over 6 years ago - Lightseekers Game - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s hey folks welcome back to Gen Con 2018
3s I'm doing my my special guests introduce
6s yourself to the fans Mandy also known as
7s life saber
8s yeah so we're gonna tune into the top 16
10s we've got moving on the left we have
13s wind weasel on the Left we've got CJC
15s from the right so these guys are pretty
16s high seeded all right coming into the
18s top 16 they're about to do their banner
20s picks of the advanced format they bring
21s three decks
22s no no duplicate orders in the three and
24s then they're gonna reveal the heroes you
25s get to pick and band one and you have to
28s win with the others so if you win with
29s one you swap to your other one that
31s means based of three and we see who the
33s best light seeker is so I think we're
35s about to tune into the vampyre friendly
38s handshake this start off here we got so
41s actually we know that we can cheat yes
43s the wind weasel has a Sicario a tree are
45s new and their son Hunter tuck - duck and
47s then CJ seeker has shalini dolo and tree
49s Ani so they're just looking at each
52s other series now they put the band
53s facedown who Yugi man
57s I would 100% ban Shalini for CJ seeker
60s yeah 100 Reed and what about when we zoo
62s anyone nice scare you
63s Sicario Jionni some nice so the truth
66s robably get rid of the Sicario all right
69s if I had to choose have they pigs and
73s are we right we're banning Selenia son
75s Anna out all right I wasn't expecting
78s them to be afraid of son Hunter all
81s right so those guys are out that means
82s we're gonna be looking at a Sicario and
84s tree er new Sicario Triano and tree
89s honey face off could see a tree on a
90s mirror match yes here we go yeah exactly
92s it could be America you don't know you
93s but they play very differently I have
96s prior information because I played
97s yesterday so yeah how did you Oh how do
99s you at all experience not great but not
102s terribly yeah to give games they were
104s great games great great games all right
106s so it looks like our first pick is not
108s oh we're gonna get a tree on oh no I'm
109s not gonna get your own in there what we
111s might it's asakari versus and dolos -
113s Sicario
114s face if you don't know he has the
116s ability to take a little bit damage to
117s push to action buffs into a play at one
119s time so very nicely on the board quickly
122s he's one of the few ways in the games
124s you can get around the you can't play
125s the same card twice wrong and he's
128s cheeky because of it right
129s and then dolo gonna tell everyone what
132s dolly does they don't know I've heard
135s he's quite mighty he is mighty he's the
137s mightiest he takes to damage drawers to
140s cards until the seventh yes yeah the
142s last I'm gonna say a doorman all right
146s starting now they're just shoving that X
148s so yeah CGC he's probably not running a
151s traditional dollar deck I'd say all
152s right we know what these guys are up to
154s yes he does not have traditional dole
156s though so he's running some shenanigans
158s so make sure you look out for that in
160s the next couple minutes of this video
162s he's gonna have items in he's gonna get
164s cross order Sakaki how does that date
166s lizard and I'm going to use the name
169s that we've named it bhava kario with the
172s line mo and warden of Time Warp toad so
174s sorry he's in time so yeah it was
178s precarious it was uh what's the other
180s I'm forgetting the card name shade where
182s there it is in there so allows you to
185s break another game rule by using one
186s more one or more than one ability return
188s so Sakaki you can fly away for another
190s action that's an ability tentacles you
193s can use like echoes and music are yeah
195s yeah it's a tasty tasty setup when it
198s gets there it's a fun deck to play
199s against it's a hard deck to pilot I have
202s tried to pilot it he's got the tentacles
204s in there yeah three ten hoops three
205s Weaver's he's got the abyss sweet does
207s he have the water drawing card abyss yes
210s he has two of them two and one night one
214s night loco just in case one time tase
216s him back to me
218s flying ammo say oh here's couple EG
221s scimitar as well so there's other action
223s he can use you know
224s dollars de Glace we do have a crushing
226s blow so there's a potential losses I
228s seem to finally that's actually why I'm
231s surprised that he didn't ban the dole oh
233s because most Sicario decks want to ban
235s dolo because of crushing blow
236s yeah but then as you said he might have
238s insight on what Cellini is up to
240s obviously she in this specific build and
243s you'll see it come out shortly CG
244s seekers looking to do sank a bit lockout
246s ish and having access to subjugate you
248s might make it a bit more tricky and then
250s maybe not for Sicario because obviously
251s he doesn't care about attack and really
253s he's pretty good deal enough damage
254s yeah maybe you're right maybe maybe
256s dolly turns out to be a bad pick it but
258s maybe yeah it's a difficult mental game
260s right you might way to lose the first
262s you can win the other two so yeah yeah
265s they played yesterday actually obviously
266s he's made it to top 16 - he's done well
268s enough no offense intended no offense
272s taken
273s I came in hoping to do better than I did
275s Friday because Friday I did not win a
277s single game and then I scrapped my deck
280s without your tempers back oh well before
285s Friday
286s who was it the last hurdle alright so
290s looks like looks like winged weasels
292s going first he should be drawn for CJ
294s sequel 5 and away we go
297s so Sakaki does he have any good drug
299s draw Carson he's got any year Shelli
302s supplies he's just gonna have to draw
303s and do i do not see shallow supplier is
306s obviously a bit of a pain for him it
307s takes a little bit time to get the cards
308s he needs some people were pre-play
311s Richards awakening and they say that
313s stops you dying but some it also gives
315s you an extra action for four turns and
317s some people like that early game to pass
318s the draw three no weapon out already
323s straight in so he's got blacks within
325s his starting hand moves like me to play
326s for free essentially so still look to
328s actions and I'm guessing there's access
330s to gravity yes gravity
333s he has gravity have the rest in his hand
338s otherwise we might run into a very quick
340s game yeah so mountain fort was played
342s with his first action from the
344s Temptation blacksmith and then second
346s action was dollar for two damage blocked
348s by the for draw two cards so this is why
350s they like dollars all of seekers draw
352s power he's getting to that play quicker
354s so yeah dollar again for two damaged
355s bullocks
356s two cards it's the sakai is his wing
359s weasel sweating out already I mean he's
361s always go and then there's the fine
365s amount oh okay he's got straight into
368s both weapons or items you're saying
370s finally not that aggressive
373s yeah and I know some lucky lucky draws
376s there yeah how many black switches you
377s got some acrylic here so we are looking
379s at 303 blacksmiths it's likely that
383s likely to happen in here's one held in
385s Bay one final is I've seen these guys
387s are gonna ban mountain as a priority
388s because obviously they don't wanna get
390s crushing blade does that Sicario have
391s any way of getting his weapons in fact
393s he's got goes you guys he does have
395s ghostly grass yeah no idea where he's
398s got one shot getting him back but then
399s obviously crushing blows on one shot as
401s well so we'll see how that goes
404s yeah so he's gone into gravity we talked
408s a little bit about this so the idea is
411s he's gonna try and lock him out with
412s paralysis bug so he can't draw defend so
414s what do you do with that what you do
416s with that knowledge you try and draw
417s heavy at the start do try me with
420s Sicario you have to drive me and we
421s start the only choice you really have is
424s to get your this sweet out because if
425s you don't have it out then you're
427s sitting dead yep and there yes is a good
429s example exactly that he's Assassin's
431s Guild for three actions and then he's
433s passed him for you to get three cards
434s Dola drawing - he's gonna be getting
436s close to this play now it's got a lot of
438s cards in hand looks like this card
440s player has his blacksmith so we're gonna
442s be able to see the flying ammo from
443s winged weasel yeah it's just age before
446s now there it is is that his first action
449s that was his first action so you still
452s go to now bonus one from the blacksmith
455s what do you reckon start getting a bit
457s sweet out I think he's going for
461s tentacle strikes if he does get locked
462s out he can draw defend he can least
465s Sicario which isn't neither right and it
469s might trigger tech logs and Weaver's to
470s undo the damage because I think is one
472s of the things you would eat the lockout
475s deck with is the ability to do infinite
476s damage right so if you've got the cards
478s in play that can get the job done
480s you can trickle through it yeah I'm not
482s aware that they're that aggressive they
484s certain go for the lockout yeah from
486s what I remember seeing of the lockout
