almost 7 years ago - Lightseekers Game - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s hello everybody and welcome to the light
3s seekers UK final g'day mates
6s very exciting isn't it I'm raring it's
9s been a long day but a good day it's been
11s it's been fantastic I'm excited yeah
13s very much looking forward to the final
14s where we have well you want to introduce
16s these people for us I will Elling me my
18s pronunciation is wrong it is awful so we
20s have waka la Kakashi
21s Wacka Wacka kashi it's still wrong
24s playing against her acyl nice and who
27s are these guys playing as so waka waka
29s kashi is bringing some hunter tuk - okay
32s hero from yet wave - against her a seals
34s old standby granite so we've we've seen
37s both of these guys today we saw son
39s hunter earlier on during the swiss
42s tournament and we have seen granite just
44s now in the semi-finals but coming
46s granite the mighty by defeating the
48s mighty i think that's how it works right
49s but he is he is now the prime talk he
52s has you sir he broke him up and then
54s just put his stones all over himself
55s almighty no no I am the mighty one so I
58s think we're about ready to kick off over
60s in the other room
60s I think we can get going so we're just
62s waiting for the team to give the nod
65s we've picked the slowest person to be
67s the runner we have we given ban dad the
69s job he's jumped in his van so let's see
72s if the guys are about ready - here we go
74s so it looks like walking like a car she
77s has seized the initiative and is gonna
78s get first okay so it has been a long day
83s as we say but it's been a really good
84s one as a a year ago we launched lie
86s seekers and year ago ven dad event he
88s became the van dad and we have had it's
91s been a hell of a year for right seekers
92s it's been amazing to right now yeah this
94s is it this is the moment this is the
96s moment one of these people is leaving
98s here national champion exactly so we had
100s we we saw sometimes took to using their
103s ability there yep talk to for both yep
105s and a spectral guide coming down okay
111s and we say an action minor coming back
114s ain't no dogs passed to draw a card
116s obviously trying to get that card roar
117s going and their spectral guides ability
120s getting more card rod everyone's get in
121s the car Robin cards drawn all those
124s cards I wish I could draw cards you can
127s you control cuts will let you you can do
128s it you can draw some cards for way for I
130s actually drew a card the other evidence
132s or if you've seen it yet no I
133s it's terrible it got made into an actual
135s card I've got a proper frame and an
137s ability and everything nice nice another
139s ancient miner
140s yeah just everyone's minding anciently
142s mine in a way yep so mine is gonna draw
144s a card here just phenomenal card drawn
147s both players accounts phone call coming
149s in for a seal puts the phone away
150s quickly doesn't cancel that was
152s important mom I haven't got time to
154s speak right now I'm trying to win this
155s for the family yeah this is how he's
159s gonna like pay off like his crippling
161s debt I don't know you might do so I can
165s definitely see a meteor shower in the
167s hand therefore son Hunter
167s yeah and I'm a ship coming down onto the
169s board steppin damage in a couple of
171s turns
174s these guys are mining hard yeah that
177s mountains gonna be gone soon it's like
179s the gold rush all over again
180s do they miner way like a mountain or
181s they no quarry are they just panning for
183s gold I think they're mining a mountain I
185s think they're just smashing it through
186s the mountains on the hon I cuz that's
188s like the gold rush all over again did
190s the gold rush destroy Mountain yeah
192s which mountain it's not there anymore
193s doesn't matter didn't have a name fair
194s enough and there's a Ford wall okay
196s movin out blacksmith head down to the
199s 40's when we're making Forge wall like
201s iridium for yeah I mean I think that the
204s commentary is is seriously changed style
207s so sorry
209s that's alright it was a serious it was
211s definitely more serious play cool so we
212s get to the finals there's a lot of guy
218s still over there watching this final
219s take place people been here all day long
221s we were joking before actually cuz it
222s was like eight guys sitting there not
224s watching the games just chatting it was
225s like are you guys just twitch chat
227s whatever they want it's harder to meme
230s in real life though it is definitely
232s harder to meme in real life they tried
234s though they gave it their oh they're
235s drawing them and a lot of card draw
237s coming out here three cards two off the
240s first nation minor one off the set Wow
241s look at the amount of cards took two is
243s holding right now I would hate to get
247s creep all gestured right now I know I've
249s been genuinely I was like oh here's a
250s took two we on in we are there are some
252s creeper jesters in well there is a
254s creeper gesture in the side borders as
255s well another took two four buff getting
257s another ancient miner it's the triple
259s play it's all of the miners
266s this card's really so at one point there
267s were 400 mothers on the field okay just
269s for a moment yeah they were there
271s together okay so it's like a competition
275s but who can get the greatest card right
277s what's a go to forge this time oh it's
280s gonna be a spin blade how do you know
281s that one plate last game off this piece
285s of paper I saw a blitz replay last game
286s yes the spin blade doesn't get seen a
288s lot me and Chris we're saying - and
289s enough but you need to have a quick look
291s at it to see what it does
292s fun fact you should have a different
293s name it did it's called a 2000 we
296s upgraded it no it was called the
297s cogwheel cleaver it was going to try
299s this spin by 2000 and a man thought
301s coming the kögel cleaver it wasn't named
302s that for a long time yeah he got change
304s right at the end so he played a
305s blacksmith and he played a mountain fort
306s and you also draw a card because
307s blacksmith cheeky bonus action guys
309s pretty cheaply and here's another three
311s cards drawn off the action - squad those
315s boys are busy gonna have every card in
321s hand soon he's got a spectral guide
325s don't two more cards because why not you
327s probably need more dates getting the
328s cards he needs right now
329s it's weird there we go Reesa Reesa
332s hiding them in g3 star in the minor it's
335s funny because normally granite is a deck
337s that draws tons of cards I wanna get to
339s the empty to show them how it's done
341s yeah integers like I can do that I'll
344s show you I'll show you have to draw
346s cards oh here's a light last show that
347s lash is great because if you lost
349s discarded card is and in gravity that
352s Moyes
354s so we did earlier odd and see a lot of
357s those
358s archaeologists being used to restart the
360s main ship but obviously really looking
361s there for that light lashes just turn it
363s back one yeah just just a cheeky one and
365s using me on them restart the whole thing
368s archaeologist getting the value on the
369s ancient mind is headway because you know
371s the guys not worked hard enough look
372s he's just passed him to draw to like
373s poor granite granite the slack Drori
376s yeah there's a seven more damage to
380s being blocked there by the the old
382s mountain oh the archaeology just restart
386s that machen drawing a couple more cards
387s cuz why not oh my god who's crazy that's
391s when the talk to deck takes it really
394s takes yeah
396s you know the granite players just sit
397s there he's like crystal
399s Crystal Lake yeah crystal legion so
403s where do we go from here
405s oh that's right he's gonna get to
408s shuffle back in Arkham and that's of
410s course with the archaeologist what you
411s want to be doing getting them back and
412s to the deck to redraw yeah so you can
414s keep those made ships circling round
415s yeah how will the agent miners just
418s ticking away
418s yep just go on lunch boss no that's
422s super triggering okay Jacob calm down
427s seventeen and a half yeah they'll be
429s that hard help with saves him at the end
430s I mean if he has a little light lasha
432s here for a for a cheeky ancient miner
434s I'm gonna be very impressed yeah I talk
437s to never make sure that oh there's the
442s you cannot ah
443s kiala Geist that's cheeky so uh little
446s bit of fun fact for you there the art
448s from the okona archaeologist taken from
450s the light seekers RPG intro is it is
453s that I don't believe you watch it okay
457s and that's not me going you watch it
459s that's like saying just go and watch it
460s okay it's everyone it's all the viewers
462s go watch it you'll see how the
463s interesting thing is there he got to
464s draw for playing a combo we know that in
466s the next two cars is he county
467s archaeologist he's drawing two cards
