over 6 years ago - Lightseekers Game - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

2s hello welcome to Gen Con 2018 and Chris
5s and this is ne and though we're here
8s coming out here from Gen Con today's
10s meeting for the national championship
12s alight seekers this is a championship
14s like no other well we're running our
15s Advanced Format John and tell the guys
17s what EV answers about yeah so we're
19s going to run sooner actually so this is
21s the second round of the Swiss yes yeah
22s boss warmup each player brings three
25s decks and that they get look at the
27s heroes or those thick's I'm not allowed
30s to say no at the same order twice either
31s yeah so all three here's much boxes
33s different orders and Eastbay looks at
35s the opponents three heroes in afib and
37s one of them and then for the remaining
40s games you have to win with both your
41s remaining decks
41s so once you've won with a deck you can
43s only play the deck you have to play your
44s second deck it's a really fun format and
47s it's a creates really interesting
48s decisions there's a whole like you know
50s mental sort of getting in the online
52s games are like picking here is that
53s might be an obvious panel or they might
55s not be they take behind it that's the
56s problem so a lot of interesting
58s decisions already been made
59s yeah so our players have now already
61s banned and no one of the fantastics okay
63s I didn't see what the heroes were it was
65s very quick but there's been a ban on
68s either side and then I'll chose in their
70s first year to play with all right oh
72s yeah just to bring it to me we've got
73s million on the left and we go jaguarundi
76s on the right familiar with the jengkol
78s exclusively map with a choke Slayer on
80s it very nice nice play mats and yeah
83s we've got some jennifer national is
84s playing that already which is the guys
85s get participating in a competition yeah
88s alright so we just freaking through
89s looks like yeah we take a drink Nick so
93s this thread ends flow all the time
96s let's look shilling cars in there
98s fighting it's good combo yes there's
100s millions that the right humps in a peek
103s of color yeah so yeah just to reiterate
107s yeah so if you win with one deck that's
108s you've done with that debt so you have
110s to numb the other so this is sort of
111s like a really cool format so you can see
113s you know who's the champion Elijah get
114s it's not just but you're good with one
115s deck it's good that you're good with
116s multiple orders yes we need to
118s effectively master three orders and be
120s you exactly and be ready to yeah play
122s with two of them ready yeah so Jagger
125s Andy has to go with Tempest as a score
127s zero just playing a probably quite
129s rushed sheet take think I'd assume yeah
131s Tempest is a good rush picking the
133s community so tempest is a she has a
135s explosive mechanical and time being in
137s the tech order superior time so she play
139s as many texts she has actions really
141s nice ability mature favors the rough
143s rush which is moving one card to the
146s bottleneck to draw 200 and dying yes
149s unless I have the undying the storm
152s interactions there so I'm dying is a red
154s hero obviously boys since appeared
156s definite shot oh the ability is to take
160s one damage to move a discarded combo
162s back to your deck the chillin curse
164s vacuum up again yep so 31 health as well
167s so a little bit of leeway to take some
168s damage yeah we're starting on 28 I
171s believe because so both ways a draw for
173s someone that needs to draw five whoever
175s it goes second okay sorry
177s our undying player needs to draw what
180s more large the unknown really initially
185s had guard a5 Carter something and he's
187s only playing with four cards is he
188s second but what we're seeing on the
190s weight on the meantime we've got a
191s tempest
192s so Jagger and I can't ozium blacksmith
194s really nice card in the starting hand
196s cuz it oh there we go
197s immediately equips an item and he's gone
199s with molten blaze yeah so this is a a
201s tech I assume rush pick into fire yeah
205s so fire obviously a lot of good
206s aggressive foul their molten blade with
208s nothing else nice actually three now
209s because thought this guy before the
211s sauna taxes I think he is going to
213s looter for the
215s second action I think is running flames
217s in warriors I like flame jhamora a
219s really good counter to a lot of you know
221s damaging increase buffs I caught a
223s Rachel sigh and storm gem you can easily
225s waster card for that yeah so first item
228s is a looper six damage and the Apocrypha
231s and then in the second news bar and then
233s temple a wall a bone so reducing damage
235s with Steve by two to two and nothing
238s could pass for one card yep so I'm
241s assuming here that the tactics gonna be
242s to you Hulk up on how you just can't
246s tank it out for a while until you start
248s getting the competent claim I mean with
250s the undying you've got to see me once
252s combos out so you can benefit from he's
253s probably not a real early game deck I
256s guess like if we send chilling courtesy
258s pretty once had to go all the way around
259s which means he needs the items in each
260s the payment so might not work well
262s against tempest if there's a funding
264s alchemist for six just proving he hasn't
265s got a combo cards a really good optimum
267s use of that card yeah so he's heading
269s through the the wallet balls to fall
270s down at the point yes he's happy to it
272s for showing a flame matters oh he's got
274s some fire aggression in there there's a
275s good on the 21 they're probably assumed
278s that every action tempest is going to do
279s is at least five damage ignoring the
280s damage drugs in it of course we've
281s pretty got a lots of attack guards yeah
284s possibly rain running rock palm as well
286s Oh Assassin's Guild so get some
288s erections Walla bones should rotate as
290s well there yeah four million he's got it
294s these guys know what they're doing
295s really yeah so a storm shell is a water
297s item and a after you taking damage once
301s in a turn and the additional damage take
302s is reduced by one pretty tightly against
304s tempers it the currents try although
306s tempers is probably kind of here that
308s will attack once and draw too
312s yeah so the story might not see that
315s much use although if he's planning on
318s attacking molten blade as well as
320s attacking with the car - then I think it
321s will change them up though I think it
322s wouldn't that when the wallah bones is
324s gone I think you'll do it anyway like he
325s into a wall of owns rights he's probably
327s happy to molten baby 3 yeah and then
329s so here's going a prison optimal on card
331s for the sake of the pressure yeah I mean
333s yeah oh hey if this guy's based on the
335s undying Oh Oh nowhere else on the bones
338s five straight in he's obviously been
342s temperature Akshay just wants a
343s guarantee damage erection keep hitting
345s keep in yeah draw two on the side of
347s Amelia in there obviously didn't trigger
351s the storm Joe there as well right so you
352s attacked and then cleaned up with a full
354s fight yeah so tempest knows they're
355s called um and costume
356s yeah and there's something i assuming
359s here he's just shuffling that always
361s depends another five damage it could be
363s a quick game but again yeah so the
366s benefit with this format is if tempest
368s wins you know she's not fighting tempest
370s again yeah weapon master really nice
372s he's got in this main deck yes a weapon
374s master is a part of gives it to to use
376s of an ability that is here for three and
378s will an item back to dick nobody throws
381s really nice ability first yeah
384s oh and he's just crazy bomb bird so you
385s probably doesn't want that out right now
387s see if you telling another one yeah so
389s he's really used up now he's fine
390s clients here player 510 this might be
393s over
394s he's only here so the tempers holding
396s two cards he was playing tempers first
399s guards there so it's just turn over I'm
402s guessing we're gonna see a weapon master
403s it gives a bit healing yes is useful
405s right now yeah so three healing and then
406s moves the molten played back-to-back yep
411s I mean so a potential benefit hopefully
415s undying is that I'm assuming temple have
417s been moving down defensive quarter but
419s on deck and obviously making shuffle the
421s deck now means that those defense got
422s welcome back up again it's good point
423s yeah might slow him down a little bit so
426s he's got his hand probably lots of
429s damage just throwing one with usually
431s here sort of playing he is playing where
434s the I'm informants I'm gonna guess three
436s yep one already yeah because the
440s undying is drawing quite heavily can get
442s some good use out of that tempest again
445s I've see anything that look like a
449s fountain of time I thought so looper oh
451s yeah might be relieved that no nilüfer
454s yeah it's one at least and the undying
457s gets a card so he's only down to nine
461s now so he can assume he's gonna go
464s confuse shaman's so he's gone into water
465s for the storm show but he's also using
467s water card so he got confused Shaymin
468s he'll for seven and the other guy gets
