over 4 years
ago -
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As usual, with the change of the Advanced Sets, I'll share a few stats from the Ranked seasons of the last two months (April and May).
Highest Win Rates by Order (including change from previous Sets):
- Cross Order (+5)
- Storm (+1)
- Nature (+1)
- Mountain (+1)
- Tech (-3)
- Dread (+1)
- Astral (-6)
Most Played Orders
- Dread (+6)
- Mountain (=)
- Cross Order (+1)
- Nature (-3)
- Astral (-2)
- Storm (-1)
- Tech (=)
Highest Win Rates by Hero (excluding low play counts):
- Treanu (Nature)
- Leafnite (Nature)
- Councilor Sora (Storm)
- Lillis the Broker (Dread)
- Kora (Storm)
Most Played Heroes
- Chief Steelfeather (Astral)
- Grimguard Hemlock (Dread)
- Zilia (Tech)
- Quart (Mountain)
- Darkleaf (Nature)
Quickest Winning Heroes (excluding low play counts):
- Councilor Sora (Storm)
- Jax (Tech)
- Fraxinus Pinehusk (Nature)
- D.A.G. Battlescout (Tech)
- Leafnite (Nature)
Slowest Winning Heroes (excluding low play counts):
- Realgar (Tech)
- Asivak (Astral/Dread)
- Opal the Everlasting (Mountain)
- Brewmaster Korpz (Dread)
- Shoal-Slayer Basko (Storm)
Burstiest Heroes (highest average max damage per turn and excluding low play counts):
- Realgar (Tech)
- Councilor Sora (Storm)
- Skyslayer Vandil (Astral)
- Collector Chronobuck (Tech)
- Lexi (Tech)
Finally, the next Advanced Sets (August and September) will be Sets 1, 4, 5, 6, and 8.
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