468s with the ancient miner next time which
470s will then restart look at these crazy
473s synergies this is amazing I love it I
475s felt bad for these like if these ancient
476s miners had a union they'd be gave to get
478s a lunch break but right now they're just
480s firmly at work oh my god this is just
483s it's infinite miners look but I mean if
485s we can cut to granite for a minute cut
487s to the grant a player please Tom he's
489s just he's looking they're like I wish I
491s could knew how to draw cards like you
492s you were teaching me so many things
497s Paul what condition exactly I have no
500s idea what just happened by the talk to
501s you player but it was worth trying to
502s play a space you mean you mean Joseph
505s let's not call him the granite player
506s let's at least the use the man's name
507s when he wins a game his name his name so
512s for now that's it run for now granite
514s player the disappointed sad wasn't
517s player to see granite monk sitting look
521s at the granite granite sitting there in
524s his monk-like pose right I can just
526s imagine that his his calm is breaking
527s its brick jeans a sweat mountain fall
531s out now
532s oh there wasn't year to actually play to
536s miss that we were too but yeah yeah I
540s think my favorite part is like there's
543s someone to talk to that hasn't actually
544s played that many cards no like he's
546s played like through the six cards just
547s so greedy you just don't want to put any
549s amount yeah
551s and again harass Hill sitting there
553s being like just not even any the
556s sideboard either he's made so many
559s mistakes just like oh those guys are
568s still working alright I think I think
571s talk to is about the win on the very
573s next turn it's very possible yeah I
578s don't think is quite enough I think he's
579s just short of a damage there's another
581s mounting foot
582s so he's down to 14 health which is very
584s important for the granite player harass
586s Hill because now fort walls turned on
587s the SI is gonna be preventing one point
589s of damage from MA they need any source
591s nice I doubt the danger in mine is gonna
595s be doing much damage though alright what
597s this deck on the left is all about the
599s damage is done in the time the damage is
601s done and I mean I do appreciate this son
604s hunter deck because it is good praise
605s the Sun will set a reference to that
607s would be Dark Souls no have you ever
609s played that game I have played interests
610s them they're good back to the most
612s important they're not as good as white
613s seekers might see because the trading
614s card game that of course yeah it's
616s actually got just as fierce a combat
618s system it so I'm not a maid ship and a
621s spectrum that provide the cards that
624s name I can never remember so he just
627s crystal leached to made ships but one of
628s them was about to expire
629s that's a questionable play yeah maybe
632s she's really afraid of restarting again
634s like he's just like torture
635s get out I mean it certainly sends a
637s strong message yes he does not put up
640s with things like that because this is my
641s sovereign airspace no ships yet how is
645s it crystal leach take out a maid ship
646s this looks a little crazy with gems on
648s it it's just looking for a drawing of
650s this I'd love to see it yep alright yeah
654s we don't know the scale of a crystal
655s leach that's it it's true maybe there's
658s like Godzilla yeah it's it's a juice
664s alright looks like it questions being
666s else query for sure there's a pondering
669s yeah and I mean if we saw the players
671s faces right now they'd be looking off to
673s one side but we're not going to of
675s course not we're definitely not going to
678s oh they're not they're just they're just
680s sing alright just I'm just saying
684s and again oh that there's us thanks for
688s that Tom that's brilliant
689s till you just don't do that please never
691s I mean that's I mean let's not do that
692s we're we're not really expecting it yeah
694s it was like I could've been asleep I was
696s just saying with my head in my head oh
697s okay so about combo coming out not quite
701s enough damage though is it it's not
703s quite gonna do it was a solar wind Tom
710s it's a solar wind is healing to solar
711s cards so it's gonna be 16 damage reduced
713s by three by the mountain for were used
715s by one by the ward role for 12 damage
716s total bringing why why collect Akashi
718s bringing his opponent to - Wow
721s thrilling that was a genuine Wow there
724s was not being a he's forgotten which
728s pile was his hand
730s exactly that was like I don't know I'm
735s gonna say it's the one that has the most
736s cards in it in my hand because I've
738s drawn so many strong power plays the
741s messaging here that miner back in I'm
756s very curious to see how her a seal gets
759s out of this one yeah I don't is they're
761s getting out of it at this point let me
762s use the opponent could have no damage
763s left record theoretically possible that
766s his hand has no what's in there damage
769s oh say focus chamber there later the
772s cards where's the combo yep that's
773s correct
774s cut me off I was gonna say that I beat
775s you there whatever know this man I don't
778s think you've ever played lights that use
779s before no gets to move a buff into play
782s I'll I'll bet that it's a mountain for
785s that important to play no it's an
787s emergency system I thought it might be
789s that and kept playing those last game
791s the commentary box you were not you know
794s what he was really getting a lot of use
795s out those moments
797s emergency systems bring up all your
799s faces boulders come in I always find it
804s weird when some hunter took - OH
806s Boulder archaeologist restart pretty I'm
808s just out of control
809s don't you find that weird some hunter
811s took to eating Boulder fit having a
813s boulder feast it doesn't look like the
815s kind of person who'd be up for that the
818s local culture and smash alert II found
821s these small boulders basically rocks I'm
824s called a pebble I go the meteor the
828s meteor shower coming in this is a big
832s this is a power point this is a powerful
835s oh that is a seven-five for damage from
837s the meteor shower it certainly is and
839s it's a buff as well and what do we know
841s about buffs
842s they uh they get restarted by every side
845s throw one for comboing better hope it
848s wasn't your own archaeologist and it was
850s not it was a gravity metal look that's
857s the thing the damage off of that meteor
859s shower of course is not he's just gonna
861s go straight past that emergency system
862s cuz it's not an attack because he is not
864s that's how we let me resize and settle
866s for a second this is sound before a
870s meteor shower hits just can't heritance
872s in space we're still making it now we're
876s done we're talking now okay
877s burn it now so what I'm curious about is
879s meteor shower yeah at the moment it's a
882s meteor shower Wow when it hits a seven
884s damage is it a meteorite shower it's him
887s that's so many questions like could we
889s have like a little slider on the card
891s where you just sort of slide it along
891s and it changes the name another mountain
893s for more defenses I like to remind all
896s the boys are back back in town I like to
899s think that we've asked a lot of
900s questions on this final so far how big
902s how big is a one damage gets through the
905s mountain forts on the forged wall how
907s big is a crystal leach what's the name
908s for meteor shower lots a group of action
910s - so many questions a posse of
914s miners posse of miners nice well we
916s talked about a union otherwise there's
918s no union not at least on the left that
920s ain't mine has been there since like
921s turn three it's I think it's drawn
924s literally dozens of cars dozens oh okay
927s another talk to power play talk to you
930s for buff getting
930s chanted soil what next who knows who
936s knows what excitement he's held within
938s that deck I mean there's variables left
941s in the deck that hand sorry yeah oh I
946s can put my own out mate you call that a
949s fortnight
949s this is a fort the ancient mine on the
951s left is gonna be so good when the
952s ancient mine on the right leaves before
954s him so you just got here
956s I'm pulling 72 hours you're just walking
960s in walking out
961s unacceptable he's gonna move exterior
965s defender there and of course it's
966s drawing two cards of folks chamber
967s because there's a combo gunplay so he's
970s gonna next time there's an attack he's
972s gonna keel four seven and cancel the
973s attack
974s yeah I'm pretty confident that someone
977s to talk to you can just win by playing
978s buffs but I'm 90% confident okay stars
985s it stores another action left because
986s obviously that ya steer defenders put it
988s off the focus trick of course it was
989s yeah Oh a bowler feast so cheesy way to
991s get to earth cards in one turn though
993s yeah because it's moved into play of