470s four so helping out the property this is
474s now mainly his gameplay is that he
476s doesn't really care about the early game
477s Oh sole trader to seven and then it's
480s going to hit him for a one to four in
482s the future so is it going we're getting
484s rid of her is he gonna devour them I
486s found 23 there yeah yeah his Locrian
489s playing yeah so he's I think it's gonna
492s take us a bit on next time perhaps
493s player Waller bones could just reduce it
497s Poornima three damage draw confidence or
500s said devour its
503s and then yes attack ones within tempest
505s so he's now he was he was on like nine
506s half a second ago right and now he's not
508s in a 414 that time yeah yeah very nice
511s well effectively 13 because it'll take
513s one out office I don't think is going
516s into the others anything that's nasty
520s I'd say that was a bit too yeah too
524s aggressive with the sole traders he's
526s just lost a lot of healing value by take
529s that damage yeah the complete shame and
530s dig game have a lot of time cuz yeah
533s I'll say that confucian was enough he
534s was our sixteen health now Jimmy's got a
536s way of her movie in his deck right you
537s would put one in within your deck of
539s that way of removing yeah so I'm trying
540s to escape his holy shadow puppets which
542s against this temper sixteenth could be
544s he might be both dead it's hard him soon
546s enough
546s at all I mean chilling person be pretty
550s awesome by now Oh devout oh yeah so he
554s might least been he can't devour his own
556s but yeah it's a defense I think they
561s just confirm that so what does he do
564s I always got ritual of awakening there I
565s mean he might have a relied on that and
567s so if he didn't know that you can't
569s remove your own buffs with devours and
572s he's part the fun of the game right now
573s is like was still quite a new car games
575s a lot of the players have come a long
577s way in a very short time and they still
579s learning the odds and ends but like they
581s play really well on the whole you know
582s it's pretty really ever see yes it's
584s clear this hasn't skills which means it
585s has three actions here but I'm guessing
587s together draw three with that so bit of
590s a missed clip in there with the sole
592s trader it doesn't know this game is
594s going in his favor anyway safer was this
596s get out of the way yeah
597s yes I don't know what joke around this
600s second deck is we didn't get to catch
604s the horse Pandora's kept their
608s completion so another seven healing and
611s he's kept Tim Purcell on the help now
613s yeah and I'll put this one actually left
616s he's got the undying so we know he might
619s be able to swing this back and get some
621s more combos oh and the time glass got 14
624s damn another ten and four pending or
626s sole trader which means that we have a
628s million down to paper six help now yeah
631s although
636s tempus has the cars on hand is that the
638s three
639s it's really really a bit for damage from
641s Soul Train
642s he's helping he's helping jug you're on
644s day out here yes I mean he might be
645s forced to actually use that lawsuit of
648s through people there we go are we gonna
650s do when see family I'll commit to the
651s hand I'll check around it okay no
653s swimming I'm gonna assume you dead yeah
655s well he might he might just play the
657s house or a feeling oh it's got ritual
659s can you think that shows he can play
661s ritual but he's dead anyway with that he
663s can also play fight as a frog that's
665s payment for honest operation in the wake
667s of stealing cars
669s okay commentary interesting okay when he
673s paid for it with ritual of awakening
674s yeah so for three turns he can't be
676s attacked and his shadow cards and deal
678s to more damage to who to more I'd know
681s it's got an abyss Weaver in his hand I
682s swear that if he could fix a deal in yes
684s nice so here's 12 healing next on a
685s theory but it's gonna shut down his
687s watch obviously it needs to build his
689s hand as well he's not actually getting
690s anywhere in this game because yeah
692s it's not like the ground is running out
693s of ammunition here yeah Jake going to
695s get safely right wait this one out and
697s get through it
698s Oh or you could just walk towed it and
700s then family Alchemist for the kill ouch
702s and there's a girl serves a quick game
705s no combat doesn't matter pizza kill so
707s there's one open-toe grandness so give
710s advance format million have to keep on
712s playing both mistakes
714s yeah but joy grounded now has to put
715s aside the tempest think I just gotta
718s wait already we're gonna see what Jagger
721s only brings out yes the tennis we've
722s done we know his next Nick he's not
724s gonna be take because no orders twice
727s yeah millions millions Gaga and best of
730s three of us it's not over yet
731s this is round two so millions obviously
733s it's got this far already
735s lucio he's going yep and see what he's
738s pulling out next so we didn't know he
740s banned unfortunately and I say another
742s thing a dollar
743s although a prime pick until until the
746s end of this torment
747s yeah gets a little errata plays quite
750s keen on getting rid of him from the from
752s the game at the moment let's see what we
754s got you've seen me stealing I'm dying
758s and what we going for yeah so it seems
761s I've been a bit faculty that so double
763s over here we've seen a lot dollar for
764s example we're Feeny actually yes we
766s recently are of course saw the UK
769s nationals about a month had a bit ago
770s yep when we did have a big goal of
772s representation yeah but only one
774s actually went through the top eight okay
776s yeah it was knocked out in the second
777s battles the but people still fear like
782s even though he actually didn't do that
783s well and on the big stage people still
786s got fear him so mostly green assume that
788s if they bring dollar that's a guaranteed
789s ban and they know exactly what they get
791s to play and that's a really good thing
792s about the advanced one if some people
793s are using that to not even build a good
795s dollar that they have with their other
796s two but they using dollar just to learn
798s the ban pick which is a really fun fun
800s player player yeah but isn't there's a
802s risk there cuz if a lot of people rely
803s on that then you could go into this
804s tournament you're thinking all my three
806s dates can be dull oh you know someone
808s brings it all they come not gonna ban it
809s yeah well they have to try to win with
810s it then I have three decks account reads
812s it's all ellicsr there's well mental
813s games going on behind the scenes here
814s players got the Rob make the right
816s decision the right arm on this thing
817s yeah so we've got a million and a hen
822s shopping in looking at all she this is a
827s mountain in to make ia miss you that's
829s run it run it could be a granite
832s could be a dollar she wanted to do
834s hopefully all surprise us that looks
837s very grounded to me yep
846s yes the players are allowed to share
849s cars between the decks in cases car they
851s don't have local cop itself they can
852s move the car between an exit between two
854s rounds so that's my crime Cobra being 10
857s days in blacksmith which is a machine
858s what he's doing yeah so it might be that
860s he's just moving cars over here
867s we're hunting for their cards now so I
870s think we're looking at granny on deck
871s they said limps into here yet but we can
873s assume it's gonna be just for he's
876s sleeping so you can't see the car
877s obviously Cassini ready to go on the
880s right so Ksenia a top pick for the
882s astral players cause she has the ability
884s to discard a card for three damage
885s really useful for astral because they
888s depend on the discard pile what's on top
890s influences what they're gonna do and
891s some buffs you know you don't want to
894s wait for them to expire so Cassini can
895s put that card on top of mmediately the
897s prime example being par finder if you
899s don't wait for a you know lunar buff to
901s it like an Oracle to expire you can just
902s discard one and then pathfinder so she's
904s a good hero for expediting that astral
907s play style superior lunar so a bit
909s defensive as well we see a lot of Flying
911s Fortress decks with this you know fly
913s for spinner defend a luna card story and
916s pulling defense powers the Flying
918s Fortress again
919s defends primarily being Luna cards so
922s the reverse we're gonna see yet we
923s haven't seen this getting any deck so
925s it's been granite so they moved the
927s shopaholic pontiff was actually moving
928s Cod from the Undine deck into the
930s granite take was he a blacksmith yes so
933s from what could tell this was it isn't
934s actually the same thick that we saw well
938s yeah so we've seen a few people here
941s because obviously the US National chip
943s is running about a month or a bit later
944s so they've had a chance to pick up on
946s what the guys in the UK were doing and
949s that grant think it's one that has been
950s picked up by tracking people if so maybe
952s millions done his homework he saw the
953s the previous rooms we were doing and
955s he's going for the granite copy that
958s there see how far you can do see if you
960s can party to victory so obviously
