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February's here and the Advanced Sets have changed (they are now 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6). Like last time, I figured I'd give you a little insight into some of the stats from Ranked Games from these past two months. As before, I don't want to get into too much detail.

Highest Win Rates by Order (including change from previous Sets):

  1. Astral (+4)
  2. Dread (+2)
  3. Storm (-1)
  4. Mountain (+3)
  5. Nature (-2)
  6. Tech (=)
  7. Cross Order (-6)

Most Played Orders:

  1. Astral (+4)
  2. Cross Order (-1)
  3. Dread (=)
  4. Storm (+3)
  5. Nature (+1)
  6. Mountain (-4)
  7. Tech (-3)

Highest Win Rates by Hero (excluding low play counts):

  1. Alaric Vexvane
  2. Malia
  3. Ouves
  4. Ursa
  5. Basal the Corrupted

Most Played Heroes:

  1. Chief Steelfeather
  2. Captain Blacktail
  3. Tillandi
  4. Grimguard Hemlock
  5. Zilia

Quickest Winning Heroes (excluding low play counts):

  1. Trigux Ironscale
  2. Ursa
  3. Cannoneer Lugnut
  4. Sicario
  5. Husky and Tubs

Slowest Winning Heroes (excluding low play counts):

  1. Wildborn Maia
  2. Seer Shinegut
  3. Night Hunter Nix
  4. Asivak
  5. Abominuk

Burstiest Heroes (highest average damage per turn and excluding low play counts):

  1. Dolo the Mighty
  2. Sicario
  3. Orator Azil
  4. Skyslayer Vandil
  5. Chef Ribrox

When the stats say that they're "excluding low play counts", it means I'm only including the 100 most played heroes, to filter out those with relatively low sample sizes.

Also, as a bit of bonus information to let you plan a bit better: the next Advanced Set (April and May) will be Sets 3, 4, 5, 7, and 8.

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