over 4 years ago - Hime - Direct link

Game servers will be down for a game update beginning Wednesday, January 29, 2020 at 5 a.m. PST /  7 a.m. CST / 8 a.m. EST / 2 p.m. GMT+1 and will be unavailable for approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes

With this maintenance:

  • Standard database maintenance and application restarts will be performed.
  • Hunting boost of XP +50% and Party Hunting Bonus +50% will end.
  • The Red Libra event will continue for one final week.
  • Zodiac Agathions will be available in the L2 Store for one final week.
  • Changed the PK Scroll in the L2 Store to a non-tradable version that can be used in hunting zones.
  • Fixed an issue where players became glitched upon entering the Baium instance zone.


If you have any questions about the changes taking place during this maintenance, please feel free to post them on the forums. We also encourage you to follow @LineageIIOps for maintenance and server status updates.

over 4 years ago - Juji - Direct link
1 hour ago, Vandur said:

@Juji There are clearly some issues that can be unanimously agreed upon by the community that need to be fixed.  Could you please engage with us on these topics and keep us updated on the status with the development teams that will fix it....or at least tell us if certain items will never be fixed?

1. View buffs/debuffs on targets.  We need to be able to see this

2. Increase the level of all epics to 80+, and allow cancel/debuffs to land.  Right now AQ, Core, Orfen, and Zaken can all be nerfed by a few players 84+ who simply want to grief and ruin content for others.  Baium and Antharas are literally impossible to do because debuffs dont land.  

3. No adena value for mats/keys, and crafting.  The rarity and cost of A-gems and Cloths make crafting A grade a losing proposition.  If the goal of making mats and keys worthless to NPC was to encourage crafting, you must make A-gems and Cloths more readily availible.  You could add A-gems to the grocery store like D-C-B-Gems, or greatly increase the drop rate.  You must also make cloth pieces attainable.  The easiest way to do this would be to sell them through the attribute master.  I cant see adding A-gems to the grocery store and Cloth to attribute master taking more than a few minutes for the Development team to accomplish.  

4. L-Coin Store.  When will this be added for us?  We all know about it, we can see it on other sites, why does our "Classic" not have it yet?  You know how many people would come back if they had a chance to compete without having to drop thousands on P2W events?  

1. This is currently a known issue that is awaiting a fix//response from the Dev team.

2. I will request to see if the epic raids can be bumped up to higher levels, but this global change would need to go through several rounds of approval.

3. The cloth pieces are in limited supply as intended by Dev, but we are working to increase the amount of distribution for A-grade Gems and the Cloth Pieces.

4. The L-Coin store is exclusive to the subscription version of the Classic Server in other regions.

10 hours ago, papos said:

Hi what's the story with Olympiad?There is a big issue being a hero even if you have more points then the second player on the list and played 10 matches.Lot of people had this problem.Please check this too.Thanks.

We have a request in to Dev to investigate.