961s granite for those who don't know there's
963s increased damage done by five when his
964s deck is empty so you're gonna see him
966s wanting to draw through that deck really
968s quickly and at the end we tend to see
970s chat volcano and combo play with that
973s deck empty bonus it hit it hurts it
976s hurts quick yeah so they joke around a
979s hip played a smoker which gives into
982s helium our action
984s lunar and follow up with dimensional
986s hunter which has two damaged sense to
987s defend course back to deck and also
990s gives one more action if you hold a
992s philosopher I say is a little card so he
994s still has two matches to go and he's hit
996s to defend cards SPU's they're all right
997s away yes of course this is a great
999s tactic against brands to put squash back
1001s in the deck because the crown an
1002s existing object that is get through them
1004s to the deck get everything to my hand it
1007s survived until that points all right so
1008s we're fine using an action no you can't
1010s do double gravity just checking that now
1012s so yeah any allowed to play lunar and
1013s solar so there's our solo your maid ship
1016s nothing nothing seven damage if they
1018s wanted to go he's gonna pass the draw
1020s master bro yeah so the grand thick runs
1024s mechanical cards so at some point
1028s attacking into him will become less
1030s efficient because he's gonna have a
1032s fortune emerges systems are for SWAT to
1035s merge systems the collar to trigger
1036s seven healing we get attacked only once
1039s but for Jacaranda here I think it's
1042s quite important to excite to get those
1043s with lactose out before he's hitting up
1046s that's unfortunate and he grabbed he
1048s said throw a card face up if it's not
1050s gravity increase the damage before it
1052s was an astronomer which is gravity
1054s obviously so fortune you can't play this
1056s run right now either because that's so
1057s obviously a good card draw a car but
1058s seniors no double gravity she's just a
1062s foster neutral and there is also a good
1065s cardio through there against O'Reilly
1067s level so you got gravity bubble which is
1068s say dependent on these eight damage and
1070s rotates all the opponents buffs the last
1072s corner and restart all your own so
1076s the Koran to realize quite a lot of
1077s mountain fort to stay alive though it's
1080s a way to hit through two bits for five
1082s and also if they could waste another
1084s five yeah but to put it in ten damage
1088s plus restarting a bus effectively sorry
1091s so we've got seven hours from the meet
1092s chip coming home last time we saw the
1094s Forge will come into place in our
1095s granite or million has access to
1097s mechanical so we can expect some
1099s emergent systems along the way now
1102s dawn stalk has been played on the right
1104s here by Jagger and II which is a six
1106s damage on the final corner or ten if the
1108s last Escada card is Luna so I assume we
1111s could expect some lunar cars to come out
1112s with shortly yeah so gran starts heating
1115s up a bit and cleans his car door now he
1118s hasn't seen the dawn in the ancient
1119s miners yet yeah I assume he's running
1122s the exact same that we've seen in the UK
1123s national I'm just guessing that it's
1127s like familiars over yeah at the very
1129s least if they're tweaks are very minor
1130s tweaks oh nice so fine in beetle three
1134s healing to attack guards back to detect
1136s not sure how many kind of runs he saw
1139s usually the combos right yeah so crystal
1142s reaches tend to be the ones they often
1145s also run guild hatchlings Astro yet to
1150s get those buffs back in and we see an
1152s astronomer net obviously these two you
1154s can't be removed now yes in this case I
1156s think you play that card because it
1157s wants to have free rein on his store
1160s stalker an astronomer yeah so now they
1161s have seen that who Chris nice return
1163s today he knows it's safe to play buff
1166s and also Hills has one more turn left to
1169s put living on top to increase the damage
1170s from thorne stalker yeah
1172s dawn saw his car at the six temperatures
1173s last quarter but a $15.00 aquatic
1175s Odyssey lunar its increased by four to
1177s ten
1178s well we drew two here's a gotta Luna so
1182s it's going to do six unless any damage
1183s reduction hits the table for a million
1185s shoots Bob looks like focus chamber yeah
1190s so he get to draw one card and put him
1193s up into my pocket ugly yeah so what's he
1196s gonna put in has he got an action uh
1198s he's gone moons the system to the asian
1200s mine are we go
1201s oh well then he drew lead I drew a leads
1204s with a focus chamber but he complete
1207s turn double crystal the crystal yeah did
1211s he jump the gun for the focus chamber
1214s well the focus and drew him the closer
1216s leads I think we did it wrong I I think
1218s I'm not sure though I just got excited
1220s when he saw it so yeah he's committed
1222s now so yeah very earth and of course the
1226s Judas five his play
1228s Ksenia now knows there is say or dagger
1230s and II know sorts of crystal each in
1232s hand he gets his six damage they'd be a
1236s he's not gonna get a great value off
1238s their unique now you get off to stop the
1239s shuttle chef tip your hand there but
1241s what if you had that before
1242s or I assume not he must have drawn and
1244s you would play if you had it right now
1246s but obviously there's a lot of pressure
1248s on these guys lower prize money and a
1251s solid sheet so the guys are going over
1253s an immense amount of pressure now or
1255s late in January they said i sticked
1257s adornment old sunstrike a lie that's a
1260s seven damaged and gives you one more
1261s action
1262s but solar and gravity on top which is
1264s good for yep making a straw a bit
1266s unpredictable obviously even if you know
1268s where the cards this one you don't locks
1270s it gives you more options and that makes
1272s it a little bit harder to predict what
1273s might have a next my no matter if so
1276s they'll actually so lose going on top oh
1277s we're a shapeshifter
1279s for another five dominate her but now -
1281s the poor because a fort wall Oh a sub 15
1284s yeah so hits under 10 he's done that
1286s yeah they're on top of it I think grant
1288s it's gonna want every little bit help
1289s you can get from there for Joe the wrong
1291s card on the American I really this might
1293s be over if that astronomer goes off well
1296s I hate poor cards to do I think it has a
1298s motor system in hand yeah well we know
1301s gravity bubble can do a mistake no seven
1305s with Forge alright so you can get close
1310s now I'm wonder if he's got the engine
1313s minor of astronomer yes is it's too
1316s dangerous
1317s yes I a too dangerous a lot of cards
1320s yeah so they go off in that auto left to
1323s right now we did see Joe granules a draw
1327s Pathfinder so let's see piece yeah so
1332s million here's a quite a big choice not
1334s system he has he has emerges in his hand
1338s he has a mountain fort and exterior
1339s defenders he's got three cars are all
1341s pretty good yes votes throwing out Lajos
1344s surprise remission eleven board if he
1345s plays Mountain port I would expects
1347s whichever end up 200 he'll say yeah so
1351s he keeps his pop safe so yeah it's a
1353s month went down it you could prolly see
1354s the power finally coming out Oh
1356s gravity's on top right soon he hits one
1357s an early yeah I can't see Russ had an
1359s office cause he has cusine of course to
1360s discard something true she's going for
1363s anyway yeah he's pawning the to Quadro
1365s way yellow in the ground down and he's
1367s obviously
1368s you know Astros got a lot of firepower
1369s as well jag windiest through a solar
1372s wind though cool it's a 10 damage combo
1375s cod we can discard after two additional
1378s solar cars increase that by three par
1380s yeah oh here we go now he's now he's
1382s holing up a bit so we got a mountain for
1383s him the table and ammo system so mostly
1386s some Ken Loney golf once healing healing
1388s a granite four seven with something
1389s Steve great mountain port is a clunky
1391s buff so only rotates when he takes
1392s damage so it's up to Jack iron Cassini
1395s to trickle through that or get rid of it
1397s just paid the Pathfinder so yeah oh and
1401s he's got never operator so everyone gray
1402s sir nothing and then three attack cards
1405s go back so he's probably trying to hit
1406s those pathfinders if they're there and
1407s he gets to draw a card which is
1408s obviously a nice side effect of granite
1411s yeah so firstly what is of course Ksenia
1415s does have another option for dealing
1416s damage yeah with the hero power which is
1418s not an attack so if this was a late game
1420s you can circumvent the monetary system
1421s because you have mount the port on top
1423s in probably want to attack here yeah
1426s which especially with a rock raised on
1429s the board like you you're gonna lose him
1430s Oh temporarily at least anyway yeah you
1432s gotta get some back my family so this is
1434s a good swing back in for granite so the
1439s game might have actually have swung in
1440s the favor of million here's a lot of
1442s cars ever get through but he is he was
1446s under a lot of pressure survive it and
1447s now it looks like here to each other and
