over 6 years ago - - Direct link

Happy Weekend Lightseekers!

In the middle of the week, you got a sneak preview of what our next upcoming OP play mat will be, featuring Abominuk; an Astral Hero from Kindred.

Today we are thrilled to reveal the next 6 cards, which will support our Organized Play.

Similar to our theme for “Rift Night” each of these 6 cards have a ‘Winter’ themed border; with each card represented by an Order that has the effect buff of “Reduce Damage”.

Well, we have spoken too much already, here are the upcoming cards for the next Organized Play:

Keep up to date on our news pages for more upcoming information and we’ll catch up soon Lightseekers!

The post Winter Is On The Way – Part 2 appeared first on Lightseekers Cards.