994s course doesn't use up the element
996s brilliant strategy from both players
998s here
1001s so the rotation on both of those first
1004s one going second one going full damage
1007s prevention cuz affordable the the
1008s madness right now the minor is so
1011s excited that he gets to leave soon maybe
1013s he's clocking out soon what if he
1015s doesn't
1015s what if he doesn't he did he's
1020s out oh no cuz you see he just got a
1022s reality rift in reality rift as we know
1024s brings back the last three discarded
1025s bucks he leaves and comes back again
1027s comes straight back to work barely a
1029s break he's seriously he gets in the car
1032s trying time opens the oil gets call
1034s emergency the office get go bad I never
1040s made ship out we've seen an ancient
1045s miner drawing to car me very soon so
1047s those ancient miners are gonna be
1049s useless
1050s those ancient miners just minor that's
1052s just the one side been there working for
1054s 76 years he's gonna be useless is it
1057s gonna be mine in a way there we go
1065s there's a lot of focus chamber for the
1067s double draw he's slow and steady he's
1071s coming into the race he says you know
1073s what
1073s I can draw cards to watch there maybe
1075s he's gonna show us all about that story
1077s perhaps it's the hare and the tortoise
1078s maybe another emergency system Wow he's
1081s saying you attack me I'm gonna just know
1084s so if he attacks do both emergency
1086s systems go off at the same time indeed
1087s they do yeah yeah brilliant
1089s well they don't know at the same time
1090s but they will both go yeah one damage
1094s poking through from that meteor shower
1096s yeah could really use a rip could you
1097s could really use a restart that's more
1099s of a pebble shower at this point right
1101s certainly not a meteorite shower
1102s apparently okay so the main ship one one
1108s corner wait another mountain Wow another
1110s man I thought neither of them have wrote
1112s age well the other one doesn't rotate at
1113s all yet all right that one clocks out as
1116s well all right all the extra miners have
1118s done long day hey it's been a long day
1121s you wouldn't believe it actually mine is
1122s probably padded the exterior defender on
1124s the head he's like you're up security
1125s watchdog a casual item leave it in your
1128s capable hands
1129s like we said there's not a lot of work
1131s to be done yeah that poor spectral guide
1133s he's like no work thank you - took our
1136s job we won't benefit saying man this
1145s this is really descended into madness
1146s it's been a long day I apologize I hope
1149s no in a home is just going oh god they
1151s wish these guys were just sharp Oh
1153s people are loving it
1155s so the meteor shower leaving there so
1158s for damage coming in from the main ship
1160s yeah one two three four yep perfect they
1163s can count the glad to hear at good
1164s counting all right let's see what what's
1168s what's gonna be next so we've got 14
1170s help recovery off those emergency
1173s systems so like the scary thing right
1175s now is he just can't attack yeah I mean
1177s any attack is just gonna undo all of
1178s this hardwire yeah so you've got to hope
1182s he can do that damage crew buffs and
1183s stuff right I think again yeah you
1185s reckon he's got so many options I like
1187s on on the granite players side we just
1190s have all of these lights a gear staff
1192s and just ish
1193s yeah I'll walk a like a kasha side it's
1195s just all the fans yeah yeah I mean it's
1197s it's interesting it's the size they've
1198s chosen yeah I mean I feel like they're
1200s just lazy and they're just standing
1201s without forward maybe come so what we
1203s got here this is a reality rift which as
1206s we know is a condo defend card oh here
1208s come the here come the okona Oracle's no
1211s archaeologists I have to give you I mean
1216s I'm very very forgiving person
1222s mr. miner bringing back the old the old
1225s like the long-suffering the ancient
1229s China he just I think the clear play
1236s here is to pass him draw to Wow for the
1238s bonus action from reality rift one for
1239s comboing hopefully hitting the
1240s archaeologists restarting the maid ship
1242s that's my play so I don't know he's
1244s tucked oohing interesting so I talk to I
1248s know this is an audible mountain deck
1250s but I don't think I've ever seen a
1251s natural deck have this many buffs I'll
1254s just restart my maid Sherry go send him
1257s back in so you choose what buff you want
1261s restart with thee you certainly do and
1263s it can be Wow
1265s well obviously works really well with
1267s the meteor shower oh there we go crystal
1269s each yep maid ship and the meteor shower
1271s the obvious choices I think I'm sorry
1278s really sorry your soul exiting your
1282s buttock yeah the tenuous like edge of
1284s reality Jacob has been quite over the
1286s last couple of days he's made a big
1288s recovery I don't ready for the final no
1290s taric's fixer they're coming in Oh up to
1293s 15 health that's a high number number
1296s three damage coming in from the
1297s Celestion Wario yeah full three all the
1300s way down to 12 for draw now kicking back
1302s in so at least those are getting past
1304s the emergency systems as well yep
1307s emergency systems na na me that will
1310s bypass it I know that one other way
1312s around
1312s he's probably so he's like I'm pretty
1320s sure you taking damage mate let me let
1321s me trigger that's fine
1323s here come all of the archaeologists Oh
1327s shift he's happy about it he's happy
1329s about the face so if he's really lucky
1331s mister ancient miner is gonna clear out
1334s the rest of those cards can be so
1335s thrilled when he finishes his work he's
1337s gonna clock off he's got the last one
1338s let me go what if he restarts it the
1340s archeologist well the archeologist says
1341s no you stay stay forever well then he's
1345s entered hell yeah all this system the
1347s miner you work for me now dig up my
1349s discoveries mine okay so I mean they
1353s both got I mean I think there's only a
1354s couple of cards left actually in the
1357s granite back I mean let's be honest
1359s who's happier about having an empty deck
1360s i think i'll be granion was probably the
1362s granite how was granite suddenly caught
1364s up so quickly
1365s um son hunter tilting on the car draw
1367s focus chambers and action - but the
1370s ancient miners have not been working
1371s anywhere near as hard as the other ones
1373s I feel like the granite player hasn't
1376s played in combos this put any carbs bear
1378s true very true restore restarting the
1381s mountain for maybe he has to use it on
1383s something yeah very true
1387s no maid ships out so there we go there's
1390s a phase which lets you put to gravity
1392s cards back look it's to archaeologists
1403s like you know what I'm gonna restart
1406s restart this boy going straight round
1408s those emergency systems again didn't
1410s restart action mine off might be a miss
1411s flight you might not might be we'll have
1413s to wait and see how that pans out yeah I
1415s gotta say like just really enjoy it when
1418s a taki deck works yeah it's working this
1422s isn't working brilliantly I find it I
1424s saw this work I mean I obviously we saw
1426s this deck played earlier on in one of
1428s the early games and it did not play like
1429s this at all he managed to win through
1431s but it was pretty pretty did he have a -
1436s slave labor perforce
1437s he had no say labor force going on at
1438s all there we go it's all about was
1441s inside its the CPU minute form that time
1443s they must have fallen to pieces since
1444s there's been a coup there's been a coup
1446s they did not like a minute at the top I
1449s think it was out of the mighty I think
1452s he's in charge of the granite takes that
1454s dole oh thank you - run for exactly the
1456s riders get back at granite what have I
1458s done mistakes
1461s okay so Mountain yeah such good damage
1465s reduction just sitting there behind his
1466s wall of forts so we are the currently we
1469s have some hunter took - on 29 hill and
1472s we have granite sitting at 10 but with
1475s two emergency systems out and an
1477s exterior defender an exterior defender
1479s and I'm done it for so a lot of
1481s potential healing and defense there but
1484s there is a phase shift there is a side
1486s of the field it was a phase shift dual
1488s spore damage for every heal every yeah
1491s yeah yeah and that can obviously be
1493s multiple card setting that or from one
1494s turn yep so here we go so phase shift
1496s now in an active corner yep rotate the
1499s the slush tumor is gonna rotate them out
1501s and forth and now while collect Akashi
1504s goes into the tank tavern I think yeah
1506s he's got 500 cards in his hand
1508s potentially yeah it's up to 500 cards
1510s it's at least two it's at least two he
1513s has between two and five hundred cards
1515s of his then somewhere between there yeah