1449s it's actually run out of steam yeah and
1452s this is the thing with the granite
1453s because his damage increased at the end
1454s of the game with shout volcanoes and
1456s combo blaze so high he doesn't care if
1458s Jagger Andy chills on 35 the entire game
1460s it's going to be a to turn game in the
1462s end he's gone with the earth subjugator
1464s thinks a million might attack in the
1467s can't attack 1410
1469s Astra bracelet seven eating Merce and he
1474s takes a sec cell 3
1476s seven healing and just resolving it
1481s Kevin so he might sit down three yes so
1486s there's something in this one areas like
1487s many years to do that to not draw a card
1489s I don't know yeah he wasn't gonna lose
1493s it to the racer yeah yes and I cry and
1497s you can only assume these people know
1499s about some of the national champion
1501s states from them yeah yes ma'am yeah so
1503s Gerry understands research he knows
1505s what's coming across the end there where
1506s the open goal has like ground gets to
1509s the end with you all his big home but
1510s like the subjugator hour the end we
1515s currently custom the game no but no
1517s worries yes so yeah we're so Cassini's
1523s just drawing to the carry on subjugate
1525s still stopping crying from attacking
1527s although he wasn't really into attacks
1528s that turn anyway it stops the june
1531s hatching actually maybe maybe that was
1533s it to get the system back yeah obviously
1535s there that yes the grunt is a bit
1537s different from the one we seen at UK
1538s national so I think Emma crater is not
1540s in wasn't in epic but he also that he
1542s also had a number of brutes which was
1544s run in this I board yeah so that removes
1550s a seven points protection as well as to
1553s car job very nice
1556s it obviously asked me that he's used up
1558s two of his Pathfinder so far so if it
1560s does get to late-game the oh that is
1565s little Avenger this is definitely new
1567s car to the Granite Bay to kneeling to
1569s damage on every active corner only
1570s playable Casillas butter moon
1573s there we go we see yeah we see the only
1576s loose somehow it's been a while
1577s yeah so we're seeing some differences
1579s here which is interesting to see the
1582s different take on the same style dick
1587s yep and I believe Jack Randy yesterday
1590s through there so two more damage to more
1591s healing now yep
1600s both have been removed on the second
1602s corner as well yeah so drawing quad face
1606s up until you draw defender card or three
1608s cards Oh
1609s avenge
1621s so you Vincent sunstrike right lives
1623s income
1625s yes so and again he draws quite properly
1629s for this matchup if your solo means five
1631s damage so a shape-shifter the card where
1633s you draw one card face up if that car is
1635s so low you deal 5 damage if it's gravity
1638s you heal four five if it's neither
1639s nothing happens
1640s well you get the cards but it's not the
1642s times we shapeshifter a shapeshifter
1643s yeah I think you do some stalkers row is
1646s this good for having dinner on top as
1647s well yeah unless several days a mountain
1649s dwarf which he now it's a super again
1651s like I said with sins in part oh oh so
1655s using black hole to pay for also of
1657s course it's a damage - 3:19 and Joey now
1679s has all three others on top of this Cup
1680s as well
1688s Mountain ought to go it who's Jude
1690s hatchling and an automatic Avenger
1696s see what happens this see all my
1699s adventures back in so it should kick in
1702s yeah so it shouldn't do any damage now
1704s but it will heal because no one's
1706s removed anything start on jelly I wonder
1709s if they never that it's quite a nice
1710s voice I didn't see can he move us hell
1714s okay me chip hits the table
1719s or anyone
1722s there's two hitting it from oh no they
1724s don't know that it yes good
1727s so just circle this so they've been
1730s dealing damage with automatic Avenger
1732s the Jagger and it shouldn't have taken
1735s damage from the second automatic Avenger
1739s if you can grab something I can explain
1741s its on see it's a very nice rule this
1745s one so some players might not be
1746s familiar with it so it's gonna catch him
1748s out I don't know if it's gonna change
1749s the course of the game at the moment but
1751s we're just checking out with the rules
1752s is that automatically does it win your
1755s buffs to removed obviously is but
1756s whoever moved if you hatch Ling in so
1757s the healing still applies regardless but
1760s the damage has only done to the person
1761s we've lost in the last turn which
1762s doesn't exist anymore unless he happen
1764s to done it so that's obviously few and
1766s far between so this only means that
1768s health discrepancy of four in the moment
1770s so it's not a game breaker for now just
1771s resolve it yeah we try to wait on down
1773s to correct this so we're looking at main
1775s ship ticking away you see me still going
1777s there just explaining it briefly I think
1780s the guys are just catching up with the
1781s situation here that's it's a bit of a
1783s strange the the healing should be
1784s received by not the damage yeah
1787s resolving this now again I am a gonna
1789s one drawn the table now let them know
1791s this results though is it's a very
1793s strange it's strange guard cuz it's gone
1798s very unique effect and you can only play
1800s under very specific circumstances the
1803s guys are just getting told that now I
1805s don't think it's gonna change anything
1807s dramatically because obviously the
1809s granite guys pay for the healing and the
1810s benefit the damage but it should be it
1812s should be a problem I think we're all
1814s rules straighten now so we're back to
1816s the symptoms and Jaguar needs away again
1819s so sound stalker or two expires the
1821s mountain for retains the action because
1824s gravity bubble put all elements on top
1825s so we've still got two actions he's just
1827s trying to draw a team so now we're going
1829s to see a full-powered meet chip come
1831s through I think we've chewed through two
1832s forts at least now oh did that I am so
1837s I'm gonna head over again they just read
1841s the card straight out so that one's got
1842s a very strange effect that only applies
1844s if the buff was removed obviously it
1845s still wasn't it's an expired on so he
1848s still gets the healing just not the
1849s damage they'll just resolving that the
1854s t1l oh yes the other card we didn't talk
1856s about too much is um Ron Bruce is the
1858s second buff out of a million this is a
1859s underlying 77 clunky corner buff and the
1863s seven relates to the maximum damage we
1864s can take from a combo so you know big
1868s hit like anti-gravity field potentially
1870s from Cassini could hit you know
1872s potential fourteen the ombre ombre it
1874s would cap it to seven very very nice
1876s against some tree our new shadow decks
1878s that mimic a vine lash so a capsule lock
1880s he's gone with an Xterra defender for
1882s now which cancels their next attack so
1883s basically means jaguarundi has to waste
1886s an attack garden you know it cancels out
1887s to get rid of the exterior defender so
1890s we'll see what how that plays out seven
1892s damage from the maid ship so he's
1893s trickling well not really trickling he's
1895s a hit and granite accountant again so to
1897s force in the discard is nice yeah and
1900s then automatic lenders on its way out as
1902s well so he can't dude actually the
1903s mountain for right now so you know
1906s safety a bit of safety there we're down
1908s to a potential third Mountain fall and
1910s some exterior defenders and emergency
1911s systems you don't really think you play
1914s both at the same time because it you
1915s know we've caught some toys more attack
1916s cards if he's you know stores it out a
1918s little bit
1919s it's gone with that you see me discard I
1921s think yeah yes therefore three damaged
1922s three damaged discarding the speeder
1924s yeah so putting it an ability and if it
1928s was an attack ability it would be
1929s canceled but here abilities are just
1931s abilities so they don't trigger any
1934s effects to listen for attacks such as
1936s external offender so he's got three
1937s damage tree this might be his game plan
1939s with no forts and damage reduction he
1941s could just you know discard a car for
1943s three damage granite still got cars to
1945s get for it he has their damage reduction
1947s he does a feeling though he's got area
1950s fix up he went below 15 so he gets full
1952s value on that for seven he'll back up to
1955s 21 so cuz he's gonna discard a fair
1958s amount of cars to carry on with her yeah
1960s so at this point here he has someone
1963s have finally left in there cuz that
1964s rights obviously yeah we don't know if
1966s he has in the gym to infiltrators but
1968s yeah to to in the disco for sure
1969s yeah so we know he's got black hole you
1972s paper gravity bubble yeah he does
1974s obvi blow right now who's gonna be
1976s canceled yeah yack something of course
1978s he has both plant alignment and Sullivan
1981s in the deck oh you're given the too long
1982s as well yes both a capped quite heavily
1984s by dambrun Brut there yeah and I think
1990s grant also holding a made your hatchling
1994s I believe he's parties waiting for the
1996s right buff to expire yeah we the Xterra