487s lists and what I remember hearing they
490s aren't doing a ton of damage really yeah
492s I think one guy killed someone Joop
493s actually yeah
495s there's our abyss weaver yes he's gone
496s for the week the first and there goes
498s the 10 o'clock yes that gives him in
499s another action because shiny buff wasn't
501s playing
503s that's action one action to actually to
505s give me a third action just the think
509s that maybe he's confused see Jessica
510s that he was not so carrying things just
513s putting into blame
514s so you should have one more action might
517s do the flying alone to do the doesn't
520s find a market what are the four one
522s hearing hopping the Ford is a really
525s good thing to do in this situation as
527s well yeah because he what Dolly's
528s wanting to draw cards right so focused
530s damaging game to do tear himself is a
532s moment he's got a lot of cards already
535s have you interested see how this one
537s goes now they both have a lot of cards
539s it's gonna be oh my mistake here
542s actually dolo is not in Rama he's in
544s Luna that's that's how I know yeah he's
549s got you can Oracle howling blade and
551s he's going to subjugate a room oh I
554s thought they were in gravity that's
555s really interesting so I thought he was
558s stopping the draw and defend but he's
559s actually gonna go for stopping the
560s attacks which is really don't matter no
566s he can't abilities and then all the
568s abilities will trigger to do the damage
570s the Sicari old if he gets all of his
573s components all his pieces he might be
575s slightly favored yeah it's that's really
577s swung it for me actually yeah I'm going
579s to play how how he doesn't get how he'd
582s get to him so Karina he could obviously
583s got three crystal eaters who can slow
585s down the abyss weak but he's not gonna
587s be stopping him drawing or defending so
588s maybe we're looking at a longer game
590s that we thought after that initial draw
592s draw draw draw draw he was just a draw
597s one putting in this subjugate is just
601s against the set up so I think usually
604s the players are stones right let's go
606s right from what I can see of winged
608s weasels hand though I don't see any
610s attacks in there so he's not really yeah
612s I mean like you said the secondary
613s Sicario really doesn't care about
615s attacking like he didn't have a sweet
616s guy right the only thing that he won't
618s be able to do is shadow-puppet
620s maybe oh that's a fev1 and leeching
622s scimitar that probably doesn't care tell
626s a yes sir it's a strange on
629s um yeah I'm excited to see how this goes
631s now yes he's a we've proven that he
634s doesn't care about attacking defending
635s for to damage and one healing from their
638s Weaver in the tentacle triggering yeah
641s puts a bit of pressure now because yeah
644s how low do you want to go with Dahle you
645s know I hit yourself too badly
647s so imagine we're looking at a stone
648s scribe here no another focus chamber
652s maybe he's changed his strategy because
653s he knows the quarries nope yeah he's
656s drawing putting stone scribe and then
657s stone comes come into play
659s focus chamber is resolved it gets caught
661s by the stone spire that's a cheeky way
663s when he picks it up with walked oh this
665s that generally tends to be his play he
667s can do that same play again to go
670s through his deck as well as sitting at
671s the play again yeah the players from my
673s team that played CJ yesterday said that
674s he played nearly flawlessly so yeah it
677s should see some beautiful light seekers
679s for him tonight there's a few guys
680s running similar storm decks to him but
682s yeah apparently he's well he's the top
684s see here I of those guys indeed
686s who's leaching yeah this is the problem
688s now because he's got a crystal leach she
690s can cycle so obviously there is a rule
693s change coming in after torment where you
694s can't still burn cards so the crystal
696s each would go to the discard after today
698s pretty much so these guys making the
701s most of why they can well actually on
703s the left hand side we also see flying
704s away getting banned with the hope with
705s the upcoming expansion yeah
707s if you other changes trickling dolo as
709s well take three damage might add up a
715s little bit like some of the forts
716s weren't fully block at least you see
717s some trickle coming through now the
719s question is does CJ have his warped Odin
721s his him to get all of those back at this
722s point I mean like you said he pays
724s pretty flawlessly you this Hume he's not
727s gonna mess this one up but I have some
730s some amazing miss basis weekend I have
733s done some amazing this plays this
734s weekend so yeah there's a lot
744s still has one actually from the Shrieker
746s he's using that too we play this spoon
748s describe some subjugator so yeah now
751s he's in this loop where he has a
753s infinite crystal each person now I don't
755s know what Sicario does maybe we call it
757s too early for Scotty's favor because the
759s the crystal each power is going to
761s remove any of this sweet he gets going
762s even if we go see grasps and all sorts
765s it's like winged weasel has a scimitar
767s in his hand so he could play it but he
769s won't be able to do anything when
770s they're all the scimitar doesn't just
772s give in Sakaki all the scimitar will do
774s is give the attack ability yeah but now
776s the subject is gonna actually not work
778s out for that it's flying the moon for
781s one well doesn't need the healing but
784s yeah triggers the ability to its one
785s from the hoarder maybe maybe no I'm
789s trying how you get around this now so
791s the crystal each thing is obtained
793s because any even if he puts one buff out
795s to try and make him waste of crystal
796s leech doesn't necessarily matter unless
798s he has a one time which he did know
800s prior to this past turn but oh he has to
804s I'm sinking at the decklist a as well so
806s Warner time can actually return a warn
808s of time in the discard so if he gets
810s crystal leached he can return one party
812s once and another one at a time again
814s you've got essentially an infinite
816s crystal each plays an infinite war on a
818s time situation but I'm guessing if you
821s warn the times I'm thinking too far into
822s is now if you warden at a times a a
825s Warner time and in the best technical
826s you might at least be able to trigger
828s one tentacle
829s every now and then while he loses and
831s regains a Warner time an identical so
834s that might mean he can do cheeky to
836s damage to make sure that he's that he
838s cycles everything completely properly
840s exactly and if I'm thinking that too far
842s into that what was it I mean he's
846s probably thought about the strategy as
848s well because I know that here we go so
852s he's crystal Lee so yeah the Warner time
853s triggers he gets two cards back to his
854s hands smart play here I think as I said
857s to make you go oh an assassin skilled in
860s the temp
861s I wasn't expecting him to get the
863s Assassin's Guild I guess he wants light
865s you said there Lynn maybe go for the
866s drill three yeah see right now that the
871s key for me is don't play buffs without a
874s Warner timeouts I think he needs to find
875s that second one a time and then like we
877s just said he could train you could trade
879s a Warner time for a Warner time and
880s another tentacle for example check it
885s out that would go so in this situation
886s if this have played out if you could
887s play the one time of it if you could
889s play try and think of how you do it you
891s play tentacle you flying ammo which
894s triggers the technical gives you an
896s unrestricted action she put the Warner
897s timing that's given you to damage but
899s you re protected exactly and you've read
902s protected the tentacle and then if you
903s crystal eats there you do the same thing
905s again
905s looks like we've seen a combo come out
908s breach breach avail he wants that draw
912s it looks like wow okay I mean I'm gonna
917s assume with the hand size of seeker he's
920s got a second crystal each I'm not sure
922s how maybe he's using that to try to fade
925s it in the hopes that I have heard that
927s when this when this play on the right
930s here you see it can be undone very
932s quickly stuff like chrono warper makes
935s the stones go go to its final corner and
937s then it's sort of put stuff out of sync
939s so it can be did well it's disrupted
940s it's disrupted badly it takes quite a
942s bit of recovery time so maybe you let
945s you say maybe is trying to bait it with
946s the second crystal oops though isn't
947s intended don't know if that's going to
949s stop this one specifically it's pretty
950s good for the industry yeah this is where
956s you say it's very easy that you make one
959s miss play with this sort of step and
960s sort can all fall out of sync
961s he's got one more action yes he he has
965s actually disrupted it he walked toads
967s the entire stack but that was his last
969s action see crystal leached
970s for extra action walk dose he's done now
973s so this turn you can see there's
975s something yeah I mean obviously you
977s could get crystal each but at this point
978s you can see how he did break the chain
980s there I
981s there's no subjugating and play so a