1516s I think it's closer to 500 right now to
1518s be honest with you I mean I think it's
1520s closer than two I think it's closer to
1522s do I'll be honest I think you're wrong I
1523s mean it's more than six I think we're
1526s narrowing it down we're getting there
1527s yeah all right so we're seeing a slash
1530s near or in an enchanted soil safe safe
1533s little place as I like to call them yep
1535s yep mistakes so granite has also its
1541s great decked out as well yes last call
1543s for the sanction miner that miner will
1545s mind no more he shall not it's weird
1548s like I feel like there's been a true
1549s reversal here because walk like Akashi
1551s house cards in his name
1553s Oh crystal leaching out the phase shift
1557s fresh one oh these plays are painful
1560s they hurt but I believe that is the
1562s final crystal leach that's three for
1564s three yeah
1564s three for three here we go then so what
1568s does he do now what does Walker
1571s locker cocky use you door it wrong it's
1576s walking lock Akashi
1577s that's why I just said you did you did
1578s not and you know you didn't I hate
1582s everything
1582s why are you so happy me yes
1585s loving life thing all right back to
1590s light seekers seekers seekers
1593s seek the line see polite shout up to
1596s Scott we will remember those remember
1600s the good times
1602s alrighty sorry
1603s it's someone to talk to right house
1605s priority what's he gonna do see it feels
1609s really like someone to talk to
1610s what's she gonna do walk like Tashi
1611s what's he gonna do yeah tricky Oh
1614s interesting
1617s yeah definitely interesting it's the
1621s right move now what's so I mean he's got
1629s damage he wants to play it but he's
1631s looking at the triple man for anything
1633s in themselves so that shots well
1636s canister to go out is he plating yet
1638s there's the shadow volcano right the
1640s second one yes one field already of
1642s course sideways your eyes right all
1645s right so that's gonna rotate all three
1647s mountain thoughts that's gonna rotate
1648s all three mountain thoughts but no
1649s damage gets through sitting pretty on 31
1652s health per hour old sunny yeah but it
1654s could with that granite gain that extra
1656s damage this could very quickly turn
1657s around like it'll really start smashing
1659s him down good alright so no damage goes
1664s through there because of mountain fort
1665s and Ford wall it's not gonna heal what
1669s point do we think that I mean what
1671s amount of actual attack cards is some
1674s hunter running I think you count
1676s archaeologists or an attack card of
1677s course and yeah Pathfinder's an attack
1679s card but not really a lot no so those
1682s exterior those emergency systems now son
1686s beacons are pretty good carbon you've
1687s got nothing from your deck to lose yeah
1689s yes it is yeah so that's gonna go
1691s through for one point of damage and then
1693s rotate because of the gravity metal off
1695s which just came down and rotate the
1696s slush stream wearing a back one step
1697s nice I'm still I'm still feeling
1699s comfortable with old tuxie yeah he's got
1701s this monster reasonably comfortable I'm
1704s like I'm not sure though I mean it's
1706s it's anyone's game I mean these are some
1708s pretty busy board few player moment
1711s almost be mistaken for think he knows a
1713s drug player in the game you you would be
1715s wouldn't he but you'd be wrong you would
1717s be wrong could be wrong you'd be a fool
1718s if he fought that because none of those
1720s cards are purple yes I wanted to be
1724s really really lay that down what if I'm
1726s colorblind
1727s but I don't know I don't know - because
1729s you'd be confusing impossible to tell
1732s I've never seen the color before I mean
1736s we all know that all right so two points
1738s of damage coming through it's the
1741s mountain force right now all of a sudden
1742s the table was clean up quite a lot and
1744s back to 15 healthcare for our good old
1746s harass Hill you know but now what what
1749s next
1750s who knows locked in a battle of wits I
1753s thought of you knows these guys and
1755s there's a spin blade coming through Sora
1757s using that spin but I have not seen
1758s average that's only in the last two
1760s whole games that's only the second time
1762s that's been used that interesting okay
1766s and there's the enchanted souls coming
1767s in healing back up to full so granites
1772s it's not spectral guys looking real sad
1773s yeah nothing to do pretty nice so long I
1777s have no way to guide you right back down
1782s to ten Wow while sometimes I've seen
1785s that a nice 35 I guess the the real
1788s problem here like he's used all his
1789s combos I'm talking waka lactic a second
1792s exterior the second mixed area
1796s thingamabob defender yep and 14 damage
1799s coming in from the shadowed volcanoes
1801s and a geode hatchling bringing back a
1802s shattered volcano Wow and six damage of
1805s course we go here's where it's increased
1807s ouch
1809s this is really swung around now that's
1812s the thing was granted when he does when
1813s he hits you table it's hard yeah sorry
1816s also that spin blade is increased now
1817s yeah that's doing
1819s items effects on increased of course
1821s they're not of course unless it
1822s specifically calls out items and granite
1825s he's not really the reason is that he's
1828s in this granite deck he's won this bimbo
1829s 3000 like we've not seen it get very
1832s much used at all I don't massively see
1833s the benefit of it being in there we
1836s didn't see it last game mechanical
1837s redundancy
1839s it's always important and knowledgeable
1842s he did use it to chip through the we
1844s can't have two four balls out at once he
1845s might as well yeah
1851s that looks like it was owned of the game
1854s who I don't even know what that did it
1859s that was a draw for them that wasn't
1861s lethal damage though it was only 16 oh
1864s no cause of the the two shadowed
1866s volcanoes yes 30 casual 30 damage 32
1870s that so so there we go we even watching
1873s that game we were talking about weapons
1877s again man
1879s Tom just sort of jumps around these
1880s cameras knows what he wants when he
1881s wants he's a good guy he plays by his
1883s own rules
1884s honestly I don't even remember that we
1886s watched again elastic is just then it
1888s was intense I mean I watched the
1889s Coventry back later be like did this
1891s happen
1892s I mean I'm concerned shall we talk side
1894s deck yes that's a side deck so right now
1896s let's have a look at first of all let's
1898s have okay like a like a caches and see
1901s what you might swab on like a car that's
1902s what I said and see what you might swap
1904s in alright so he's got an unruly mob a
1907s credible decoy a Creole monk to loot
1909s snatches a cripple just to exterior
1911s defenders in a bowl to feast absolute
1913s madness a cripple jesters coming in for
1915s sure yeah he had it an hour ago yeah
1919s yeah I mean I think that Joe was wishing
1921s he had a curry will gesture about an
1922s hour ago guess what doesn't run a Nina's
1924s back either side English I'm gonna guess
1929s attentionally the loot Snatchers we saw
1931s a lot of buffs line up just there yeah
1933s I'll loot snatcher on a what do you what
1935s do you call that one the shadowed
1936s volcano yeah if a living chest came in
1938s and stole my volcano from me I'd be
1940s confused to see that one in the game I
1943s don't know what's going on maybe Boulder
1944s feast
1945s cheeky six healing could be all he needs
1946s yeah any of those is run to I think
1951s that's it okay and how about over with
1952s Joe creeper monks crib amongst all da
1955s it's not just one not just two perhaps
1956s all three son undertook to the monks
1958s says no so but you what would you lose
1961s to bring in three creeper monks I mean
1962s I'll be honest yeah the the exterior
1966s defenders yep not looking super great in
1968s this matchup
1968s no I mean I'm just saying I mean what
1971s about the emergency systems you think
1972s they were really stopping I mean I guess
1974s exterior defenders stake is they trigger
1975s shadow volcano so emergency systems
1977s probably get him out of here now there
1979s were no I don't I don't want them there
1980s are no emergencies here none we're
1982s chilled exactly so we
1984s back at the table see if the guys
1985s they're still with switching for a
1986s little bit I think we saw some cards
1988s changes then I'm sure clear what did
1990s roar so many cars changed I'm gonna find
1992s out I think the plane chose the X I
1994s think we'll have a fairly good idea as
1995s what has changed cuz these guys do draw
1997s a lot of cards so we probably are gonna
1998s see what I mean I'm gonna hesitate to
2000s guess that one of these two players will
2002s see their entire deck this next game
2003s yeah I think you might be right
2005s I'm good yes how how does the intramodal
2008s workforce going so hard like those guys
2011s they get I hear that they don't even get