1998s 40s so if he canceled the exert offender
1999s here oh no don't do it
2003s today is canceled by X years old
2006s exterior kinda cancels the attack
2010s yeah just realizing oh wow that is
2015s something you do not see a lot although
2018s we don't know how many attack cards
2020s Cassini's got right we saw a natural
2022s priests and the other one here and there
2024s yeah that's a big big hit yeah so that
2028s was also the petition removal for Norman
2031s roots yeah so now we know planetary
2033s alignment is not going to do more than
2034s seven unless that third path around it
2035s comes at any time there is a slight
2037s slight benefit in that all elements in
2039s on top again for a casino yeah yeah but
2042s if you do in hatchlings it's just maybe
2043s a silver lining and all that yeah just
2049s checking it was cancelled so she'd gone
2050s the dish guard I think they just confirm
2053s with the judge though that was played
2054s correctly it was it was
2060s and I think we're good to regime
2062s all right and then one card for the
2064s combo
2066s they did harsh yeah I don't think I've
2070s ever seen that say focus chamber draws
2073s an extra cut heart
2074s if the opponent played a comp on the
2076s last turn he did pick on when it was
2078s cancelled but he did play a combo so
2080s watch the effect of Michael was not
2082s optimum granite has benefited from
2085s optimum I think he's just
2086s double-checking did he actually play the
2087s guard but he did so a nice turn of
2090s events for a million they're blocking a
2091s black hole and getting full value of a
2093s focusing but obviously for granite
2094s drawing to is a great thing gets to put
2097s an action button to play it might be
2099s when he draws or he might be the third
2100s man for Xterra defender or or a booster
2104s system so yeah we see what happens next
2107s yes what's he gonna put into play oh
2111s there's a third for yep there it is one
2115s more action or that black hole will be
2117s really nice right now hopefully its
2119s third part finder works on this and it's
2120s their pathfinder hits the brute and
2122s they're thought that's really nice he
2123s might to attaching it no there it is yep
2125s yep I'm guessing we're gonna see AG of
2128s hatching here which is not going to be a
2130s good good thing for Jack only
2132s [Music]
2135s extraction of natural resources another
2140s 15 which means just about the historic
2143s specular and watchable result though is
2146s he holding a person
2148s oh no the revenger who want to make
2150s Avengers she's not yeah not your
2153s national championship winner UK but he's
2156s doing well he does need to win this one
2160s there right and also a jihad swing yes
2164s alright so again a nice turn of events
2167s there against all Matt Granger healing
2169s and damage doesn't really need the
2170s damage with granite bits nice Mountain
2172s fort number three oh no sir it was
2174s actually wasn't it so I'm at port number
2176s there are at least three boos
2178s firefighter to martin port number three
2180s back onto the table and now Cassini's
2182s got things to do just got the air show
2184s that mountain thought and out of removal
2186s yeah so it's looking quite bleak if i
2189s can see near to say and that deck on the
2191s left it's looking a little bit empty
2192s it's getting here and there so he's
2195s sending some attack cuts back now so
2196s slowing down the pace a little bit
2199s milling and I've read em rebuilding the
2201s deck yes a million has to decide now
2203s what to send back so he's actually got
2204s options now it's crossing wall and
2206s crystal each so does dig around to have
2210s any buffs I can benefit of that he might
2212s be holding another each other thing
2216s more than one let's go back to millions
2219s carry on there
2221s so all mating venturesome successfully
2223s hid in here for tuned to see guys got
2228s another bolt if it's there you can just
2229s safety he'll hear I guess he breeds once
2230s the draw
2233s cool cleavage so that's it yeah yeah
2235s yeah he has a blacksmith as well so yes
2238s claimed blacksmith's to equip the
2239s cleaver as they'll maintain the action
2241s yep
2244s so : cleaver let's deal two damage man
2248s attack increase by one if you're holding
2250s three or fewer cars your hands which he
2251s clearly isn't doing being grant and all
2253s by it's also good way to cancel an
2255s exterior defenders and things like
2256s that's you all of attack lines for that
2258s his next defenders gonna be canceled not
2261s strongly dependents running runs the
2264s most fixable the beasts yeah we've seen
2266s most of Asia and stream attempt offs ok
2269s could be quite effective although we
2271s know he's got leeches you pray just be
2272s happy to to get rid of that get full
2274s effect obviously yeah we should have
2276s black coal been canceled or would see a
2278s stream return dusky can't have in the
2279s same game
2282s to eat into damage there
2290s there's my big Granite's game which is
2292s cooked Emmys we'll see a third game yeah
2294s they'll be then an undying versus
2296s proscenium we know we're going to see we
2297s will see the two losing dates which is
2298s really cool I really like that side of
2300s this that you see you know one day one
2302s day only you see the losers face you
2303s here's the best losing deck I guess is
2306s relatively alright empty - second - Lea
2314s - yeah think it's two cars left
2316s yeah so here also - yes to discard a
2318s card you see it's a checkout rule so it
2321s depends on what you're gonna go for that
2322s yeah so see the odd Mike venture left
2324s here so Paul look at the play one card
2327s draw one card play one card - one card
2328s yeah maybe preface chatter volcano yep
2332s we know he caught me remove black holes
2334s in the discard three pal funds and then
2335s discard you know this is a DOS a
2339s foregone conclusion but it's it's yeah
2341s they say it's the complete crappie I
2342s think we're about to see yeah he still
2345s has this big combo it's got focus
2346s chamber as well so you could focus down
2348s with draw one which would well then we
2351s get cancelled by the Tim tree afar so
2352s yes if you find me apart here
2354s that one's canceled yep which means that
2356s Joker only gets three eating from it I
2359s don't think it's gonna matter
2363s volcania here we go volcana this
2365s rotation damage when you play an earth
2368s card and you know run it is going to be
2370s running all combos include Earth when he
2373s takes out that's extra five damage onto
2375s that travel gurney and then the combo
2377s damaging the increase as well this is
2378s how this specific credit bill gets the
2380s job done
2380s yeah so here now has a empty oh we don't
2385s owe
2386s shapeshifter for pendulum yeah okay so
2388s he should have lost the card there
2390s because his take was empty at the end
2391s his turn
2394s yes Oh planetary alignment really nice
2397s card to draw a shape-shifter because
2398s it's solar and gravity which means you
2400s do get both effect so you've got five
2401s damage five healing clump at the for
2404s once I'm not full damage but he's you
2405s know he's slowly punching through the
2407s fort which is still useful and then yeah
2410s so we passed on the case of million with
2412s granite so you should have lost a card I
2413s don't think it again it specifically
2415s doesn't break this if again he's just
2416s shooting now to catch up but he's gonna
2419s fix ain't as Gary yet ancient miner
2421s great pick
2421s obviously he's decked out that's not
2423s useful card from anymore so he's good to
2425s lose that and carry on at this point
2427s he's probably gonna look at playing a
2429s combo paying for it with a combo so the
2431s benefit of that is you you pay the combo
2434s that payment goes back into the deck we
2435s resolve it and then you draw one which
2437s will read ekam out so he usually like
2439s the crushing blow or a streamer temples
2441s here because granite is in full effect
2443s shattered volcano full effect and then
2445s after the combo you draw the one card
2447s which puts granite back in full effect
2449s and then that's pretty like a kill on
2451s the next go here we go so lava shelling
2453s paid for shoot emphasis in jelly I was
2456s saying a combo for a combo so trigger
2458s shot a volcanic first with a granite
2459s deck out seven punch a volcano
2463s yeah there's one and then the full
2465s effectiveness of volcano at lava
2468s shelling sorry
2469s so trying to heals up burn it down did
2472s they did he only do the five damage sure
2474s I think they missed out on fire damage
2475s you shouldn't pick out and then he draws
2478s one which puts grant back in full effect
2480s did he sorry I missed that Victor I
2483s think I think the law by shedding damage
2485s caused an increase because he put the
2486s car back first you see it makes a
2488s difference he might be telling the next
2489s guy
2493s so solar wind is being played for full
2495s effect of 16 damage - the 2 to 14 but I
2500s think even with a potential miss play
2502s there this is what's did I miss play I
2504s getting shot in volcano did seven lava
2507s shooting get for done 10/10 but I
2509s think this is gonna be over who plays
2510s wrath the wrath is almost gonna hit
2513s seven on the volcano and then 7s p.m.