984s little break disruption there don't for
986s his worth a breach the veil but as
987s you've seen he's got essentially a lot
990s of crystal losses to play in out well
991s infinite in theory so don't play this
994s but carefully I think I think the way I
996s would do this is the Warner time
997s tentacle angle yeah would you reckon
1000s that's what I would have to do as well
1001s it's only out that I could possibly see
1003s yeah because the dollar on under the
1006s control see jck doesn't really do a lot
1008s of damage yeah we've got its got combos
1011s which will do some damage and everything
1012s else seems the damage reduction and
1014s healing yep but that's it might be a
1021s late game but there is potential for one
1023s tentacle to do some significant damage
1026s over the course of that game CJ's
1027s seekers early mountain court to be able
1029s to dolo up to that hand size was really
1031s it was clutch if he hadn't had that we
1034s may be slightly different this is why
1036s people need to be main deck and
1037s agreeable gesture look at that hand
1039s sighs I did mean that Creole jazz many
1042s of the people in the in the tournament
1044s did main deck Creole jesters and I'm
1045s brown informants nice yes it's just a
1048s phase you're not familiar the one thing
1050s with the advanced format where you play
1051s these three decks in the band format is
1052s there is no side decking so what you
1054s bring is what you play so previously you
1056s could sideboard and some people had
1058s stuff like cribbage ester scribble
1060s infiltrate like punishing hand size or
1061s potential meta solving cards but someone
1065s like money is obviously thought about
1066s that and then because the lack of a
1068s sideboard you bring in one of those
1069s punishing cards in case someone does you
1071s know hog the hand sighs and we're
1073s usually discard yeah when you discard
1075s from 15 down to seven that is not a
1077s pleasant experiment in the game
1079s yesterday I had made someone just
1080s careened from 17 oh nice so 10 cut it's
1084s one of the few cars actually discards as
1086s well yes usually we're nice and you get
1088s cards back and they go back to your deck
1089s the triple jester none of that straight
1091s at the discard so it looks like we start
1094s to press play again but happy to see the
1097s tentacle well at least he's gone for a
1099s losing team retard and if he blacksmith
1101s that that's pretty of an action to be
1102s honest because he's getting no damn use
1104s if he didn't have it
1105s he's never met if he can disrupt CJ's
1110s sequencing one more time it might be
1112s able to give you a bit more yes that's
1115s true yeah with the technical out he
1116s might be able to do 2 or 4 damage with
1119s the lesion scimitar yeah yeah we always
1122s disrupt it once before so see if we can
1125s do it again
1126s CJ has a definite card advantage with
1128s his hand size right now though yeah well
1130s you know he's walk toting everything to
1132s his keeping his his hand high
1133s oh he Sicario in we've got a weaver and
1138s a worlder I guess who takes three a two
1142s three I think in AD I take two and then
1145s he was he took two from activating
1151s Sicario healed for from putting out the
1154s Weaver yes yes yes okay cool and then he
1157s flying about it looked like he can't
1161s attack a scimitar let's make sure the
1163s day no damage taken on the other sides I
1167s think they've got it under control
1168s I've not been paying attention to help
1169s how is he down to 17 there's been the
1172s tentacle out and the Sicari supplying
1178s the mo and then there goes the crystal
1182s each he left the Weaver so at least
1184s there's the ability for him to get an
1186s additional action when he puts out
1187s another tentacle yep yeah that's true
1189s yeah well yeah well rumor definitely
1193s I wonder if he's thought far enough
1195s ahead where we think about the warning
1196s time technically I think that's the way
1198s he gets gets the win there so winged
1200s weasel picked the game up prior to Pat's
1203s unplug so he has been playing a lot
1204s longer than CJ CJ picked it up at
1206s origins okay and I haven't actually seen
1211s winged weasel cents tax unplugged but I
1213s know that they've been playing on and
1214s off for the past years all right
1216s hopefully he's got a knowledge there
1218s then yes so winged weasel has the
1221s longevity and CJ is from everything
1224s we've been saying almost a savant with
1226s deck buildings all right yeah
1227s interesting deck here he's playing it
1229s while it lasts well we got there's the
1233s best tentacle yep so as you said he's a
1235s shadow buffing place he still has two
1237s actions and then he's able to leeching
1239s scimitar he worked oh did it back he
1242s didn't repay the subjugator interesting
1245s I thought he's shreekant the warp toad
1247s and then walk toad it so he still had
1249s one more action did he pass to draw one
1250s usually replaces subjugator
1253s I think he did was that a nice play or
1255s did I miss him did he spend an action on
1257s something else they go interesting so
1261s he's down to 13 I bet he's glad he got
1265s really light shade were like yeah oh
1268s he's got one line of mode yeah there's
1273s the subject area expecting some point is
1278s he's got one more action and the oracle
1281s up next for the next three turns after
1284s this one he's going to be able to
1286s mitigate three points of damage
1288s so he's not going for this things
1289s grabbed the page because he doesn't like
1291s the tender going that's gonna be able to
1293s to combat that yes obviously damage
1296s reduction is per hit as well as even if
1298s you have three jokes like wind weasel
1300s has a warp tone in his hand right now oh
1302s wow so he could overdose back because
1305s that's a defense so he could return the
1308s or the Oracle and the subjugator back
1310s and at least slow him down for a little
1312s bit
1312s yeah on the next Gabri he would repay
1314s them right but you could well he
1316s couldn't replay both he can only replay
1317s one oh wait no he does super you're onto
1321s something I wonder if you could use the
1322s walk toad to disrupt something anyway
1325s interesting yes on the next go when the
1328s subjugate usually gets caught by the
1330s stone scribe I wonder what happens if
1332s you walk toad this subjugator probably
1334s nothing because it's giving him back
1336s anyway but wonder if there's an
1337s opportunity there with their with their
1339s warped aide there's a focus chamber
1342s door-- another card and it looked like
1343s he drew another focus chamber again he's
1346s putting the stage coming starting of his
1348s playing so yeah so here what happens if
1352s you walk toad the stone scribe then the
1356s subjugator expires and warp toast not on
1358s top of him yeah so there's a potential
1360s disruption there he's gonna see it he'll
1362s find it he's going for the six healing
1364s fees forget the tentacle has been
1367s trickling in is that his actions done
1370s action so the question is will he want
1373s to give him back that focus chamber and
1376s that Boulder feast yeah but that might
1378s be his only out because we needed to
1380s have that subjugator expire
1382s yeah I think this is it warp take this
1384s danger I've something it covers up the
1386s Warped toad and that slows him down he
1389s needs to shriek in the warp toad he does
1391s have to warp toads so he could possibly
1392s have another one in his hand or dig for
1395s it in his deck but at least it's gonna
1396s slow him down long enough to possibly
1397s let the this sweet little bit disruption
1400s obviously walked I can do three buffs as
1401s well so you could maybe do some
1404s different so you could make him oh okay
1411s no we'll take it back yeah for goodbye
1414s that get a shadow puppet we're so
1417s focused on the world moved oh we forgot
1418s a good one I didn't know they had the
1420s shadow puppet in his hand no no no no II
1421s did I just forgot you existed for a
1423s second there
1424s there's the geode hatchling so one day
1426s he's back the stones gray lost buff back
1429s into play and that will catch dude
1430s hatchling however he has disrupted his
1432s discard pile
1434s so his layering is not
1436s his optimal layering at this point you
1439s gotta wonder what would happen if he
1440s walk tended to stay inscribe instead
1442s it's a focus chamber drawer carpet buff
1444s into play
1446s but he might be asking to rebuild here
1448s so he's lost one of his walked ocean I
1450s think I think he's made his peace with
1451s that and it looks like winged weasel
1454s does have another warped hood in his
1455s hand he runs to warp toads they both run
1457s to okay looks like we still got a game
1460s there yeah
1461s abyss hoarder you gotta assume he's
1464s gonna fly in the moment there's the
1466s final name for all two damaged one
1469s healing healing one card Sicario max
1471s health slowly trickling through that
1473s previous Boulder feast and yet still got
1479s one action from the finally can't use it
1481s on the ability because we're out shade
1482s rulers of him I know he's a known easy
1485s guys he's got another one to go he just
1487s passed him to draw one and it looks like
1489s he pulled a night lurker he does have