2014s paid medical is mental I don't think
2016s they get ill no no I'm out they work
2020s rocks they're just rocks they have souls
2023s ever ox I'm not just rocks granite was
2029s trying to become Prime Tour and that's
2030s when they were powerful neither he's
2033s meditating he's thinking about his own
2034s soul the nature of the rock granite is
2036s pushing his way closer to that prime
2038s Tour role
2038s he's already smashed the hell out of
2040s dolo and now he's just got a small
2042s tournament will have an impact on the
2043s story I think that it might do that yeah
2045s talk to the other prices I will do we
2048s have words with mayor we certainly will
2050s all right here we go all right how
2056s long's the workforce arrive oh here they
2057s come
2057s do you see what I couldn't see the boys
2059s they're back in town they're ready
2061s they're raring to go they've had a week
2063s off they've been on holiday bus it's
2066s gonna be spectra guide there we go is
2068s this factory I gonna do work there's no
2069s he's not gonna have time he's out he's
2072s gonna work he's like let me guide you
2074s the mind is like I know where I'm going
2075s I'm anxious I've done it before he was
2077s out last time he didn't get a chance
2078s gonna get looking all right well here we
2080s go oh oh joy he wants to join the guys
2085s service they're out these Eastern to the
2090s spectators no I've got this coming here
2092s you see a mate you see out chill you've
2094s done your day I got the rest of the week
2096s all right and granite is given parcel
2098s drawer two and Wacka Wacka cash is like
2101s good night I'm drawing more than you I
2102s am better I've got all the drawer oh no
2105s he go another drawer of their special
2107s glad he's gone home look at me
2108s I am the granite now oh there we go out
2112s comes the
2113s how comes from the archaeologists
2114s restart immunity - just like I was quiet
2117s at least like to the beginning yet yeah
2124s ready quite a few cards temptation
2127s blacksmith coming down I am hoping that
2129s we've seen a janitor come in here but at
2132s the same time though surely some Hunter
2133s has to be worried that granite could
2136s have brought in a gesture that maybe
2137s here's that fear maybe you know she
2139s doesn't have one maybe he hasn't maybe
2140s he has no fear it's cavalier understand
2144s right there
2144s I mean someone to talk to so we saw the
2147s Affordable come in there yeah Thank You
2149s Myna drawn a card what now what do you
2152s like it's walking like Akashi what are
2153s you thinking or he's gonna keep playing
2155s more card you I keep those cards love it
2157s I'm not even not worried about dying hey
2158s maybe he's worried lost game was that he
2160s turned the corner too late in the game
2161s like he drew too much damage
2164s so ship now do you think maybe he should
2167s have spent more color maybe you should
2169s have spent more time trying to restart
2170s made ships and less on all those ancient
2172s life I mean the crystal leeches didn't
2173s just sort of go like no they did and
2176s they ate them and the I remember unclear
2178s might use crystal lasers well I'll ask
2180s the guy right the law about habit about
2181s the crystal eater
2183s oh look it's my arch nemesis alright
2185s there's a mountain fourtner's rock-hard
2186s okay so now my rotating and drawing too
2189s thrilling and the main ship getting
2192s closer to going off yep no Benny coming
2196s in I think I'll see what's in the
2199s sideboard I mean you could have just
2201s asked the players with a side deck okay
2206s poor Betty so upset
2208s alright focusing back on the game yeah
2210s exactly that's let's keep on our Swedish
2213s friend we are potentially in the last
2214s this could be it this could be it this
2216s could be match point that's really say
2217s another one of the boys back in town the
2219s actual miners here anyway look penny I'm
2233s not here to discuss semantics with you
2234s here comes a mountain before coming back
2235s with the Jared hatchling Jared hatchling
2237s he's hatched and inside was a whole
2239s fortress really you know I reckon all
2241s the gritty bill oh one of the age -
2242s managed to get out he managed to sneak
2244s out the back when no one was looking
2245s Oh
2246s see the seven damaged from the maid ship
2249s just then yeah and then he actually
2252s minded and the one Connie true was a
2253s Yukon archaeologist restarted the Med
2255s ship amazing the archaeologist is like I
2258s found a maid mate we found the
2260s third one how are these ancient miners
2262s anyway he's got an exterior defendant
2264s let's have the side deck yes yeah yes
2267s there we go but he loves those ancient
2269s miners cuz the whole crew are back if
2274s they haven't reunion mine this is mine
2276s away is this my life now all I do is
2279s mine this is all you've got
2280s oh look they're all filling them up
2282s there is just like last time do you
2284s think we could get to the point where
2285s there were infinite angstrom rows in
2286s play what I'm probably going through the
2290s world where we're quite loud oh well
2292s bring it down we were told it was
2293s soundproof I mean I don't think we've
2298s really given away any secret information
2301s okay okay let's just let's comment out
2304s of it that's take it I don't you know
2306s what the problem was Benny came in he
2307s did it was a finance we will find them
2309s we will find before Benny was here he's
2310s apologized okay so the exterior defender
2312s is out let me tell you about this room
2319s for adults
2322s I mean they've seen us pull down like
2329s two we are basically at a host but
2332s legally I can arrive it says the sky
2340s beam has just been swapped in we've gone
2344s down so I think like what's happened is
2346s because next door is quiet down a little
2348s bit now we seem louder knock on the wall
2351s just open all back up again just let's
2353s just make eye contact with them yep so
2355s they lost eye scribing was obviously
2356s side boarded in there look stop it
2362s you're gonna help me with this
2362s come on find your find your sails find
2365s your wind I will be the wind beneath
2367s your wings come on it's going with us
2369s volume 2 talk out because I feel like we
2371s turned the volume down and then we just
2372s got told off again we haven't really
2374s wait we did okay the game back on the
2377s game okay I was at the phase shift
2378s coming in putting back to your cone
2379s archaeologists what healing cards are
2390s you playing there's some hunter there to
2392s really get enchanted soil trigger every
2394s time Sun beacon get off that cheeky play
2397s oh he drew an archaeologist he's gonna
2399s recent maybe gang back so I think he
2401s doesn't seem to be focusing more on
2403s restarting the made ships this time than
2404s the ancient mines or the damage there's
2406s nature monitoring two cards for I guess
2408s slices that he needs to get granny out
2410s of the game before he can just get
2412s through that deck Nicole starsk I've
2417s been brilliant against mountain for here
2419s yeah ships working our way yeah
2421s so I can't really play them out and
2422s fought into it which is quite nice I've
2424s got a question for you how does the
2426s insect swarm destroy the mound in sport
2429s termites wouldn't fought well played not
2433s sure let's get back into this yeah focus
2435s up I've got a question for you why the
2437s ever rocks building their fortress is
2439s out of wood why not because they're all
2441s about the rock I mean they built it on a
2443s rock I'll give you that one thing nice
2447s okay so they just really hate trees yeah
2451s really hate Lee ever are there no the
2453s oak thorn man
2454s okay so who's go is it we're on some
2457s time some hunters
2458s yeah he's rotated his spaceship the
2461s enchanted soil that's predict as
2462s predicted and they Celestion warrior so
2468s the inch of mine are leaving that demote
2471s him in for two damage yep beautiful now
2475s believe the clothes ice cabin was
2476s actually meant to trigger before buffs
2477s rotate so someone's gonna call her a
2479s stock on that sunny out of order I mean
2481s I'd be calling up a judgment out of
2483s sequencing on a grand scale I mean
2486s probably disqualified its get Betty in
2487s here yeah he's got a question as to what
2489s he's got me into and support know what
2490s his head almost bike oh he has a bit far
2492s I'm sorry okay there's a lot of thinking
2496s going on right now I mean
2497s then what on the line here one of those
2499s people is the national champion the
2501s other is not I mean yeah the other one
2506s runner-up
2507s runner-up who wants to be that guy
2511s that's a bit harsh I'm joking I jest
2516s there is a trophy per second there is a
2518s trophy of a second but every time you
2520s look at it we'll just be sad a little
2522s bit so it ain't your minor back out all
2528s right we got we jest we just come in
2530s second is a hell of an achievement I
