Original Post — Direct link

Mark your calendars for a Q&A session with Benny from Playfusion on RazorGreshu's stream! September 21st at 8 AM Central time (CDT)

You may respond to this posting with questions, we will try our best to compile and ask what we can.

*Please be civil, and understand that Benny may not be able to answer every question due to Nondisclosure agreements with Playfusion.


External link →
over 5 years ago - /u/Jade_NicolePF - Direct link

Originally posted by Mudturtle214

Zak, your suppose to post questions for RG to ask. I posted 7 on the Facebook community page

PlayFusion staff don't actively look in any Facebook Groups just as an FYI. We respond on our main official channels, looks like they have it covered though! Hopefully will be a good Q&A session :)