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So i just decided to gice this a shot again in my Switch and i can't seem to find where the tutorial is. Tried with a basic opponent but the turns keep passing and i habe no idea what's going on. I think i might've skipped it or played it without paying attention months ago because i only know that cards rotate sometimes but i have no idea when or which. I'm sure the tutorial is somewhere in there but i cant find it. Help.

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about 5 years ago - /u/g00w - Direct link

There is a tutorial when you start the game. But if you've already played through it, there is currently no way to replay it.

Not ideal, but a potential work-around would be to start the game with another user on your Switch. That user would then start in the tutorial (and you can swap back to your main account when it's done). Again, not idea, but would let you replay it at least.