2532s mean getting for all those regionals
2533s making internationals again in second
2535s place is a hell of an achievement so
2541s 1940s ticking away there and out that
2545s was weird
2545s I thought you took too much damage just
2547s then I'm sure that one of the guys
2548s would've picked up on it surely maybe so
2552s what the gravity metal of that we see
2554s next a Sun beacon
2556s oh so that's gonna trigger there's a
2558s gravity meddler rotate back the midship
2560s one step self the facial a card here set
2562s off the fascia wow he's really trying to
2569s work the damage harder this time he's
2573s getting some use out that face if he was
2574s pretty much remove straightaway last
2575s time was good too much damage is that
2577s again doubt it it kind of felt like you
2579s did about the forged wall do we boy is
2583s that what you're worried about I don't
2584s honestly can't count right now okay you
2587s excited but I assume that Benny's
2589s watching this Iranian car between them
2591s of and Chris have got this one what if
2592s they're distracted I don't think need to
2594s worry about that my you comb that you
2595s can't start the commentary so there's
2597s the focus chamber drawing two cuts there
2599s is a combo buff in play it's called
2600s phase shift it's pretty good it's pretty
2602s good when you get those hills not got
2606s those it's rubbish I think you're gonna
2607s see a third game
2608s you reckon they doesn't seem that way
2610s right now but last game the important
2612s thing is he has just played a focus
2613s chamber yeah he can't like Bristol H
2615s doesn't have superior press okay yes
2617s boss on the field there stay on the
2618s field okay so it's another exterior
2620s defender I mean let's be honest that
2621s doesn't matter right now he's easy to
2624s care about those here's a second action
2627s now
2628s you know you're always thinking it's
2629s like 1 we cut to harass your space
2634s please oh yeah that's what we wanted you
2638s singing himself what do I do
2640s he is thinking of a indeed I'm gonna win
2645s this I've got this I'm gonna do it the
2647s kids yeah all the kids out there I mean
2651s we did have a quite a young player who
2652s did make it at the top we did yeah he
2654s did really well no dragon the hell of a
2656s names were all big hill there I mean it
2658s was six healing right yeah baby there's
2661s so much more than six that felt like
2662s more than six that's why sure this was
2664s on nine and he wasn't healed for six
2670s again they probably got it right like I
2672s don't think they've suddenly just
2673s stopped paying attention I think I think
2675s we're okay now he's on five yeah so a
2679s Sun beacon wins you the game yeah right
2683s yeah yeah yeah some some bacon wins the
2687s game here Bowl the feast is good here
2689s mm-hmm it hits for three and then two
2694s which is also lethal like there's a lot
2696s of damage here on the table yeah in a
2698s bunch of different ways it's just a
2699s matter of how does he want to win so
2701s he's got a boat if he's right at the
2702s front there I'm pretty sure he wins if
2703s he plays ball to face I'm reasonably
2705s confident there's a gravity meddler
2710s being checked out there he's asking a
2711s question
2712s yeah great smell back in so here comes
2715s another kravitz Kepler and the bowler
2717s feast so sets up the pace shift
2722s I mean he plays the defender card first
2724s yeah that's gonna rotate some stuff that
2725s rotates back that rotates back that's
2727s gonna hit me a to damage immediately
2728s we're just about won by the forge wall
2730s yeah he's gonna heal and that's and then
2734s there'll it be the game yeah there we go
2735s Wow so one apiece I felt my Boulder fees
2737s mormon game there you did that was that
2739s was that we should we should go in there
2743s grab Shh
2744s so they were gonna commentate in this
2746s room so on a piece 1 or 100 1815 I'm
2750s glad that our final is going to a to a
2753s third game I wanted to see a crushing
2755s victory
2755s did you is that what you wanted
2757s brilliant well you know because no now
2759s second place is gonna really feel like
2760s he's won that
2761s they're all trophy he didn't win a game
2763s he's earned it whichever one is there's
2765s also a stack of booster boxes and cash
2766s on the line yeah we look it up you've
2768s done pretty well babe well it's what
2770s about the glory it's all about the glory
2771s I mean if you think like this is the
2774s ninth round of yeah see because these
2776s guys are played I mean when we started
2778s it was very bright out now out there
2781s it's dark I'm dark
2783s my biggest week on the outside camera my
2785s biggest CCTV my biggest concern right
2787s now if I'm entirely honest Jacob here's
2789s where I'm gonna get some dinner at this
2791s time of it that's this time of night
2792s room service 24 hours is it it's
2795s certainly without that their mayor that
2796s was really I really wanted to go out to
2798s a restaurant tonight you did we're to a
2799s curry house well I mean it was one place
2800s oh thanks guys maybe they're still open
2804s maybe we're gonna call them what we're
2805s gonna have nice right let's go back okay
2810s back to the light do you what changes
2813s you can people to considering making now
2815s none yet if I didn't side that foot
2817s we're all probably the first time I
2818s shouldn't bother
2818s it's brilliant okay um right now if
2822s you're playing as brannad you go what I
2823s won the first game I'm Jun make all the
2825s changes I just made maybe
2827s I mean I think it's probably think those
2828s old man these exterior defenders feel
2829s bad yeah I mean I'm doing I'm thinking
2831s some hunter have really realized that
2833s they need to go much harder on the
2834s offense use those this own plays very
2839s defensive in this side - they put into
2841s an sister things mm-hmm one is put in a
2843s bunch more attack cards want to put in a
2844s spark wisp
2845s I want if I was these guys wouldn't put
2847s a spark wisp but you could you could I
2851s probably wouldn't it's allowed it it's
2853s allowed yeah no one else is allowed
2855s flame bat
2856s probably makes a little more sense both
2857s these decks yeah well probably not but
2859s not do that but no probably the granite
2862s day probably not the took to deck for
2865s talking back definitely not the no yeah
2871s that'd be good does damage it does do
2874s damage does five damage but hey you
2877s don't want that he's got loads of
2878s defense against attack cards
2879s he's side have been out cuz you're
2880s hiding attacks you got him you slide you
2883s side hitting the attacks I mean that is
2887s you are specifically planned for
2888s fighting this one guy when you've made
2889s that decision I mean this is the guy
2891s that's standing between me and I get
2892s trophy right anyway we've just died the
2894s ancient Mayans are back
2895s yep and we're Ella talk to you for buff
2896s and there's never one of the guys I bet
2898s you taste lays that the ancient miners
2900s are always they're always right at the
2901s top like what are these guys doing they
2903s stack in the back walk about my negate
2909s [Laughter]
2913s okay why don't like and we know that
2915s they can hear us a nice cool now let's
2916s just laugh really loudly
2917s no there's nothing I'll have no idea was
2919s getting that ready I agree fakes for
2920s Betty and Chris again
2920s I mean Benny wasn't particularly angry
2922s it was just Chris yeah since Christmas
2924s since you know fatherhood has taken on
2926s Chris he has he's really got that
2928s stirred father look down what if next
2930s year he drives the van is he can't be
2934s two of them we've already got enough
2936s marks at work we don't even enough of
2938s too many van dads right okay so look at
2940s this we've got three ancient miners out
2947s all right I'm just gonna say it we can't
2949s say the word Thank You miners anymore if
2952s he plays one right now there's gonna be
2954s five on the fields will be mad piqué
2956s piqué piqué so much mining people to go
2960s he's so sick anyone watching this I'm
2961s really opposed I just killed one whoa
2963s whoa this is a homicide
2966s yes called police that / fighters just
2969s turned up and why what do we have what
2971s promise you have that specific miner of
2973s all of them you know I don't think he's
2975s played a pop minor in any of the games
2976s like you know thanks Ramon oh yeah gone
2979s you're dead mate get out of here right
2982s this is the final is it and I feel like
2985s we need to treat this with more gravitas
2987s it's pronounced Gravatar morgue rabbit
2991s well thank you for Wakko like a shocker
2994s it's like a locket katashi
2996s oh yeah and he's playing against her a
2999s seal in a very serious final okay
3002s so again the spin bait coming out I
3004s honestly think like there's a serious
3005s game of white seekers with some
3006s slapstick humor just sort of I think
3008s they work well together I think they
