1623s heavy bar fun he's got look it's maybe
1625s maybe he's seen viola shrugging dick
1627s maybe he lets one more buck into play
1630s and then black hole yeah I mean I'm risk
1633s taking any damage though right yeah but
1635s if Jones got bill back if charm wasn't
1637s redraw that Vilas quickly it's gonna
1639s heal in black like up anyway it's true
1641s let's go out of it
1644s so reality Rifton technician paying for
1647s black hole versus damage and removal
1650s buffs which is obviously very good to
1652s clean out on the nature in that test
1653s tentacle yeah and that push has turned
1655s down a bit and again he hasn't really
1657s seen any healing
1658s Charlie yeah look at the health again
1660s Wow he's down to 21 now yeah quick cut
1665s combo and went back to Tbk yeah he does
1669s run a spirit Kate so we can get the
1670s woman ager back tentacle loosing more
1674s buff is enough is again yeah he's
1676s getting tentacle back he may be there so
1683s what do you think maybe insects one in
1685s six well yeah so it's not a yeah so it's
1689s not a dirty little trial at all the
1690s trigger object makes it very control
1692s heavy
1693s whereas this is a very aggressive
1695s journal and we've seen them we see a
1697s plane is favored very heavily in
1698s previous games for the Swiss were those
1701s tentacles actually won him the
1704s the 69 the first round back to the
1709s heated edibles isn't max health which is
1713s comfortable but obviously yeah we're
1714s waiting this impending 28 is some boy in
1716s the trickle to to take him down there
1718s checking his discard might be eyeing up
1722s an infiltrating resound maybe yeah so
1726s it's gonna blind and beat her
1728s it's got gesture yeah he's holding
1729s gesture but it's only six cards in hand
1731s object okay yeah we've seen one with
1733s nature we should empty that out a bit
1735s didn't we yeah so so Tillis I do just
1741s keep drawing here I think so he's
1743s consider he's considering I think a
1745s chimp chimp fur trader somebody be the
1747s special guide to draw even faster cuz
1750s you can't double gravity though she
1752s can't play it on me saying he goes into
1753s the trail he's at the front of his hand
1756s they said I think that's on the on his
1758s mind
1759s yeah there's three damage voice worth
1761s it's got no damage reaction as well yeah
1763s I mean he might even because he didn't
1764s Cassini something he's just wondering
1765s though I like you don't need to worry
1767s about the thing on top there dear
1768s yeah I think we're gonna see an
1770s infiltrator know somebody gonna
1771s something didn't snow here this point
1773s though he's going for her yep so made a
1777s special guide this from Mordor always
1779s got Pathfinder for the sake of he's seen
1781s this second tend to go his way he has a
1783s Pathfinder next time he can possibly
1786s he's holding a you competition I think
1789s so he can get lunar on top and remove
1791s both tentacles
1801s oh and then yep living on top so cocina
1803s for three putting glue on top so next
1806s turn I mean this yeah so it's quite game
1809s yeah that's yeah that's a big tell that
1813s is a big tell because I mean he could
1817s have held that for next turn and let's
1819s he became thinking on remove one but
1821s doing this actively now is definitely
1823s purposely he knows what it's doing
1824s exactly yeah so yeah he's not so he's
1828s not taking a second it was that was a
1831s trio no he's he's up above it above
1834s seven now as well yeah yeah so the well
1840s not not really
1843s so he's need to quickly bait out a
1846s pathfinder and get into buying less
1847s territory well well he knows that he
1854s knows that he knows hold on we're
1857s infiltrating again yep a spectral guide
1861s what's he up to
1862s yes special guide here we can't play
1864s this tree damage yeah the damage is
1867s handing up from the BC notably he is not
1870s perf on him because he has he knows that
1872s he showed him the power finder knows he
1874s knows he knows he has any steel plates a
1875s second bath so why do you want me to
1877s remove those puffs did you get to
1878s varnish back again yeah which is exactly
1881s what happened so maybe that is a big
1884s name going on yeah the incircle actually
1885s backfired a bit they're like putting out
1887s what wants to be removed made it obvious
1889s that he's got something better in hand
1890s yeah interesting yeah so yes a TPK is in
1895s a bit of a hole now cuz he's not on any
1897s of the spore feeders as far as I can
1899s tell at least I mean and his all is
1903s healing in combos his regrowth that's
1905s five healing like he still worked - oh
1908s and we've seen any mushrooms 200 his boy
1910s he's running to in a deck I've seen any
1913s of this gave me some long something Oh
1915s some beacon just oh no it's a burn card
1918s yeah but also getting no heal that's
1920s something for damage yeah okay I mean
1922s cassini puts him down to five you've got
1924s your militant didn't have militant yes
1927s and I think yep here's Triano I see
1931s y'all again there's a pathfinder but is
1935s that true the mate like what you said
1936s before is it still with me at this but
1938s at this point I don't think that where
1940s do you care
1940s yeah he's nice to 528 oh actually might