1492s one might look at his Becca thing not
1493s useful here might look at me an int
1495s activity maybe save that for combo
1498s payment like good food rot subjugate on
1502s second corner still can't attack I
1504s really want to see what happens if you
1506s walk to the stage scribe but to
1508s subjugate you're on top I think that
1510s puts two in the discard on it I don't
1512s know that he would be as upset about
1513s work toting that stone scribe because
1515s focus chamber and a geode hatchlings
1517s he'd be able to geode have to get her
1520s back so that wouldn't I wouldn't do that
1521s yeah it's true there was a mountain port
1524s so that's gonna slow down the abyss
1526s sweet a little bit yeah there's no
1528s cheeky way of punching through that with
1529s the shadow public just to get rid of it
1530s look is subjugate yeah preventing attack
1533s cards like shadow puppet doesn't want to
1536s waste a walked out on the mountain vault
1537s just because we're just gonna replay
1538s right again most them down but examine
1541s up that warped head those mean it looks
1543s like he is I in the warp toad what do
1547s you do yeah
1548s what do you do she's got Ritchie live
1550s awakened in there I mean only thing if
1553s he is he can't shadow-puppet he has the
1555s shadow puppet in his hand that looks
1556s like yeah I would maybe warp toad the
1560s Oracle the fort and the stone scribe
1563s just know the Oracle de fort and then
1565s the world sorry the hoarder because then
1567s I can get my card draw
1568s and damage mitigation is gone but what
1571s is he going to choose at the question
1573s because you could warp toad and then you
1575s could then activate a Sicario ability to
1578s get some damage in so you're still
1580s making it pick up that subjugator and
1582s the whole the mountain for what it is
1586s shadow puppet at the what why why give
1590s him the mantle back you could have left
1592s the matter fall out and then shadow
1593s puppet both anyway why didn't he pick up
1595s any of his bus warped autism up to three
1599s he only chose to but you also get it and
1601s vacuum out before you could have shadow
1602s puppet baby he's gonna jeered hatchling
1604s he's gonna jeer hatching one of them may
1606s as well just give him maybe didn't
1607s matter for on top maybe he's not worried
1609s about the you kana oracle being what's
1611s geo hatchlings back maybe he can just
1613s think he can wait that out maybe he
1615s baits out a geode acting on an oracle
1616s yeah true i just don't know why he
1617s didn't pick up his hoarder yeah
1620s interesting because that's gonna rotate
1622s out now well not now next turn it will
1625s i'm also wondering like that if he would
1628s consider doing some like a rich live
1629s awakening just get the egg tractors to
1630s draw up and trying it some more cards
1632s it's a bit low still or like in
1635s compassion to hurt the CJC goldman stage
1636s a seeker has his entire deck basically
1639s also thinking about won't on my early
1640s about the warner timely interesting here
1642s maybe we've over and maybe hopefully
1645s given we lose a lot of credit here but
1647s maybe he's gonna warn a time a warner
1649s time and a warp toad yeah because that
1651s would be a loop that would be a loop
1654s that he'd be they would slowly boat into
1655s shrub stuff and put something on the
1657s discard he doesn't want eventually CJ
1659s might run out of Geo hatchlings or it
1661s would force him to play a bit a little
1663s bit different to what he's used to we've
1664s already seen some stuff slip to the
1666s discard and as we talked about before
1667s this can be disrupted so maybe he's
1669s gonna do a double time takes a lot to
1671s disrupt it but when it can it's
1673s it's gone on longer that's tough longer
1675s than usual just true I think you just
1679s doll it 40 when you deck out at this
1681s point we're looking at discarding cards
1682s if he does deck out though he has enough
1685s that he can move things from his hand
1686s into play that he's not going to
1687s necessarily have to discard it that's
1689s true I'll bypass the role because the
1691s card will leave his hand I wish we were
1692s playing the app so we could press on the
1694s screen to find out the total number of
1695s cards that they have in hand deck in
1696s this card yeah I'll follow that up with
1699s a shameless plug obviously the
1700s Lighting's give you watching it is
1701s available on the Android and the iOS
1703s devices Amazon - you can download it's
1706s free to play if you've got physical
1708s cards every single card is unique
1710s there's no two cards in the world the
1711s same and if you point in the app at it
1713s with the camera you can scan your cards
1715s and clean them and unlock them in the
1716s game as well right all night long you'll
1720s just go right play out as well so a lot
1721s of people practicing their decks there
1723s as well Oh ghost of all creation that is
1728s a combo I did not expect to see if he
1730s plays that he could protect the
1731s technical Weaver he can he has to be
1735s able to get it out Aquos case she was
1736s willing to learn his buffs to cast her
1739s combos to cast a shade whirl or what was
1741s his first tentacle tentacle and take a
1745s warden Oh a warp toad okay okay well I
1749s mean he does have another warden the
1751s time inside of his deck and he's gonna
1753s be able to shuffle up what he's now
1754s moved why did he wanted me play the
1757s obfuscation imagine did he have I don't
1760s know maybe I'm hoping that organization
1762s is a very hard
1763s combo to Kenton has occasionally golf so
1765s that's hot okay you happy the payment
1766s and the other half his he doesn't have a
1771s ton of poison it's got a ritual in his
1774s hand that's one point does the average
1775s will awakening in his hand so he'd be
1776s able to have but then he has to toss the
1778s ritual of awakening back so he's played
1779s Assassin's Guild he's played bugs he's
1781s played both but he might not have been
1782s able to cast off escape I think he's out
1784s I think he's that old breach to those in
1785s the discard as well that's Charlie
1788s shadow poison
1789s yes but I don't think he had it I don't
1791s know ever seen
1792s at least we know that he can cast if he
1794s needs to it's a tight one oh it's a
1797s tight one he needs two combos everything
1800s has to line up properly present if he
1802s does all right so he see judges gio
1805s hatchling a subjugator so no attacking
1808s again if he does manage to park cars
1810s obfuscation the facts in jaqen
1812s constantly crystal each does not matter
1814s because he can't remove sakaki's
1815s infinite damage right so especially if
1818s you had like a tentacle next to it and
1820s then for yeah but it looks like CJ only
1822s has one maybe two cards left in in his
1824s deck so if the like you Shiva there is a
1829s possibility that's Oh No
1832s is that char tonight that looks like
1835s shroud of night Oh No let me just cast a
1837s shroud of mine that's his last poisoned
1839s card so we are not going to be seen on
1840s this case in this game I don't think
1841s unless of mrs. counting something here
1843s he's out with poison God out of poison
1845s we've definitely seen two Assassin's
1847s Guild right that's it oh he could he
1850s could he could one time one he we saw
1853s one played did he play the other really
1858s good good thing those let's not
1860s underestimate each other night so sure
1861s I'm light increases shadow damage and
1863s healing by 2 so this tentacles and
1865s Weaver's gonna buff up a little bit here
1866s more importantly see Jessica can't
1869s attack for two turns
1870s so does that disrupt the chain is june
1874s hatchling obviously is an attack no two
1875s turns
1876s I mean he'll be able to you think he's
1878s still gonna shrink your defense I don't
1879s know it's gonna be a problem but it's a
1881s potential disruption and he has to have
1884s his crystal leeches inside of his ham so
1887s he just has to wait out the shroud of
1888s night yeah it's just a waiting game
1890s actually that reminds me maybe he can
1892s walk toad he could walk toward the
1894s shroud a night to get it back to his
1895s hand as well he could walk toward the
1896s shroud of night that's actually they'll
1897s be a very smart play and it looks like I
1900s saw two tech cards in the back of his
1902s hands and back in wing weasel hand okay
1904s so it looks like we've pulled the extra
1906s warden of time okay so yeah pretty much
1908s dude
1909s he's still on track here for it's a
1911s difficult deck to play around but so far
1913s he's he's holding his own neither of
1915s these decks are easy to pilots oh yeah
1917s well you said yes Akari definitely top
1919s notch for now
1920s top 16 yeah well walked out in a stone
1922s scrub there he's gonna make him more
1924s toes
1924s sharra not as well that's a very good
1927s choice and my finished plan all along
1929s him he may be saved himself his own
1931s walked out here is it just the two I
1934s assume those things cried oh he only
1939s okay very interesting had he not chosen
1943s the stones guy yeah focus to the burkas
1945s chamber he's now decked out putting a
1947s stone together into flame
1954s so this point decking out doesn't matter
1956s for this deck because a card has left
1958s his hand or play every turns he's
