25 minutes ago, ShakaProphet said:
[Issue Description]
I would love to open a ticket to recover prestige pack items in two accounts, however due to the excess of bugs in your system, i can't do that. Please read:
Some ppl (like me) are unable to submit a ticket as reported in the issue above. If you doubt, i can make a video to show you:
[Steps to Reproduce]
The following steps apply both to Edge and Chrome browsers.
1. Login to your account
2. Click the "Support" link in the upper right corner.
3. Click "Support > Lineage ||"
4. Click "Submit Ticket"
5. You are redirect to the page "My Account > Settings" instead of the Ticket Creation Page.
[Expected Behavior]
We should be redirect to the Ticket Creation Page, but not to the My Account Page.
Result is that i am hands tied and can't solve the prestige pack problem.
Clearing your browser cache should resolve this issue.