1944s be more than that right might be 31
1946s because he could just reckless great for
1947s three it's still surviving yeah yeah
1950s absolutely
1951s it's crazy thing yeah I'll take 31
1953s damage but doesn't matter if you killed
1956s him right yeah and he so to this hand
1958s has yes for yep just the one as well yes
1962s is he gonna see calm play his so he has
1964s a second some beacon there before more
1966s damage me another 14 and next Annika
1968s scene yeah and because he nother one if
1970s you draw and discard some you know
1972s discarding some we can Oberon Runyon
1974s beetle for three damage here
1976s so some beacon is gonna kill some beacon
1979s is amazing so we've got a kill on the
1981s next game go extra action still got to
1984s needs healing or something now yeah I
1987s think he's I think over he thinks God yo
1990s card he's doing it he needs something it
1992s needs another Moss range for for damage
1993s three healing and to equality and that's
1996s end of turn and that would be no
1999s extraction from the technical oh yes of
2000s course that's why he's done this is true
2004s with drama case so he's got to play it
2006s yes no option in can't combo so he's got
2010s five healing in hand he's got he's
2012s playing it no no way keep anything yet
2015s but what does it do next turn like I
2017s know this is a very temporary solution
2019s okay so up we go that's poor feeder and
2023s it's back to do till it's now he's out
2025s of actions yeah so does who this is
2027s holding at four cards is that right yeah
2029s it's a Sun beacon somebody can fall down
2031s this conversation freedoms can see you
2033s need next is to cause another cassini
2034s just got Flying Fortress
2036s does he Flying Fortress Sun beacon
2038s trying to get cheeky hit and then on the
2040s next Co you could discard Cassini and
2042s draw and still got if that is a Flying
2044s Fortress there could still be options
2046s there oh and notice the spectral guide
2049s isn't it
2049s yes he draw one from that guide it's not
2055s what he wanted
2056s Ksenia probably cuz he's not gonna get
2061s through believe he's not had any booze
2062s Flying Fortresses no there's been so
2064s much more useful yeah yeah he doesn't
2066s need to he's not gonna go through he's
2068s not give you to build this really but
2069s he's getting full value from the cassini
2071s there's no damage reduction out one
2073s damage yeah if you get a tree Arnie yep
2080s spirit channel oh oh that he's just in
2083s after the tree Arnie my heart emoji
2086s Ararat nice okay that's good that's
2087s really good for him
2088s spooch Alex nobody needs to have a
2090s chance to turn its around straighten
2092s with a spectral guide draw two guards
2094s yeah so close always draw he's drawn a
2096s pathfinder their thing did he I think so
2099s okay he also has the Lunik on in handy
2101s after yeah so you could just go and
2102s touch leader oh no he's just hitting the
2103s one okay yep Darren yeah he doesn't go
2105s by the dam he's his intent is to we
2109s can't do double gravity oh you're on top
2112s of it
2112s yep so yeah as we saw in past games
2114s spectrograph obviously consumes the
2115s element of access but now he's some
2117s weird position it cuz he's shown he's
2118s got pathfinder so you still got one more
2120s action I think they're letting the air
2121s that play out yeah so Cantwell find he
2124s wants to find yeah Monica seen if
2127s nothing else he wants to play is he
2128s holding the gravity bubble
2129s oh yeah I'm seen actually I don't think
2132s he's got calm the Rosie the last card in
2135s hand looked like a combo it's hiding it
2136s I mean antigravity so do pretty good
2139s wonders right here yeah one there's a
2140s blue blooded one from the insects warm
2142s at this he's seen the Pathfinder because
2145s I'd miss play he knows that that can be
2147s repaired chanela and then tree Arnie yes
2149s healing so Triana heals for three dozen
2152s for damage though 20 say first yet yep
2157s done 26
2160s one more
2163s yeah this one was and then he he'll be
2166s free oh I think he went one two one done
2168s one to low there
2170s he wasn't 26 he wasn't 27 of the 30 down
2174s to 26 I think is one I think she went 26
2177s here I'm not entirely sure it was yonder
2182s D I think he was on 27 I mean these guys
2184s are sortable to himself I've seen a
2186s order of play was fine he didn't cap out
2188s on health so yeah they took off you know
2191s knew what they were doing there the
2193s insect swarm didn't hit twice with him
2194s in the counter I did it no no I think
2196s they they might and muddled up away
2198s started before the trying to I'm not
2199s entirely sure
2201s evidently they're carrying on so I think
2203s there'd be you know have been happy with
2205s their health
2207s well yeah so look at that buff gown yes
2209s so this turning like duster Tilly's so
2213s so Drusilla so has an option here to his
2216s see anyway the dust obvious player does
2218s Peter focusing for one damage when I'm
2220s even one-sided real pressure and then
2222s remove to disappear in order to get the
2224s bacteria other way so yeah so it's like
2226s about saying yeah 101 damage yeah wasn't
2229s it
2230s I like the double removal yeah
2236s Cassini relentless it's definitely not
2242s over yet
