over 4 years
ago -
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These are the events lined up for September:
- September 4-7: Nature Weekend - Double XP when playing Nature decks, a special Nature bundle in the store, and an event mission to take Nature into Draft or Ranked to win a free Premium Chest.
- September 11-14: Competitive Weekend - Double XP for all Orders in Draft and Ranked, and an event mission to play some Draft or Ranked games to win a free Booster Pack!
- September 18-21: Pirate Weekend - Complete a pirate themed campaign to win a BRAND NEW MYTHIC HERO! This hero can also be found in booster packs from September 18th onwards, but is a FREE reward for anyone completing the campaign this weekend.
- September 25-28: Astral Weekend - Double XP when playing Astral decks, a special Astral bundle in the store, and an event mission to take Astral into Draft or Ranked to win a free Premium Chest.