2516s yeah so we can have a a blowout for the
2517s game sorry yeah we'll have no for future
2519s for future events so assuming this is
2521s going to be a kill and it's gonna be a
2524s girl yeah so wrath trigger shot volcano
2527s - seven even without the damaging piece
2529s of granite the 12 damage has got the job
2530s done so I'm moving into a third game and
2532s it's normally granite and it's not going
2535s to be tempest it's gonna be the undying
2537s versus cassini the benefit obviously -
2540s both ways as they've seen piety I think
2542s maybe you go ask his million in the
2544s drive-in see her because he got killed
2546s so quickly by tempest generally doesn't
2549s know what his undying dick does and this
2552s personally they didn't look too fast got
2553s good combos but it wasn't like there's a
2557s good astral deck but it wasn't like you
2558s know rushed or anything like these
2560s tempest so maybe we're gonna get to see
2562s million swing this and get that time he
2565s needs to get the undying doing whatever
2566s he's gonna leave we don't know he's
2567s going to do in this deck yeah yeah
2568s hopefully we find out and unless Cassini
2571s gets the job done in time but you know
2573s yeah well known it has seen this deck
2575s now yeah and the the carder has been
2577s moved between the decks that's a million
2579s on has a copy of is Amram brutes so of
2581s course that is a pretty good protection
2582s against the big combos here yes very
2584s nice also running ritual Awakening and
2587s shroud of knights yet though shut down
2590s some nice combo plays there it stalls
2593s now it won't they know canceled like
2594s Xterra defender but you literally just
2597s can't attack in the first place so nice
2599s to buy some time
2600s I'm really exciting on dying back in the
2602s day like the first the first event the
2605s staff had never you know we were
2606s obviously open a Moose's remember this
2608s no one got an undying and then it the
2609s first thing we went to in
2611s the Anime Expo someone someone pulled on
2614s a medium oh yes it was it wasn't like
2616s the rarest trails just like no one had
2618s seen on the office and it's just you
2620s know it's really fun to see one here's
2621s the first one I've seen in a tournament
2622s recently actually yeah I think it is
2624s movie obviously seen a few decks are on
2626s the office yeah yeah we don't know
2627s probably a few in like smaller
2630s tournaments of course but I think in the
2633s national stage at the first one all
2635s right so start off with a five damage to
2637s militant just hitting Wally's Wally cam
2640s I'm dying under millions controls during
2643s one had to surf is possible to get the
2645s carton loose if he's already don't know
2647s you mean hand there right yeah that's my
2649s Timon oh oh go granny bubble okay so
2654s he's just going out for the a damage
2655s their movies rushing and Russia worked
2657s with tempest maybe just trying to play
2658s to the same strength yeah but it has em
2660s that his hands but puts both the all of
2663s the elements on top so he's gonna draw
2664s off the combo block says astral priests
2666s you know keep the power up he actually
2670s had cards he just got the one alright so
2672s even though he's gone in Hardy's but
2674s he's got a little bit of a bit of
2677s breathing room you have a million to
2678s hopefully recover or or set something up
2680s he's given with a flying ammo which is
2682s obviously one extraction and one healing
2684s sub-20 health which he is can't play now
2687s because he's actually equip the card so
2689s from the next turn alarm words and
2691s there's an abyss Weaver but there's no
2692s shadow I can play so he's not getting
2694s another healing look at that policy I
2697s cancels the next finem OU's but at least
2699s he doesn't blow a blow car from his
2701s hands yeah pretty worth trigger neck
2703s still gets the Weaver heal for all it's
2704s worth
2704s yeah or will it you reckon they're gonna
2707s know that I'm ready to run Weaver for
2710s fall because a shallow buff was in
2711s playing and then he's going to fly the
2713s mo the flight is canceled but the
2715s ability you still counts so you should
2717s heal for to in this yes so he did use
2720s nobly there on it and obviously gypsy
2723s farce here goes off so Jake only gets a
2725s little bit free healing there as well
2728s so we got 40 I mean could just flying
2732s away for - here you are - right you can
2736s he's confident yeah so stories for six
2740s on the side there yeah they're only
2742s sitting on a card of course it's seven
2744s damage from a chip on the way I mean you
2747s should fly them at every turn four to
2748s weave is that right yeah because you can
2749s draw to you anyway you get the bonus to
2750s the to healing team mister to meeting
2752s there let's hope he doesn't end there in
2754s the game where to who was the decider
2756s for he is pissed deuces yeah so he did
2758s it there you just missed on that other
2759s guy so storm shows out has been he said
2762s last or first game wasn't it so storm
2764s chill it doesn't work the first in the
2766s term but any subsequent hits are reduced
2768s by one very good against trick or damage
2770s very good against dread not particularly
2773s useful in astral but we'll see how it
2775s goes
2775s yes I think great I think as trickle
2777s damage like I said but not against like
2779s single big hits because you need to turn
2781s off multiple cars forward to do full
2783s full damage of reduce my full effect
2787s every now and then a chip coming home
2789s yeah so that's a 13 help you there
2792s that's a buff now so any subsequent hit
2793s will take one off of the storm shelter
2796s you might make a swing yeah but with one
2798s cut it had a please got off to yes a
2800s flamer here's a great pick to start with
2802s because there's obviously three healing
2803s in this situation yes sub 20 he's going
2806s straight for it yep one two three - from
2809s The Weavers then from the FlyLo
2811s still got two actions oh yeah oh yeah
2813s Confucian ins so there's seven healing
2816s he's capped out jaguarundi
2817s Illinois's can kill condition is what
2819s you reckon I'm I'm assuming that he is
2821s wants to stay alive with weavers and he
2826s I mean if some well that's unfortunate
2829s shape-shifting to gamify healing peace
2831s on 35 yes so we've seen oh no all of his
2834s combos as far as I'm aware here which is
2836s one is chilling curse yep a great combo
2839s you know got the virus all shot all
2841s night the ritual wake him all three are
2842s defensive so I'm the glancing that his
2844s fifth combo must be something like say a
2847s crippling toxin written
2850s yeah something I can deal perpetual
2852s damage oh he can yeah it's interesting
2855s I'm suing us obviously with the undying
2856s you can pull back discarded combo they
2858s can pay for each other over time so as
2860s long as you got something in there that
2861s damages you might just be able to get
2863s through this obviously just off these
2865s double Weaver this is a nasty hair so
2867s finally is only gonna hear him when he's
2868s some 20 no extra bits from the weavers
2871s hey-oh weeds
2873s it's a mill the mill one dying so
2875s suspicious squid when million plays of
2878s combo that discards the top two cards
2880s from his enemies deck so yes we that
2883s explains the defensive combos yeah very
2886s that's gravity again to time there's an
2889s unfortunate change of events
2890s yeah heard of The Weavers I mean I think
2891s that's the third greatest name played
2892s this match all three of it into gravity
2895s is that Alright devourer soul so Mills
2900s the top two cards yep so first the top
2902s two card should go which might make a
2904s difference to see if it isn't solar
2906s suspicious speed goes off
2909s should this impair my yoga different yes
2912s so and realignment it's plenty
2914s realignments obviously on top right now
2915s but the the order of players left to
2917s right so when since mr. Swick goes off
2919s it should mill the top two cards and
2921s then the other card is moves that's just
2923s game point out to them now it makes a
2925s difference here because right now
2926s planetary alignment improbably there's
2927s all elements but it should've been a
2929s major which is just Sola and that might
2931s make a difference to the games we just
2932s saw on that how now suspicious crit goes
2934s in devourer soul removed the maid ship
2936s and and heals millions and nice benefit
2940s their plant realignment yeah obviously
2942s included all three so that could have
2943s given you any options he should have had
2945s access states we've just corrected that
2947s and we're away yeah this of course also
2949s explains the the copy of shame is
2952s because million actual doesn't care
2954s about its opponent's health yeah just
2956s need to stay alive we get rid of his