1960s playing a card underneath the stones
1961s goes it's a cheeky way around it to
1963s maintain obviously we've got a few of
1966s these little loops to the game they all
1968s largely go away at the end of King when
1970s can do it hits I think there's one or
1972s two that are left but they're a lot
1974s harder to fit around like combos that
1976s here so it's a little trickier they're
1979s saying is blatant is this one we
1980s probably won't see ducks like this ever
1982s again though now with families coming
1983s out so that's true yeah obviously the
1985s family mechanic new to kindred changing
1987s all sorts of things
1988s I wish he'd stopped more toad in it he
1992s warped toted to shadow puppet yeah a
1995s stone scribe but like I keep wondering
1997s what would happen if he let the students
1998s go go and then he's just geode hatched
2001s and still it's great back maybe you
2005s should have a shout a night if he could
2007s and then time that the second go see
2009s can't dude hatchling isn't attacking so
2012s shrieking the focus chamber
2017s what we gonna do now I do have to say I
2020s was a little bit confused when I heard
2023s the Bern change roll scene this deck
2026s thank you for changing the Bern change
2028s rule it's funny because no one had
2030s actually picked up this is the first
2032s time we've seen something like it but
2034s myself and Benny they thought of
2036s something I'm gonna say a little bit
2038s worse than the deck on the right because
2039s it made the situation worse if you can
2041s believe it but thankfully we spotted it
2043s and we didn't make a rule change due to
2045s that as well and also just to stall
2049s isn't the greatest games the only thing
2051s says it's not the most fun place I'll
2053s play against so it helps mitigate that a
2055s little bit as well
2056s it's good for a mind exercise yeah for
2059s when you're trying to figure out how to
2060s pile it against things that are nearly
2061s impossible to pilot against my husband
2065s is currently in the top 16 then he's my
2067s play testing partner and I lose nearly
2070s every game against him but it makes me a
2072s better players so if you can find
2073s someone suits against highly recommend
2077s it
2077s alright I'm really excited to what
2080s happens now though because in theory if
2082s he warden a time to warn the time he is
2084s also got infinite to some degree of the
2087s other card he brings so if you kneel to
2089s get a few more toads if you bring back
2090s and walked over the other Warner time or
2092s they tend to call potentially CJ might
2094s be doing oh gosh that's a nasty way
2098s around it now only time does not
2099s crashing below using that stream of
2101s trial toast and then he only has a
2102s stream of child health in his deck so
2104s it's just gonna drop back I think we're
2105s looking at a loss here his flying who's
2107s gone which means Warner time is inactive
2110s he's already played go sea grass so his
2112s time is he's out of time
2114s yeah okay for the pond REE because I
2118s mean the subjugate us out he can't
2119s scimitar he can Sakaki on himself but
2122s nonetheless he plays the shroud of night
2125s to increase the damage but then we're
2126s looking at a race yeah we know and we
2130s know that he has a string of tomp that I
2131s see to have a string of tantos if he
2133s doesn't have the ability to cast the
2135s stream of chomp toast then I'd be very
2136s surprised yeah so he's got healing and
2138s damage so we know the wing Musil is
2142s completely out of it yet but it's pretty
2145s darn close
2146s yeah I mean this is obviously the danger
2147s of having one item in your deck playing
2149s ins Mountain crushing Bo destroying the
2153s flying mode it's not ideal
2155s how do you get out of this one place a
2159s shroud a knight
2161s there's the shroud of night using
2163s obfuscation
2164s I mean his his only line here is really
2170s trying to race CJ because if CJ is going
2174s to use his dream of taunt us it's going
2176s to disrupt his was not the right family
2178s in a little bit would you would you not
2180s play on vacation again does he have the
2182s ability to pay for it yeah we don't know
2184s what's in his hand I think he could have
2186s it he paid for it with obfuscate he paid
2189s for that love the station say if you had
2191s ritual of awakening his hand he could
2192s have played obfuscation instead and now
2194s with the lack of time he kind of leaked
2196s I think he might have just drawn a combo
2198s so he might not have had the ritual
2200s awakening I think you need to protect
2202s the tentacle because now you can just be
2204s like oh he can't be attacked me fair
2205s right but like you said the healing
2207s potential and the damage reduction you
2210s need to wait that out or punch through
2211s it and then it's like an infinite
2213s tentacle if he loses his tentacle to
2214s Krishna leeches it's largely over I mean
2217s at this point the abyss Weaver's going
2220s to be increasing the healing but he's
2222s still it's only gonna be a net gain of
2224s one healing with Sicario if that's the
2226s only ability he has to use yeah and he
2228s doesn't have his lurker it looks like
2230s but it looks like he's going to be
2232s putting in a second tenth of a second
2235s tentacles a good time I were him oh he
2238s has a wall of bones
2239s okay he's already need to worry about
2241s taking damage i right the doll a that
2243s doesn't really diamond but if he can
2244s prevent his own damage from Sicario then
2245s he's able to get all of his healing from
2247s Weaver oh hey we hope so he's Sicario
2248s din I see more damage should be one
2251s after the fall so one should get through
2255s unticked before
2256s [Music]
2258s you're gonna check the mountain for it
2264s I think we're just resolving everything
2265s so the first technical should go off for
2268s for damage - three for the one in
2272s Sicario takes a three heald's the three
2273s takes the two heals the three or heals
2276s free so he takes two from the Weaver yep
2278s and then what did he do
2281s that's he played the Weaver the second
2284s time in the leg okay he's got one more
2287s action left boiler in the wallet bones
2289s worth anything I don't use you can't use
2291s scimitar physic on attack right that's a
2297s shame and he doesn't have his night
2300s lurker out so he only has one you can't
2302s either they that was so I'm wondering
2307s why he put the shade work out I wasn't
2309s gonna say exactly that might have been
2310s his only buffs and with Sicario you have
2312s to fulfill it to the best your ability
2313s or reveal your entire hand yeah and he
2316s probably I mean at this point you don't
2317s want CJ to have any information about
2319s what's in your hand I think you're right
2320s yes so the next go see Jake stands to
2324s take four damage
2328s and winged weasel will be able to heal
2330s up for ya oh she's probably using yes
2337s unfortunately
2338s everybody's gonna be blocked now between
2342s the mountain while the mountain port
2343s will rotate out yes gonna rotate that
2346s silver lining
2347s I mean crystal skin's gonna block
2350s everything else for the next 4 turns
2352s yeah I think this is probably game
2354s because when Shannon like runs out he's
2357s gonna get crystal leads probably hitting
2358s the tentacles straightaway just because
2363s so Kerry Wayne so it blocks the damage
2365s for for mountain for should rotate out
2369s because it blocks to two and then
2372s christeson blocks rest
2379s and yeah I think it like I said he's
2381s been forced to put two buffs in so the
2383s two more loans just you didn't realize
2385s yeah the pain correctly are the stones
2387s to grab is still there get it back but
2390s when the stone scribes gonna actually
2392s expire its expiring next turn
2394s interesting it doesn't usually happen no
2401s that is a typical maybe he's holding on
2403s to his warp toads in yeah I mean he
2407s could party geode hashing out and that's
2413s what's not usually that doesn't easily
2414s happen so Yugi of hashing the subjugator
2417s this crystal skin should have rotated I
2419s think they're calling her there I think
2421s they've run out of damage what's
2425s happened there I did winged weasel
2428s conceived I think so I think he's either
2430s out of damage yeah so that was game one
2435s under game two so winged weasel can
2438s choose to play Sicario again or he could
2441s then decide that instead of Sicario he
2444s would want to use his tree on a deck now
2446s we are going to be seeing tree on in for
2447s CJ but these tree analysts are very
2451s different from one another
2452s yeah so with paralysis bug in a similar
2461s sort of loop which will stop you draw
2462s defending instead of attacking Triana on
2465s the other side it's got spectral web and
2467s it's what working towards the mimicking
2469s horror comedy yes if those not familiar
2471s with that that is a vine lash which is a
2472s nothing fourteen damage and then with
2475s the power of shadow mimicking hora it
2476s does twenty-eight did wait hold on CJ
2480s proceed oh I think we've called this
2484s road weed I think he's conceited like he
2487s said the disruption I mean it was
2489s disrupted well I mean we're also as low
2492s as the round timed are they worried
2494s about time at this point because that