3009s work well together
3010s he wants this he wants that dry
3011s commentary has it just been dry
3013s carpentry before this be honest cuz I
3015s have been involved in heater commentary
3016s today not desert dry but drier than now
3020s it's there's a monsoon right now right
3023s now it's quite moist in here so I don't
3025s know if that's just me but it doesn't be
3026s playing quite climbing or
3028s back to the game at hand we seen a tent
3030s hozier blacksmith pulling out a spin
3032s blade 3000 and if you have to talk to
3033s his time let me see the miners have
3036s Doug's on the cup yes matron and
3038s amazingly it still flies yeah I mean
3041s even when the archaeologists discover
3043s them they stand to still fly yeah and if
3045s he passed him drawn then an idiot con
3047s archaeologists who restart that miner
3049s the roof would have come off yeah that
3052s would've been it actually wish there was
3054s it was more of a reaction from the
3056s remixer like I wish it was more cheering
3057s and ahhs and stuff and just isn't oh you
3060s know that's not that that's probably
3062s because they're trying to keep the
3063s volume down a little bit because just a
3064s career yes they were to be able to hear
3066s the amazing common tree going on to make
3069s ships rotated talk to for the probably
3071s buff he's gonna find in mountain for
3074s external 5050 he's gonna take me to a
3077s stereo defender would you take that
3078s there yep would you ever play I talk to
3081s deck yeah
3082s do you have one yeah I owe you an
3086s apology
3087s I'll write you a little okay Bryn what
3089s does he play now there what's the follow
3091s up here so you got made sure is about to
3095s hit four seven if you boys another buff
3097s he could get crystal Leach and he got to
3098s one play defendant prepared if I made
3100s from the crystal Liam man he's
3102s clever cover guy I think I make sure
3104s mines coming down answer minor there we
3106s go and that's been played by it's really
3107s the exterior defender that good way to
3109s not waste that feels bad yeah seven
3112s damage coming in down to 25 feeling good
3115s and here comes a yeah buddy metal or
3118s everything there but I do you think is
3119s gonna fold up with the defender probably
3121s is I think to keep that may ship
3123s circling comes the Sun beacon we take
3127s back one score on Oh hit for damage here
3130s for five up to 30 35 plays 21 I'm sure
3134s he probably didn't wanna lose that
3134s mounting for that but hey I mean you
3136s know what Mountain forts can't kill your
3138s opponent can they I can't
3139s I mean that's true unless they fought on
3140s them I think they already mundo yeah
3144s where can you mind someone that falls
3145s down eventually done some damage it does
3147s SPG Mountain forts no I don't think I
3150s was made of wood right you feel like
3152s ground is more of a stone kind of guy
3153s that play for more damage coming in down
3157s to 17
3159s talk to four gets I guess it was a tough
3167s to four defend yeah I'm sorry I misread
3169s that audience forgive me
3171s hey Cory will there's a Sun beacon trees
3174s the gravity medellin rotates back beam a
3175s ship knows us on me Wow look at this
3177s so I'm beacon goes back whatwhat did he
3179s disc out there some bacon to some bacon
3181s oh okay so all the some beacons are
3183s going all three of course it was we soar
3184s over to didn't we so the that made ship
3192s is just for smash away that man is
3194s getting through we go again in a minute
3197s so out comes the forge world a very well
3200s yet but very well timed but he just
3203s played it he didn't blacksmith for it so
3204s that means he's still got a blacksmith
3205s somewhere in his handle deck that's now
3207s gonna do nothing yeah unless he unless
3211s he so I bought it out one of his
3213s blacksmith I doubt he did but he could
3216s have maybe so I'm gonna say that he did
3219s you think he did that fort one active oh
3226s and a Sun strike that yeah that's a lot
3228s of mountain ports as well there is a lot
3230s of man quartz or he's mean look at the
3231s amount of hits he's taken from those
3233s that one main ship that's fair dolger
3237s walls high for the main ships will fly
3239s higher and higher and higher
3243s we've dropped some wisdom here we have
3244s draw so much boys didn't be period yeah
3246s bring it back the ancient miner my
3248s actually hatched it was a miner a little
3250s angry my nobody innocent much work
3252s they've actually the same haircut if you
3253s look at they just to do you think
3256s Ashley's age - Sunday I think is I think
3258s the I think is an ancient miner egg
3261s donors hatch I think they lay eggs
3263s that'd be weird
3264s imagine if ever laid eggs I mean I know
3266s that there is a finite number of ever
3268s rock but that would be mad with it I'm
3270s ready to pass on I'm gonna lay an egg
3271s see you guys later that is very odd it's
3276s cut into law the paint layer and I'm
3279s terrified
3279s alright let's see what's up next so
3281s selection anymore I got rid of the first
3283s of the mountain forts yeah
3288s the second one on its way but it's a
3292s handyman he's running three million for
3293s us right of course probably definitely
3297s website bought it I'll tell you what I
3301s would have probably wouldn't know if I
3303s would say that he has not cited out I
3304s would say the agent of a may trippin
3307s there's another one coming up in two
3308s cars time very soon very soon
3311s soon TM I think I think Tom Rea
3318s appreciates my memes he's not he's
3321s nodding along he's loving his act was a
3323s consummate chip as expected as was
3327s destined as was foretold so much
3331s knowledge right now alrighty so thank
3334s you my Tundra car just then they did and
3336s now harass Hill has a lot of cards
3337s because that's my story it's a cool
3339s story thank you for me again can I be
3341s the law writer yeah sure
3342s nailed it okay so a lot of thinking
3347s going on this time employ moles so the
3351s most citizen systems we didn't see do
3352s anything first game we didn't see there
3354s I'm a second I thought they would go I
3357s mean I don't know I probably would have
3359s but I wouldn't be in the final so what
3362s do I know I do buddy
3368s okay was like you got T is Olaf not like
3376s are you enjoying this oh wait was the
3378s other made ship now I'm enjoying this
3379s game there's two more cards drawn from
3382s the old ancient miner it's working away
3384s let me die hi let it end what if he
3389s plays on the right reminder again that's
3392s good to reach that the guy that was well
3394s time that was a lull time crystal age
3396s you know I'll tell you what I think
3397s ground it's got this do you reckon
3399s look at that look at that board look at
3400s that hand yeah parcels to draw a cub
3403s Zach on the next main ship
3407s talk to the buff oh so there's the solar
3412s wind why are they not talk to it that's
3414s come on it's really odd isn't it he's
3417s just like suddenly changed his game plan
3418s he's just passing to draw cards yeah how
3421s peculiar
3421s like I could see the illogic in like I
3423s might posture the red card to hope to
3424s hit your cognac or just to restart
3426s something nothing to restart it's very
3428s unclear yeah yeah I don't know hatchling
3430s intonation my mother and I perhaps
3432s manang and have a minor egg then take
3435s over the minor ancient egg layer beacon
3441s over ancient - Oh takes us back for God
3445s you can't play it now it would be a
3448s mistake to play spectra guide right now
3449s but it would probably be alright to play
3451s mountain for stair defender it is steer
3456s defend is really bad against spin blade
3458s yeah is it just horrendously yeah you
3461s just just smash you straight through
3463s it's going down anyway chuck it down
3465s waste an action at least draw from the
3468s ancient miner that yep now it's a
3473s waiting game o clock let's go I've been
3475s of course enough get sky mean an extra
3477s defender would defend you against the
3479s sky Judith the glass seeing you from the
3482s sky so what is he doing now
3487s Thanks
3497s nobody ever Baxter I think that I do
3503s though I do feel like if I were someone
3505s took two I would have got rid of the
3506s exterior defenders knowing that he's
3508s obviously gonna have that spin blade in
3510s there and he's just gonna just destroy
3512s them yep so he boulderfist they're back
3514s up to 20 and then the the old
3524s the important thing is Rascals back at
3527s 16 which is what I was trying to say
3528s originally and then I forgot the
3531s mountain fort ticking round from the sky
3533s beam yep yeah ancient miner drawing
3536s people
3538s so how many cards do we think that
3540s granite is currently holding this is
3542s quite a few and I mean I think they've
3545s granite can if he can back out then it's
3548s Granite's match right like yes sorry yes
3553s sir I saw you were confused for me other
3555s thing you might think kind of thought it