2957s cards yeah so there is no killed
2958s commission it's a deck out commission
2961s here are the chilling curse might get
2964s the job them but I missing that she'll
2966s encourage is mainly here to stop for the
2968s opponent's drawing a deck before killing
2970s me alone noun so the damage is almost
2973s irrelevant there's just to slow down
2974s aggression as well as card draw alright
2979s store up
2981s when we look at here's we got they if I
2983s help on the right and we've got 22 here
2986s we go come on
2986s it's gravity we've done it this is for
2990s damage line image fourth time's the
2993s charm
2993s oh and so yeah we missed an abyss Porter
2995s being played on the left there so flying
2997s abode is his ability or the undying when
3000s he uses the ability it now draws in one
3001s card going for the fly mode for the heel
3005s and a card Laura the order yeah I think
3010s that the card that Jared drew was that
3014s was a blinding beat the right which is
3015s yes unfortunately not there's the
3019s college viola some ROM roots gonna do
3021s some really good work against those who
3022s did mill planetary alignment right yeah
3025s that's a big combo god yeah so Jagger
3031s and a is now he's on the ball here he
3033s steals escorting all his healing for
3034s three damage that was a player thing you
3037s know he used to casino there to discard
3040s no he did with did with the second part
3043s he disguised stuff Peter okay so three
3046s damage into 5 into 2 by 3 into 3 yes and
3053s so it's three damage and extraction so
3054s if the lunar is on top right yeah wicked
3058s so did he find her again
3060s he did yes
3064s oh it's called bubble fish yeah so a
3066s fan-favorite without our look at it I
3068s think he's a foil one from there well
3069s yeah as of course bubble fish also
3072s reduces down from undying ability so he
3075s mighta completely to send a ghost across
3077s was the last combo yes I was gonna say
3081s he might use the
3084s this opportunity you see online ability
3086s to save the damage to move devours all
3089s that and saves in the discard yeah
3092s don't know how much he cares running he
3094s spoke goes across he could pull back
3095s confuse demons I guess once ago he's got
3098s water bones yeah I forgot my lesson
3100s that's how he's very gonna get through
3101s the soul trader if he needs to
3102s yeah it's drawing I mean yeah
3107s undines anyone one damage right II maybe
3109s you might call but you might be call
3110s we've taken that one he what he needs to
3112s yeah I think is just looking for more
3114s commerce right now against the to damage
3116s from to mention under is blocked but you
3119s didn't have to move to defendants back
3120s to goose across with all those see if
3122s he's got anything else in there he's got
3126s white legend prompt he's gonna
3127s grass back what he gave all he's got
3130s sick he's gone for go see grass and sand
3133s silk was on top so don't think too much
3135s runs got the exterior so yeah your
3138s personal sure about that one because it
3140s could have obviously here sir yeah had a
3142s fair amount of shadow cards maybe the
3144s Shadow Puppets only because it can get
3146s back here sir bits Weaver's and oh yeah
3148s course of all that's in there are the
3150s night so even though that it's the same
3152s why doesn't fall season six health
3153s effectively but those of this waivers
3156s could have paid off
3156s quite quite nicely maybe maybe he's just
3160s happy the position he's
3161s yep I'm really mob holdin buff one
3164s hammocks when he's attacked to the
3166s attacker and the enemy can't attacked
3168s more than once per turn some really nice
3171s lockout on some rusty yeah we also do
3175s double buffs and Cassini isn't an attack
3177s ability so they could still Cassini an
3179s attack was a cheeky way around it we see
3182s if that makes a different thing yeah so
3184s looking at sound oh I think he only has
3185s to share lots of shadow puppets which
3187s explains not want to use the paper girls
3189s from ghost a grasping face in case any
3191s big buffs come in we've seen several
3193s main ships and door lockers yep just
3197s brought two on the side which is
3198s probably waiting on the bubble fish yes
3200s that's not gone it's catching on there
3203s we go wow he's healing yeah so he's
3208s holding Woollett bones
3209s so I'm suspect that's Nickleby bones
3213s because he just wants to be really safe
3215s yeah I mean here's it just draw one
3220s alright astronomer yeah so he's got four
3224s call four corners and on the fourth
3226s corner four cards okay Jay grounder here
3228s probably was the builders hand up to
3230s villagers unleash a stream of damage
3232s yeah he can become because he should be
3234s able to read so he he should assume here
3238s that soldiers can be followed up by
3239s those reductions there's no point in
3240s putting anything out right now because
3241s he will protect himself in a ton anyway
3244s yeah it was a bit of a read going
3245s exactly
3246s so tree is gonna be blocked and then hit
3248s - unless he get to shut him off him yeah
3250s and he's using the undying so one now we
3252s just block by the wall bones he's gonna
3253s get that devourer sold out its norburg
3255s cod one of the very few ones with the
3258s - illegal powder is the burn actually
3260s deck and that's his actions I believe
3263s yeah those on this way so the confusion
3266s was moved to the top thereby still it
3268s doesn't matter with his dick so how much
3271s worry about running over there we go a
3274s pathfinder to remove two buffs wallah
3277s bone
3277s Luc Walla bones and oh I'm really mom
3280s should have taken one damage as well
3282s yeah so just take one there's my
3284s attacking all he did that he did sole
3291s trader did hit the two rather because of
3292s that lack of water bones now yep are we
3295s gonna see a late shadow pop it on to the
3297s forward reckon shadow puppet the
3299s astronomer I think he I mean his calm
3303s yeah right they aren't in a big nice
3305s clothes based on strike he's big gravity
3307s but well he's a meal with planetary
3308s alignment yeah he's got black hole yes I
3311s mean the so he's not so I like oh and
3315s something else what's the force pick one
3317s solar winds so old solar wind yes he
3319s needs to get rid of that brute to do
3321s that though yeah no but Joe grant
3326s doesn't have that many buffs oh we can't
3328s shut up I know anyway oh and less than
3330s both but yeah I was cuz they because it
3331s would probably work very well so I'm
3333s glad to be it would probably been worth
3334s using a setup and on the astronomer
3336s there yeah just to keep momentum down
3338s cuz middle victory visibility yes pumped
3341s himself there him to Shadow Puppets
3343s feels good yeah so of course Jagger and
3346s II was just get cards into his hand to
3348s save them from the mill and as strong as
3351s to raise caught for that
3354s so sole trader hits poor Assassin's
3357s Guild up to three actions
3360s what you gonna do with a string
3364s number one while I was in Prague six
3366s healing and then join two Bronte here we
3371s go the stronger I was four saved him -
3375s squids who have the cards yeah
3378s shapeshifter so yes there's the perfect
3383s draw for guy grinding all the Bluebird
3385s on top is he got a path one here he
3387s needs to get rid of roof and this wheel
3389s so the squid needs to go so if you get a
3392s squid and bruty might be a pretty good
3394s position actually yeah that's all trade
3396s has done full damage yeah so honest
3398s robot the one on the wall engineer we
3400s the two and the four not we squat that
3401s you heal from one after all okay no so
3403s he to damage yeah so he had the
3406s extraction extraction do defense go back
3408s sees he's trying to like slow him down
3410s because he knows he's got shaman's and
3411s frogs now yes and they yeah that's
3414s exactly what goes back he's still got
3416s another action from the idea makes not
3417s no benefit alone lunar synergy what's
3421s next here that brute yes it does he have
3425s and it does fears to remove here because
3426s if because it could remove does this got
3428s asking free damage fallout the car
3429s finder yeah now he can quite safely
3434s assume that million it's not gonna
3437s humble extern yeah well he'll hold he'll
3442s oh my god so so great is hell
3444s yes this draw one yeah see actually I
3446s think she's gonna draw two it's not
3447s still a useful part right he's got
3449s another soul trader in hand right yep
3451s but the previous want to end up being
3452s famous 0 some yeah yeah really Darcy's
3457s Weaver ok we were benefit he's got a one
3459s on one
3460s yeah no no just the one yesterday he's
3461s on 20 so just the one from the final my
3463s patient and draw one yeah Jack Randy
3466s does have enough speed in hand he could
3467s starts going bit aggressive here as you