2496s was a very long first match oh oh sorry
2500s I thought I was gonna have the audio
2501s just catching up here I think I think
2503s it's gone to time because the highest
2506s elf would win which was we saw where we
2509s at time well I'm just looking I'm
2510s looking around
2512s no people signing yeah I don't how long
2513s we've been talking yeah I think there's
2515s a linear time we might fully be a time
2518s so then in that case winged weasel would
2520s have one in time Center three turns and
2523s in highest health and with the store Dec
2525s he's stalling but that tend to go yeah
2527s the job done in a different way their
2529s theory so yeah just because dollar has
2531s not been swapped and CJ is still
2534s definitely his dolo deck so it looks
2536s like she's mine for that guy's a bit of
2539s misinformation we'd like we need a yeah
2541s audio feed dogs we have to sit far
2544s enough away we can't just blabber about
2545s what we see in their hands and they hear
2547s each other yeah yeah so so did any wind
2556s wind waves with her are we at time he
2560s won the first round there then dollar
2564s could you get some confirmation so maybe
2567s we were right the first time so that
2572s mean he just presented his deck for
2573s cuttings so there's it has to be what we
2577s had said thank you all right are we in
2579s time no okay so it looks like it looks
2584s like CJ conceded to be continued for the
2587s first game so do you know how much time
2589s we have left in round if you could
2593s verify that be great that'd be some good
2594s information to have
2595s um okay so we were right we're not going
2598s crazy the format is correct
2600s so he's opted to stick with dollars he
2602s could have changed to the unbundle which
2604s is a tree Arnie
2605s so the manifesto is a better choice yes
2610s especially because we have gone
2612s relatively long although he's working on
2614s the time rules although so the dolo is
2619s running the subjugated loop right and we
2622s know tree our new wants to draw and
2624s defend because he needs to vine lash
2627s mimic and that's the paint guard so
2628s maybe not having the paralysis bug is a
2630s mistake it does his tree analysts have
2632s paralysis but it is not the only one
2635s that has paralysis bug is their lunar
2636s option which is why I said I would have
2638s been there holy sorry sorry
2640s I see I see so they're under a tree on
2642s who's okay are we in time yeah
2647s all right so we've got 20 minutes left
2649s in this game which both of these decks
2651s are slower plane decks they do need to
2653s build up obviously dhola's going to be
2655s building up to its infinite loop tree on
2657s who has to get a lot of cards in plate
2658s to be able to build up or it's mimicking
2661s horror they usually want to mimicking
2662s horror of that vine lash yeah so it's a
2664s 28 damage turn unless the interesting
2666s thing as I'm saying so if you play vine
2667s lash and CJ can't remove it for example
2670s having spectral Webber right if you have
2672s paralysis bug can get at least of him
2673s defending with mimicking horror right
2675s but because he hasn't changed Dex
2676s because he's got subjugator and all he
2679s could in theory take 28 damage during
2680s this turn during this game true so
2683s whether or not like I said it's a bit of
2684s a later or mid to late game play so
2686s let's see if he gets that far but we do
2688s know he has his crystal skin has
2690s multiple mountain ports so maybe he's
2692s just on the damaged play yeah that's the
2695s adoption you know there are 14
2697s individual points so if it's mitigated
2699s by six each time then it's only really
2701s 16 yeah only 16 what if you're coming
2705s from 35 it's much better than 2800 no
2709s disagree view there so a great starting
2712s hand oh I think we missed it attorney oh
2715s and this has been drawing but a great
2716s insects warm because obviously trick or
2717s damage yeah they're really nice to have
2719s and we know that it's difficult for the
2721s doll elector actually you know he's he's
2723s all about the loop trickle or infinite
2726s damage is very bad against him and the
2727s question is how low does dolo actually
2729s want to go because he can doll though he
2730s doesn't have a poured out yet yep sorry
2733s so he just Triana to he'll throw up and
2735s he's got spirits on her outside when
2737s dollar heals he heals for two which is
2739s great because we've got to think about
2739s this now 20 minutes until time after
2742s three turns of time higher stuff wins
2745s so tree our new his abilities to heal
2747s the other person so at that point you do
2749s not want to be healing him you want him
2750s to be far enough away from your health
2752s there that even if you have to use it in
2754s emergency you want to you wanna make
2755s sure that to hit three hand is not a
2757s problem
2757s spirits on that it's a great counter to
2759s that so at least when he heals him he
2760s gets helped back himself so they both
2762s stay high tree on off was he doing that
2764s he'll to draw two cards
2765s yep so here we go so here was him for
2767s three he heals for two draws two cards
2769s and as you can see the health is nice
2771s and high
2772s I'm guessing at time Triana might have
2775s the swing here but then we do know
2778s dahlias crushing blow wrath on the
2779s mountain that surprises you but you know
2782s there could be another swing weasel did
2783s see both of them as well so he shouldn't
2785s he's aware of it yeah so time I'm
2787s guessing you know are we looking at Mata
2789s defenders in defenders and anything else
2793s interesting stuff Sheamus he has one
2796s Grimm glider that's it so if he gets
2799s crushing blows with that Grimm girl
2800s fight her out he's able to get it back
2802s with his route singer but it's still
2805s yeah something that he's gonna have to
2808s be always good spectral width and I
2809s believe he had two spectra webs in his
2811s hand
2812s okay great just saw with his riffle got
2816s three in the deck I don't see that a lot
2817s a suite of sweet it went so uh I feel so
2822s bad when I played in six warm against a
2823s mountain for you no no I feel so good I
2825s feel so good I feel so good tonight all
2828s that potential damage reduction from
2830s mountain for sitting there ready to be
2832s fair BJ laid the mountain port into the
2834s insects worm so he knew it was there
2835s yeah great the desert storms there
2837s though because obviously that helps a
2839s lot with the trickle Oh are we looking
2841s at a raging spirit here
2842s it sounds like Phil fingers a little bit
2845s yeah he goes the spectral webs in his
2849s hands it's got an old oak so you can
2850s restart the one in play if you rated
2853s traitors here this insect one could go
2854s off early and the nature is going in oh
2858s he's going in big whoa okay so one we
2861s need you increases expecting that I'm
2863s turning or he's well into this so one
2866s with nature cruises all damage and
2867s healing from nature guts bye-bye okay so
2869s Alba now trailing by two so in six homes
2873s now gonna hit be trickling for three yep
2875s so he's definitely got that health
2878s lowered ready for time if nothing else
2879s it's got one more turn before the
2881s spectro can be removed but we know he's
2882s got older and another spectral web yep
2885s I'm hoping he's got more damage to even
2888s get more out of that spectral web
2890s I mean he has a reckless spirit so
2892s there's a little bit more there yeah
2895s yeah I'm not gonna argue oh we have
2897s missed the Lumina weapon came out son
2899s boy oh he's just that was the first up
2900s in the blacksmith the bindable aspect I
2902s think he just drew too naturally didn't
2905s dolly only dollar toe the amount of all
2906s the madam pot rotated way which means
2908s insects one's gonna hit the full three
2909s for what it's worth really shows this
2911s this matchup shows just how strong the
2914s draw power is with both of these heroes
2915s yeah it's a good faceoff focus Tamara is
2919s he gonna put some together in yeah epic
2921s so the first turn is blocked what do we
2926s do
2926s he's got to get that spectra web reach
2929s set I think here what would you do
2932s he has two older spectrums in his hand
2934s and he has the ability to get spectral
2936s webs always got two in his hands right
2937s yeah maybe let this one go maybe play a
2939s fresh one fresh one and then he'll to
2942s draw better it looks like is that a
2944s Tusker this is risky he's got that
2948s spectrum spectral old Oh surely he has
2954s an unruly mob in main deck witches no
2957s why would you do this
2958s oh sorry that's my mistake spectral web
2960s is on is on an active Godfrey canal here
2963s I thought it was on the cross I was
2965s looking at the bit closest to our camera
2966s okay so yeah that makes more sense that
2968s makes more sense
2970s he's dollar in for to burn in through
2972s his own for so that Tusker is obviously
2974s a six damage on the third corner however
2978s we're looking at eight damage there this
2980s can be increased by the woman ager
2981s yep so uh Triana you're not looking to
2984s mess around in this fight payback for
2986s betting a lot more aggressive list than
2989s some of the others that I've seen that's
2991s true I don't know if the tuskys are in
