almost 6 years ago - Rob Sargent - Direct link

Our latest Uprising update is here, and it’s our biggest one yet! 

Today we bring 202 cards to the digital version of Lightseekers with UPRISING, available all versions of Lightseekers: Nintendo Switch, Mobile and Steam. You can find a full list of the cards on our card database here and see the main features of Uprising on our Uprising Overview page here. In addition, the Nintendo Switch now has full joy con support! 

In addition, the brand new single player ADVENTURE MODE is now available. With 200 stages of story-driven content, this is a major new mode that will bring dozens of hours of new content to Lightseekers. You can find out more about Adventure Mode, our previous news post has you covered.

Not only that, but we are also bringing DRAFT MODE to Lightseekers. This new competitive mode will allow for completely random deck builds with huge prizes for those who manage to run the gauntlet undefeated.

All of these new features make this the biggest Lightseekers update we’ve ever done. We really hope you enjoy the new content in Uprising!

There are some additional smaller gameplay updates and rule changes that are included in this release:

 –   You can now silence emotes from other players
 –   The front page of Lightseekers has been updated to include news and other useful information
 –   Once-per-game abilities can no longer be triggered by other cards’ effects. For example, Dusktalon Assassin cannot trigger Star Tamer Calak’s ability.
 –   Cards that trigger abilities’ effects no longer count as ‘using’ that ability. For example, if Dusktalon Assassin triggers an ability, that won’t trigger cards like Abyss Tentacle.
 –   A Burn card can no longer be Restarted or Rotated backwards by other cards.
 –   Hammerdown Enforcer is replacing the Crazed Bomber card, more details on this change and it’s reasoning can be found here. 



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