over 2 years ago - Hermes - Direct link

Hello everyone,

I apologize that we had to pause the server transfers.

However, we verified an issue where the data was not properly transferred in some cases, which could affect the character's progression. 

We are currently working with the developers to get it resolved as soon as possible, and when we confirm the fix, we will enable the transfers again.

I appreciate everyone's understanding and patience while we work on getting the transfers back to working condition.

Best Regards,

over 2 years ago - Hermes - Direct link

Hello everyone,

We are still working on getting the issue resolved.

I apologize for the inconvenience.

Best Regards,

over 2 years ago - Hermes - Direct link

Hello all,

We appreciate everyone's patience while we were working to bring the server transfers back.

The waiting has come to an end, and we have ironed out the issues that were preventing the transfers. We will resume the regular server transfer schedule starting next week.

Best Regards,


over 2 years ago - Hermes - Direct link


Transfers are open. Can you please check if your reported error message is still showing?

Thank you,

over 2 years ago - Amraith - Direct link

Hello everyone,

We wanted to share that all server transfers for Lineage II are disabled and we will notify when transfers are open again.

Thank you!