2242s Oh another school feeder yeah I imagine
2245s we've seen another buff and then
2246s explosion hands so does it think we can
2249s live one more turn that's it crap vine
2250s lash maybe know you've been
2253s yeah and they play safe to start with
2255s yeah there's a lot on the line that was
2256s his team 3 in the finals
2258s pressures on yes does helium Triano for
2263s effectively one damage and two cards
2266s maybe the Tennyson in range of mine last
2270s she's got and have an out here right I
2272s think there's two paths funders in the
2275s discard and yes yeah he draw one
2278s threatens P yeah he's played three but
2280s one one of them was to them with the
2282s same exactly Oh
2285s time for a bit of I grow as well three
2286s now is get rid of the draw obviously
2290s yeah this let's just Park the vine lash
2292s play for a second here he can obviously
2293s just you know starting with tentacles
2294s obviously the healing I'm gonna babies
2296s yes some firepower there now maybe
2298s doesn't even bother with the mimic maybe
2300s just puts the 14 out he's almost up than
2303s one the one here Oh when Brazil assists
2306s discarding healing he is going for
2308s damage he is yeah he's there we go fine
2316s lash paid for okay
2317s 14 damage for the next time another four
2319s and then swarm for one before all that
2321s happens not a three briyani won't kill
2323s him because it's really healing yes
2325s because the
2327s yep there's also one from the groom
2330s ladder not to forget yes one from the
2332s grim rival at the start so you get grim
2333s glider then one is yet anyway yeah dead
2336s wow if this is oh there's a some beacon
2339s he's got to do that right then if you
2341s can't remove Casa tom beacon it's got a
2343s roosting as you can bruising a vector
2345s spirit yep oh there's also heating
2349s reduction there in case in case it goes
2350s on what are we going for
2354s nice black oh and you need that right
2356s he's paid that early Wow that the
2359s healing from the debuff as well I don't
2361s think it has mimic he doesn't need it so
2364s no it doesn't need it I think like
2365s utilities think is he thinking of the
2366s 28th problem yeah
2368s oh this God for three and then surely
2371s surely it's you know he must he must
2376s play the Sun beacon he has no choice
2378s well does he have a path fine Oh
2381s taxation before oh wow okay I didn't see
2383s that card and then some beacon your
2386s extraction losing power find door I feel
2390s so bad three he's um he's in Cassini
2392s range though he is what a day
2396s oh this unlucky on the far find about
2398s water play 14 damage down to 13 1 for
2401s the swarm from the Grimlock my
2403s various warm such a good 11 have they
2404s not seen that one one from the swarm one
2407s from the grim glider quick yeah yeah
2410s quick quick so you should be too less
2413s he's you're looking at a healthful of 11
2415s here actually because criminal oh they
2416s think they're catching up now so yeah
2418s one on one go to 11 yep perfect so
2422s technical can hit him for one Yankton
2427s done he's due till this is done well
2429s done for seven up to 10 and he's
2431s counting his lucky stars right now
2432s because obviously mimicking horizontal
2434s played so he's not yeah thank you
2436s routing routing what's he drawing back
2441s spore feeder yeah yeah spore feeder and
2444s a most rich defender
2447s yeah if he gets some defenses if you do
2450s does he wash fruits or does he spore
2452s feed
2452s I think Hughes for feed
2455s he's only healing one card to go on hit
2457s for three so he's doing good
2462s he's yeah and it making isn't it it's
2465s not some beacon he's got a drawer too
2468s and so one on one so yeah I'm just
2473s saying yeah too damaged
2475s so he's got a postmaster doesn't he
2479s yep reckless four three down to four and
2483s four damage and four Wow the song blue
2489s Rondo floors Rafael Satriani obviously
2492s when you trigger ability the tentacles
2495s go first to technicals tutus and
2497s Visitors Bureau and then free healing
2499s but you carny when you're dead so TP gay
2502s well he gets the victory that every much
2505s mimic not required avoid a shadow the
2508s job done off year the tentacles wins the
2510s game and well plated - Tillis let's
2512s nothing yeah yeah unfortunately
2512s discarding the Pathfinder with somebody
2516s with no option that that play kept him
2517s in the game really nice usethis got
2519s gravity well for the tactician with the
2520s Sun beacon to survive that initial takes
2522s that was a dead to rights anyway yeah
2525s unfortunately boy one more turn for the
2526s tentacles yeah alright so guys I can
2530s rake a we're gonna we're gonna shut down
2531s now but now we're gonna run over
2532s congratulate you for playing obviously a
2534s war prize for the prizes and yeah thanks
2537s very much for coming at you again from
2540s GenCon 2018 well yes to the u.s.
2543s national champion TPK gaming thank you
2545s taking that exam two to one well played
2547s and obviously for these watching I'm
2548s going to lie seekers yet digital app
2550s free on Android and iOS download now if
2553s you've got decks you can scan them in
2554s and we'll see you here next year's
2556s nationals right alright thanks a lot
2558s thank you bye