3563s was like a large fly very nice Chinese
3571s right now my skills he just drew two
3574s cogs the old nation monitor now he's
3575s having I am steeper so he when he has
3578s it's got so much option you just drawn
3579s up on the pasta ball - okay game for
3582s that deck I really do wish we would see
3585s a career jester here from back if you
3588s were somehow and took two would you put
3590s the crebbil gesture in I'm sure I would
3591s have I mean you might have again where
3597s I've already state this a minute go I
3598s mean I would have put it in a lecture my
3599s own that's a familiar name seen him a
3602s couple of times I didn't I didn't even
3606s know he was running ancient miners
3609s actually think we've seen like the full
3611s 89 to minors I've seen I've seen more
3615s ancient miners today than I've ever seen
3617s in every game combined
3619s I didn't even as a card now we do what
3622s the ancient miner do that's the next one
3624s he draws cards definitely draws guards
3626s I'm glad this isn't a live stream the
3628s names would be real they would
3629s whoa personal connection vinyl yeah he's
3632s sick of him sick of him the extra minor
3634s genocide the scam has been taken out the
3640s pic in line is getting bigger and bigger
3645s I'm wondering if they did the colas ice
3647s gave him just then and rotated the
3649s mountain for it feel like it might have
3650s been missed that tell me I mean who
3652s knows we're not even live in the table
3653s anymore so maybe why are we looking Tom
3657s still trying behind the I'm the value
3660s I mean mate everyone knows who tom is
3662s now you showed him on camera earlier
3663s today
3665s oh I think you throw someone out reached
3667s the bail all right even spin bladed made
3673s quick work of that mountain yeah I mean
3676s I guess that's a good reason for having
3677s that it's been blade in there it does
3678s just get through those Jumbo's know
3680s things do you respect and plains dolo a
3682s lot
3682s yeah a safe play yeah now so we're
3686s currently sitting here took two on
3687s twenty nine health and granite sitting
3690s at 16 yeah that's that's math well you
3694s know sometimes I worry that people can't
3695s see I'm a little I'm a smaller screen I
3697s understand like fully okay as I've
3702s mentioned I've forgotten how to count
3703s during this match oh so there we go it's
3704s just poured a gravity naveen hits for
3706s 227 so has he gone for all of his main
3711s chips now or he's only seen a couple at
3713s this point is hard to remember I think
3715s they're all gone
3715s yeah they finished their they've all
3717s gone home I just chuckling - because
3719s there's a combo employee sorry there's
3721s only a couple of cards left in Granite's
3722s deck there but they look a bit but
3724s probably more than two maybe three there
3725s I think there's two yes - yeah - or
3728s three I can't fall before and he's not
3729s distributed or - yeah it's - what if I'm
3732s told over there could be three I didn't
3735s take they didn't give it away for you
3736s can always basically they show us there
3737s no oh so he pretty he's really prepping
3740s for that deck - he's really prepping to
3742s deck out his name never shot volcano
3745s coming out stages but if he's not this
3747s would be oh he's just played across the
3748s card ignore me no don't do that
3754s so both no shot volcanoes in there when
3756s he decks out are really just gonna
3758s massively increase the damage output
3759s what's that gonna be hitting for
3762s how long but in 14 damaged totally
3766s separate from each shadow volcano
3768s included the granite boosts Wow
3769s I mean and that's before he's done
3771s anything it's been waiting for a couple
3774s yeah he's I thought like he heard me
3779s saying that he never uses his spin blade
3781s now is proving a ploy and he's been
3783s petty so here we go the gravity meddler
3787s now he goes turning back that that
3792s enchanted soil for some more damage
3796s blocking some of it by the mountain for
3798s a second yeah so yeah those those
3804s emergency systems they just seem to have
3806s been useless really like I mean maybe
3808s they're stopping and playing something
3810s and now colossi Skyrim is actually doing
3812s the opposite of work because while the
3814s colossi sky being keeps knocking him
3816s down off 35 you can keep healing him
3818s using his spaceship yeah very good point
3823s horrible card terrible pain I mean I
3826s just never cited in no ridiculous about
3829s that I mean like I probably would have I
3830s think I would have played around the
3832s nice life for the phase shift you
3835s wouldn't have done that well that's why
3836s you're not in the final who's gonna take
3845s this right now do you think okay i keep
3848s swinging back and forth on this one
3849s yeah i don't know how to feel what's
3852s this gonna be
3852s crystal weak he's gone it's a little
3860s jane the world big out wap hair on the
3864s national debt the d the deejaying para
3866s about to say the commentary pan a big
3868s island little Jay alrighty I'm back to
3871s thinking grants gonna win no bet you are
3876s what are you gonna do Oh
3878s meteor shower coming down not even a
3880s problem so he that's got to be all the
3883s glass got be all the crystal reaches now
3884s isn't it that was the third one for
3888s those of you counting along at home
3889s which I hope everyone's doing
3892s yes I don't have respond to that you
3896s know no think about it for a while
3902s focus chamber - yeah that's a good place
3909s to be yeah look at that it's like you
3913s live in his head
3914s I mean I can see the future who's gonna
3918s win then if you're seeing the future
3919s systems interesting all right and then
3923s probably an earth car to follow up to
3925s the old 14 there we go healing - good
3930s combo is a good combo - 13 for the old
3935s the old took - yeah wow that's a big
3938s hair there so sound damage coming
3940s through but apart from four gets reduced
3942s sorry three off it goes to four goes
3945s down to 12 and is this kind of can
3948s totally come back from this let's try
3950s might see the handshake in a minute
3951s I think I can't see where he's gone a
3956s few combos in reality rift then that's
3965s good mm-hmm well it was exciting for a
3969s while it's good enjoyed it that's a good
3971s game Oh
3973s nobody said we're speaking like it's
3974s over I mean it isn't over yet it's no
3977s yeah this will playing look I mean it
3979s looks like it's over Oh Santos yeah the
3982s old string of tanto spurred Wow there we
3984s go I've damaged Wow so there we go
3986s we applaud to what we alright well
3990s done well done there - Joseph playing
3993s Granite's a rat seal he's we use up
3996s screen no no but on the username he put
3999s his real name and then he swapped them
4000s after so well done a deserving winner
4003s there I think congratulations was a good
4005s game
4005s I believe he won Bristol regionals did
4008s he okay
4008s I actually I believe he's won the to
4011s regionals he's played with the deck Wow
4012s okay and then surround smash and then
4014s he's won national so I believe he's
4015s undefeated or with granite at massive
4017s tournaments wow that's right not
4020s undefeated in rounds obviously but he's
4021s won every tournament is played with
4023s granite that's impressive
4024s and I think that wasn't that was a good
4025s game like it
4026s is saw that I'm tall now he is the prime
4028s saw yeah and I'd be the prime tool maybe
4031s but you've got to be granny in a fire
4032s first it's tall like an abbreviation for
4034s something is it just TR t uh yeah cool
4038s so anyway thanks you too thanks you
4041s thank you to everybody who's tuned in
4043s and been watching all of these all these
4045s matches I hope you've enjoyed it all
4046s hope you enjoyed our final that was a
4048s hell of a game I've or anything that
4049s could have gone very excited I could go
4050s Nev away I apologize for all of our
4053s crazy ramblings throughout its we have
4055s been we have been going for her it's
4057s been a really long time I hope you
4058s ladies found it slightly amusing yeah
4061s any favor any any highlights from the
4063s match you've seen today I enjoyed that
4065s match that was actually probably my
4066s favorite one to be honest again I've
4068s completely forgotten what we just
4069s watched we just watched sometimes it
4071s took to get beaten by granite we saw a
4072s lot of ancient miners they're wearing
4075s memories of miners miners Union we got a
4078s miners Union showed like yeah we'd like
4079s to get my news Union sir shirts we'd
4081s like to and we stand with you mine as if
4082s you're out there alright alright guys
4085s thank you for watching the videos we
4086s hope you've enjoyed them and we had a
4089s new champion so congratulations to
4091s harrass hills for a co well just want to
4094s sign off with the older keep seeking the
4095s light keep seeking the light guys thanks
4097s for joining us bye