2992s the air the standard mimic lineup is he
2994s got hungry bear mouths or is he gone
2995s there no hungry behemoth room I mean how
2998s many tusks as we looking at
3002s stampeding to us go one it's just one
3004s voice but okay so there's your fresh web
3007s being able to restart that Tusker and
3010s again and again though we told max
3012s before paralysis bug which took me drawn
3014s defending tusk is a defend if he had a
3015s paralysis bug it would go away
3017s afterwards yep but he's opted to stick
3019s with the subjugator so I can only assume
3020s he's got a game plan that's gonna
3022s in that favor but yeah it's a stone
3024s drive in one more oracle not a bad so
3028s good choice I would I would play that as
3030s well and though I think I see a forest
3031s meander on their deck list there so he
3033s could force men to subjugate the Oracle
3035s to punch through so here we go three
3038s damage from the swarm and then eight
3040s damage from the Tusker and the mountain
3042s fort has rotated out as a glass turn
3044s unfortunately called by the stage guide
3046s for wing read Robert trail go to the
3048s victories we can he's defending to keep
3050s the Tusker going wisely with his other
3054s action looks like and we'll be talking
3056s about what you kown Oracle's here right
3058s it's a good damage action in two three
3059s and even if it's on the three it's great
3062s it stops the insect swarms but the tusks
3064s are hitting a thus five are still five
3067s damage you know infinitely so to speak
3068s is there not to be scoffed at you might
3070s have to double up the damage eruption to
3071s survive this because I mean we're
3073s looking at time in ten fifteen minutes
3075s max now yeah and he's already on 21
3078s second action he drew a card
3080s alright so subjugator is going
3083s underneath the snow described so he's
3086s got three damage rupture now which is a
3088s great counter to the insects one buffet
3090s power also power I'm on the old foam on
3094s the old terms going back like change
3096s domination from power to increased
3098s engine healing so he kept the card in
3099s page there are keys at the wrong six
3101s week I mean it doesn't I guess he's
3107s trying to stop reckless spirit plays
3108s because it's still important that he
3109s doesn't have this disrupt go true even
3111s though he didn't six healing yeah make
3113s sense here we go again
3116s no one's if you're a channeler increase
3119s that up got him dr. pol he's got a good
3121s deck to go to time with here on the on
3123s the case of tree army definitely does
3124s he's got one more go this spectra web
3126s before it expire or can be removed she
3129s said he's got the third one in half yes
3132s looks like a farce men do that as well
3135s he's got he's got two options to
3136s restarting it or refresh it at least
3138s he's got one too anyway it doesn't
3140s happen necessarily worried about that
3142s what do you do do you Forrest mend here
3145s you want to sit for a minute for the
3147s next year but subjugator on I'd say
3149s things more importantly geode hatching
3151s stone scribes than educators tripping
3154s he's drawing two cards just waiting it
3156s out it looks like no even opting to heal
3158s was as good use
3159s yeah here the drawn three but he's not
3161s gonna get the benefit from spiritual
3163s source of why he'll when you're in a
3164s healthy don't wanna kill dollar let him
3166s waste his own motive he's always
3168s actually essentially healing dolo for
3170s three is giving to although a freeze
3171s although that's a lot of dollar although
3173s he has a pretty dire Oracle's out sure
3176s yes yes yeah it's an interesting
3178s trade-off because I heal you so you can
3179s deliver free and we both got a warped
3181s owed getting back a stone scribe in a
3183s subjugator yep
3184s and then it looks like the subjugator is
3185s going right back into play so the tusks
3191s are damaged - three from the Oracle
3194s exactly so you should be looking at five
3197s damage here down to 22 there it is
3201s this is the cheeky one but you could
3202s play old oak to restart the web then
3207s usually the stars then usually a line
3209s like that but is he gonna capitalize on
3211s that when they do
3216s is he gonna do it well Jack an old oak I
3219s don't know I would respect a web cuz you
3223s get old oak to get both with one action
3225s or you could defend in respect to a web
3227s but that actually turnover so I mean I
3229s would be thinking long game that I want
3231s to have my last special web out for when
3233s I know that I've got that vine lash so I
3235s would old oak yeah these guys like
3238s that's what's happening he can hear us
3240s he can't hear that no you can't hear us
3242s that's very involved over yeah he's on
3245s the obviously these guys top 16 they've
3246s they know what they're doing
3247s and he's going for that play that's the
3249s right play having that will reset good
3252s value there especially on the bus's
3253s resetting save himself or the defend
3255s action still got one more to his turn be
3257s what he really has are the defenders and
3260s obviously points didn't check that out
3262s yeah yes he must have a display anyway
3265s yeah yeah exactly yeah well I mean at
3267s least against CJ he doesn't care about
3269s his defenders yeah Oh a also split here
3271s he's got regrowth
3272s yes obviously could regrowth while Ashby
3273s in a pinch he could oh no yo special
3275s herbs burn so yeah when that's gone it's
3277s gone it's when that's gone it's gone so
3279s he needs to make sure that special web
3281s stay strong looks like we just had a
3283s focus chambers down scribe okay
3289s what now still got one action then Luna
3292s shrieking in that warped hood can I get
3294s back into the loop they blow the last
3296s section on the article so no walk take
3298s this guy some cheaters gonna get caught
3300s here I'd be very interested see what
3302s happens if he forest men's yeah Forest
3305s men's when she first met horseman the
3307s new Oracle and subscribe subjugate
3311s expires Oracle covers that up and he's
3313s lost to subjugate you basically he does
3322s have three subjugate errs so he can
3326s reaching up he can route singing a say
3327s this is not the end of the world
3329s yeah what's he going for I know from the
3333s teching conversations I was overhearing
3335s last night a lot of people are afraid of
3337s this infinite loop deck so the general
3341s way of beating it is to get rid of both
3342s like 2 sub 2 of the subjugate errs I
3344s think that's why you can see this yeah
3347s okay so we did see a warped Oh we'll
3350s take first and oh there's four five I
3353s completely forget you can do this you
3354s know we so focus on the return we did
3356s this last game with the walked oh he's
3357s forgot you could just shut it off as
3358s well it's good thing we're not playing
3359s right now right please clean the buff
3361s out oh how much damage is that - the
3365s Oracle okay it was alive and then he
3367s passed turn over to him or broken
3369s announced just take news increased by
3371s the power yeah episode three plus two
3373s minus three wicked you can kill
3376s oftentimes this too
3378s all right to strike again not blocking
3383s the damage so three damage into eight
3385s damage so seventeen down to nine as he
3388s go combo ambos he has one combo but I
3391s don't know what combo it is imagine if
3393s you had a mimic you just mimic that for
3395s eight and then down to one and it's a
3398s champ for him to heal up in six when we
3401s finish him the next guy though
3402s alright so he defend ability the Tusker
3403s and he's checking his discard he's also
3407s thinking the forest Minda how many of
3409s those is he has you know got a root
3411s singer very nice which is getting take
3413s the chorus mender yeah you can forest
3416s Minda spectra Webber Reapers easy that
3417s he's got even yell for as even more
3419s spectral website intended so basically I
3421s think at this point give or take
3424s obviously if we go many turns in in my
3427s chain at this point you Bay this point I
3429s don't think he's busted gonna read this
3430s game because he can forest mend and then
3433s replay this pick you up he's got a third
3434s spectral web so at this point he's
3436s busting at me stand around for at least
3439s seven eight turns before he runs out
3441s speak to work forest people he run three
3443s root fingers oh he does he's able to get
3445s back okay I take it back more for
3447s offenders I want you know just saw an
3448s old oak as well interesting so I think
3454s that was both of his action so it looks
3455s like CJ has a boulder feast in his hand
3457s so one for finally there's a mountain
3460s fort there's a boulder feast so we've
3462s got damage mitigation
3463s oh yeah let's go see you can't double uh
3467s he flying about his run where day
3471s seek your way around it with finally
3473s looking forward to see in the back of
3475s that one
3476s okay so spectra web is due to be removed
3480s probably doesn't wanna waste an old oak
3482s on this one because it's not instantly
3484s the Tusker would you reckon I guess you
3488s see he could obviously did you take the
3493s forest man there he could Forest men's
3495s orgy fortune everything about this
3497s if you forest men the stone scribe
3499s you're getting up to go expires but he
