over 1 year ago - Wissp - Direct link

Aden servers will be down for emergency maintenance today, Dec 14, 2022 at 11:00 a.m. The servers will be unavailable for approximately 2 hours. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

  • Fix issue where the Attendance Event progression reset.

Update: The Aden server is back online and Attendance Event progress has been restored. Additionally, Angel Cat will appear in town for 48 hours to give out Dandy's Golden Balls for the inconvenience!  

Dandy's Golden Balls
For 1 hr., XP/SP gain +100%, and changes the appearance of your armor into that of a NC Dinos uniform. Also recharges Vitality to the max. Cannot be stacked with the Fall of the Dragon or XP Buff 50%.