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What are Gold Championship events?

Gold Championship events are our third highest tier of events linking to the Lightseekers points (LSP) announcement we made in 2018.

You find out more on Lightseekers Points here

Gold Events are being run in selected stores in the UK & USA with prize pools of cash, physical product, exclusive playmats and an X4 Multiplier for any points you get.

Where are the events being run?

So far we have the following events in the US:

TPK Gaming, Glen Ellyn, IL 01/12/19
Family Fun Hobbies, Hamilton, NJ 01/26/19
Dragon’s Lair Comics & Fantasy, Austin, TX 02/09/19
Alpha Omega Hobby, Quincy, MA 03/03/19
Recess Games, North Olmsted 03/17/19

And the following Events in the UK:

Excelsior!, Bristol 26/01/19
Settlers, Hamilton 23/02/19
Fanboy 3, Manchester 24/03/19

You can click on each link to visit the event page to sign up and get your spot in these coveted events!

What is Classic Format?

The Classic format allows players to include cards which were formerly classed as “retired” into their decks to play at events.

How Does Classic Work?

When deck building you can now include the following:

1 Classic combo in either your deck or sideboard

For Example: Benny is building a deck and wants to play Avalanche in his deck. This would be allowed within the new “Classic” format, however, he wouldn’t be able to add Blood Moon into either his deck or sideboard, as he already has one of the “Classic” combos in his deck/sideboard.

Classic action cards may be included but at a maximum of 1 copy of each per deck.

Claire is looking to include Bone Chewer into her tech deck, Bone Chewer is deemed a retired card and so she can only include one copy of this card into her deck. Claire also wants to add Bulwark Carrier, this also is deemed a retired card, she can only add one copy of this card to her deck.

If Claire wanted to, she could make her deck entirely our of retired cards, however, she could only be able to have one copy of each card in her deck.

You can view all of the retired action cards you can play here

What Cards Can’t I Play in Classic Format?

You cannot play any of the retired Heroes, you can find the list here

You also cannot play any of the retired item cards, found here

What about Banned Cards?

The list of banned cards are still in effect until the release of Uprising, these cards include:

Shadow Wraith
Pollen Weaver
Moon Song
Sun Beacon
Tyrax Engineer

What Cards have had an errata?

The following playable cards have had an errata and now read as follows :

Reality Rift

Previously read: Move your last 3 discarded buffs into play. Gain 1 additional action.
Now reads as:  Burn. Move your last 3 discarded buffs into play. Gain 1 additional action.

Spirit Gate

Previously read: Move 2 discarded combo cards to your deck. Draw 1 card.
Now reads as: Burn. Move 2 discarded combo cards to your deck.

Wind Controller

Previously read: Played Attack and Defend combos and Expired]Buff combos are immediately moved back into your hand (after applying their effects).
Now reads as: Burn. Played Attack and Defend combos and Expired Buff combos are immediately moved back into your hand (after applying their effects). This does not apply to Burn cards.

Time Worm

Previously read: Move your last ↺ discarded combo cards to your hand.
Now reads as: Burn. Move your last  discarded combo cards to your hand.

Lone Shark Reefi

Previously read: Reduce damage received by 1 while you have no buffs in play. This cannot be increased by effects.
Now reads as: Reduce the first damage received per turn by 1 while you have no buffs in play. You cannot wield items.


Previously read: Defend Ability: Discard 1 card to get 4 healing. Attack Ability: You Discard 1 card to deal 4 damage.
Now reads: Attack Ability: You Discard 1 card to deal 4 damage.


Previously read: Defend Ability: 1 healing if you have less than 20 health. Gain 1 additional action, without any stat restrictions.
Now reads as:  Defend Ability: 1 healing if you have less than 20 health. Rotate 1 of your action buffs 1 step forward.

Paralysis Bug

Previously read: Draw 1 card. Select a hero when this card comes into play. That hero can’t Draw cards or Defend.
Now reads as: Draw  cards. Your target can’t Defend.

We are really excited about the upcoming Gold events and can’t wait to see you at them with your newly tested decks.
Don’t forget to sign up to claim you spots and those coveted prizes!

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