3501s jeered hatchlings and you give him back
3503s more healing and at this point he wants
3504s to get he wants to burn him down fast
3506s enough
3506s yeah and John thing how you capitalized
3508s on a good forest men here they I mean he
3510s could also just play a time and not
3513s really worry so he could forest men the
3515s stone scribe back and let him heal up
3516s because he has the damage to be able to
3519s win in mind that's completely correct
3520s here and they here oh he's got support
3522s feeder you know support for you he's got
3525s one the hearing on Boston play which is
3527s quite a lot it does need a lien but it
3529s would hit for for for it's worth here's
3531s the increase the damage increased oh it
3534s looks like he is old okay yep so he
3535s wants to hold onto that fresh work is
3537s able to be returned so I would yeah we
3539s do the same thing instead of letting the
3541s spectral web expire as you said he's got
3543s three route singers to to go so you can
3545s older and forest manufacturers have for
3547s using loads of opportunity replay and
3549s restart
3551s all right so keep lying about it's a
3555s little cheeky trick or he'll on the next
3558s go goes another big hit coming in so the
3559s mountain fort is going to block the
3560s swarm but then he's going to take six
3562s damage yeah after reduction so he's not
3566s out of the woods yet all right at the
3568s forest Josie all right I take it back no
3575s I don't take it I forgive you this I've
3576s been taken back okay
3578s oh my god he's still what two actors
3579s right fine does yappy flying a mode and
3581s it looks like he actually said very
3589s solid deck builder solid players who's
3591s this God make sure his game strategies
3593s right because as we've seen disruption
3594s or miss play yeah can cause this thing
3596s to misfire so he's given and watch he's
3598s got some secret restored so getting play
3600s not sure why he's worried about getting
3602s attacked maybe he's worried about a
3603s knockout blow potentially doesn't know
3605s what the triana combos are right so
3607s maybe I mean there aren't any but you
3609s know safety net right you gotta be
3611s careful so there's the Tusker in six one
3617s ticked it first the next go he's gone to
3620s damage is gonna be a lot one swarm over
3624s for your at all that I mean that tusk is
3633s gonna get a job done I love these funny
3635s in here's one of them yes one Tusker
3637s just you know stampeding his way down
3640s tree on his pet Tusker
3642s yeah India's one but I just love it's
3644s one you know it's like the reliability
3646s to get the one card you need out
3647s obviously tree on at the draw power he's
3649s Australian
3652s so he's doing he's got forests meander
3654s as well so he could he could be
3656s achieving a good forest man what could
3660s he do anything like if forest men the
3661s Oracle yeah the next go if you replays
3663s it the Tusker hits for full damage
3665s anyway for a to this situation as well
3667s and the insects and 3x I think we can be
3670s looking at a killing me knows that
3671s potentially actually impact another
3673s Oracle yep that's no problem just double
3677s far as vendors and boat yeah I'm just
3681s getting bloodlust though I want to see
3682s the Italian is everything that is yes
3685s Sophia the forest mammals the to
3687s Oracle's he can't play the same card
3689s twice only he could he could he could
3692s focus she ran away they'd be on the X so
3696s in takes all three and the Tusk afraid
3697s that's not even damage say yeah might be
3701s a looking at potential kill range there
3703s looks like CJ drew the Shrieker bringing
3707s back a stone scribe
3708s I think it's as many buffs as we've seen
3712s him have out let's get out of these
3713s games also having lots of buffs out does
3716s shut down routing as well maybe he's got
3718s that man to a bit on the side that keep
3720s them out although oh no sorry is this
3723s finger would still hit I told tree
3726s islands about oh there we go there's one
3730s more buff
3735s it doesn't completely shut down route
3737s singer just makes it less so look at
3739s that for buffs versus five buff so
3741s routing is still playing now now okay
3745s both have five so you got a stone scribe
3747s the subject was so far down the screen
3749s entry Arnie lives in tough position
3751s alright so back to winged Wiesel here
3757s one turn off Tosca hitting four - no
3762s it's blocked unfortunately yeah it's so
3763s much I wonder if he's plan for this and
3768s assuming the same scribe can catch them
3770s and he can replay them but yeah there's
3775s a tricky one here okay he's just gone in
3781s for I mean I don't know why we are at a
3782s point of the stone scribe actually Oh
3784s hiring are we in time so we are now in
3788s time we turn now yeah
3796s we're in time now
3798s so how many turns with a left at the
3800s moment yeah I think so I'm just
3803s wondering cuz I saw Triana
3805s here's played mosters defender and stuff
3807s - Amon obviously he's holding up even
3809s though he's on max health I think this
3811s is just a case of it's in time so this
3816s is why we've seen this is a very very
3818s defensive plays here yep so subjugator
3820s has rotated out and we've got three six
3823s nine damage reduction $4 on the right
3826s hand side he screams there but dolo is
3828s going to have to heal up for a large
3830s amount we think this is on the second
3833s ten times you're sitting away from it
3834s from the players exactly so we don't
3836s have that information specifically but
3838s right now the damage reduction is
3839s aligned to completely block the buffed
3841s up Tusker unfortunately dolly doesn't do
3843s a lot of damage other than combos and
3845s wattage defenders out on a three right
3847s now one damage but stuff to get back
3850s into a so he's thinking of of just any
3853s potential blind attacks obvious he still
3854s hasn't seen a lot of tree on his combos
3856s up in the one with nature so he might
3858s might be expecting under a feral rage
3860s you know with all that damage rating
3862s won't matter anyway but you never know
3864s with time you just want to you want to
3865s stay as alive as possible so right now
3868s turned a night so this is this is -
3871s alright so eight damage - three - three
3876s - three clunks the last Mountain fort
3878s Elise so that's progress
3880s yeah so spectral Webb is on its cross so
3884s you want to restart this at this point
3885s because a Kristin leech could still do a
3887s lot of damage here but they are on
3889s always got such thing he's got a fresh
3891s back throw and he could just yeah go
3892s first fresh yeah fresh is guarantee it
3895s will last and he only has two old oak
3897s Susie's both so the rest natural em yeah
3900s and anyway he's got three active corners
3903s with mrs. turn to your buffs to safe to
3905s the end of the gap and obviously one
3907s with nature is buffing healing and
3909s damage damage not really a problem right
3911s now because there's so much damage
3912s reduction out but healing
3913s he's on myself but it's buffing some bit
3915s of Shaymin on the next go he's gonna
3916s heal for six he won't actually holds it
3918s on myself but basically Dali can't
3920s damage him this turn because he's going
3922s to undo six and CJ
3923s have enough healing I'm in little bit
3925s more straits how many look at a four
3927s eight nine buffs on the side of a tree
3929s on a nice little board State Fair I
3933s think at this point gcj doesn't have the
3936s ability to shakiri singer o grass of the
3940s mountain hold on that rock melter yeah
3943s rock my world
3944s oh he used rock belter ignores damage
3946s reduction as i said at this point
3947s stoppage of rotates and heals for six
3949s he's done done it yep so for if we would
3954s have overflowed because the one with
3955s nature buffing that up yep
3957s so maybe should have held off on that
3959s rock metal one turn but I don't think
3961s it'll make a difference anyway cuz the
3962s communities at 13 he doesn't have the
3965s ability to heal up enough to make it I
3967s mean he could even you even can even
3969s inverse the tree Arnie to go up I think
3970s they just run in the numbers yeah and
3972s that said the fee alright so we actually
3974s have seeing a - OH
3976s at 2:04 weasel in that was a top 16 -
3980s topic scheme let me just saying goodbye
3982s to CJ from the tournament so well played
3984s by TJ is a great two games alight so you
3986s say she said Sicario taking down dollar
3989s dollar
3990s he acted to stay with it but not enough
3992s for Triana we didn't even see the mimic
3993s vine lash it wasn't here we went to time
3995s but didn't even see his grim glider or
3997s his horror such a strong board they let
3998s you said turn four we had one man nature
4000s out yeah such such great play by both
4002s players and counter play by wing weasel
4004s taking it and that's not an easy deck to
4006s play against I mean according to both
4007s guys here CJ bring in a really
4010s impressive control without shutting down
4011s a lot of players this weekend but not
4014s enough for a wing weasel apparently so a
4015s wing weasel going through to top eight
4017s and to make it in for the next round and
4019s thank you lifesaver
4020s Mandy for joining me again thanks for
4022s having me