3469s gonna find that he does I think it does
3471s nice
3472s I thought I saw one try to google it in
3476s there near apiece
3479s yep shapeshifter Oh unlucky that's the
3484s one thing you don't add Robo yep he was
3486s only a black hole though so of course to
3489s damage will get trimmed up trimming off
3490s but but get any other third Weaver and
3494s the squid is pretty good he has seen it
3498s goes to grasp so he knows as it goes
3499s through awesome to get them all back
3500s again but yeah how you say if you get
3503s rid of them black hole and you follow up
3504s with a decent powered solar wind that's
3506s that's that's a kill right so maybe
3509s now's the time obviously that requires
3510s quite love a card you need black hole
3512s the payment solar wind the payment so
3515s not to be scoffed out there sold right
3518s yeah so is it holding all the bones to
3520s pull up for that you can obviously
3521s flying away from one to undo the first
3523s corner yeah but it's service silly just
3526s your old oh we've been to solar cars
3530s it's not what you want to see if you are
3533s million on the left yeah there's a lot
3534s of damage there I'm so he's felt the 16
3537s are really housing in the first game oh
3538s yeah okay so he is holding combos now
3542s he's holding at least two is looking
3543s into it's got a should restrain I know
3546s still got my shot yeah there yeah he's
3549s doing an actual breach I think he's got
3551s he's got a lot of soda guards and with
3554s that soldier he needs to get rid of he
3556s skater of the roof yeah has to go did
3560s you say you cinnabar finder oh noes ever
3562s the damage
3562s seeks damage
3564s yes I mean I can see yeah so I can never
3568s see million now playing out Shana night
3571s milling two cards can't be attacked
3573s amping up the healing from this Weaver
3576s you know he's using fine ammo and
3578s drawing - did he have the paper oh now
3581s he's going to this ritual and the deaf
3583s man that's payment now stuck and the
3584s shadow puppets he selling it up black
3587s hole oh wait no we're doing sewer wind
3591s discarding one for seven thirteen
3594s chapters seven why did he discard okay
3598s payment factor dick yeah they're just
3601s done that help why did he discover no I
3604s look like a bit of an miss play he got
3607s excited yeah
3609s disappointed gesture they were on on
3611s Brahma true love at the end of that that
3613s missed they might have cost him the game
3616s Wow there's been some interesting yeah
3619s and a black hole into an exterior
3620s defendant yeah I thought he was by
3622s calling that prepare for the Halloween
3623s not the other way around yeah I guess he
3625s wants the sole trader do some another
3627s damage for him it yeah silver lining
3629s again oh yeah he would have had another
3630s seven well ritual yes I can't dine up in
3633s 4 turns
3634s I thought I thought you had it I thought
3635s you I thought he was going to go with
3636s the with the shoulder night instead that
3639s Weaver here would have undone the sole
3641s traders negative for a million there's
3642s two cards and milled from the from the
3645s squid and it still has one erection it
3647s was just checking out that now what's he
3649s gonna lose its luster dust feeder oh
3651s cool so he's there was that was the
3655s payments or part of the payment I think
3657s this is it I think we've seen a a loss
3659s tune into a wink turn into a win and
3661s millions on his way to victory yeah yeah
3663s can't be killed for for turns and a
3665s green has gotten off of cards and last
3667s four turns of the healing here sport to
3670s healing every turn yeah obviously is
3672s gonna take sole trader for now is for
3673s that's it for now
3675s he's still committed we could do
3678s technology what it's worth Oh yo that's
3680s in signal the last corner is that they
3683s will met they will time up DSO last
3685s corner ritual will pretend so that can't
3688s be the killing blow
3689s he's on an 11 right now yeah so that
3693s women and upon this is gonna be an
3695s interested in it not do not forget the
3696s fact ritual we've another option so for
3698s 4 turns
3699s millions got three a corner shop up at
3701s that matter yeah and we know he's got he
3703s put the vitalize and frogging the Shimon
3704s back in his deck right yeah okay so here
3706s moving the Weaver Weaver and the squid
3713s doesn't matter now yeah no matter is
3715s this a mouth yeah I think we're just
3719s playing out the motions now and fair
3721s play a million you lost the first order
3722s a strong rush there and now it's just
3724s turned around when the rush is out the
3725s wait this is this is again part of the
3727s mental game of the advanced format maybe
3729s you don't worry about the one you lose
3730s to you say this deck is about I'm bad
3731s against rush but when Russia's out the
3732s way I'm good against the other you play
3734s to win the other two maybe that's what
3736s eats gumbo yeah yes the ritual should
3737s royalty there as well
3739s yep he's on three actions right yeah
3744s still three after final use yeah there
3746s we go
3746s how did he use trying to man yeah so he
3749s opened one back up to eight and or him
3751s three there should be three yes we
3755s should have one more card although at
3757s this point it doesn't matter us I won't
3758s interrupt them but yes he'll drawn three
3760s cards or is it might as well yeah so one
3765s of the actions here's three actions
3766s people forget about ritual of awakening
3768s being such a strong aunty death card as
3771s in you can't die without so they forget
3773s that you always get that extraction and
3775s flying them owes an ability to give you
3776s another action so it replaces the action
3778s so in that case using the file would've
3780s giving the extraction station to draw an
3782s extra card have I made the difference I
3783s think in my actually here cuz he drew
3785s devours all I believe which is playing
3787s out now so that removes the Don stalker
3790s and heals them up some more yeah
3792s and she'll the action so playing the
3794s combo isn't just consuming two actions
3795s is consumed all interactions even though
3797s ritual gave him to the he consumes of
3800s brittle goods and one he consumes all
3802s three it's just the way combos work all
3804s your actions gone shuffle and draw one
3806s half of the combo healing up to sixteen
3809s and two cards left and that is game is
3811s over he's lost the buffs is this just a
3813s good sieve he didn't actually applies
3815s only from devoured supple
3817s I don't think things just mr. confident
3819s at this point he's discarding yay
3822s doesn't matter this way discarding a
3823s snow cast
3824s elder Richard still gives him three yes
3827s oh yeah so he he should be a sixteen
3828s healthy but at this point I still trying
3830s to see I'm not going to drop them again
3831s for I don't know I sorted out I mean
3836s this is it after the next discard it's
3838s over yeah he said they nosed over yeah
3841s good game so million turns around often
3843s going down quite brutally in the first
3845s game incredible game there's a million
3846s obviously jaguarundi what a star with
3848s temper it's just the pure aggression the
3850s fire the weapon master counter wasn't
3852s enough
3853s Justin beats him down fumbling analysis
3855s of the kill back then wasn't it so even
3858s that wasn't enough to stop a million
3859s coming back I come always first it was
3861s that he won with so he bought Granite's
3863s granite of course the granite date and
3865s he didn't make it so me sort some
3867s automatic Avengers in this it was yeah
3868s just a copy of their nationals Avenger
3870s did some work there obviously the combo
3872s yeah over here the limit
3873s yeah they healed for 18 where those two
3875s Avengers very effective and of course
3877s also the ever pray sir and Ambrose
3880s protection yes OMG no Berlin
3882s yes and things you normally see inside X
3884s he's kind of filtered in yeah and some
3886s really nice plays along the way there's
3887s like you saw on one brute doing some
3889s work it's a bit of a misfit did some
3891s really good damage reduction you easy
3893s some spot on meals right here via
3895s planetary alignment that's not a combo
3897s you want to lose especially miss or
3898s matchup yeah and then of course the
3899s unfortunate miss clay from JA Ronn do
3901s forgetting about the armor improved
3903s there and heading into the SolarWinds I
3904s know I'm discarding if you hit him for
3906s seven fair that you just can looking at
3908s the game here a million enough million
3911s was down to eight with another six
3912s damage to top of that yeah the game
3915s could have ended differently
3916s alright so that ends round to you
3918s we'll be back throughout the day we're
3919s gonna see it all and obviously tomorrow
3920s at the top eight so stick with us and
3923s we'll be back to animate scream Charlie